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Chapter 20 One Hundred and One Hundred

"General Tian, ​​what news have you heard about Li Gongquan's incident in Bozhou?" In the Weizhou Prefecture Office, Xie Xitu, the governor, summoned Tian Xiyan, the commander of the state army, and asked.

"Forget it, Li Gongquan gathered tens of thousands of people and sent an army to Guixiang. The Yamen soldiers wanted to recommend Shi Renyu as the military governor, but Shi Renyu actually ran away and did not want to be the military governor..." Tian Xiyan said this

His face was full of disbelief, but he also had some understanding and sympathy.

In the era when the yamen soldiers went to the street with their swords in hand and asked if anyone wanted to be a military governor, it was understandable that Shi Renyu didn't want to do it.

He is not short of money, so why bother wading into this muddy water? After the new Jiedushi comes to power, will he have to use these generals differently? This is a person who really understands his life, but it is a pity that not everyone can think so openly.

"The Yamen soldiers once again pushed the military government to appoint Yamen Zhai Yi as the governor. Zhai Yi negotiated terms with them and asked to be allowed to recruit 500 sudden soldiers as personal soldiers. The Yamen soldiers were furious, cut his body and threw his body to the city god.

Tian Xi became excited as he spoke, saying: "No one wants to be a governor now. I guess I got the advantage of Li Gongquan in the end. But I don't think this guy will end well. He's just another Le Yanzhen."


In fact, did Le Yanzhen really do anything that made people angry? In the era of war and chaos, who would not build the city wall? This is very reasonable, right?

But he had no choice but to recruit wives from Guixiang and Yuancheng, the two counties of Fuguo. Wufu's partisanship is closely linked, and their marriages are connected. If you look for any farmer in the countryside, his family may have Wufu relatives. There are more than three million people in Weibo.

There are very few people who have nothing to do with Wu Fu.

When the concubine was recruited, trouble arose, and the dignified Jiedushi was forced to go to Longxing Temple to become a monk.

Xie Xitu deliberately made a surprised expression and sighed: "In this world, we can only protect ourselves. General Tian, ​​Weizhou must be guarded and don't cause trouble."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Tian Xiyan said with a smile.

Mao Zhuizi is just careless. How many times has this kind of drama been staged for more than a hundred years? Still not used to it? Every time the power changes, it only affects the upper class of Weizhou. The result is that the troops in other towns and counties are quiet.

That's good. Anyway, after the new Jiedushi takes office, rewards will be given out. You don't have to do anything, and you still have money to get it, isn't it good?

"General Tian, ​​I am not too talkative." Xie Xitu organized his speech and said: "What if the Xia people get involved and send troops to Weizhou?"

Tian Xiyan paused for a moment and said with emotion: "Of course I will kill him without leaving any trace. Weibo's six states and forty-three counties, even during the Yuanhe period of Emperor Xianzong, were forced to bow their heads and only allowed the imperial court to intervene in a small number of states.

The appointment of county officials is just a matter of providing part of the property. If the Xia people dare to come, we will fight to the death with them, so you can rest assured."

Xie Xitu said happily: "Then I'll leave it to General Tian."

"It's easy to talk about." Tian Xiyan laughed loudly.

After seeing Tian Xiyan off, Xie Xitu returned to his home and waited silently. After a while, the eldest son Xie Yanhui came back.

"Sir." Xie Yanhui wiped his sweat and shouted: "Chen Yuanyu is already preparing for war to prevent the Xia people from crossing the river."

"Keep your voice down." Xie Xitu scolded him and said, "You didn't let him see the trick, did you?"

Chen Yuanyu is the general of Liyang Town and has five thousand soldiers.

Liyang is an important ferry crossing. Opposite is Huazhou, where the Xia Army and the German Army are stationed. This guy is quite smart. He actually thought that the Xia Army might intervene in the civil strife in Weibo and prepared for war early.

"No." Xie Yanhui said: "Chen Yuanyu said that when Luo Hongxin and Le Congxun fought in the past, Le Congxun colluded with the Bian army, and he had to guard against it. He also said that the land in the six states of Wei and Bo must be passed on to his descendants. Ten million

Don’t let outsiders take it away.”

"These are killers!" Xie Xitu said angrily.

"Sir, how about I go to Xinxiang again?" Xie Yanhui asked.

"Don't bother." Xie Xitu waved his hand and said: "A warrior will eat the hard and not the soft. He will not be afraid until the knife is placed on his neck. Let King Xia kill these cheap thieves together. You can go quietly.

Xiuwu said that the guards were stubborn and had to be given heavy honors. The commander of the state army, Tian Xiyan, has an in-law who is a general in Weizhou and will not surrender. I will find a way to kill this beast and open the city to welcome the Xia soldiers.

Enter the city."

Xie Yanhui swallowed and had goosebumps all over his body.

When things came to a head, he couldn't be timid anymore and immediately said: "I'll go right away."

The Xie Mansion has hundreds of servants, most of whom are clients from Zheng, Huai, and Wei states who fled to Weibo. They are also trained regularly, and they can do a lot of things if they are armed.

It was already the first day of August when Shao Shude received the news - the guard's attitude was as expected.

Looking at Xie Yanhui who looked ashamed, he laughed loudly and said: "Why is Xie Dalang like this? It's not the first day you met Wei Bo Wufu. Wei Bo, Chengde, Cangjing, Yi Ding Zhuzhen, I can

I never expected that as soon as the army arrived, the thieves would surrender upon hearing the news. If they were not beaten painfully, they would be frightened, which would be unsightly. Tian Xiyan, Chen Yuanyu and his like came to surrender for no reason, and I still suspected it was a trick."

Xie Yanhui felt a little better and said: "After your Highness has killed the traitors, you must not be careless. Wei Bing's partisanship is strong and the marriages are connected. Even an old farmer in the countryside may be one of his party members. I know that Your Highness likes to visit the people.

But don’t do this in Hebei. There are too many thieves, and there may be assassins hiding among them. Even if there are no assassins, it is possible that the information will be leaked, attracting a large number of thieves to come and surround and kill His Highness. There are even magic archers in the countryside. If you have a heart,

Hatred, fear of doing something treasonous and unethical..."

"I understand." Shao Shude nodded and said.

"Send the order!" Shao Shude said suddenly.

Lu Siye, who had been appointed secretary-superintendent, immediately began recording orders.

"Li Renjun, the deputy envoy of Tianxiong Army, led fifteen thousand cavalry in the right compartment, went out to practice martial arts, arrived at Huojia, received grain, grass and military supplies from Cangcheng, and headed straight to Gongcheng."

"General Tu's deputy envoy Zhe Butai took command of three infantry troops and a cavalry command as the vanguard. He went out to practice martial arts and arrived at Xinxiang to control the dock."

"The Tiande Army sent Cai Songyang to look for an opportunity to cross the river between Liyang and Wei County."

The order was sent out quickly.

On the right side of Tianxiong's army, all General Tu and most of Tiande's army, with a total of 50,000 infantry and cavalry, immediately began to move.

The military machine is turning again.


The scouts rushed into the city in a hurry, causing a flurry of excitement.

The merchants who were waiting to enter the city at the city gate were dispersed far away, and the suspension bridge was quickly pulled up. After a while, a large number of sergeants appeared at the top of the city, pointing in the distance.

The geographical location of Xinxiang County is very important and it was an important node in the western section of Yongji Canal during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

In the Sui Dynasty, the Qinshui River was diverted into the Qing Dynasty, where it met at Xinxiang. The ships then went straight to Liyang along the Qingshui River, and from here to the north, directly to Zhuo County. During the Yuanhe period of Xianzong, due to the long-term war and the excessive mud and sand content of Qin Water,

, the western section of Yongji Canal is gradually silted up.

After Shao Shude occupied Heyang, he sent people to dredge and excavation, but it has not been completed yet. Even so, Xinxiang is still an important transportation node. Yanjin Pass is located here, and the ferry connects the north and south banks of the Yellow River.

A group of cavalry rushed up from a distance. They walked around the city, and after seeing that the defenders were well prepared, they roared south, headed straight for Yanjing Pass, and captured the Guancheng Ferry with only a few dozen sailors.

In this way, the grain and grass supplies shipped from Heyincang can be transported directly to Xinxiang, eliminating the trouble of land transportation.

At nightfall, General Tu's deputy led thousands of infantry to arrive at the lower village outside the pass.

What I haven't mentioned yet is that the next step is to attack Xinxiang, capture this place, and solve our worries. Otherwise, we will always have to send people to monitor us, which is very troublesome.

On the third day of August, two thousand cavalry appeared in the west of Gongcheng County. They stayed day and night, taking advantage of the early morning when the city gates were just opened and there was a heavy flow of people and vehicles to break into the city.

What a coincidence! Xie Xitu, the governor of Weizhou, ordered 500 garrison troops from Gongcheng County to go to the city to collect grain and grass on the grounds that the road was not smooth. There were only about 500 people in the old city. They were caught off guard and were attacked by cavalry. They lost 200 men on the spot.

Yu. The remaining three hundred people saw that the situation was not good and immediately retreated. They were chased and killed in the wilderness, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

After attacking Gongcheng County, they left hundreds of cavalry to support the follow-up troops, and the main force continued to move forward. Twenty miles southeast of Gongcheng County, they raided 500 soldiers who were escorting money and grain back.

More than a thousand riders descended the mountain like tigers, charging into the unprepared guards. They rushed left and right, slashing them to the point where they cried for their fathers and mothers, and looked confused at the same time - why did the Xia people suddenly come and kill them? Gongcheng

, Weizhou is not far from each other, and the time is just right.

The two vanguards were so powerful that they killed thousands of thieves in a few days, captured a city, more than 10,000 bushels of grain and grass, and more than 200 large carts.

At this time, the main force of Xia's army had already left Huojia County and was only forty miles away from Xinxiang County. The speed of the advance was amazing.

"Your Majesty, the names of the number of thieves captured." On the side of the post road, Li Yanwei, the general of Tu Yu, came to report.

Shao Shude rode forward and saw several people tied up with five-flowered flowers in the distance.

"Why are you so old, so young?" he asked with a focused gaze.

The so-called thieves were actually ordinary people. The oldest one might be fifty years old and the youngest one was still a teenager, but they were all armed.

"They are citizens of Xinxiang County. They were peeping at the army from a distance with the intention of informing them, so they were captured." Li Yanwei reported.

"Is that correct?" Shao Shude asked.

Li Yanwei's heart tightened and he immediately replied: "The general has repeatedly asked, and several people have confessed."

"Behead him!" Shao Shude ordered without saying much.

"Yes!" Li Yanwei waved his hand, and the sergeants pulled several people aside, raised their swords and killed them on the spot.

Shao Shude watched silently, feeling for the first time the complexity of the old feudal towns in Hebei.

He remembered Zhu Quanzhong's massacre of Wei Bo's yamen soldiers.

Zhu Quanzhong's daughter who was married to Weizhou died. He ordered Ma Sixun to lead thousands of elite soldiers of the Zhizhi Army, hide weapons in vehicles loaded with murder weapons, and enter Weizhou City. Because he was pulling the murder weapon for his dead daughter, the Wei people did not suspect it.

At night, Jiedushi Luo Shaowei ordered the Xinxiang County soldiers and Changzhi Army elites under his control to capture a weapons depot. All of them were wearing armor and armed with weapons, and slaughtered all the sleeping Wei Bo Yamen soldiers and their families. Eight thousand people were killed.


In this raid, the Liang general Ma Sixun who led the army was also seriously injured and died, which shows the fierceness of the battle.

Do you really want to kill like this? Shao Shude sighed. He was still willing to give others a chance. Ordinary town soldiers did not need to kill them as long as they sincerely surrendered. But he did not intend to keep the eight thousand government soldiers. They were all a disaster.

For many years, controlling the six states of Weibo and deposing generals was like child's play. Jiedushi was not allowed to recruit his own bodyguards. Who are these people?

Eight thousand people, every one of them was a rebel activist, spreading the virus of rebellion plague, and killed a hundred of them.

"Speed ​​up the speed, arrive at Xinxiang before night tomorrow, and attack the city overnight." He flicked his whip and ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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