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Chapter 952

 Chapter 950 Leaving

The first snow has fallen in Qingzhou in early November.

The road leading to Mizhou was full of cars and horses, making it a busy scene.

Zhao Lu found a place to sit down by the roadside.

This was originally a wine shop, but due to the war and chaos, the shop owner did not dare to do business and closed down. After Zhao Lu came, he called the person out directly and asked him to make some special dishes and serve him two pots of wine to satisfy his craving.

The Zhongwu Army was the first batch of troops to go south to reinforce the Yanzhou battlefield.

Everyone's morale was not very high because they had been out on the war for a long time and everyone wanted to go home. But Li Tangbin did not let them go back and instead asked them to go to Yanzhou to fight Zhu Jin.

For a moment, everyone wanted to go against it directly. But after thinking about it, they didn't dare to do that.

Tens of thousands of Wang Shifan's soldiers and horses have surrendered. What can these thousands of them do? It's not even enough to squeeze the teeth of Xia Bing. Just bear with it. If you really can't bear it anymore, then talk.

"Seven days ago, Hu Zhen killed more than ten people in a row. They were all soldiers of the strong army. The reason was for disobeying military orders."

"The Jianrui Army is gone. Zhang Jun and Guo Shaobin went to Kansai to serve as governors. Can the remnants of the Jianrui Army not be bullied?"

"The National Guard Army went out with 10,000 people, but when they returned there were less than half. This was a terrible defeat."

"Pengri, Tianxing's second army has lost one of its troops. The fifteen thousand infantry and cavalry with full strength have been reduced to seven thousand. Isn't it worse than the National Defense Army?"

"Why do you feel sorry for others? How miserable is our Zhongwu Army? How many people died before and after? Chenzhou was taken away, and the town even sent 500 elite soldiers to Luoyang. They didn't even dare to let go of one. I think it's even worse than them.


"Many people say that anyone who is not a member of Shaw's Fifth Army will end badly, sooner or later."

"What are Shao's Five Armies? Could it be the Five Armies of Zuo Tielin, Wu Wei, Tian Xiong, Yi Cong, and Tu Jiang?"

"Of course. These 150,000 people are the direct descendants of the King of Xia. Feilong, Iron Cavalry and other armies can't compare. Alas, it's really boring to continue like this. I think it's better to squeeze into the five armies and carry guns. At least they can

Be human."

Zhao Lu was drinking and eating meat over there, while the guards here were talking in low voices.

As long as you are not blind, you can see the plight of the miscellaneous army.

Under the scorching sun, heavy rain, and heavy snow, we attacked the city and fortified it.

Nestled in a cold and damp trench, besieging the enemy for a long time.

If you work hard to escort grain and grass and transfer materials, you will be punished if you miss the deadline.

Act as a vanguard to explore the road when marching quickly.

And so on and so forth.

Is this how people live? It is impossible to live without resentment, and it is still very big. If the time had not been ripe and I had rebelled long ago, even if I died in battle, it would be better than suffering from such cowardice.

Zhao Lu had sharp ears. Although the sergeants spoke not loudly, he still vaguely heard them. How do you feel? Feeling aggrieved in your heart, but suppressed by an invisible force and unable to vent it. After a long time,

He didn't know if he would become violent.

It’s really difficult!

There was a noise on the post road, so he sent someone over to ask. It turned out that the vehicle of the Qingzhou troops collided with them, and the two sides started arguing. This made Zhao Lu even more annoyed. He subconsciously picked up the riding whip next to him and let go.

Zizhou surrendered nearly 8,000 troops, and after letting go of the Tutuan villagers, there were still 4,000.

After Qingzhou surrendered its troops and released the Xiangyong, there were still 20,000 soldiers left.

In Pinghai, Laizhou, the two armies were united and gathered more than 10,000 surrendered troops, and the number is still increasing.

There are two ways to deal with the surrender of 30,000 to 40,000 people.

Zizhou and Qingzhou sent troops to select tens of thousands of strong and brave warriors and sent them to Luoyang for training.

The remaining 14,000 people formed a separate army and were given the military name "Longwu". The army had 12,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. The military envoy Liu Wei, the deputy envoy Wang Yanwen, and the Youyi envoy Liu Chongba - he

Originally he was the Dragon and Tiger Army envoy under Zhu Quanzhong, guarding Bajiao Town. After the Battle of Jiegou, he led more than 6,000 people to surrender voluntarily.

Pinghai, united the two armies and sent them to Yunzhou in batches. Coach Du made the Yamen newly establish the Yunzhou Academy. The more than 10,000 Qizhen sergeants who had been in the army for less than a year were integrated into the Yunzhou Academy's management system and continued their unfinished training.

At the same time, he became a member of the continuation army.

So far, there are three major training bases for new recruits in Dujianzhiyamen, namely Lingzhou Academy, Shaanzhou Academy, and Yunzhou Academy. Among them, Lingzhou Academy is the largest, with nearly 40,000 recruits currently training; Shaanzhou Academy is second,

Nearly 20,000 people; the first batch of Yunzhou Academy is estimated to have about 13,000 people.

The treatment of the continuation army is similar to that of the state army, maybe slightly worse. For Pinghai and the warriors who unite the two armies, the gap is not small. But after successive defeats, they have accepted the reality and will not continue

It's noisy.

Of course, the main reason is that they have been in the army for less than a year and have not yet become the kind of unruly old warriors. In addition, Zhu Quanzhong is very strict about obedience and military discipline. He is somewhat similar to Shao Shude. They trained

The troops that came out were still different from the general soldiers from the vassal town.

Lao Zhu really made a great contribution and was a close friend of Shao Shude.

Longwu's army of 14,000 infantry and cavalry returned to Li Tangbin's tent and participated in the siege of Yanzhen.

The seven armies of Longxiang, Longhu, Guangsheng, Shenjie, Pengri, Longwu, and Zhongwu, about 50,000 miscellaneous troops, will be the main force to attack Yanzhen. If necessary, Zhu Zhen's Pengsheng army may also

Going south, these are 60,000 miscellaneous soldiers.

The more we fight, the more surrendered troops there are, and the more miscellaneous troops there are, which has become a very real problem.

Zhao Lu was in a depressed mood and drank an extra bottle of wine. After eating, he was already a little tipsy. He took another look at Qingzhou with the city gate wide open. He was in a gloomy mood and headed south to Mizhou without looking back.


In Qingzhou City, Wang Shifan's family was sorting out their belongings and packing their luggage.

There were so many treasures, a full three hundred carts were loaded with them, including high-value copper coins, silks, gold and silverware, calligraphy and paintings, etc.

There were hundreds of dendrobium grains stored in the mansion, which could not be taken away, so Wang Shifan sent people to distribute them to the people of Qingzhou.

Several old servants were left in the house to look after the door and clean it regularly.

There are many shops in the city, and there is also a large area of ​​land in the farm outside the city. Teacher Wang was reminded by someone that he dedicated all the shops, Zhuangzi, Nianya, waterwheel and dozens of hectares of farmland to Yidu County and no longer wanted them.

The two concubines who were lost in Laizhou also sent people to pick them up. I heard that one of them was pregnant and should be Zhu Quanzhong's son. It didn't matter, they brought them back and raised them, and there were many slaves in the house. I won't be able to socialize when I go to Chang'an.

The two concubines can still be used to entertain guests.

The families of Zhu Xuan, Tuoba Renfu and Li Renyu were all in Qingzhou. Wang Shifan immediately took them to the Xia Army camp and handed them over to Li Tangbin.

According to the rules of Xianzong and Wuzong, men were put to death and women were not allowed into the palace. The emperor could enjoy his wife and daughter when he wanted to, and if he was no longer interested, he would work in the Yeting Bureau.

to death.

It took a total of more than ten days from receiving the reply from King Xia to ordering surrender, to packing up all kinds of belongings and selling off assets. It was already November 15th, and more than 300 members of Wang Shifan's family came to visit.

Take the post road to the west.

In order to avoid any trouble, Li Tangbin ordered the Tielin Army to send two cavalrymen to escort a thousand people along the way until Luoyang. This is not a fuss, but the place is really unrest and chaos. The warriors are greedy for money and do nothing.

They knew how to take care of it, they even plundered the Uighur mission, let alone a Jiedushi envoy who had lost power and resigned.

At that time, Wang Duo left Huazhou and went to Hebei to serve as the military envoy of the Yichang Army. He took a bunch of beautiful concubines and hundreds of carts of goods with him on the road. What was the outcome?

Wang Shifan can't die, it's that simple.

"Second brother, let's go." Wang Shike put on his armor, held a long horse spear, stood beside the war horse, and urged.

Wang Shifan put the letter away, sighed, and got on his horse.

The letter was written to him by the old department of Laizhou. The letter mentioned that Zhu Quanzhong was trapped in Jiaoshui County, and more and more Xia soldiers gathered outside the city, and it seemed that there was no way to escape.

Moreover, according to the information obtained, the morale of the defenders in the city was low. Every night, people descended from the city to surrender. Zhu Quanzhong killed more than ten people in a row and could not stop them.

The morale of the soldiers was low and they could not fight. The food reserves were limited and they would not last long. Zhu Quanzhong did not have much time left, probably only this month.

I heard that there were still people in Denglai gathering to protest against Xia Bing's conquest, but they were quickly suppressed. In response to this, Wang Shifan could only shed a few tears, feeling ashamed.

Yanzhou Zhu Jin probably also cursed loudly.

The situation in Yanzhen is even more difficult than in Qingzhou, but how can others persevere and you can't?

If Yunzhou hadn't been raided and Jiedushi Zhu Wei died in an unknown manner, he would probably have been able to withstand it better than Qingzhou.

Teacher Wang was ashamed of this.

"Let's go!" Wang Shifan clamped the horse's belly and took the lead. There are some things that you can't think too much about. If you think too much, you will feel that you are a waste. Not as good as Zhu Xuan, Zhu Wei, and Zhu Jin, who will doubt life.

At least the Wang family's fate was much better than theirs. Wang Shifan could only console himself with this.

After Wang Shifan left, more than 300 members of his family followed him, including men on horseback and young and old in cars, heading west in a mighty way.

After the war was over, the people who had fled to the mountains began to return home one after another after hearing the news.

They supported the old and the young, carrying large and small bags, and looked at the Wang family and the group with surprised eyes.

A few words of understanding were whispered, and soon word spread.

Everyone's expressions were very complicated, especially those who had relatives and friends who had worked as warriors or civil servants in the feudal town, they were even more sad.

The departure of more than 300 members of the Wang family is like a symbol, a symbol, marking the end of Ziqing Town's more than 140 years of "autonomy" and its formal inclusion under the control of a higher-level government.

For the entire history, this is nothing, even a normal state. But for people born after the difficult times, this is a completely unfamiliar way of life. They have become accustomed to everything in the past and can live with it.

Many people can even live a good life. No one knows what will happen in the future, and no one can guarantee it.

This is the people's hearts. And the simplest and most direct way to win people's hearts is to get their lives back to normal and on the right track. The legitimacy of the regime in this era is actually very simple. It does not need to be better than the predecessor, it is almost enough, or even slightly worse.

Some are also acceptable. Whether it is the rule of aristocratic families or the governance of military leaders, they do not need the support of the common people, as long as they do not object.

A three-year tax exemption notice has been posted outside Qingzhou City, and the first trick to win over people's hearts has begun - don't be afraid of old tricks, just be easy to use.

The sun sets in the west and the wind and snow gradually subside.

At the foot of Mount Yao, the old rulers gradually faded away, and new conquerors assumed power. The history of Ziqing Town opened a new page, just like what the people of Luoyang and Bianzhou experienced back then.

Times have changed, and the seas and seas have changed. No matter how the overall situation of the world changes, the literati and poets express countless emotions of "right and wrong, success or failure"; no matter how the princes and generals manipulate and control, and let future generations praise them for their amazing talents and beauty, the common people will still have to do it after all.


The shops in Qingzhou City are already open for business...

This chapter has been completed!
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