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Chapter 16 The Temptation to Go Home

It was obvious that Obadiah was cold.

Even if the impact wasn't enough to kill him, he couldn't withstand the subsequent squeezing and suffocation. After all, he was just an ordinary person wearing a mecha, not a monster like the Hulk Abomination.

But even after Obadiah was solved, Fang Mo was still extremely depressed.

There is no way, the new modules are too important to him. Even if he doesn't know how to play these loaded modules, at least he can get a lucky cube.

You know, only through the lucky cube can Fang Mo have hope of returning to the MC world.

Although Fang Mo thinks it is quite interesting to cause trouble in the Marvel world, the problem is that he is too weak now.

The Ender Hand seems pretty awesome at first glance, but in fact, Fang Mo can only control things weighing dozens of tons at most. Of course, this is very reasonable, because in the original game, the Ender Hand can only catch things weighing tens of tons at most.

It’s just a gold nugget, and the weight of a gold nugget is about 19.32 tons.

In fact, when Fang Mo just controlled those cobblestones, the ender force field was already overloaded, and Fang Mo's hands suffered varying degrees of damage.

Fortunately, his body has been digitized now, and he recovered quickly from this minor injury.

And except for the Ender Hand.

Fang Mo's substitute Steve is also very weak now.

You must know that Steve is only wearing iron armor now. The durability of the shield and the iron sword are almost exhausted. The glass sword obtained in the lottery was also used when backstabbing Abomination. And the most important thing is that Fang Mo is in Marvel.

The world cannot collect resources at all. Several modules have been loaded, but they are useless.

To be fair, if Fang Mo could freely travel between the two worlds, wouldn't these Marvel villains be hung up and hammered by him?

"MD, what should I do now..."

Standing in the messy underground laboratory, Fang Mo also started to have a headache: "I don't know what kind of machine that was just now. I really can't let Stark buy a new one. Just buy the same model and try...


"But then again, why would there be new features on a machine?"

Fang Mo felt a little strange, so he recalled various scenes when he triggered the new module: "The Chinese module was because the terrorists said something I couldn't understand, and the Craftsman's Soul module was because I observed the melting

And the process of pouring metal, the mutated creatures are because I killed the monster that hates this genetic mutation, the new characteristics detected from a machine...machine...machine..."

"Machine? Is it some technological module?"

Thinking of this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Fang Mo's mind: "Wait! If 'machine' is a prerequisite for unlocking technology modules, then it should only be a 'machine', right? For example, if I unlock mutation

If there is no abomination in the biological module, then it should be the same when fighting the Hulk directly. They are all mutant creatures..."

Fang Mo felt his heartbeat starting to speed up.

He looked up and looked around, and found that although the laboratory was almost completely destroyed, there were still a few machines that were lucky enough not to be too seriously affected, and it seemed that they could still be used.

In order to verify his conjecture, Fang Mo slowly walked towards these machines.

And when he put his hand on one of the machines, a prompt sounded in his mind.

[System prompt: A new module feature has been detected. Download permission will be obtained after research. 】

“It really works!”

After hearing the system prompt, Fang Mo immediately became excited.

To be honest, Fang Mo actually doesn't know much about technology modules. After all, when she played on the server before, she was responsible for construction and synthesis, while she was only responsible for exploration, combat, and plunder.

But what Fang Mo wants now is the lucky cube, and the modules are not important anymore.

So he immediately began to study this machine.

This machine feels a bit like a server group. Countless wires are densely entangled and plugged into several huge metal circuit boards. Various data lights are flashing and several fans are running.

There was a buzzing sound. To be honest, Fang Mo couldn't understand it at all. His scalp felt numb.

Fortunately, not long after, the electronic alert sounded again in Fang Mo's mind.

[System prompt: The ‘circuit unit’ structure has been studied, and you have obtained the download permission for 10% of the new modules. 】


After hearing the system prompt, Fang Mo was also stunned: "Isn't it downloaded directly?"

And as if hearing Fang Mo's question, Electronic Sound, who had been pretending to be dead, actually answered him: [System prompt: Please study more related structures to unlock the download permission for new modules. ]


Although it was a bit surprising, Fang Mo could accept it and started studying the other machine next to him.

[System prompt: The ‘transformer box’ structure has been studied, and you have obtained the download permission for 25% of the new modules. 】

Soon, the system prompt rang again.

Fang Mo has now mastered the trick. Although the system asked him to study these machines, in fact Fang Mo could just stare at these machines in a daze. So after hearing the system prompts, he quickly changed to another machine to daze.

It didn't take long before he succeeded.

[System prompt: The concepts of ‘circuit unit’, ‘transformer box’, ‘wrench’, ‘steel’ and ‘energy network’ have been studied, and you have obtained the download permission for a new module. 】

[System prompt: Industrial era module download begins.]


After hearing the system prompt here, Fang Mo clenched his fist in excitement.

But maybe some time was wasted studying these machines. At this moment, the new module had just started to download, and Fang Mo heard footsteps coming from the door.

Fang Mo turned around and saw that the person coming was actually Stark.

Of course, Pepper Potts also came with him, and the two of them supported each other. It is probably that after experiencing this crisis, the relationship between the two of them showed signs of warming up.

"Is it over yet?"

Seeing the messy laboratory, Stark was the first to speak: "Have you solved Obadiah?"

“Have you ever heard of dimensionality reduction strikes?”

Fang Mo was in a good mood at the moment and started talking nonsense again: "I clapped my hands and knocked this guy from three dimensions to two dimensions."

"Huh?" Stark didn't know what was going on here, but he actually believed it at this moment, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Dimension manipulation? Is this also witchcraft? How did you do it..."

However, before Stark could finish his words, the stone wall not far away suddenly made a jamming sound, and then the rock suddenly began to peel off and collapse, revealing a pool of dazzling scarlet inside, as well as the completely deformed Iron Overlord mecha.


"...I knew you were talking nonsense."

Seeing this scene, Stark immediately changed his mind: "You, a wizard, don't tell the truth."

"At least I saved you." Fang Mo said: "Do you know how much sacrifice I made when I took the reactor to save you? That was nuclear radiation. Maybe my genes have mutated... Genetic mutations,

How much psychological harm does that do to a wizard!"

"I told you that palladium is not radioactive!"

Stark couldn't help but said: "As a wizard, you'd better study those spells. Don't keep talking about scientific terms when you hear them every day..."

"Are you sure that palladium is harmless to the human body?" Fang Mo suddenly laughed.


Hearing this, Stark was also stunned.

"Anyway, I've warned you. That thing on your chest can indeed save you, but it can also destroy you." Fang Mo shook his head, and then walked outside humming a tune: "

When you drink chlorophyll until you vomit, remember to come to me."

After saying that, before Stark could react, Fang Mo turned into a purple light that filled the sky.

"Tony, is he telling the truth?"

Of course, Pepper Potts also heard what Fang Mo said, and immediately asked Stark: "Is that thing on your chest dangerous?"


Stark's head suddenly became as big as a bucket: "Pepper, please listen to my explanation..."

Fang Mo didn't hang around outside.

After leaving the laboratory, he immediately returned home.

After defeating Abomination and Obadiah, the plot of Iron Man and Hulk is almost over. Although there may be some things to do in the follow-up, that is no longer within the scope of Fang Mo's consideration.

The military and SHIELD will naturally find ways to clean up this mess.

As for Fang Mo.

He really couldn't be bothered anymore.

If you have that time, you might as well study new modules.

It's a pity that the Industrial Age module probably had too much content. Fang Mo waited for a long time and didn't finish downloading it. In the end, he couldn't help but lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Fang Mo, who was sleeping hazily, was woken up by the system prompt.

[System prompt: The industrial era module has been downloaded, do you want to load it?]


Fang Mo was still a little confused at first, but he soon realized it and sat up from the bed: "Load! Load quickly!"

[System prompt: Industrial era module loaded successfully.]

[System prompt: Since you downloaded and ran a brand new module, you have obtained a lucky cube, which will randomly select an item from any module. 】

Along with the system prompt, a colorful square appeared directly in Steve's inventory.

Seeing this lucky cube, Fang Mo subconsciously wanted to open it, but the next second, the black coal-like face of Nick Fury suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Phew...calm down."

So Fang Mo took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

In the last lottery, it was because of the influence of Nick Fury, an African, that Fang Mo only opened one alchemy bag, which made him extremely depressed at the time.

This time, in order to get what he wanted, Fang Mo decided to rely on metaphysics.

I saw him crawling out of bed first, going to the bathroom to take a shower seriously, then changing himself into a new set of clothes, and finally bowing to Notch (MC founder) piously, and then he opened his lucky


As the lucky cube was opened, a white light flashed.

Steve has an extra item called a 'Going Home Scroll' in his hand.

"I'm so proud!!!"

Fang Mo suddenly exclaimed.

This chapter has been completed!
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