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Chapter 955

 Zhu Quanzhong’s death does not mean anything.

Liang Town has been destroyed for more than a year, and the relevant news has been digested by people.

But his departure still has a psychological shock. Zhu Wei died, Wang Shifan surrendered, Zhu Quanzhong died, and Zhu Jin was alone. How long could he hold on?

Zhu Quanzhong's body was placed in a coffin.

After all, he was the King of Liang, an old rival who had fought fiercely with the King of Xia for many years, and he still had basic dignity after dying in battle.

Li Tangbin specially found Qibizhang and asked the returning Feilong Army to escort the coffins back to Luoyang and hand them over to King Xia for disposal.

Then he went to Jiaoshui County.

Most of the three thousand sergeants trapped in the city were killed, and several hundred ignorant Tutuan countrymen were lucky enough to survive. Li Tangbin ordered them all to be dismissed and everyone returned to their homes.

After a year of fighting, Li Tangbin's heart was still hot. He also wanted to achieve greater feats and defeat more enemies.

Yanzhou Zhu Jin is the next target.

On the third day of December, Li Tangbin ordered the left wing of Tielin's army to stay in Ziqing, and led the right wing and Yi Cong to make sure that the two armies returned to Yunzhou.

When we arrived in Qingzhou, there were still some reckless people who staged a rebellion, but they were quickly put down by the returning army.

At this point, no one dared to resist.

Before that, the courier set off quickly, not avoiding the wind and snow, traveling day and night to Luoyang to report the victory.

Wang Shifan unexpectedly met an envoy from Wei Bo on the road, Sikong Ting, who had recently been promoted to the rank of Sima of the Left Marching Army.

Sikong Ting came from Huazhou and entered the Luoyang Basin via Zhengzhou. Their destination was Jirunyi in the east of Luoyang City.

"Wang Situ."

"Sikong Sima."

The two of them dismounted their horses and saluted each other.

I didn't know what to say for a while. One was the commander of the defeated army, and the other came to negotiate for peace. I always felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Sikong Ting was still shameless. He pointed to the newly built road under his feet and said: "This road costs countless people and is really inconsiderate of the people."

"It looks pretty good, but it seems a bit short. Jirun Station is only more than ten miles away from Luoyang, so it's not of great use." Wang Shifan also reacted and continued.

What they were talking about was the first-class national highway connecting Luoyang Shangdongmen and Jirunyi. The standard is naturally not comparable to that of the old post road.

It is true that first-class national highways cost a lot of money, and Shao Shude did not plan to roll them out across the country. He only planned to use Luoyang as the center to connect the north and south, and the east and west.

As of early December, the ninety-five-mile first-class national highway from Mengzhou to Taihang Xingkou had been completed. Huaizhou even sent people to build a city near Xingkou to collect taxes from merchants traveling to Hedong and Luoyang.

——Of course, it also has military significance.

This year's Xiangwei War, Heyang Master only mobilized in the last few months. Their most important work throughout the year was to perform corvee work in the town and build roads.

Most of the work has been completed, and next year only the short section from Heyang Nancheng to the Henan Prefecture border will be left. There is no need to mobilize too many people, and the overall situation is relatively relaxed. If there is no war with Hedong, they can even rest and recuperate.

In the direction of Ruzhou, the governor Han Jian began to mobilize manpower after the Spring Festival to build the first-class national highway from Yique to Linru for 40 miles. It is now nearing completion...

The life of the people of Ruzhou this year is even more relaxed than that of Heyang. No one has recruited them to fight, and the whole country is still in a tax holiday. Road construction is probably the only annoying thing.

There will probably be no fighting next year, so there is no need to go into battle. Their job is to build the 60-mile first-class national highway from Linru to Liangxian. One year is probably too long, and it may be delayed until the spring of the third year.

Either they were drafted into battle, or they were building cities, building roads, digging canals, and digging ditches in the countryside. In short, they had no time to spare, and they didn't know how long they would have to work hard.

However, merchants all praised the first-class national highway intersection, believing that it greatly reduced the cost and time of transporting goods. Although banknote checkpoints on the first-class national highway were gradually established, for example, Yique Pass was renovated and settled.

The tax collectors kept an eye on every passing carriage and began to collect taxes, but it seemed to be worth it.

As for the road from Shangdongmen in Luoyang to Jirunyi, it is a sad story.

The Bianzhou shogunate was actually presided over by Chen Cheng. He proposed to build a first-class national highway from Luoyang to Bianzhou, and Shao Shude agreed.

Bianzhou is the largest metropolis in Guandong, and Luoyang is one of the future capitals. It is normal for them to be connected by a first-class national highway. The sad thing about this is that the Bianzhou shogunate wanted to build the Zheng-Bian section first, but Shao Shude felt that they had remaining manpower

There are many, so it is better to build the Luozheng section first, which is equivalent to letting people from Xuanwu Prefecture help Henan Prefecture build roads, and there is no limit to the deception.

"This section of road is indeed of little use, but the main road between Meng and Huai has been built, reaching Taihang Pass. If troops are used, they will be able to provide a lot of help." Sikong Ting said.

Wang Shifan glanced at him, confused.

I am an envoy who has lost power. I want power but not power. I want soldiers but not soldiers. Why do you tell me these things?

Sikong Ting also felt a little embarrassed.

He just saw Wang Shifan and suddenly became interested and wanted to chat with him. But when he actually saw him, he found that there was nothing to talk about. Without the halo, Wang Shifan was just an ordinary person.

If Wei Bo wants to cheer up, he still has to find the right person.

After hurriedly saying goodbye, he headed straight to Luoyang, while Wang Shifan continued to stay near the inn, looking at the criss-crossing ditches in the wilderness with relish.

Shao Shude really put a lot of effort into agriculture.


After Sikong Ting said goodbye, he hurried to Luoyang and asked to see Shao Shude.

Shao Shude had people take him to Hanjia Palace to wait, while he continued to talk with Xiao Fu and Li Yanling.

"We must recruit as many people as possible for the Imperial College. It's really not enough, so we have to recruit people from Chang'an." Shao Shude was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Fu's procrastinating work and said in a serious tone: "This is the highest institution of higher learning. In the future, Imperial College will be set up in every capital city. Relevant talents will be needed."

Reserves must be planned. It is so difficult to build the Imperial Academy in Luoyang now. If Nanjing, Beijing, or Tokyo are built in the future, where will the people come from?"

Xiao Fu looked slightly nervous and continued to say yes.

Shao Shude didn't want to embarrass him too much, so he let him leave after a few words of warning.

For now, it is more important to open schools in local states and counties.

The demand for arithmetic talents is the first priority, and there is a huge gap in clearing banks. Under Zhu Quanzhong’s rule, Henan focused more on Confucianism and less on medicine, let alone Kansai’s unique arithmetic, engineering, and agriculture.…

Fortunately, Chen Cheng, who is also the deputy envoy of the Xuanwu Army, knows his preferences and is already preparing to open these educational institutions next year. Doctors, teaching assistants, lecturers, etc. will use Kansai students, regardless of whether they are good enough or not.

Let’s talk about it later.

Now we need quantity, not quality.

Bianzhou will also open its first martial arts school next year, namely Bianzhou Martial Arts and Kaifeng County Martial Arts. Luoyang also has Henan Prefecture Martial Arts and Luoyang County Martial Arts.

Henan scholars, local tycoons and generals now also know the importance of martial arts, and they are all trying to send their children inside.

In order to win over people in Henan, Shao Shude plans to give some places, but not all.

The specific allocation of enrollment quotas will need to be discussed again.

"Sinong Temple, Weiwei Temple, and Secretary's Office are the three institutions that have been prepared first, which is very good." After Xiao Fu left, Shao Shude smiled at Li Yanling again and said.

The secretary-supervisor is Lu Siye, but he has been drafting documents with Shao Shude all year round. This meeting is actually handled by his subordinates. The organization itself is not big, with only one subsidiary agency, the Book Bureau, whose responsibilities are to manage classics and proofread classics and articles.


But just as Shao Shude introduced many new things to Sinong Temple and the Imperial College, the powers of the Secretariat Supervisor will also be expanded in the new dynasty: publishing and printing will also be supervised by secretaries.

In other words, the new secretary prison is no longer a gathering place for high-ranking officials, but one with real power.

Wang Shifan wrote a short essay to criticize Shao Shude, but he had to spread it himself. After Shao Shude felt that the world was at peace, he began to write books and asked his secretary to polish them, proofread them, and publish them. He had the hegemony of public opinion. It is exciting to think about it - of course, this ideal

Just like Shao Shude farming in Hanjiadian when he gets old, it is very unreliable and you never know when you will have time.

Sinong Temple's manpower preparations were very fast, and they were basically all in place last month.

This is due to the vigorous development of agriculture in Kansai, which has cultivated a large number of relevant talents. In particular, Wang Yong won the first Xia King Award and was promoted successively. China and foreign countries were amazed. Many knowledgeable people realized that the Xia King had great influence on Sinong Temple.

Pay attention to it, try to squeeze into this organization, and strive for a better future.

The most important subordinate organization of Sinong Temple is the Breeding Department, which gathers elite forces in agriculture - this organization is also newly established and did not exist before.

The names of each organization are the same as those of the previous one, but their functions and work focus have changed. They are old wine in new bottles.

Shao Shude also used such a relatively gentle approach to gradually reorganize the entire government.

Of course, the political institutions at this time had already taken the shape of later generations, and there was no need to make structural changes.

For example, there are 2-4 prime ministers in the political hall who discuss politics all year round. To the emperor, it is much more lovely than having one prime minister taking over all the power.

Among the three provinces, the Zhongshu Province "initiates projects", the Menxia Province "examines and approves", and the Shangshu Province "executes". In addition to the three provinces, there is also the Supervisory Censor to "supervise", which is not bad, and there is no need to make a big move.

In terms of military matters, there is the Beisi Privy Council, and the chief and deputy privy envoys are responsible for military matters - of course eunuchs cannot be allowed to serve as privy envoys in the future.

The Southern and Northern Departments are running in parallel, so for the time being.

"Your Majesty, Sinong Temple is too attractive to me. My abilities are limited, and the only thing worthy of praise is my diligence. Don't worry, Your Majesty, I am in charge of the farming, and nothing will happen." Li Yanling said loudly...

"Haha, do your best. We old brothers conquered this world together, and the good times are yet to come." Shao Shude laughed, and at the same time, he inexplicably remembered a scene...

It's still snowing outside.

The interior murals of Hehuan Hall have been mostly completed, and the reliefs on the exterior walls are still in the final stages of work.

Shao Shude stood up and walked to the door of the palace.

Wei Weiqing Murong Fu immediately rushed over to obey the order.

There are three thousand palace guards, all selected from various slave tribes. In fact, most of them are former members of the guard army.

After Shao Shude returned to Luoyang, he organized the palace guards to conduct some training to test their martial arts and military strategy. From now on, the talented ones among them will one after another be given the opportunity to be sent abroad.

When one person is released from the outside, he will be replaced by another person from the slave tribe to maintain the mobility of the people. This is actually a way for the Tibetan people from the grassland to rise. The premise is that you must be from the slave tribe. There is a difference between closeness and distance.

A natural thing.

Of course, 3,000 people are not enough. In the early years of the Kingdom, the number of palace guards was probably close to 5,000, so there were still 2,000 places.

There is no doubt that many people are eyeing these spots now.

Shao Shude's initial plan was to divide the two thousand places between noble sons, Tibetan chiefs, foreign protons and brave and outstanding military personnel.

Sometimes Shao Shude also feels tired. He is always thinking about interests and profit sharing.

But politics, it’s just a game of dividing the cake, what can we do?

"Let Sikong Ting come over." Shao Shude sat back and ordered: "I'm still restless during my father's death. I want to see what Wei Bo does."

This chapter has been completed!
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