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Chapter 12 Running through the North and South

 In troubled times, where is the most stable place?

For Shao Shude, sleeping in the military camp was the most comfortable.

His current life is extremely regular. He sleeps with the princess for fifteen days every ten days, sleeps with his concubine for two days, sleeps with the wild woman one day, and sleeps in the military camp for two days to relax.

The old man in the military camp speaks well, obeys orders, and does things neatly. I really can't help but like him.

On May 27, Shao Shude personally led 30,000 Tu generals and headed south along the Ru River, heading straight for Xiangcheng.

"Was the Ru River dredged last winter?" While sitting on the boat, Shao Shude asked Han Jian, the governor of Ruzhou who was accompanying him.

Han Jian has been very hard recently.

He had no education, and he didn't even know the characters at first. When he was the governor of Huizhou, he even carved the names of his subordinates on Hu's bed and forced himself to memorize them. As time went by, he gradually came to know many characters.

Now Han Jian is proficient in writing and is also familiar with the ways of being an official.

"Knowing that the king is going to establish his capital in Luoyang, of course Ru River must be dredged." Han Jian said with a smile: "Xiangyang rents taxes and goes north via Bishui to Fangcheng County, and then transfers overland for a while to Ru River. There is no Ru River.

The transfer of rents and taxes from Shui, Ru, Tang, Deng, Xiang and other prefectures has to go through Chenxu, which is very troublesome."

Bishui is the Tang River, connecting Fangcheng County at the southern end of the Wanye Corridor in the north and Xiangyang in the south.

The supplies were disembarked at Fangcheng and passed through the Wanye Corridor, a total of more than 200 miles of land route, to the dock in Jiacheng County, Ruzhou. Then they were transported by water to Linru County, and then transported by land for 40 miles to Yique in the Yishui River Valley.

County, and then transported by water to Luoyang.

The distance from Xiangyang to Luoyang is 850 miles, including 260 miles by land and 590 miles by water, which is actually acceptable.

"Luoyang is just one of the capitals." Shao Shude smiled and said, "But it is also the most important capital."

Han Jian understood.

The king originated from Kansai, so it is impossible to completely give up the huge interests there. Chang'an is also one of the capitals.

"Xiangyang is a good place, it can be regarded as the hinterland of Luoyang." Shao Shude said: "Han Shijun, the post road from Ruzhou to Xiangzhou needs to be carefully organized."

"There is no need for your Majesty's orders." Han Jianli immediately said loudly: "The forty miles of land road from Linru to Yique will be rebuilt after the Spring Society Festival. According to the standards of your Majesty's first-class national highway, we are busy working on it."

"There are so many people in Ruzhou. They are exempted from taxes now and can use more corvees." Shao Shude nodded, glanced at Han Jian approvingly, and said: "Yique, Linru section is 40 miles away. I did see it when I came here.

There is a master who is building the road. Work hard and it will be completed this year."

"As ordered." Han Jian responded without hesitation.

Building forty miles a year is not a heavy burden. If possible, he also plans to improve the road from Jiacheng to Ye County.

After the Anshi Rebellion, because Huaixi was repeatedly attacked by war, Tang, Deng, and Ru suffered serious crimes. Later, there was the Huangchao and Qin Zongquan Rebellion. From Hanoi to Luoyang, and then to Ruzhou, Nanyang, and Xiangyang, this line was basically abolished.

After the Battle of Heqing, Shao Shude began to immigrate to Heyang, investing a lot of resources, and even moved Song Le, who was good at local governance. After five years, there was finally some improvement.

After the Battle of Luoyang, Henan Prefecture entered the development stage, which lasted almost two years. Then came Ruzhou, which only lasted one year.

From Hanoi to Xiangyang, it runs for more than a thousand miles and includes the Hanoi Plain, Yiluo Basin, Ruzhou Basin, Nanyang Basin, and Jianghan Plain. It was originally a densely populated and prosperous area, but after the Qin Zongquan Rebellion, it almost became a ghost.

But dialectically speaking, it is not without its benefits.

The powerful clans have all disappeared, and ownerless wasteland can be found everywhere, which you can allocate at will without any trouble. In addition, the soil has not been cultivated for many years, giving the soil a precious breathing space and accumulating considerable fertility.

The old places of the five towns of Heyang, Dongdu, Tang and Deng, Xiangyang, and Shaanxi and Guo were basically the "colonies" established by Shao Shude and the Kansai military and political clique in Kanto after they crossed Tongguan. Even the population living here is now

Immigrants from Guanlongzhou became the mainstream.

Luoyang inadvertently became the source of Kansai power's eastward expansion, and Hanoi, Nanyang, and Xiangyang had to provide nourishment for the military and political machinery of the source. In this way, more efficient communication between the north and the south became a top priority.

The first-class national highway in Heyang will be fully connected this year. From Taihangxingkou southward to Mengzhou, the total length is 95 miles.

The first-class national highway between Heyang Nancheng and Luoyang has started construction, and the construction between Linru and Yique has been under construction for three and a half months.

These are all very good. After completion, the 70-mile Luoyang-Yique section and the 120-mile Jiacheng-Yexian section of the national highway will begin next year.

This is the first high-standard highway in the world. Most sections can also be transported by water. The transportation volume will be greatly increased and the cost will be greatly reduced. It will be of great benefit to developing the economy and connecting the north and the south.

"In the past, I worked hard to develop Guanbei. Now I have returned to my old business and organized Hanoi, Luoyang, Nanyang, and Xiangyang. I have wiped out the feudal towns and developed people's livelihood. In a dozen years, Luoyang will be like Lingxia.

Steady." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Let's go ashore, General Tutu's Erlang has already formed his team. Han Shijun, please pull out the soldiers from Ruzhou and go to Yingshui to practice together. I'll see if there is anything we can build."

"Yes." Han Jian also said with a smile: "We can also show some frogs in the well what a powerful army in the world looks like."


"Shuai Zhao, you are so confused!" Li Hang stamped his feet, looking furious.

Zhao Jue sat on the bed with a look of shame on his face and said: "My nephew is rude, so I have sent him to Luoyang to stand on a bush to plead guilty."

"Shuai Zhao still doesn't understand, alas!" Li Hang shook his head and sighed, clarifying his words: "Did you know that Wei Sheng's army has conquered Anzhou?"

"I've heard something." Zhao Jue said: "Zheshuai is getting older and stronger, which is admirable. The Weisheng Army has completely changed over the past few years. Even if it goes north to fight, it will not be bad."

"Presumably Commander Zhao didn't know that after Duke Zhe ordered to kill the bandit general Qu Zhang, Li Shenfu and Liu Wei fled in panic. Wei Sheng's army took advantage of the situation to pursue them. They defeated the bandit army again at Huangpi Wu Lake and captured and killed more than two thousand people. The thieves threw themselves into the water and died.

There are countless of them. They have been marching towards Huangzhou at night and starry. The Huai soldiers are panic-stricken. The situation in Huangzhou is over." Li Hang said again.

"Oh? Is this serious?" Zhao Jue was a little surprised. He had indeed not received the news yet.

"Can this be fake?" Li Hang sighed: "You will know when the news of the destruction of Huangzhou city comes."

Of course, he did not mention the fact that the Huaining army was attacked by Zhu Renshou on land and water and was defeated and returned to Shouzhou.

"If Huangzhou is lost again, Wei Sheng's army will attack Qizhou. Over the past few years, Yang Xingmi's expansion achievements in the Jiangxia area have been wiped out." Li Hang said.

Zhao Jue was thoughtful.

In this way, Zhe Zongben has completely freed up his hands. There are more than 30,000 Weisheng troops, and their combat effectiveness currently seems to be acceptable, not bad. If they go north to Chenxu, it will be quite troublesome.

"Zhe Linggong is so brave. The mighty army can almost rival the Tielin army. Your Majesty must be very pleased." Zhao Jue said, "I wonder how he will be rewarded?"

Li Hang smiled.

What Zhao Jue said was profound. It had been so long, but he still didn't forget to provoke.

"Zheshuai has outstanding military exploits and has a powerful army. He wants to be rewarded." Li Hang said: "I heard that Zheshuai always disliked the ruins of Tang and Deng in the three states and could not afford to support the warriors under his command. He went to the table several times to request that the town be moved. Your Majesty and your order

Since the father-in-law has a great relationship with his father-in-law, he naturally does not want his father-in-law to suffer, so he is already looking for a place."

Zhao Jue's heartbeat almost skipped a beat.

The combined population of the three prefectures of Tang and Deng is not as large as that of any of the two prefectures of Chen and Xu. What if Zhe Zong originally thought Tang Town was dilapidated and wanted to move the town to Chen Xu?

Shao Shude took the opportunity to take back Tang and Deng Sui Sanzhou, and Zhe Zongben took control of Xuzhou. The only one who suffered was the Zhao family?

Seeing Zhao Jue's expressionless face, Li Hang rolled his eyes and said: "Shuai Zhao should know that the 20,000 people from Ding Hui, the envoy of the Youguo Army, are stationed at Changsha."

"Of course I know." Zhao Jue nodded.

Food and drink are provided by Xuzhou, how could you not know?

"Does Marshal Zhao know that Ding Hui also covets Xuzhou?" Li Hang said mysteriously: "Ding Hui secretly sent people to Qingshu Palace and Luoyang. He has old friends with many people and wants people to talk to him.

The king ordered to attack Xuzhou."

Zhao Jue was greatly shocked, but he kept his face calm and said with a smile: "The Zhongwu Army is extremely obedient, and the King of Xia will not be moved."

"It's hard to say." Li Hang shook his head and said, "Gao Renhou, the military governor of the Eastern Capital, has planned to submit a petition to ask Ren Dinghui to serve as Chen Xu's military governor."

Zhao Jue still had a smile on his face and said: "Gao Shuai was just angry for a moment. The kid accidentally bumped into him. I have sent my nephew to come to apologize. There are so many Gao Shuai, so I will definitely not blame him."

Li Hang secretly sneered in his heart, Zhao Jue was really stable, he must be faking, so he made another strong shot: "By the way, the king has led the sudden attack general with 30,000 infantry to Yingshui to train his troops. Ruzhou

The state army has also arrived, and I estimate that in a few days, the king will order the Zhongwu Army to come to Yingshui and conduct a general review of the armies. Commander Zhao had better be prepared for this, and don't rush into things and be in a hurry."

The smile on Zhao Jue's face finally solidified.

With 30,000 Tu generals, 20,000 Youguo troops, and more than 20,000 Wei Sheng troops who may march north, with 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers and horses, Xuzhou will face unprecedented pressure.

Li Hang arrived yesterday. He was accompanied by a person who "accidentally" revealed King Xia's trump cards while drinking at Guanyi: First, Chenzhou was separated from the Xuanwu Army, while Zhao Jue was still the military envoy of the Zhongwu Army; second,

, Zhao Yan tied himself in front of other troops and waited for disposal; third, Zhao Jue could be promoted to the title of Duke of Fangling County after the founding of the country, and granted three thousand households; fourth, Zhao Ji was also granted the title of Duke of Fushi County, and Zhao Lu was granted the title of Duke.

Marquis of Fushi County, with a seal of 1,500 households.

He originally dismissed this condition. There are more than 100,000 households in Xuzhou. Do you want the food of a few thousand households from you? But now I heard that Zhe Zongben had won successive victories on the southern front, and Ding Hui's Youguo army stayed near Xuzhou.

, with ulterior motives, Shao Shude also personally led General Tu's 30,000-foot cavalry to Yingshui, and the pressure on him suddenly increased.

If Shao Shude asked Ding Hui to hand over most of his troops and serve as military governor of the Zhongwu Army, would Ding be willing? No need to think about it, he would definitely be willing.

In addition, Yang Xingmi's troops were in An, and Huang was defeated. It seemed difficult to contact them, and foreign aid was cut off.

This is difficult.

However, Zhao Jue would not really believe Li Hang's words. Regarding the battle on the southern front, he still wanted to send people to find out secretly whether Yang Xingmi was really defeated and could not turn back.

This is very important and directly related to his final decision.

This chapter has been completed!
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