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Chapter 157: Bring freedom to Muspelheim

Because Loki's words were too strong.

Thor eventually gave up and took him to Muspelheim.

But just like when he went to Wertheim before, he still had to leave the job of finding the secret passage to him.

There is no way, although Fang Mo has the space gem, he does not have the specific coordinates of the Fire Kingdom, so he still has to go there first to familiarize himself with the terrain.

Loki was indeed afraid of Fang Mo, especially after seeing his true power.

So he quickly led the two of them to find a hidden space passage. This space passage was also hidden in the stone crevices on the sea. When Thor and Fang Mo passed through the stone crevices, they came instantly.

We arrived in a world like hell.

There is almost no life here.

There are many rugged black mountains standing on the land, and there are also many criss-crossing complex rift valleys.

The lava is rushing here like a river, spurting out from the crater, and then slowly gathering together to form one magma lake after another.

There was almost no visible light source in the sky, and the whole world looked dim.

The only visible light source here is the countless lava on the ground.

The composition of the air is also very bad. Various highly toxic gases are mixed together, as well as the faint yellow high-temperature dust that permeates the surroundings, and the unprecedented pungent sulfur smell hits the face.

"Here I go, what does this smell like?"

As soon as he arrived in Muspelheim, Fang Mo couldn't help it anymore: "Did I take essence berries to treat rhinitis? Or did I backstroke in the toilet? Lao Ba's toilet doesn't smell like that, does it?


"Indeed...a little disgusting..."

Thor couldn't help but pinch his nose: "But after all, this is Muspelheim, the country of fire. Except for the flame giant, this place is not suitable for other creatures to live..."

Before he finished speaking, a strange noise suddenly came from the ground around him.

I saw strange creatures suddenly emerging from the cracks in these charred stones. They looked like monkeys made of ash and gravel. They were not carbon-based creatures at all. They let out strange roars and moved towards them.

The two of them rushed forward.

Thor saw this and threw the hammer directly.

Thor's hammer made an arc in mid-air, instantly smashing into more than a dozen strange creatures. Then it flew back into his hand, and a bolt of thunder burst out, smashing the remaining ones into fragments on the ground.

"So they are also fire giants?"

Fang Mo glanced at Thor and asked.

"Really?" Thor scratched his head and said, "Anyway, everything here is controlled by Surtur, so maybe this thing is his little brother."

"Do you know where Surtur is?"

Fang Mo asked.

"Not sure." Thor shook his head, then he thought about it for a while, and then gave what he thought was a brilliant idea: "But if we can make some big noise, Surtur should

will be attracted to us."

"So besides being reckless, you really can't do anything else?"

Fang Mo immediately raised his forehead.

"How can this be reckless?" Thor explained evasively: "This should be called... uh... the bravery and glory of warriors or something like that."

"You need to pull him down quickly."

Fang Mo immediately exposed his cover up: "Next time you encounter this thing, remember to leave me alive and I'll ask them for directions."


Thor was stunned: "These guys are all elemental elves, can you even communicate with them?"

"Let's give it a try."

Fang Mo spread his hands and said.

At this moment, a lot of strange creatures rushed over soon.

Their appearance is completely made of rock, and some orange-red lava light can be vaguely seen in their bodies. They are not very big, only about two meters. At this moment, they are beating their chests angrily and rushing towards the two of them.

"Huh? Smart Malphite?"

After seeing the appearance of this group of creatures, Fang Mo suddenly showed a surprised expression.

However, before he could take action, Thor threw the hammer again. To be honest, he was pretty good at dealing with these monsters, especially when the opponents were stones. He was holding the hammer again. It could be said that his attributes were restrained, and he killed a large number of them in an instant.


But this time Thor did remember Fang Mo's instructions.

A brown stone man was left for him.

"Although I think this thing may not be able to communicate, you can try." After taking care of the other stone men, Thor pointed to the stone man who was in a daze not far away: "Do you need to use magic?"

"No, just try it."

Fang Mo waved his hand and walked over directly.

When the stone man saw Fang Mo approaching, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, but then he raised his hand to attack. However, Fang Mo raised his hand a little, and the gravity ray instantly tore the opponent's arm into pieces.

"Do you know Surtur?"

Looking at the stone man in front of him, Fang Mo also asked tentatively.


The opponent originally wanted to continue attacking.

However, after hearing Fang Mo's words, he seemed to hesitate for a moment.


Soon, the other party slowly said in a very silly voice: "I'll beat you to death..."

"Fang Mo, can this guy communicate?"

Thor on the side saw this and asked curiously. As a result, the stone man was suddenly attracted by Thor. He waved his remaining hand vigorously, and a disc-shaped stone hit Thor directly.


"Good guy, I've learned how to throw a tire."

Fang Mo was happy for a moment when he saw this, but then his mind moved slightly, and he activated Steve's customized ability, and Fang Mo instantly turned into a stone man more than two meters tall.


When the stone man opposite saw this scene, he was suddenly stunned.

"Look, I'm also very smart." Fang Mo spread his hands and said, "Can you tell me now, where is Surtur?"


The IQ of this stone man does not seem to be high. It is estimated that the entire race may share the same brain. At this moment, he said slowly and naively: "Throne... Lord Surtur... wait..."

As he spoke, the stone man raised his hand and pointed in one direction.

"Oh well."

Fang Mo nodded, and then instantly transformed back into his true form.


The stone man opposite was confused again when he saw this, and this time he even scratched his head in a humane manner.

However, Fang Mo was too lazy to continue talking to it. He raised his hand and squeezed it. The gravitational field directly squeezed it into a dense stone ball, and then turned around and walked in one direction.

"Fang Mo, how on earth did you do it?"

Upon seeing this, Thor hurriedly walked up and said, "You were just chattering to the stone. Is there any language in this world that you don't know?"

"Does C language count?"

Fang Mo said as he walked: "If it counts, I don't understand JAVA, otherwise I will make the module myself. I will first make a harem module and then come out..."

"C language? What is that?"

Thor obviously didn't have a good grasp of earth knowledge, so he asked curiously at this moment.


Fang Mo originally wanted to explain, but as soon as the two of them climbed over a small hillside, they were suddenly blocked by a huge sea of ​​magma. The hot lava kept emitting bubbles, and the billowing heat waves even distorted the air.


Seeing this almost endless sea of ​​magma, Fang Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

This chapter has been completed!
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