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Chapter 22 Scattering away the family wealth

"Huo Sanlang, are you still a human being? You can even kill people in your own hometown!" An old man at the junction of Xinxiang and Weizhou shouted angrily with a sad and angry expression.

Huo Sanlang was a little ashamed at first, but now he was a little annoyed when he saw the old man chattering. He snorted coldly and said: "This is not the first time that heavenly soldiers have entered Weibo. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. There is nothing to say."

"Heavenly soldiers? Xia soldiers are heavenly soldiers? Shence army is heavenly soldiers, right?" The old man became more and more angry and said: "When did it become the Li family's turn to take charge of the affairs of the six states of Weibo? Hebei only has An and Shi Ersheng, not

I’ve heard of the Li family saint, and I don’t know where the Shao family saint came from.”

"I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore!" Huo Sanlang finally didn't dare to attack the old man and walked away.

There were several corpses lying in the village, all of which had just been killed by the soldiers of the Houtiao Army because they tried to prevent the Houtiao Army from entering the village to collect food and grass.

"You can harvest the millet and wheat in the fields yourself. I'll take the grains, beans, and hay away." Perhaps feeling guilty, Huo Sanlang shouted as he passed by the old man.

A Xia Jun primary school student watched with interest.

It is the first time for Sergeant Xiaojie to become a traitor. His face is not thick enough. He is a fellow countryman and his words are not tough enough. He is also a bit stupid. He has already killed people and his face has been torn. Why can't he let go?

On the post road outside the village, groups of sergeants passed by with their heads held high.

Xinxiang is actually very close to Lisuoji County in Weizhou. It takes two days to walk slowly and one day to walk quickly. Tens of thousands of soldiers are marching eastward, and anyone with any brains knows that they are going to Weizhou.

The main force of Weizhou was stationed in Zhoucheng and Liyang. If nothing else happened, there would be another big battle, even though the Xia army was probably invited by Jiedushi Luo Hongxin to help.

"The Hsiaojie Army has expanded to more than 2,700 people." Zhao Guangfeng reported during the march.

"How come there are four hundred more?"

"Huo Liangsi, the envoy of the Jiefushi Army, asked the sergeants to summon their friends, and four hundred came."

"More than 2,000 people called for friends, and only 400 were summoned?" Shao Shude laughed and said, "Have the families of the soldiers and soldiers in the army begun to move south?"

"It has already started. Huo Liangsi sent more than ten people to follow him to Tangzhou." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

"It's better to go with us, so as not to be suspicious." Shao Shude said: "Let Heyang and Dongdu Town provide supplies along the way. Shaanxi, Guo, Hua, and the four prefectures will select some farm tools, seeds, and cattle and send them to each household.

Just give me two bolts of silk for household expenses, so you don’t have to say I’m stingy.”

"As ordered." Zhao Guangfeng immediately ordered his subordinates to do it. At the same time, he thought to himself that the king paid great attention to these Wei Bo traitors. It seemed that he wanted to reassure him and let them slowly change their mentality and work harder.

But this army cannot be trusted, at least not in a short period of time.

Wei Bowu was ambitious. Henan and Guanxi were not as simple and simple. Zhao Guangfeng even doubted whether moving his family to Tangzhou would be effective. It might be more or less effective, but don't place too many expectations. Really, it would be the opposite.

When I was young, my family didn't take care of anything. Don't believe it? When have all the Cai people in the world ever missed their families?

Of course, they will not be accepted by Wei Bo again.

They massacred 500 surrendered people in Xinxiang and all the prefectures. Now they are "recruiting" grain, grass and vehicles, and even killed a few people who blocked them. Their reputation is already bad. No matter which Jiedu envoy comes to power, it is impossible

It would be good to pardon them and save their lives to be deported.

Therefore, they can use it for the time being.


Inside Weizhou City, it felt like facing a formidable enemy.

The news that Gongcheng and Xinxiang were attacked is not a secret.

Early in the morning of the fifth day of August, Tian Xiyan sent people out of the city to investigate. As a result, dozens of riders went out, but none of them came back. It was not known whether they had escaped or died.

Lao Tian was a little panicked and ordered the three thousand state soldiers to eat well, have a good rest, and be prepared to defend to the death.

The whole day on the 5th, Xie Xitu, the governor, was busy collecting food, grass, equipment, wound medicine, and preparing tools for defending the city. He was so busy that his feet never touched the ground.

"Where is Mr. Xie?" Tian Xiyan rushed into the government office, grabbed a clerk, and asked.

Seeing Tian Xi's fierce look, the clerk was a little panicked and muttered: "The envoy is summoning the craftsmen in the city to urge them to make the racket pole."

Tian Xiyan wanted to ask again, but he heard from his subordinates that "thousands of Xia's horsemen" appeared outside the west gate, driving away our army's cavalry, and seemed to want to seize the door.

Tian Xiyan stamped his feet and left in a hurry.

The situation outside the city is indeed very tense.

Large groups of cavalry roared back and forth, teasing the Wei cavalry in groups of twos and threes like a cat catching a mouse. From time to time, they would surround a group and mount their spears and horses together, killing them all in the open field. There were even messengers leaving the city.

Being stopped, most of the military information in the city has been leaked, which made Tian Xiyan very angry, but he did not dare to go out of the city to fight.

At ten o'clock in the evening, more and more Xia Army infantry gathered outside the city, conservatively estimated to be more than five thousand. Looking at the smoke and dust in the distance, the Xia Army's troops continued to gather.

Tian Xiyan wanted to take advantage of the Xia people's unstable foothold to go out of the city and rush to kill them, but after looking at the roving cavalry, he gave up the idea - if the battle went unfavorably, it would be difficult to retreat.

At three o'clock in the morning, he came to Zhouya again.

"Where's Xie Xitu?" Tian Xiyan asked angrily.

"Go and prepare the gold juice." It was the same clerk from the morning. He looked at the bright horizontal knife in Tian Xiyan's hand and swallowed.

"Get out!" Tian Xiyan kicked him over and became furious: "Does the governor have to dig out the cesspit himself? Go find him quickly and let Xie Xitu quickly recruit the strong men in the city."

"Follow your orders." The civil servant crawled out of the government office in a hurry, regardless of whether there was anything wrong with the commander of the state army shouting at the governor.

Xie Xitu returned to Zhouya just after Xu Shi.

He knew he couldn't delay it any longer, so he immediately called for his eldest son, Xie Yanhui, and gave him low-key instructions.

Xie Yanhui understood the idea and first transferred nearly a hundred slaves from the mansion, all of whom were given equipment. At the same time, his family members were also sent in and they were closely guarded.

After doing all this, he left the state government office with another thirty servants of the Xie Mansion in helmets and armor. With the cooperation of 500 state soldiers sent by Tian Xiyan, he knocked on the door door to door, in the name of the state government.

Latin enlisted.

Naturally, the first place they go to is a wealthy family. They usually have a large number of servants, making them the best Latin partners.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Xie's servants started looting first. After knocking on the door of the wealthy family, they robbed the property whenever they saw it.

Xie Yanhui seemed to be frightened, and just opened his mouth to scold him. A domestic slave slashed at him with a knife and cursed: "I've seen you dislike me for a long time, don't stop me from getting rich."

Xie Yanhui rolled and crawled to the side, his face turning pale.

The state soldiers were stunned for a moment, not knowing whether they should stop it or not.

But they were warriors after all. When they saw that all the yellow copper coins and beautiful colored silks were being snatched away, they couldn't help it.

The governor's slaves were all plundering, so what are we waiting for? So the state soldiers also joined in the plundering, and it gradually spread to every city.

Xie Yanhui, escorted by several servants who were loyal to his master, walked quickly along the wall and disappeared into the darkness after a while.

There were guards hired by merchants in Fangshi, and they were quite professional. When they saw the state soldiers rushing towards them, they did not retreat. They took out their strong bows and crossbows and fought with the insurgents.

However, their number was still small, and they were quickly killed by the insurgents, and a looting began immediately.

More and more people heard the news, and some rogue teenagers took the opportunity to walk out of their homes, fish in troubled waters with knives and guns, and start looting. Some people set fires everywhere in order to cover up their bad deeds, and the whole city fell into chaos.


Luo Hongxin has fallen into a semi-coma state, and he is only awake for two or three hours a day.

There was already a sound of drumming on the street outside.

Luo Shaowei, protected by his servants and cronies, pulled out dozens of carts of property.

The carriage was filled with silks, gold, silverware and other treasures, which shone brightly in the firelight, almost dazzling the warriors' eyes.

"Everyone, the matter has come to this, there is nothing more to say." Luo Shaowei opened a wooden box, played with the pearls in it, and said: "I, Luo, are not a famous family. My ancestors were just a military academy, and my father was just an infantryman.

Xiaoxiao, after serving as the governor for so many years, to tell you the truth, I have made some money, but not much, and it is all here."

The government soldiers gathered one after another.

They looked fierce and unruly, as if they were going to kill people with their swords at the next moment.

Luo Shaowei was a little afraid, but he still had the courage to say: "If you don't punish yourself for yourself, I, the Luo family, become the governor for the sake of wealth. Thanks to everyone's respect, I elected my father to be the commander-in-chief of Wei. After my father took office, he retired from Liang soldiers and cultivated internally.

Arms were prepared, and all kinds of rewards were distributed in full. On the official day, people gave ten mins of money, and they did not treat everyone harshly. Today, Li Gongquan leads 30,000 people to make a rebellion, which is exactly the same as when Le Congxun used to do it. Defeat is inevitable. Why do you bother to make trouble with him?

What? If his tens of thousands of people enter Weizhou City and are not restrained, they may cause trouble. With all the princes and their families in the city, wouldn’t they be on tenterhooks?"

Luo Shaowei's words were very sincere and reasonable. After hearing this, the yamen soldiers thought thoughtfully and stopped making noise for a while.

"If you are willing to recommend me as Jiedu's heir, I will give up all the wealth and reward it all to you." Luo Shaowei said loudly: "There is still some wealth in the treasury, why give it to outsiders? Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to share it?


There are five thousand government soldiers and three thousand state soldiers in the city. Yesterday, some town soldiers stationed nearby were summoned into the city. At this time, there are about fifteen thousand soldiers.

Luo Shaowei thought about it and found that if he could win over these sergeants, it would be possible to defeat Li Gongquan.

After all, the more than 30,000 soldiers and horses under his command came here to make a fortune, not desperately. Once they see that they cannot break the city, the soldiers and horses from Bozhou, Xiangzhou, Beizhou and other places may simply disperse and go back to their homes.

At that time, Le Congxun led 30,000 Weizhou soldiers to Weizhou City. Luo Hongxin led the Yamen soldiers and the state soldiers went out of the city to fight and were defeated. When Le Congxun's group saw that they could not enter the city, their morale plummeted, and many people left.

, the change of power in Wei Zhen was completed.

Now he needs to repel Li Gongquan's first attack. As long as he wins the first battle, there will be room for change.

Luo Shaowei consulted with his father during the day today and felt that he could replicate the past events.

In addition to leading 30,000 Weizhou soldiers to force the palace, Le Congxun also colluded with Zhu Quanzhong. Liang soldiers crossed the river from Huazhou and occupied several cities. When he heard that Le Congxun was defeated and the situation in Wei Town was decided, Zhu Quanzhong collected some property

, and retreated.

The situation is almost like a retreat!

In Luo Shaowei's view, Shao Shude's Xia soldiers could also be "retired politely".

It's not shabby to give money. But first he needs to defeat Li Gongquan, win the first battle, and let Sergeant Li see that it is impossible to get the promised reward. In despair, he might just kill Li Gongquan, then

More perfect.

"Since the Yamen know you so well, what if we recommend you as a retainer?"

"Li Gongquan's side is easy to deal with. Let's get in touch and take care of this guy's head."

"You can't give your head away for free, and you can't increase money in the government office?"

"I'm afraid the treasury is empty. Where will the money come from?"

"Yameni, let me tell you the truth. Go to Dongcheng to borrow one hundred thousand yuan and distribute it to the brothers. Everyone took your money and went into battle together to kill Li Gongquan. From now on, you can inherit your father's business and serve as a military governor, so you can still keep it.

The family business is done, how is it?"

"Go and get a loan quickly!"

"Loan money! As soon as the money comes, everyone will go into battle immediately. We don't take Li Gongquan's soldiers seriously yet. Five thousand people are enough. We will kill his 30,000 people in custody."

Luo Shaowei's face turned pale. Loans and rewards?! These government officials have a huge appetite.

However, he did not dare to disobey the sergeants, so he could only agree repeatedly with a smile on his face. As a governor, he could act appropriately or inappropriately, and there was no way out.


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