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Chapter 26 Lao Tzu raised it

"Don't you claim to be a genius wizard?"

Nick Fury looked at Fang Mo curiously: "Then can you break Odin's magic and lift this hammer?"


Hearing this, Fang Mo also subconsciously touched his chin.

In fact, he is quite interested in Thor's Hammer. After all, he has traveled to the Marvel Universe, and he definitely wants to experience those famous scenes.

And you know, that is Thor's favorite hammer Mjolnir, who can resist using it?

"Lift, just lift."

Just do it, Fang Mo immediately rolled up his sleeves.

As someone who has read the original work, he certainly knows what the characteristics of Mjolnir are.

According to the spell Odin left on the hammer, only those with good moral character, a compassionate heart, and the qualities to become the God King of Asgard can pick up this hammer and master the power of thunder.

In the original work, in addition to Thor, Captain America Steve Rogers once picked up Mjolnir in Avengers 4. This Uru Mjolnir combined with the Vibranium Aegis actually hammered hard.

A few hits on Thanos's head made the audience marvel. He is worthy of being called Marvel's 50-50 Captain America. His combat power is really amazing.

Of course, in addition to Captain America, many viewers have speculated that Natasha the Black Widow can also lift Thor's hammer, but there is no clear evidence in the original work, so I won't mention it here.

However, if we infer from the above examples, if you want to lift the hammer, you must have a perfect personality.

Fang Mo thought about it for a while and felt that he might not be good at this.

Although he had indeed sworn a poisonous oath with passion, saying that Huang Tian was superior and that he and gambling were incompatible with each other, but... it was probably useless just like that, right?

Fortunately, Fang Mo still has the plug-in Steve.

As the ruler of the MC world, the other party possesses power comparable to that of the gods.

This is a real monster that can walk as fast as flying while carrying half of the moon in its backpack. Fang Moxun thought that Thor's hammer was also made of dying stars, so the moon is also a star. The two should be similar, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Mo's thoughts moved slightly, and Steve emerged from behind him like a ghost.

But before using Steve, Fang Mo still tried it himself.

I saw him slowly reaching out and holding the handle of the hammer. The next second, a purple light began to linger, and a powerful force that was enough to lift dozens of tons acted on the hammer body in an instant.

However, Odin's spell was indeed strong enough. Fang Mo's legs were already inserted into the ground, but the hammer still didn't move. Even when Fang Mo wanted to tear the rock directly under the hammer, he was blocked by an invisible energy.

It was stopped, and it was obvious that divine power was at work.

"No way?"

When Nick Fury saw this scene, he directly asked: "You can't even lift this thing?"

"Shut up! Don't say that I don't do it!"

Fang Mo scolded angrily, and in the next second he directly controlled Steve.

I saw Steve immediately switching out a pickaxe, and then pointed it at the rock base under Thor's Hammer and started digging. Soon some cracks appeared on the rock. Finally, with Dong's sound, the entire rock base disappeared instantly.


Thor's hammer lost its support and fell directly to the ground.

However, the moment the hammer fell to the ground, without any warning, the thing was sucked directly into Steve's body like a dropped object, and immediately a hammer appeared in its inventory.


Nick Fury was stunned when he saw this: "...where is the hammer?"

Fang Mo didn't speak. At this moment, he was checking the hammer in Steve's inventory.

To be honest, this was Steve's first time collecting resources from the real world. To be honest, even Fang Mo himself was a little surprised and quickly checked Thor's hammer.

However, something strange happened.

Only the item name of this hammer shows Thor's Hammer, and everything including the suffix name is constantly changing garbled characters, which is completely incomprehensible.

Fang Mo tried to get Steve to use the hammer, but it was completely useless.

No matter the left or right button is useless, it is as if there is no item in his hand at all. This thing is completely useless. This feeling reminds Fang Mo of some unfinished modules in MC. Those modules

The test items in are just like this, without any function.

After thinking about it, Fang Mo tried to get Steve to hand the hammer to him again.

This time the test was relatively normal.

Thor's hammer has not been realized. After all, it is a real object in itself. However, the moment Fang Mo picked up the hammer, a huge force of gravity was directly felt.

Fang Mo subconsciously let go, and Dong's hammer fell to the ground with a sound.


Fang Mo looked at Mjolnir lying on the ground and suddenly became angry: "As expected, it's better to destroy this thing, MD, where is my magma?"

"Just wait for me..."

Seeing this scene, Nick Fury quickly raised his forehead and persuaded: "Didn't you just lift it up? And you said that this thing is the weapon of Thor. Are you not afraid of the anger of those gods if you destroy it?"

"Otherwise, it will be destroyed sooner or later."

As Fang Mo spoke, he had already manipulated Steve to start digging a hole and preparing to pour out the lava.

However, what Fang Mo didn't expect was.

When Steve dug a one-meter-square pit, a smaller version of the square appeared on the ground.


Seeing this cube, Fang Mo was immediately shocked: "...What the hell!?"

"what happened again?"

Nick Fury was really confused now. He even wondered if there was a curse on the hammer. Anyone who lifted it would become cerebral palsy or something like that. Otherwise, why would Fang Mo be so surprised all the time.

"No, how on earth is this done?"

Seeing the miniature block on the ground, Fang Mo was really shocked: "It didn't have this function last time. My substitute wasn't hit by an arrow, so why did it suddenly evolve?"

"Can you say something we can understand?"

Nick Fury obviously couldn't see Steve and the shrinking cube. He couldn't help but raise his forehead at this moment: "You are digging holes and talking to yourself now. I wonder if you are crazy."

, do you need me to call a psychiatrist for you? Or do you need a sedative more?"

"You wait before you speak. I seem to have suddenly discovered the secret of witchcraft..."

Of course Fang Mo had no time to pay attention to Nick Fury. It was a big deal to know that Steve could collect resources from this world. He had to study this matter immediately. He waved his hand and directly stopped Nick Fury.

Ray's question.

After that, Fang Mo directly controlled Steve to walk towards the reduced version of the square.

With a "wave" sound, the cube was sucked into Steve's body.

After seeing Steve's inventory at this moment, Fang Mo finally reacted, with an unexpected expression on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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