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Chapter 962 Privy Envoy

 Chapter 960 Privy Envoy

Zhe Zongben didn't stay in Ruzhou for more than a few days.

After visiting my daughter, I chatted with my nine-year-old grandson Zhe Congyuan. I was very satisfied when I learned that the little guy enjoyed studying and practicing martial arts in Qingshu Palace.

Zhe Congyuan is the most promising seedling among the third generation.

Naturally, this is based on the family's standards. Children who are eight or nine years old are a bit older than others. When it comes to learning military strategy and martial arts, they are very quick to pick up and are very talented in this area.

Literary talent is slightly inferior. But in the eyes of a frontier wealthy family like the Zhe family, this is not a shortcoming at all. It is enough to be proficient in writing and be able to read and write official documents. Is it possible that I also need to be able to recite poems and compose poems?

However, Zhe Congyuan was taught by a famous teacher in the palace, and his aunt Zhe Fangxiao held on tightly. The little guy could already write some rough poems and was almost catching up with his uncle Shao Shude.

Although Zhe Zongben is rough, he has the unique survival philosophy of the frontier tycoons for hundreds of years. As far as grassland customs are concerned, it is normal to send outstanding children of the family to the Khan, which is also good for the future of the children.

As long as you are truly talented, there will be no shortage of opportunities to make meritorious deeds. But in this era, opportunities are often lacking.

Before leaving, Shao Shude had a long talk with Zhe Zongben.

"Nowadays, everything is in a hurry and there are many vacancies in official positions. My uncle is old and might not be able to get used to the hot weather in the south. After conquering Qizhou, he will return to Luoyang and take up a post." Shao Shude said.

Zuri Zongben's heart moved. Good boy, I've been waiting for several days and finally arranged it for me.

"That's alright. I'm in my fifties, and sometimes I really feel that I'm not capable of what I do. My husband-in-law has a lot to do, so I'll come over and help." Ori Zongben agreed.

Shao Shude smiled and said: "A vassal town is a country, and some things need to be adjusted. Duyu Housi can still be used during the vassal town era, but once the country is founded, it must be changed."

Orimunemoto probably knew that he was going to take on any position.

“During Daizong’s Yongtai reign, the post of privy envoy was first established, and by the early Yuanhe period of Emperor Xianzong’s reign, it was increasingly perfected,” Shao Shude continued.

The position of Privy Councilor was indeed created by Emperor Daizong.

During the Anshi Rebellion, the eunuch Li Fuguo mostly sent the eunuch Li Fuguo to the privy council of the military and state affairs. That is to say, "the ministers and ministers will report to each other from time to time, all because of the auxiliary state." When Emperor Daizong was established, the eunuch Yu Chaoen had the power to dominate both China and foreign countries due to his divine contribution to the army. Daizong Ji

Its weight was to set up the post of Privy Envoy to divide the power of the court. Therefore, in the second year of Yongtai, Dong Xiu, the internal servant, was promoted to the position of Privy Envoy.

Dong Xiu served as the Privy Councilor for twelve years, and was eventually executed by Yuan Zai, the Prime Minister of the Nanya District of Jiaotong. The Privy Councilor colluded with the Prime Minister, and his death was certain.

After Daizong, Dezong succeeded to the throne. Dezong was a famously jealous king, and all successive privy councilors had always been very respectful. "I have never heard of any privy councilors interfering in politics."

But the Jianzhong Rebellion changed everything. The military power of the Shence Army was transferred from the civil officials to the eunuchs.

During the reign of Emperor Xianzong, due to the emergence of military power, the Privy Council's organization continued to expand, and officials changed from secondments to permanent ones. The cultural level of the officials who held positions also continued to improve. For example, the Privy Council's Kongmu Officials and Teachers Quanjie, who was in charge of the financial treasurer, drafted

They were all eunuchs in terms of writing and assisting the government, but "all of them were familiar with literature and writing" - Yang Chenghe, the Privy Councilor during Mu Zong's time, not only had gorgeous rhetoric, but also had good calligraphy. He wrote "Liang Shouqian's Merit and Virtue Inscription", which was loved by later generations.

I can't bear to discard the words.

This organization is becoming more and more professional.

Up to now, the responsibilities of the privy envoys are clearly divided into four parts: first, when the emperor is working in the imperial city, he will pass the information to the emperor (when the emperor is in the palace, the palace ladies will pass the information); second, to draft the internal documents; third, to accompany the emperor.

To the right and left, participate in important decisions; fourth, to lead the military supervisors in various places and handle the affairs reported by the supervisors in various places.

Of course, this is on the surface. After the Shence Army is in the hands, in actual affairs, it can be simply summarized as the Privy Council is in charge of the troops and the Prime Minister is in charge of government. In fact, the power of the Prime Minister, that is, the military power is divided.

Why is the Shence Army so devoted to the eunuchs? Because military expenses are paid by the Privy Council, and personnel appointments and dismissals are actually in charge of the Privy Council. Civil servants can neither interfere with financial power nor personnel power, so their influence on the army is naturally very low.

Shao Shude did not intend to hand over the Privy Council to the eunuch group. The lessons from the domineering eunuchs of the Tang Dynasty were not far away.

It is not appropriate to leave it to civil officials. Not only did this dynasty learn from Bai Zhizhen's lesson, but the seventh-rank county magistrate in the Ming Dynasty was able to be arrogant in front of the general soldiers. How can we not learn from it?

But you always have to use people.

From a rational point of view, it is most appropriate to leave it to civilian officials. At most, they will destroy the army and the possibility of rebellion is low.

But emotionally speaking, Shao Shude felt that this was inappropriate.

Anyway, I feel satisfied enough. I will kill the fifth generation of Gentleman, and I believe in the wisdom of future generations. Privy Council, he plans to hand it over to the nobles.

Zhe Zong was originally a relative, so he was actually not suitable for this position. However, after long observation, Shao Shude trusted his father-in-law, which is another matter.

"The country has a Privy Council, and I want to set it up." Shao Shude said: "The Privy Council is in charge of the deployment and recruitment of the national forbidden army, the selection of military attachés, army training and review, and other military matters. From now on, the Ministry of War will only be in charge of the guard of honor, state soldiers, and Tibetan soldiers.

Tuan Tuan, martial arts and other matters."

As for martial arts, neither the Privy Council nor the Ministry of War had any control over it. For example, the emperor served as the general manager, and the emperor personally appointed officials.

Zhe Zongben didn't know much about the civil-military disputes in the Song and Ming dynasties. At this time, he didn't expect that the status of warriors in later generations would be so low. There would be fewer and fewer generals, so he didn't think much about it.

He agreed: "My dear son-in-law, you want me to be the privy envoy? This position is really not suitable to be given to outsiders. Don't worry, I can still suppress the bastards in the army. I will train them well from now on and keep them safe like tigers going down the mountain when they go into battle."


Shao Shude laughed and said, "Only my uncle can take on this important task."

Zuri Zongben also smiled. He was very satisfied with this exchange of benefits, and was even a little surprised.

I thought I would go home and live in retirement, but I didn't expect such a good thing. My son-in-law has a broad mind and is measured in his actions. He is indeed a person who can achieve great things.


After Zhe Zongben left, Shao Shude found Li Hang again and asked him to go to the river in person to appease the rebellious stragglers in the river.

He couldn't afford the 50,000 Hezhong Yamen soldiers. At the time of 25,000, he didn't really want these vassal soldiers with deep habits, for fear of polluting the morale of his army. Now there are only 15,000 left, which can be divided, drawn together, and disintegrated.

enemy resistance.

"I divide the soldiers of the world into four categories: A, B, B, and D." Shao Shude said: "The Liang army can fight and is obedient, so it can be ranked as the first class with the Xia army. The Jin soldiers and Yan soldiers can fight, but their habits are heavier and not ideal, so Rank B and others. Yan soldiers are not as powerful as Jin soldiers and are not very obedient. Lie B and others are. Ziqing soldiers are even as strong as Yun and Yan soldiers, but they are more obedient than Erzhen soldiers. They are the same as rank B. Hebei soldiers are the same. , their combat power is worse than that of Yun and Yan, but not as good as Liang and Jin, but they are very disobedient, like Lie Ding, etc. Jianghuai soldiers, their combat power is not as good as that of Hebei, Henan, but more obedient than Hebei, like Lie Ding, etc."

"Actually, all fourth-class soldiers can be used, but they must be focused. Hezhong soldiers can be ranked above C-class, and they were quite capable in Wang Chongrong's era. If their habits are sloppy, it is not appropriate to eliminate them all, and it will also make the world's warriors resentful." Shao Shude.

He continued: "You can appoint the envoy in the river to set off immediately and cooperate with Lu Dutou to recruit and surrender people. The limit is five thousand. If you don't want more, I'm afraid it will ruin the atmosphere of the army."

"Yes." Li Hang responded immediately.

The origin of Xia soldiers has always been very complicated. The number of Henan people, if not the largest, is similar to that of Helong and Guanbei soldiers. In the past ten years, many surrendered soldiers have been annexed, such as Fufang, Danyan, Jingyuan, etc., which also made

Each town sent elite soldiers, such as Zhuge Zhongfang of Shannan West Road.

But not all soldiers are required.

Li Hang remembered that during the Jingshi Rebellion, the King of Xia wanted to annex the surrendered people, so he ordered the town of Jing to demote its officials, and Chen Ne helped select the surrendered soldiers. At that time, he put forward three conditions: those who were not strong and strong were not wanted; those who were unskilled were not allowed.

; Not for those who are slick and fearful of war.

In fact, it is not easy to do this. A strong person can tell it at a glance and can test his skills. As for whether he is slick and fearful of battle, this can only be helped by Jingyuan Town officials who are familiar with these armies. In the end,

Only three thousand people were selected.

This time to attack Ziqing Town, tens of thousands of troops had to be sent down, but only 10,000 were picked to go to Luoyang. The rest were either poor in combat effectiveness or had deep habits, so they were basically abandoned.

These abandoned people formed an army alone. Even if they perform well in the future, it will be very limited and very difficult to be selected into the Forbidden Army. Compared with Liang Jun, who surrendered almost all of his troops, the differential treatment is very obvious, which also reflects Shao Shude's

personal likes and dislikes.

You can't fight, and you are still unruly. That's the first impression. If you want to stand out in the future, you will have to put in too much effort. Li Hang has great sympathy for them.

As if he could tell what Li Hang was thinking, Shao Shude said again: "I have eaten the surrendered troops before, but I had no choice at that time. Now the army has become very large, and we can no longer accept everyone. This matter is good."

Do it, put some effort into it."

"As ordered." Li Hang bowed and saluted.

In Hezhong Town, there is currently definite evidence that the Jin people were involved, and it is not that simple. But how can I say, we are taking our time, and things are being handled step by step. Tens of thousands of troops are stationed in the river, and they cannot overturn the situation.

After Li Hang left, Shao Shude went down to the Tiande Army to comfort the sergeants and supervise the drills. Occasionally, he went hunting in the snow with the officers to enhance their relationship.

The third and fourth sons also participated and gradually became familiar with military affairs.

Shao Shude doesn't expect them to be very outstanding in the future, but at least they can't be useless. There is no future in staying in the palace all day long. The young man still needs to go out more, so he takes it with him wherever he goes, teaches by words and deeds, and explains carefully from time to time.

They will also take a test to ensure that they understand everything, or at least have a basic concept.

Of course, I don’t carry it with me all the time.

When he went to Guangcheng Hot Spring to soak in the hot springs, Zhu Quanzhong's sister Zhu, Zhu Youwen's wife Wang, Zhu Yougui's wife Zhang, Zhu Quanzhong's concubine Shi and other women, the two children obediently went back to endorse and copy the ten

Again, don’t be lazy.

Father and son each have their own happiness, which is wonderful.

This chapter has been completed!
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