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Chapter 8 Imperial College (Additional update for the alliance leader, Young Master Qingshan)

"How can there be no Imperial College in the Eastern Capital? It has been abandoned for so long, and now it can be rebuilt." Shao Shude, who returned to Luoyang, considered another thing.

To be honest, my days have been really comfortable lately.

Fighting is very painful and very damaging to the body. Shao Shude still remembers that when he sent out troops on a snowy night, his fingers were as cold as carrots.

He is still a commander-in-chief and the king of Xia. If he were replaced by an ordinary soldier, the conditions would be even worse and more miserable. What would happen if he was frozen?

There were frostbites all over my hands, face, and ears. There were also wounds blown open by the cold wind, and some were sore and pus-filled.

In the snow, they ate vinegar cakes that were dry and harsh to the throat, drank ice-cold water, and drove day and night in the wind and snow. When the battle came, they fired thousands of arrows and fought tooth and nail with swords and guns.

It's not that easy to be a martial artist, and it's not that easy to get money!

What? No fighting in heavy snow? No, during the siege of Huangchao, the snow several feet deep was still fighting, and it lasted all winter.

In the first month of the year, Wang Rong and Li Kuangwei also joined forces with hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Li Keyong.

No war in the dog days of summer? There is no such rule. Zhu Quanzhong sent troops to attack Shipu in the summer. Still in the hot summer, Sun Ru and Yang Xingmi were still fighting fiercely.

Twelve months a year, there is no time when we cannot fight. The professional warriors of the imperial dynasty can fight around the clock, including heavy snow, heavy rain, and wind and sand. As long as you do not pity the people and let the masters waste their farmland, you can fight at any time.


After leaving the front line, handling government affairs in the rear, designing the future of the country, and fooling around with wild women in your free time is much more comfortable than fighting.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial College has jurisdiction over Guozixue, Taixue, Guangwen Hall, Simen Hall, Legal Studies, Calligraphy, and Arithmetic. Each has a doctorate, teaching assistant, and direct lecture. If it is rebuilt, what else needs to be added?" Zhao Guangfeng

As expected, he was sensible and hit the bullseye as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Arithmetic is established first, and the teaching materials need to be revised." Shao Shude said.

There are ten compulsory textbooks on arithmetic for the Imperial College, namely "Nine Chapters", "Haidao", "Zhang Qiujian", "Xia Houyang", etc., and two minor textbooks, namely: "Records" and "Three-Equal Numbers".

He had read the textbook and felt that it was not systematic enough and not connected in series. Now he needed a comprehensive book that could explain the principles of mathematics and geometry thoroughly and systematically.

When I was in Yunzhou, there was a Qingshui Stone Bridge on the Ji River in the west of the city. It was built in the first year of Renshou in the former Sui Dynasty. This was a stone arch bridge. Five years after its completion, the famous "Zhaozhou Bridge" was built in Zhaozhou, Hebei.

, and its scale is not comparable to Qingshui Stone Bridge in Yunzhou.

There are still bridge builders in Yunzhou. Shao Shude asked them why the stone arch bridge was built like this? Is there any explanation? If the shape is changed, is there any other design plan?

No one can answer.

To change the design plan, you must analyze the force. You must at least understand mechanics and geometry. Bridge builders have some "know-how" and "mantra" that are passed down orally from master to apprentice, but that mantra only focuses on practical applications.

, such as what angle to use, how many stones to use, how to stack them, etc. Unfortunately, the status of those craftsmen is very low, their cultural level is very low, and they don’t know the words. It is impossible for them to summarize and refine classical mechanics and the like.


There are books like "Building French Style" in the Chinese dynasty, but they only teach you how to build, and they don't explain why you build it that way. Shao Shude flipped through the book and found that according to that method, the appearance and structure of the building will be very exquisite, but the materials used are far beyond what is actually possible.

It is suspected that it is necessary. In fact, it is because of the lack of scientific calculations and uncertainty about the carrying capacity, so we can only use the most conservative design. In the final analysis, it is based on experience, not science.

In fact, you already have experience and know how far a few stones and logs can carry the load. Why don't you go a step further and summarize it and rise to the level of theoretical mechanics? Maybe your status is too low and your cultural level is too low. After all,

To summarize and improve the theory requires money, leisure and knowledge.

Craftsmen may not all be literate, their status is low, and they work all day long. We really cannot expect them to engage in scientific research.

"The Imperial College added an engineering school." Shao Shude said: "Now every state has engineering schools, but the quality of the teaching is hard to say."

Shao Shude stood up, walked around with his hands behind his back, and was thinking again.

Engineering studies now mainly focus on teaching construction and iron smelting, and most of them are skilled craftsmen who teach knowledge. They are timid and very few are literate. Many of them speak incoherently. The pictures during teaching are too beautiful and the efficiency is impressive. Shao Shude has always been

I feel like this is a waste of money.

He is now thinking about where to find a group of people who are educated, have a little money, and have a lot of time to devote themselves to fields such as arithmetic, engineering, and medicine.

Disciples of honor may be a good source.

After the founding of the country, there will definitely be a large number of nobles with food titles. After the death of these nobles, usually only the eldest son can ascend the title. What about the second son and the bastard? Born in such a family, even the bastard can receive a good education from an early age.

This is actually a good source of students. The key is how to get them to learn this?

In fact, the life of many noble children in the dynasty was not satisfactory. After my death, my elder brother ascended the throne. If we had settled down with his brother and his mother, the situation might not be so bad. However, the life of many bastards was really sad. Sometimes, just to make ends meet,

Eat, sharpen your brains and squeeze into the Imperial College. After all, food and accommodation are included, and you can also learn knowledge and become an official.

However, the number of places in the Imperial College is limited, and not everyone can enter. So appropriately expanding the enrollment quotas for engineering, medicine, and arithmetic should be able to absorb a large number of distinguished students who have difficulties in life.

Now that we have the source of students, we still have to find a way out for them.

If there is no use learning it, if you can’t become an official or make money, who will learn it?

People need to realize that it is cheaper, better quality, and more professional to build with professionals. But to be honest, for private projects, the appearance fees or wages of these people are too high, and they may not be able to compete even if they don’t know the words.

A craftsman who can only memorize experience and formulas.

Is it possible to set up an industry association or qualification certificate to set artificial thresholds? It is still unrealistic, and ordinary people will not care about you.

Then we can only find solutions through large-scale government projects.

In the future, post roads, ponds or large buildings in various states and counties must be designed and supervised by the Ministry of Industry of the imperial court, so as to achieve high quality and be as scientific and cost-effective as possible. The Ministry of Industry will use these students to build

When it is full, it is their private area.

Shao Shude let out a long breath. The idea is good, but there will definitely be problems of one kind or another in actual implementation, alas.

To establish a new discipline, we need to find jobs for them. It is not just a temporary job, it must be a long-term solution. The job must have status, the income is rich enough, and attract more high-quality students to come and succeed, so that it is possible to carry forward this discipline.


It’s so damn hard!

Don't worry, after a hundred years, the Ministry of Engineering was finally occupied by people who read the Four Books and Five Classics, and the School of Engineering was in a semi-abandoned state.

Then, people studying engineering must be given the opportunity to squeeze into the center of power and have the right to speak. Only in this way can they not be stifled and the low status of craftsmen can be lastingly changed.

Who cared so much about Confucianism? So after hundreds of years, other doctrines withered and Confucianism dominated the world.

Shao Shude sat back in frustration.

In fact, if you are selfish, there is nothing wrong with establishing a feudal dynasty that only respects Confucianism. It may be more stable. For the rulers, it couldn't be better, and it would save more worries.

But that's it, I've had enough fun, and I can let my descendants enjoy it for a few more generations. Even if the dynasty is destroyed due to the rise of various academics and active thinking, it doesn't matter.

The noble man has been beheaded for five generations, so you have to believe in the wisdom of future generations.


On the second day of May in the fifth year of Qianning, General Tu arrived in Luoyang.

Shao Shude, General Shao Shude, ordered the new soldiers sent from Shaanzhou Academy of Yamen to improve the organization, and the entire army was fully equipped with 30,000 soldiers.

Then, the things that had been delayed before were started.

The various ministries were broken up and reorganized. Xia people, Liang people, Yun people, Qi people, etc. were no longer distinct, but there was me among you and you among me.

Yes, General Tu will not be able to go to the battlefield for a few months. But it is worthwhile and a necessary step in reorganization. Shao Shude took the opportunity to inspect the entire army, demoted some unqualified officers, and promoted some brave and capable newcomers.

Give them both kindness and power, let them practice rigorously and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

On the ninth day of the fifth lunar month, he personally led the soldiers' capital, which had just been restored to a thousand people, 500 silver saddles, and 30,000 Tu generals to go south and arrived in Ruzhou.

Over the years, the Qingshu Palace has changed a lot. It is completely completed and the scale is much larger than before. When I work in Luoyang from now on, I can have military parades and martial arts lectures here in spring and summer, and I can go hunting and soak in hot springs here in autumn and winter.

, it is indeed a nice place.

Princess Zhe Fangmai and her concubines went out to greet them in person. When they saw Zhang Hui and the Chu family following Shao Shude out of the carriage, they remained calm, talking and laughing.

Zhang Hui and Chu were a little reserved, the former was okay, and the latter was even slightly trembling.

"I will never forget Wu Zang's contribution." In the Bixia Palace, Shao Shude sat down and said warmly to Wu Zang Miao'e.

Wu Zang Miao'e was only fifteen or sixteen when she met him, and now she is over thirty.

Shao Shude sighed, he was so impatient when he grabbed it, but he was such a scumbag when he forgot about it later.

The wild women in Jinxian Temple were his trophies and stamp collections, but these famous concubines of the palace were different.

There was no strange expression on Miao'e's face. She took the hand of her nine-year-old daughter Shao Fu and said, "Brother must be very pleased after hearing this. Hengshan Dangxiang has been bullied for more than a hundred years. He never expected that one day he could become a leader."

The new dynasty is noble. If I don’t have this blessing, I can’t wait until that day.”

The more Wu Zang Miao'e said this, the more guilty Shao Shude felt, and he said with emotion: "Hengshan is too poor. If Wu Zang is granted a title, how can he get the big county of Fuzhou? I think Qingzhou is very good.

The Bohai Pavilion and the Silla Pavilion have many people, salt, and great sea trade. No matter what, you can get the title of Duke of Beihai and grant food to 3,000 households."

Wu Zang Miao'e's mouth is still relatively tight. Shao Shude is not worried about making it known to everyone. Anyway, just let the Yicongjun envoy Wu Zangjie know. Well, Wu Zang Miao'e's mouth can be very big sometimes.


Shao Shude suddenly found that if he wanted to spread the news secretly, he seemed to be the most suitable person.

Fuck, why are there so many great generals, sisters, sisters and daughters of important ministers around me?

Princess Zhe Fangmei came over with her maid, carrying several plates of fruits and snacks, and was accompanied by a little boy with a big head and a big head.

"Husband, Congyuan just came from Guangzhou yesterday." Zhe Fangmai waved to the little boy to come over.

Zhe Silun's son Zhe Congyuan had been to the palace several times, and Shao Shude certainly knew him.

But, what does it mean to fold a family?

"My grandpa already knows." Zhe Fangmai said cryptically: "He has summoned hundreds of brave men from his clan, and has been sent to the camp first, to personally supervise the battle, and vows to defeat Anzhou in May."

Shao Shude was relieved. This was a very positive signal, a silent dialogue.

From this point of view, the possibility of peacefully recovering the Tang and Guang towns is still very high. At least there should be no big problem for Tang and Deng to follow the three states.

Now, his eyes have been set on the Zhongwu Army.

This chapter has been completed!
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