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Chapter 964 Waste

 Chapter 962 Waste

"How is General Feng?" In the bedroom filled with the smell of medicine, Li Hang sat down and asked with concern.

"I can't die." Feng Zangzhi said with a gloomy look.

He was shocked when he heard that someone in the city was secretly clamoring for a series of rebellions. There are only more than 2,000 people left in the city, and you still want to rebel? Didn’t everyone who wanted to rebel run away?

In anger, he led his troops to attack the tandem den. However, he was careless, wounded by an arrow, and allowed the rebels to escape.

"There are so few soldiers in the city, why don't you summon the countrymen from the Tuan Tuan?" Li Hang asked.

Feng Zangzhi was silent for a moment and said: "My thoughts are unpredictable, so it's better not to call."

These words made Li Hang also fall silent.

Before he came, the strategy set by King Xia was to suppress and appease at the same time. Now it seems that appeasement is a bit difficult.

But we still have to try, otherwise it will take until the Year of the Monkey to clean up this mess?

"General Feng, can you still control the Yamen army now?" Li Hang asked again.

"There are still two thousand soldiers in the city who are not very capable of fighting. The brave ones have all run away. If these two thousand soldiers go into battle and fight, they will most likely be defeated by Li Diancheng, so they can only defend the city." Feng Zangzhi also told the truth: "If

Without the suppression by the general's strategic army, Hedong would probably be gone."

Li Hang did not expect the situation to be so difficult. However, this is understandable. Elite soldiers with ability and courage are naturally different in energy and spirit. With the current trend, it is inevitable to be domineering. It is normal to run away.

The 2,000 people who stayed behind were basically weak soldiers. There might be some who were honest and capable of fighting, but they were definitely not the mainstream.

"Where are the state soldiers? There should be three thousand state soldiers in Hezhong Prefecture."

"He was transferred to Jinzhou by Lu Dutou." Feng Zangzhi said: "There was a rebellion before departure. There are still two thousand left, and they will be reorganized in Huoyi. There are Jin soldiers leaving the dangerous Diguan, and there is a tremor in Fenshui Pass. Jinzhou

Four thousand state soldiers and native regiments guarded Guancheng, but there were still some shortcomings. Lu Dutou also transferred the state soldiers from Hezhong Prefecture to Huoyi for consolidation and reinforcement at any time."

Jin and Jiangzhou each have 2,000 state soldiers, and Ci and Xizhou each have 1,000 soldiers. They are the backbone of the local defense force. With them as the core, they recruit fellow Tutuan folk to guard important passes and wait for the support of the main field troops.

, this is Jiangzhou Xingying’s current strategy.

Fenshui Pass and Huoyi are both key passes leading to the hinterland of Jinzhou, especially the former, which is far away from the dangerous pass at the south entrance of Queshu Valley and the two fortresses of Gaobi Town, controlling the narrow pass.

There is another fortress at the north entrance of Queshu Valley, namely Lengquan Pass. After conquering these three majestic and steep fortresses, you can pass through Queshu Valley and enter the plains.

In the same way, if the Jin army wants to enter Shanxi and Jiangzhou, it also needs to capture Fenshui Pass and Huoyi County, and then the terrain will suddenly become clearer.

Of course, these Guancheng fortresses are only used as highways, and there are winding trails in the mountains, usually used by woodcutters to cut firewood. They cannot pass large armies and baggage, so they can only attack by surprise. This depends on luck and the enemy's talent.

If you don't do it, the surprise attack will mean death.

"Run away, adjust the situation, alas!" Li Hang was also anxious and said: "General Feng, let's recruit some local folks."

One of the hidden things.

At this moment, an aide hurriedly came in to report: Jin soldiers marched south from Shizhou, conquered Shilou County in Xizhou, and plundered Shilou, Wenquan, and Yonghe counties and villages.

This news shocked everyone and was speechless. The Jin army had been resting for more than two months, but was it finally dispatched?

Feng Cangzhi turned his attention to Li Hang.

"We can't delay any longer. Recruit troops immediately. If not, reward them!" Li Hang gritted his teeth and said, "Every bit of troops is precious. Recruit 10,000 local warriors quickly. They are not government soldiers. If we send some rewards, we should be able to

I'm satisfied, nothing will happen in the short term. The army cannot stay here forever, and you have to defend Hedong City yourself."

Guan Kairun, who came with him, said: "Cixi is empty. Most of our troops will go north soon. Li Jijiu is right. Hedong cannot be a burden to us."

"Okay." Feng Zang made up his mind and asked the servant to help him up. Unexpectedly, the wound was affected, and his expression was distorted in pain.

"You are the Marquis of Du Yu. You have to go to the Du Yu Marquis to find someone to handle this matter. I will go see Wang Shuai right away." Li Hang used his powers as a special commissioner and ordered.

"As ordered." Feng Zangzhi responded very simply.

After Li Hang and his party left Feng Mansion, they hurriedly arrived at Jiedushi Yamen, but Wang Yao was not there. So they turned around and rushed to his mansion.

He was in a very anxious mood. Cixi was empty, and under Wang Yao's governance, it would probably not work well without Wentian and Wuxi. Without foreign aid, the situation would be very pessimistic.

The palace was not far away, and we arrived soon. At this time, the gate was open, and the servants were coming in and out, carrying goods to the carriage, and they were very busy.

Li Hang was shocked when he saw it. He quickly stopped someone and asked, "Why is this?"

"This..." Wang Chongyi, Wang Yao's general, came over. He didn't know Li Hang's origin, but he knew Guan Kairun. When he saw that Laoguan was half a step behind Li Hang, with a respectful attitude, he immediately didn't dare to get angry.

"You're trying to run away!" Li Hang sneered, grabbed a piece of silverware, threw it on the ground, and said angrily: "You're not allowed to run! You're going to lose your family property, so you just walk away like that?"

The soldiers and generals were stunned there, not daring to take action, not even to stop him.

Guan Kairun signaled, and dozens of officers and soldiers came forward, beating and smashing them with their scabbards, beating the drivers and servants until they ran away with their heads in their hands.

Li Hang strode into the mansion.

Wang Yao heard the noise outside and rushed out. She happened to see the angry Li Hang and said hello quickly: "Li Jijiu..."

Li Hang didn't answer, but stepped forward and grabbed Wang Yao's hand with a frightening force, like an iron pincer, and said: "Wang Shuai, if you dare to run away today, when I return to Luoyang, I will definitely use all my strength.

Do you believe that the king will kill you?"

Wang Yao's words were all stuck in her throat, and her face turned blue and red.

Li Hang snorted coldly and took a quick look.

The wrinkles on Wang Yao's face have become deeper and there are a lot of white hairs on her head. She seems to be having a hard time recently.

But Li Hang would not sympathize with him and scolded him: "Since Wang Shuai is the lord of a town and the soldiers are still fighting hard, why do you want to run away first? King Xia is certainly kind and kind, but he also has the power of thunder. In the river.

You dare to throw away such a big town, do you know the seriousness?"

Wang Yao's heart was full of bitterness.

The top and bottom leaders can no longer command, why don't they run away and wait for death? Li Diancheng, that bitch, should have been allowed to die on the battlefield in Henan, so as not to come back and cause chaos. Of course, he selectively forgot that without Li Diancheng, Zhang Diancheng would have rebelled.

It's a matter of time. If it weren't for the deterrent force of a large number of Xia troops, there would have been chaos last year.

Furthermore, the river is the inheritance of my Wang family. I will throw it away without even feeling sorry for myself. Are you so anxious?

But you can't say this with your mouth, otherwise you might die without knowing it.

"Li Jijiu, the current situation is really..." Wang Yao cried bitterly.

"Where was your courage when you broke up with Wang Ke and competed for the position of Jiedushi? Where did you go?" Li Hang took a look at Wang Yao's fat body and said with disgust: "You are so dignified now.

Rong, I also want to rebel."

Every word Li Hang said was very rude. Wang Yao also got angry after hearing this and asked: "Now that we have no soldiers and no money, how can we fight?"

Li Hang was completely disappointed with this guy. Hearing this, he sneered and said: "This matter is not something that Wang Shuai has to worry about. Now you just sit in the Jiedushi Mansion and issue orders. Someone will prepare the military orders for you, so there is no need for more

Ask, sign and use the seal as usual. Remember, you must not run away! If you run away, people will lose their hearts. Then King Xia will be angry. What will happen to all the hundreds of Wang family members? Think about it."

Wang Yao's face turned pale and she didn't dare to say anything.

"Borrow Wang Shuai something more." Li Hang suddenly said.

Wang Yao was frightened and subconsciously stepped back.

Li Hang laughed three times, glanced at him contemptuously, and said: "I will take away the hundreds of carts of property inside and outside the courtyard first to reward the sergeants for their usefulness. Don't worry, Wang Shuai. You gave these property

The goods, King Xia also sees them, and the family can be saved. This is a good thing, Wang Shuai, why are you in such a hurry?"

Without waiting for Wang Yao's response, Guan Kairun waved the sergeant in, counted the belongings, and took them away one by one.

When Wang Chongyi saw his lord standing aside blankly, he did not stop him. He sighed and looked away.

Li Hang pulled Guan Kairun to the side again and said in a low voice: "General Guan, before I came, His Highness gave me a hundred blank confessions. You should send someone to inform me immediately and seal them. I was in a hurry and forgot to tell you."


"Tell me in vain?" Guan Kairun was a little surprised.

He knew that when the imperial court conquered the rebel town in Huaixi, Privy Councilor Liang Shouqian went to the front line with 500 blank reports, which greatly boosted the morale of the troops and ultimately succeeded in quelling the rebellion.

"The general of the Hsiaojie Army has submitted himself." Li Hang said briefly: "Your Majesty promised me five thousand troops to recruit soldiers. All these people will be incorporated into the Hsiaojie Army and form the right wing. At this time of crisis, it is time to


The overall situation in the river is indeed dangerous now.

The Wuwei Army allocated half of its troops to conquer the rebel general Li Diancheng. Even if the Chishui Army's Fanhe tribe was added, it might not be enough. After all, they had already surrendered to the Jin people, and there were tens of thousands of them. If they insisted on defending, it would be difficult to capture them in a hurry.

The remaining half of Wuwei's army was stationed between Jin and Jiang, and was ready. The Jin soldiers had already come down from Wuling Road once, and they had to guard against it.

Half of the Jinglue Army was sent to clear out the rebels, and the rest had to help suppress Hedong City.

The biggest source of danger lies in the direction of Xizhou. Each of Cixi and Xizhou has more than a thousand state soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is unknown. Most of them cannot defeat the Jin soldiers and are in urgent need of reinforcements.

Of course, the most important problem is to determine where the main force of the Jin army is, or whether there is a main force. Setting up defenses everywhere is very passive and is the last resort. If there is a chance, you still have to take the initiative to attack and use offense instead of defense.

So, which direction will their main force take?

Leaving Danger Pass and Gaobi Town, go south to capture Fenshui Pass and Huoyi? Troops have been sent out along the way, but they haven't really started yet, so nothing can be seen.

Or should we go west from Zelu, go straight down the Wuling Road, and break into the hinterland of the Jinjiang Plain? Troops were also sent out along this route, but the scale was only a thousand people. They hit and run, and nothing happened.

Or go south from the Lanshi Prefecture to attack Cixi and go straight to Hezhong Prefecture? This is the last route to send troops, but the judgment? Forget it, with the level of trash in the Cixi Prefecture, thousands of people can dare to avenge you.

"tens of thousands of thieves".

Li Hang is not a military general, so he cannot make a judgment. This can only be left to professionals.

His current task is to clean up the mess, recruit soldiers, and increase his own troop strength as much as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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