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Chapter 974 Chicken is coming

 Chapter 972 The chicken is coming

The weather has actually gotten warmer at the end of March.

The mountains are full of flowers and lush vegetation, which is really beautiful.

Among the branches on the river bank, there are reeds everywhere, and fish jump out of the water from time to time.

The dew-covered forest stands quietly on the plain at the foot of the mountain. At the edge of the forest, large areas of fresh stubble reveal traces of human activities.

Well, human activities are really frequent, and can even be called violent.

Thousands of soldiers and horses gathered outside the camp and launched a fierce offensive.

This was a long-planned attack, and the vehicles lying in disorder in front of the trench told everything.

Burning trench-filling trucks, broken-down smoke-generating trucks, and ladder trucks pushed to the ground. Without long-term preparation, it would be impossible to create so many vehicles.

It was the right wing of the Jinglue Army and the Wuwei Army that launched the attack. They mobilized nearly 20,000 people, and reinforcements continued to arrive from far away.

The Jin army failed to storm Longmencang. At present, there are only more than 7,000 soldiers left, who are compressed in the camp and dare not go out to fight.

The Art of War says: Surround the enemy ten times.

The Jin army still has a chance to break through, but they are still waiting for news from the rear and are hesitant, so there is nothing they can do.

Lu Huaizhong arrived at the front line in person.

It was his decision to lure the enemy's front troops southward, then cut off their retreat, and then gather them together to annihilate them.

The Jin army still had a main force of tens of thousands of people, of course he knew that. And this was the main reason why he was eager to kill Li Chengsi, Li Sibi, and Yelu Changbao's three armies of tens of thousands of people first.

It is difficult to say clearly how many people Kang Junli's main force has. Letting them go at this time and letting the front army and the main force converge in one place would be the biggest irresponsibility for the war situation and also very risky.

The only forces that can really be used in this direction on the Hezhong battlefield are the right flank of the Wuwei Army, the entire Jinglue Army, the entire Heijian Army, and most of the Chishui Army, totaling more than 40,000 infantry and cavalry.

Troops like the right wing of the Hsiaojie Army, at least now, couldn't fight tough battles, and he didn't dare to trust them - if they collapsed when they formed the formation and shaken the morale of the army, wouldn't they kill Wuwei and Jinglie, an old unit like this?

Therefore, when the opportunity presented itself to attack more and less, he took action decisively.

It's just the Heiyi Army's suffering. On their way north, they have insufficient food and grass. We are outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. We don't know what kind of situation we are going to get into.

"I sent a message to Feng Zangzhi, Ding Wei, and Fan He, but my actions were too slow. I finally caught the bandits. If we fail because they failed to arrive in time, I will chop off their heads." Lu Huaizhong stared at the corpses.

Mountains of trenches, trench walls, and command roads.

After the staff recorded the order, it was handed over to the courier for dispatch.

"Have a rest!" Lu Huaizhong shouted again.

"The end is here!"

"On weekdays, I always say that the mountains are unfavorable for cavalry to ride. Now the thieves have descended from the mountain. If you still let them run away, I will show you my head."

"The general has sent people to monitor the enemy's rear." An Xiuxiu replied: "The general should go there himself."

After that, he ordered five hundred horses and left the camp like a gust of wind, roaring away.

An Xiuxiu is a native of Hedong, and comes from the ninth surname of Zhaowu. But after so many years, he has long had nothing to do with Hedong. Well, to be precise, his original wife and children are still in Hedong, but how should I put it, An Xiuxiu's current

My wife is from Liangzhou and has a child. She is already a serious general in Kansai.

Li Guochang, Li Keyong and his son have very complicated personalities. It can be said that they have high personality charm and can unite most people, but they also have a bad temper. If they don't pay attention to their methods, some people can't stand it and run away.

For example, he voted for Shao Shude's An Xiuxiu, first for Qin Zongquan, then for Yang Xingmi's sharp archer An Renyi, for Zhu Quanzhong's Kang Yanxiao, etc.

He beats people at every turn, without paying attention to the situation, and even those with a little self-esteem can't stand it. Even his own brother Li Kexiu was angered to death, let alone outsiders?

After An Xiuxiu left, Lu Huaizhong said again: "Yang Yi!"

"The end will be here."

"You lead a thousand men, divide them into several groups, carry seven days of food and grass, and circle to the mountain plateau behind you. If the rebel army retreats, then ambush them from the mountain plateau. If the rebel army does not come within five days, you can lead it yourself

The whole team will return."

"Follow your orders." Yang Yi walked to the rear formation and ordered a thousand soldiers who had just attacked the stronghold and collapsed. The soldiers divided into two groups and circled behind the enemy's rear.

"I will sit here and watch you defeat the enemy." Lu Huaizhong asked someone to bring him a bed, and he sat down on it.

After closing, He and Wei felt even more pressured. At the same time, they secretly complained that Lu Huaizhong, a big boss, had learned everything from King Xia, including his tactics, deployment of troops, and even his words and deeds. They all imitated King Xia.

The battle to attack and defend the fortress continues.

Two thousand people were in one group, and one group collapsed and then another group collapsed.

So far, they have cleared the enemy's small forts on the outside, filled in the trenches, demolished part of the trench walls, and attacked the village wall several times.

The fierce offensive made the Jin army a little confused.

The first people who could not withstand the intensity of the offensive were the Xi people of the Yin Hu Yao Army.

Throughout the day, the Xia army attacked the stronghold wall three times, twice in front of the Yinhu Yao army's defense. In the end, the Jin army's chief general Li Chengsi could only withdraw them and kill Kuang Ba who was about to leave the stronghold.

The first army unit went up.

These Xi people and Khitan miscellaneous people are not even as organized and strong-willed as the Tubo people during the Tianbao period, let alone as well-trained as they are. It is true that the mud cannot hold up the wall.

The drum sound of "dong dong" sounded again, and a group of sergeants who had rested for a long time silently stood up and went into battle.

Behind them, the auxiliary soldiers had prepared a large number of torches and braziers, and they were going to fight at night without giving the Jin people any chance to breathe.

Being able to fight continuously and endure hardships is one of the signs of a strong army. The "brown animals" Xia soldiers will soon be called "black animals" Jin soldiers. Once the Jin people cannot bear it, they will be defeated like a mountain.

No doubt.


Outside Daning County, Xia Sanmu took off his shirt and beat the drum himself.

Ma Sixun, who was guarding the camp outside the city, personally led the attack and defeated a group of enemy troops coming from the north.

The number of enemy soldiers was not large, just over a thousand, and there were many locals from Xizhou among them. After being defeated, they simply threw away their weapons and disappeared into the mountain trails without taking them back at all.

The Zhen Jin soldiers went all the way north, and halfway through, they met An Yuanxin and Shi Jingrong who were leading their troops south.

"All the military schools will be killed and the soldiers will be taken into custody." An Yuanxin ordered.

The soldiers immediately stepped forward, pulled out a few unlucky guys, raised their swords and chopped them to the side of the road.

The battlefield discipline of the Jin army is very strict. If you are unlucky in battle, you will die, no matter what.

The soldiers looked at them in silence, and the officers of Wansheng Army took them in and incorporated them into the army.

The Wansheng Army only had a total of more than 3,000 men, 2,000 in Xizhou and the rest in Cizhou. This army had been cut into two halves. An Yuanxin and Shi Jingrong finally gathered the soldiers who were scattered in the countryside to collect food.

When they got up, they only had 1,300 people, and there were 200 more in front of them. The force was very weak, if the more than 5,000 Xizhou native Tuan folk were not counted.

"Continue to go south. If the battle ends like this, we will not end well. Kang Dutou is not a tolerant person." An Yuanxin said anxiously.

Shi Jingrong nodded silently.

When I came out for serious training for the first time, I encountered a tough opponent like Xia Jun. He was also outnumbered by unexpected troops and occupied Daning, crossing the Puzhou Road. Everyone was disgraced.

What I didn’t say was that I could only try my best.

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats from behind. Everyone immediately became alert, but they were not too nervous.

Sure enough, after a while, thousands of people hurried over carrying big flags. Looking at them panting and looking tired, they must have been traveling day and night.

"General Shi." An Yuanxin and Shi Jingrong saw a general approaching and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"General An, General Shi." Shi Shaoyong got off his horse and stepped forward to salute.

Shi Shaoyong's real name was Gao Naji, and he was born in the ninth surname of Zhaowu. In his early years, he was one of the personal attendants of the King of Jin. He was good at riding, horse fighting, and archery, so he was able to be released to the outside world. He started as a junior officer and accumulated merit.

He was promoted to envoy of the army in front of the tent.

Just as the nine surnames of Zhaowu like to take Chinese names, after Gao Naoji became a high official, he was named Shi Shaoyong. The children also changed their names. For example, the second son was named Shi Jingtang.

This child is eight years old this year. He is very smart and steady. He has just learned some words and is going to read military literature. I heard that he admires Li Mu and Zhou Yafu very much and is determined to learn from them. He will be a talented person in the future.

The army in front of the tent has more than 3,000 infantry and more than 1,000 cavalry. In the early years, it recruited strong men from Yunzhou Tuyuhun, Uighur, and Tatar tribes. Later, it participated in many wars. It was rich in experience and was a powerful force. Of course, that was not the case at that time.

Call the front army.

Gao Naoji's troops set out from Loufanjianmu City to the west of Jinyang, acting as the vanguard of the army. When they were marching to Pingyi and among the stone buildings, they heard that the Xia army had invaded Daning, so they accelerated their march and marched on a starry night.

, rushed to Xizhou.

Kang Junli ordered that the remaining troops of Wansheng Army be returned to the command of Gao Naoji to recapture Daning as soon as possible and open up contact with Li Chengsi's troops. In other words, this chicken is now the commander-in-chief, so An Yuanxin and Shi Jingrong both saw it

Hold him.

"Don't delay, go to Hengcheng first and do some repairs." Gao Naoji waved his hand and ordered.

The two of them had no objections and immediately followed.


Information about the battlefield in Hezhong was passed to Luoyang one by one.

Although Shao Shude does not do remote control, he still pays close attention to the battle situation. At the same time, he is also inspecting the performance of each general and silently writing it down for future judgment.

Zhao Guangfeng and Xie Tong stood in front of the map.

Shao Shude watched silently and suddenly asked: "I heard that Li Keyong has arrived in Luzhou. How many troops and horses has he brought with him?"

"It's difficult to detect." Zhao Guangfeng replied: "I only heard the bugles of Kuangwei, Gongwei, and Defender. I don't know."

In the past, Shao Shude always felt that his military trumpets were messy, but now he found that Li Keyong was even more messy.

The Jin army is still mostly a small organization. The maximum number of troops in an army is ten thousand, and the few are only three to five thousand. With an army of more than 100,000, it is not possible to have dozens of military numbers?

"To deal with the Jin army, we have to attack both the military and political sides." Shao Shude said: "The right way is to fight and pull back."

The reason why I came up with this idea is that people from Jin Dynasty came to apply for the project recently.

The Jin general who defected was quite surprising. It turned out to be the once extremely arrogant Mi Zhicheng.

After briefly asking about the reason, it turned out that he had suffered a defeat and was looked down upon by others after he returned. In addition, he was also a failure as a person, had few friends, was ostracized everywhere, and in anger abandoned his wife and children and ran away.

Shao Shude didn't have any bad feelings towards him, and he didn't have any good impressions either. He sent him to General Tu to make up the team.

He also inquired about Li Siben's situation and learned that he had been transferred to Youzhou. However, he was actually the adopted son of the King of Jin. He also got a newly adapted post of military envoy of the Shengsheng Army - the Shengsheng Army, which was Li Keyong.

One of the new armies mainly formed by the Shanhou Tibetan tribe. The formation was completed last year and is mainly responsible for the operations against the Khitan.

"Li Hang has made a great contribution this time. After handling the matter over there, come back quickly. I still have important things for him to handle." Shao Shude said: "Let Lu Huaizhong not be too nervous. Li Keyong will probably go to Luzhou.

A false shot. The terrain of Wuling Road cannot support a large-scale army. If the war becomes serious, the left wing will be transferred to the western front. Of course, he has the final say in everything."

Lu Siye recorded it silently.

In fact, his work also requires skill. For every sentence Shao Shude said, he must first understand the intention, and then write it down. If he does not understand it well, he may send the wrong signal. Moreover, he also needs to understand the political situation and the war situation.

Only if you have a fair amount of understanding.

He has worked for Shao Shude for so many years and has not been replaced, which shows that his work has been recognized. Shao Shude once joked that Lu Siye would go to another place to practice for a few more years and he could become the prime minister when he came back.

"Send an envoy to Luzhou again to meet Li Keyong." Shao Shude said again: "It's unwise to say that brothers are fighting against each other. I have built a palace for him in Luoyang, and my nephews and nieces will also be rewarded in the future, so why bother to fight?

Kill or kill. It is his business to listen or not. Send someone to deal with it quickly and report to me in detail when you come back."

This chapter has been completed!
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