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Chapter 24 Political Wars

"Your life is good!" Huo Liangsi looked at the four hundred people standing in front of him, shook his head and said: "Xia Wang Rende, from today on, you are no longer a slave, but a soldier."

This is the main camp in the west of Ji County. The warriors of the Xiaojie Army have just dug a big pit and threw a large number of corpses into it.

Early autumn is relatively hot, and if the corpses are not disposed of as soon as possible, there is a risk of plague.

These hundreds of people are all servants of large families in Weizhou City. If you ask them carefully about their origins, you will find that they are actually Henan people who fled to Hebei during the Qin Zongquan Rebellion.

The population of the Six Prefectures of Weibo has almost returned to the Tianbao limit period. It is impossible for these people to escape and have land. They have all become so-called "customers". Many people have become servants of big families, in fact, they are slaves.

Slaves in Hebei naturally have to receive military training. They are different from slaves in the general sense. They usually use military weapons, and the boss even has armor. After the Xia army entered the city, they naturally brought these dangerous elements over and compiled them.

Entering the Army of Effectiveness.

For them, it can only be said that there are mixed advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that they are free, but the disadvantage is that they have to fight on the battlefield.

After Huo Liangsi finished his lecture, he ordered the new soldiers to cover the pit with loess and compact it firmly to prevent it from being dug out by wild dogs.

There were too many corpses, probably three thousand - yes, the state soldiers were almost wiped out.

Hundreds of them had died in the internal strife, but when the Xia soldiers entered the city, they actually dared to fight with their lives, causing many casualties to the always proud Tianxiong army, so they did not hold back until the end. Xie Xitu, the governor of Weizhou, also

They came out to provide cover, saying that the state army was crazy and plundered the people, so they should be severely punished as a warning to others. Anyway, they were labeled as such.

Since the troops were sent out, almost five thousand Weibo warriors have been wiped out in Gongcheng, Xinxiang and Ji County, leaving almost no prisoners. The true meaning of this is really worth savoring.

Huo Liangsi was actually a sensible man. He was careful and sensitive and sensed King Xia's hostility towards Wei Bowufu.

If King Xia still had the idea of ​​winning over the people of Weibo, he seemed not to pay much attention to Weibo Wufu at all. He had a completely hostile attitude and wanted to get rid of him quickly.

"Well, it's hard to get off the pirate ship after we boarded it." Huo Liangsi sighed, feeling a little unhappy.

The Xia Army seems to be quite stable internally, and it is very difficult to cause some trouble. And if the main force of the Xia Army does not cause trouble, it will be difficult for them from the outside to find opportunities to surrender, and they will have to work hard.

After burying the bodies, the soldiers first helped the auxiliary soldiers cut grass and feed the horses, then repaired the trenches, and when it was getting dark, they dragged a batch of grain and beans into the city - all the dirty work was done, and there was still nothing left to do.

What nonsense.

Shao Shude had already moved into the state government office, and he had just finished a discussion with the "invited" leading figure in Weizhou.

"The people of Wei are worried about me leaving." Shao Shude said, "Thank you, your Majesty. Do you think the people in Weizhou can trust me?"

"Your Highness, I am not trustworthy in the short term. If you put in some hard work, you can be partially trustworthy over time," Xie Tong replied.

"I have fought in the army for twenty years, and I have conquered many places. Just one feeling. Northern and central Guanzhong are the most obedient, Helong is a little less so, but those Tibetan people are also the most honest. If you defeat me, I will surrender. I won't play tricks.

"When you have lain dormant enough and accumulated enough strength, if you show signs of decline, I will counterattack again." Shao Shude said: "In fact, the old areas of Guanlong and Longnan are very easy to rule. I don't know what Henan was like before, but after being washed away by Zhu Quanzhong,

It's much better. Maybe Henan is originally submissive. If the imperial court had not set the national policy of using vassal towns to control vassal towns, there would not necessarily be domineering vassal towns in Henan. Yun, Yan, Qi San Town and Caizhou are worse, but the overall situation is controllable.

Along the way to the Hebei provinces, I felt as if I was in an enemy country, just like when I first went to Helong."

"To pacify Hebei, Your Highness wants to hurry down, why don't you wait?" Xie Tong asked.

"What's the solution for hurrying up? What's the solution for slowing down?"

"If you are in a hurry, you will kill all the warriors in Hebei. In the process, rebellions will definitely arise one after another. Your Highness, please don't find it troublesome, and you can lead your troops to conquer them one by one. But this method will not cut off the roots, and will also make Hebei people more hostile. Whenever there is an opportunity, they will

Will rebel." Xie Tong said: "The way to slow down the situation is to work hard, to re-support the close Hebei forces, and to use soft policies to win over more people. However, this method also has the risk of rebellion, and Your Highness should think carefully about it."

Saying it means not saying it!

"The strategy of rushing and the strategy of slowing down can be combined into one." Shao Shude said: "First destroy their apparent ability to rebel, and then slowly weaken their spirit of rebellion. Of course, the strategy of gentleness is also essential.

, in short, let’s take a multi-pronged approach.”

Having said this, Shao Shude basically clarified his thoughts.

Killing all the 80,000 warriors of Wei Bo was actually not enough, because they still had more new rebel forces. Historically, Zhu Quanzhong basically cleaned up the old warriors of Wei Bo, but after Yang Shihou became the military governor of Wei Bo, he selected brave men from all six states.

Thousands of people, basically newcomers who had never served as soldiers, formed the Silver Spear Army. Judging from the battlefield performance, the combat effectiveness of this army was even greater than that of the first generation Wei Bowufu, and even its best eight thousand yamen soldiers were

It can't be compared to Li Cunxu's ace elite troops.

After the Yinqiang Xiaojie Army was massacred, they continued to select Weibo people who had never served as soldiers to form a new army, and went to the north to fight the Khitan people. Their combat effectiveness was still good, but of course they were still as unruly and unruly.

There are too many rebel reserves. What went wrong? Why do they rebel one after another?

Shao Shude felt that he had caught something. Zhu Quanzhong and Li Cunxu did not regard Wei Bo as one of their own. Ku Lie had the means to kill, but lacked any strategies to appease the aftermath.

In addition, the oppression of the local area was indeed too harsh. The war required it, and there was no other way. They were unable to untie this knot, but Shao Shude thought he could give it a try.

"Let's make preparations for the formation of the state army as soon as possible." Shao Shude finally said.

Both military and political wars must be fought. The former is the foundation, and the latter is the guarantee of long-term peace and stability, and should not be neglected.

The military battle was won but the political battle was not won, that is, Wei Bo repeatedly rebelled until the Later Jin Dynasty. This was not a scene that Shao Shude wanted to see.

It is easy to cut off the feudal clan on the surface, but not so easy in the heart.


After Xie Xitu returned to the state government, he found some big businessmen in the state and city.

"Your Highness has said that Dou Jiande was the king of Xia in the past, and he was also the king of Xia. Could this be God's will?" Xie Xitu cleared his throat and said.

The people present here are all wealthy and powerful people. They have farms outside the city. They are deeply connected with the local area and very influential. At this time, they were all stunned after hearing Xie Xitu's words.

"The King of Xia has another message. He wants to use part of the money and silk from the state capital to recruit laborers to rebuild Dou Jiande Temple so that he can enjoy incense and sacrifice forever." Xie Xitu carefully observed everyone's expressions and said slowly.

Everyone present was shocked, this is so new!

"Your Majesty, what will King Xia do to Weizhou? Will he leave?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Building the Dou Jiande Temple was an act of kindness, and everyone could see it. Whether Xia Jun would always occupy Weizhou and not leave was what everyone was most concerned about.

"I won't leave." Xie Xitu said with a very certain tone: "Liyang Town General Chen Yuanyu has abandoned the city and left for Weizhou. The Tiande Army crossed the river from Lingchangjin to the north, and the Xia Army advanced eastward in advance, Wei County

, The sun is about to set. Now that it has reached this point, do you think he will leave?"

"In the past, when Zhu Quanzhong went to occupy Chan, didn't Wei also leave?" someone asked.

"This is one moment, another moment. Zhu Quanzhong was not sure that he could conquer the six states, and Henan was not yet settled, so he took the money and left. This summer, the king has occupied Henan and most of Guanxi. He has strong soldiers and horses and will not leave. Don't think about it.

Xi, the one who is unlucky in the end is himself." Xie Xitu said.

"This..." Everyone fell into deep thought.

If Weizhou chooses a new governor, it will definitely not give up. When the war breaks out, Weizhou will be a miserable battlefield.

"Why are you all so dejected?" Xie Xitu laughed and said, "Don't you always complain about not having a chance? In a state with five counties, there are many officials who escaped. King Xia said that he would be in the five counties

Select talented people to fill all the vacancies."

Everyone remained silent.

One is worried that Shao Shude will eventually retreat due to various reasons. Will they be liquidated?

The second is some resistance in my heart. It always feels uncomfortable to be ruled by outsiders or Kansai people. Even if Henan people come to rule them, they are better than Kansai people.

"Weizhou's state army will also be rebuilt." Xie Xitu added: "The army is worth three thousand, half of which will be recruited from Weizhou's local brave warriors. King Xia will inspect it personally, and those who pass will be enrolled in the army and become state soldiers. I know you and others know many of them.

, if you really have the ability, you can find them. I think all the sons and gentlemen will be very happy to be able to eat the food of a martial artist."

This is another date for me.

Everyone was thinking, first build the Dou Jiande Temple to show good will to the people in Weizhou. Then give the scholars official positions and stop them from saying weird and bad things. Finally, give the Tutuan countrymen a chance, which can win the prize.

favorability of some people.

Shao Shude seems to be a knowledgeable martial artist who doesn't just fight and kill.

It's good to be able to communicate, but I'm just afraid of the kind of person who thinks he's invincible and can conquer the world with his sword and gun, squeezes Wei Bo to death, loses food and weapons, and ends up having to fight in battle. Only a devil would sacrifice his life for him.

"Everyone calm down, don't even mention the old almanac. Ah, by the way, King Xia also said that during the Tianbao period of the Guo Dynasty, there were 53 million people, and Hebei only had more than 11 million, but he had to bear the burden

He has collected nearly half of the world's taxes, which is a bit too much. The people of Hebei are also the people under his rule, how can he favor one and favor others? After the world is settled, it will have to change." Xie Xitu released another bombshell.

Heavy taxes have always been a lingering shadow on the people of Hebei.

Why are people in Guanxi and Henan taxed less than Hebei? The court never gave an explanation.

And since they don’t explain it, then don’t blame the people of Hebei for interpreting it themselves. Do they not regard us as their own people? Henan’s registered permanent residence is only slightly less than that of Hebei, but the taxes it bears are so light, why should we be treated differently?

If King Xia could really change this discriminatory policy, he would indeed be very ambitious.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and decide to observe for a while to see what King Xia will do. If it is really outrageous, or if the words are not fulfilled, then look for another opportunity to rebel against him.

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