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Chapter 3 Mathematics and Ships

"It was difficult to be a blacksmith before, but it's much easier now." Zhu Dalang said.

He opened a blacksmith shop in the east of Luoyang City, using charcoal to smelt iron and make tools. As for why he didn't use Xiuwu coal to make iron, it was because there was something called transportation cost in the world. It was not cost-effective to use Xiuwu coal, and other

The local coal is of poor quality and cannot be used.

He is currently making some metal components for the sluice. Such simple things are usually done by apprentices, and he just watches from the sidelines.

Because of the huge demand brought about by Luoyang's urban construction, he recruited several new apprentices and taught them carefully, so it is much easier to be a blacksmith now than before.

People were coming and going outside the door, and it was extremely noisy. Zhu Dalang liked the noisy feeling very much. He walked into the yard and carefully picked up a wooden ruler and looked at it.

"Zhu Da, you are a rough guy, now you finally know the benefits of a ruler?" A loud voice sounded outside the courtyard door, and soon, a young official in green robe walked in.

"The official is finally here." Zhu Da showed a flattering smile and immediately ordered his helpers to bring several baskets filled with metal components.

The green-robed official took the wooden ruler from Zhu Da's hand and measured it carefully.

There are regulations in the country: "In all areas, for the millet grown in the north, one millet is divided into wide areas, ten inches is an inch, ten inches is a foot, one foot and two inches is a large foot, and ten feet is a zhang."

There is a saying that this is not very accurate. The size of the past dynasties also stipulated the length in this way, but in reality it seems different and very confusing.

When building the palace, Shao Shude made a request, strictly follow the drawing dimensions. In order to specify the dimensions, he even stepped forward personally and stepped forward with his left foot. He was not sure about the specific length, but he estimated that it would be

It's about a meter, so the difference won't be too big.

He stipulated that this half step should be ten feet, and then borrowed people from Chang'an Shaofu to make a measuring ruler, which was called the construction ruler.

Next he made a request, using only a ruler and compass to draw the ruler into ten equal parts.

This stumped the students under Master Mani. Master Mani even looked through the copied geometry books he brought from Dashi. He first learned how to divide into thirds, and then after a period of research, he finally figured it out.

The method of dividing into ten equal parts was adopted.

Minutes, inches, feet, feet, Shao Shude requires precision, which can only be achieved using mathematical methods.

Accurate measurement is helpful for production and construction. In the standardized assembly line production model, if there is no accurate measurement, the further the process goes, the more the shape will be distorted and the error will be greater.

This has not yet reached the era of the time-marking machine of the Industrial Revolution in later generations. Historically, the British invented a marking machine that could accurately mark the scale, and it was simply used as a weapon to protect the country. This was also an important reason why the specifications of British industrial products were relatively uniform in the steam engine era.


There was no marking machine at this time, and it was very difficult for Shaofu to make a ruler. Most of the handicraft industries in the country were randomly making products of different sizes without interoperability.

Shao Shude couldn't control too much. He just wanted to greatly promote the progress of mathematics through the construction of Luoyang Palace and use the concept of standardized production.

There is no doubt that mathematics is the basis for large-scale standardized industrial production. Shao Shude once joked that Master Mani's students who passed his qualification assessment can go out to make rulers and sell them for money, and sell such standardized rulers to

Every state in the country allows every craftsman to have a standardized measuring stick.

Without standard instruments, how to standardize production? It is urgent to popularize, scale and cabbage the production of standard instruments. But since ancient times, standard instruments have been almost "holy objects", and each state does not necessarily have one, and the scale is not

Very inaccurate, no problem when making uncomplicated parts, troublesome when it comes to complex machines.

This is where the problem lies.

"Okay, the workmanship is pretty good." The green-robed official said with a smile on his face: "I marked the measurements of this ruler. Alas, it took a long time."

"The things used on the turnstiles don't need to be so accurate." Zhu Da muttered, and then asked: "Officer, do you want to pull all these things over?"

"Pull us over." The green-robed official nodded and said, "Leave now."

The two found a donkey cart and pulled the iron structure to the east of the city, stopping next to a dug reservoir.

Someone is installing a gate on the reservoir. The principle of the gate is similar to that of the suspension bridge outside the city gate. A gate machine or winch is used to raise or lower it.

This reservoir is used to store stagnant sewage. There is a gate next to it that has been installed, and it is full of sewage. There is also a reservoir where the sewage has been discharged cleanly, and the bottom of the reservoir is filled with a thick layer of "sewage" that has an unpleasant smell and suspicious ingredients.

"Silt". After the silt has been exposed to the sun for a period of time, people will dig it out and send it to the fertilized fields in Guanzhuang.

There are already some people living in Luoyang, and the domestic wastewater generated in their areas flows into these sewage pools through culverts. After it is left to settle, the water is discharged into Luoshui, and the sediment is regularly dredged and excavated.

At present, only a small number of urban areas have been renovated. In the future, the entire Luoyang will be like this. It is conceivable that the amount of work is extremely huge and may last for many years.

After the green-robed official finished handing over the person, he hurriedly left.

King Xia ordered that a mathematics museum be opened in Luoyang this year to recruit apprentices. Those who have graduated from the previous mathematics museum will stay in place and serve as doctors, teaching assistants, and direct lecturers in the mathematics museum to continue to cultivate more mathematical talents.

According to King Xia, mathematics can train "logical thinking", which most people lack. Without "logical thinking", there is only "technology". Without "science", they are all new words that I have never heard of before.


By the way, the textbooks in the Mathematics Museum, in addition to books such as "Nine Chapters", "Island", "Sun Zi", "Five Cao", "Zhang Qiujian", "Xia Houyang" and other books stipulated by the imperial court, Master Mani

He is also compiling a comprehensive work called "Mathematics and Geometry". The King of Xia promised that if the book is completed this year, he will award him the "Prince of Xia" and grant him the rank of a high official.


Shao Shude hurried back to Bianzhou, and the first thing he did was to find Zhang Hui.

The second thing is to call together the two heroines of Zhu Quanzhong's "Daughter-in-law".

Only then did he feel refreshed and called Ma Wanpeng, who had been waiting for many days, to start doing business.

Ma Wanpeng is a very famous shipbuilder in Lingzhou, but his actual level is second to none in the northwest, average in the Central Plains, and even worse in the south.

However, there are not many capable talents at the moment, so we can only make do with it. I hope he can make progress.

"When I look at the navy's ships, most of them have flat bottoms. Why?" Shao Shude asked.

"The water is shallow and there is a lot of sediment. It is not easy to be stranded. It is easy to sit on the sand and it is also stable. Few people in the north are familiar with water, so this is the only way." Ma Wanpeng replied.

"But the boat can't go out to sea." Shao Shude frowned.

In fact, he put it euphemistically. Not to mention not being able to go to the sea, going to big rivers with bigger winds and waves will cause big problems.

The shipbuilding technology in the north, after all, comes from canal ships, which is too poor. There are few talents, high costs, very few soldiers suitable for the navy, and the overall quality is relatively low.

When the pontoon bridges in the three cities of Heyang were first built, all the boats used were made from large trees harvested in Hongzhou, Jiangxi. There are few materials suitable for shipbuilding in the north, and pine is very expensive, so fir is not a good ship material.

"Indeed." Ma Wanpeng admitted: "But flat-bottomed boats can also go out to sea. In Mizhou and Dengzhou seaports, all ships coming and going are flat-bottomed boats."

"Is it possible to build a pointed-bottomed boat?" Shao Shude gestured with his hands and said: "A sailing pointed-bottomed sailboat has three masts, which are divided into a foremast, a topmast and a mizzen mast. The sails can be raised and lowered.

, the sail yard can be rotated to adjust the windward surface. The size of the sail surface can also be adjusted.”

Shao Shude didn't know how to say some terms. Maybe he didn't have such a concept at this time, so he could only talk about it according to his own ideas. As a result, Ma Wanpeng was confused.

"Call me a painter, one who understands human language." Shao Shude shouted towards the door.

Li Yixian quickly ran to deliver the order.

After a while, the painter ran over panting: "See you, Your Majesty."

Shao Shude stood up and returned the greeting, saying: "Sit down and draw a boat for me."

The painter was confused.

If you ask me to draw people, I can do it. I can draw flowers, birds, fish and insects, I can do it. I can also draw ordinary fishing boats, but King Xia's request is obviously not that simple.

"You can just draw, I won't blame you." Shao Shude said warmly.

"Yes." The painter bowed his hands, sat down, spread out his paper and pen, and prepared ink.

Shao Shude described his requirements in detail. The painter was sweating profusely and painting reluctantly, with Ma Wanpeng giving guidance.

While trying to remember, Shao Shude added: "The foremast and topmast have three sails. The topsail and topsail can be raised and lowered. Yes, they can be raised and lowered with cables. The sails are horizontal. Do you understand the horizontal sail?"

"A mizzen jib. What? What is a jib? Um..."

"We also need to install a foresprit on the bow of the ship and a canvas on top."

"Yes, the poop building is larger and higher. It can be two or three stories. The forecastle building is smaller."

"I almost forgot. There is a mast between the lower and upper sails of each mast so that sailors can go in and furl the sails. There is also a mast at the top of the mast so that sailors can climb up and take a long look."

"Such a mast needs to be very strong? Of course! Not only the mast, but also the keel. It's best to use mahogany. If it can't be replaced with anything else."

"Canvas? A soft sail, of course. Linen will do."

Shao Shude's request made the painter panic, and Ma Wanpeng almost had a heart attack when he heard it.

To be honest, this is a completely different design concept and a different system. It looks like it is prepared for sailing on the ocean, rather than running on the sea.

"Your Majesty, if you want to build such a ship, I'm afraid you have to go to Dengzhou to find a way. I'm ashamed of my lack of talent." Ma Wanpeng said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, you can be an official." Shao Shude smiled and said: "I need an expert to help me control the overall situation. I don't need you to actually build ships. When I destroy Wang Normal University, I will start working on this matter. I don't

I urge you, but you have to know the importance yourself and find a way to get one out first. Even if there are many problems, build it first and try it out, and then slowly improve it later."

"Your Majesty, do you want to do sea trade?" Ma Wanpeng asked.

"Sea trade?" Shao Shude smiled: "It will be used in battles first. There are some tactics that Li Keyong doesn't understand. I'll teach him."

This chapter has been completed!
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