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Chapter 549: Old guys, you lied to me and told me that there is no good juice to eat!

Heard the door being opened.

Everyone also took advantage of the situation and glanced in the direction of the door.

The person who walked out of the villa was none other than a cute girl with long dark blue hair, golden circled eyes, and a clean and tidy traditional maid outfit.

"What the hell?"

After seeing this scene, Fang Mo was stunned: "...Axue?"

Yes, Fang Mo's surprise was really not fake.

Since owning Pure White Spacetime, Fang Mo rarely uses this villa box.

Everyone, including the ender dragon, the little mating demon, and Axue, were also dragged into the pure white time and space by Fang Mo, and they were usually in a state of free-range.

Originally, A-Xue lived in the Ice Demon Sword, but to be honest, the sword's strength was average, and Fang Mo rarely used it, so he simply let A-Xue stay in the pure white space and time when he had free time.

If so, I would stay there for a few days or something.

It's just that Fang Mo brought his partner over some time ago.

Because he was afraid of a fire in the backyard, Fang Mo hadn't been to pure white time and space for a long time.

So how did Axue get into the villa box... Even Fang Mo himself couldn't explain it. Could it be that he asked Supreme Wisdom to help him expand his villa some time ago?

And just when Fang Mo was thinking about these things.

The Ice and Snow Queen here also walked slowly to Fang Mo, smiled lightly and bowed slightly: "Master, long time no see."


Fang Mo replied subconsciously.

"Are these all guests?"

Contrary to Fang Mo's imagination, there was nothing unusual about Ashue at this moment. Instead, she smiled as gently as ever: "Master, are you... starting to travel again?"

"That's right."

After a few brief conversations, Fang Mo gradually relaxed: "Let me introduce to you, this is Saitama, this robot is his apprentice Genos, this is the doctor from the Tower of Babel, and

His men, Captain Orangutan and Gravedigger..."

And wait until everyone is introduced.

Fang Mo also turned around and introduced Axue to them.

"This is my maid." Fang Mo raised his finger to Ah Xue and introduced, "I usually take care of the housework and take care of my three meals a day."

"Hello, my name is Ashue."

When Ashue heard this, she also greeted everyone generously.

"Oh, Hello."

Saitama here also said hello politely, but then he seemed to be a little envious and jealous. He couldn't help turning his head and said to Fang Mo: "By the way, you are really rich. Not only are you so big,

The house actually hired a maid..."

"Correction, I didn't pay for Ashue."

Fang Mo shrugged at Saitama.

"That is……?"

"I made it myself." Fang Mo spread his hands: "You can understand her as some kind of... well, a magical creature, but even so, she does have her own thoughts, no different from you, so I

Treat her as a human being on weekdays."

Hearing what Fang Mo said, Axue, who was standing not far away, said nothing, but looked up at him in surprise, as if she was a little moved.

"Eh? Really?"

Saitama touched his head in surprise: "Can magic even do such a thing?"

"Teacher, this method is not unusual."

At this moment, Genos next to him also reminded me: "In fact, with high technology, it is possible to create self-aware robots. Dr. Kusno told me this."


When Dr. Kinos, who was in a daze next to him, heard this, he also whispered in agreement: "Biotechnology is similar, and it can create experimental subjects with independent thoughts."

"It seems that I am ignorant..."

When Saitama heard this, he nodded subconsciously, but he looked up at the big villa in front of him, and his envy overwhelmed him again: "Damn it, if I hadn't registered with the Heroes Association, I might have

I also have money to change my house, maybe I can even afford a maid..."

"Teacher, I can help you with your housework."

Genos immediately said after hearing this: "If you don't mind, I will bring my luggage to visit you tomorrow. I will never let you lose to anyone, teacher."

"Ah, no."

When Saitama heard this, he immediately refused: "I'm just complaining casually. My house is very small and I can't accommodate two people."

"I'll pay the rent."

"Forget tomorrow, come and stay tonight."

"It's hard for you two if you don't show off the deep love between master and disciple, right?" After hearing the conversation between Saitama and Genos, Fang Mo felt his blood pressure rising again, and he clenched his fists: "Damn it, bully

Too many people..."

Having said this, Fang Mo turned his head and looked at Gu Yi next to him.

"You, come and stay tonight!"

There was no room for negotiation, Fang Mo said directly and fiercely in a commanding tone.


Gu Yi glanced at Fang Mo silently. At this time, she still knew that she had to follow him, so she nodded directly: "Okay, but let's make it clear first, I don't have money to pay the rent."

"It's okay, I have all the money."

As Fang Mo said, he reached out and took out a gold nugget the size of a basketball and handed it to Gu Yi: "If you stay for one day, I will give you one day's accommodation fee. You can spend it as you like. If you spend it all, I will lose."


When Saitama next to him saw this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Then very quickly, he suddenly turned around and said to Genos: "Well, Genos, why don't you just go and stay at Fang Mo's house, and then the rent he gives us will be half..."

"No problem, master."

Genos nodded immediately after hearing this, and then looked at Fang Mo: "Mr. Fang Mo..."

"Get out of here."

Fang Mo rolled his eyes directly: "My family only accepts women to stay, and all the men sleep in the kennel... Oh no, my daughter lives in that kennel, so you can sleep on the land for me."

"Um, did I hear something strange just now..."

Saitama couldn't help but raise his forehead after hearing this.

"Don't worry about the details." Fang Mo waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't continue to stand here and talk nonsense. Go in quickly. I heard that there is a habit of greeting the neighbors after moving in Japan. So today I

Since we are considered your neighbors, I’ll treat you to a big meal.”

After saying that.

Fang Mo also took the lead and walked towards the villa.

"Let's go, guests."

Unlike Fang Mo, Axue has always been very good at etiquette. After all, she has learned it at Joestar's family for more than ten years. At this moment, she smiled politely, and then led everyone to the villa.

There's nothing wrong with his behavior at all.


Everyone was taken into the villa.

It is worth mentioning that this villa is no longer the one designed by Stark.

When Fang Mo was in the Marvel Universe before, he threw the villa box to the Supreme Intelligence, and it was modeled on the villa designed by Stark and received a wave of upgrades.

So now this villa not only looks more beautiful in appearance, but also the internal space, decoration, and functionality have been significantly improved. Now the main structure alone is as high as four floors, and this does not include the two-story basement.

It is said to be the ultimate happy house for dead people.

"How rich is this guy?"

Saitama was sitting on the sofa, sipping the freshly brewed tea, and couldn't help but mutter: "This toilet is bigger than my house..."

"Oh, is it so?"

When Fang Mo, who was preparing ingredients in the kitchen, heard this, he poked his head in and said, "I'm sorry, there are eight toilets like this in my house."

"What kind of trouble are you making with so many toilets!?"

Saitama almost spit out the tea.

"To paraphrase another Steve quote, I could do this all day."

Fang Mo threw the realistic tuna and beef onto the kitchen counter and said cheerfully: "You will never understand how pleasurable it is to be able to sit on someone else's head and shit..."


"...I really can't understand it."

Saitama pursed his lips: "Now I'm thinking about whether I should have dinner at your house."

"Don't worry, I just pooped and didn't eat." Fang Mo smiled and said: "Actually, you can't blame me. The main reason is that when I was not a mage, I once acted as a teletubbies leather actor for a living. At that time, my

The character’s name is Lala…”

"Of course, I also changed roles later."

Before Saitama could speak, Fang Mo started talking again: "Because I am the tallest, the director arranged for me to play Tintin..."


Saitama didn't say anything, just rubbed his brow.

When Gu Yi next to him saw this, he gently patted his shoulder to express comfort.

"By the way, Saitama."

And at this moment, Fang Mo seemed to suddenly remember something, put away his previous joking attitude, and said to him a little more seriously: "After we finish eating later, let's find a place to discuss.

How about some martial arts?"


When Saitama heard this, he subconsciously touched his head: "I don't care... but is there a place nearby for us to do it?"

In fact, when the competition was first proposed, Saitama refused. After all, he knew how strong he was. However, after witnessing Fang Mo's strength at the Evolution House, Saitama was now a little more interested. You must know that he is actually

I have always been looking forward to seeing someone stand up and fight evenly with me.

It's a pity that the enemies he encounters are too weak and break like paper.

"Oh, this is easy to handle."

After hearing Saitama's worries, Fang Mo also smiled, then raised his hand and pointed directly at Gu Yi: "Ask her to open a portal for us, and we will go to Mars to fight."

"If you could do it..."

Saitama heard this and shrugged to express his agreement.

"Okay, it's a happy decision then." Seeing that the other party agreed to his request, Fang Mo also nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Fang Mo had almost got the ingredients. Since his hands were stained with oil, he walked directly to the bathroom, intending to wash his hands with soap or something. After all, he had no talent for cooking.

, just leave it to Ashue to handle.

"It will probably take a while before the meal is ready. How about we watch TV..."

While talking to Saitama and others, Fang Mo also directly pulled the bathroom door handle, but in the next second, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[System prompt: xiaoyao requests to be transmitted to you./tpaccept accepts the other party's transmission./tpdeny refuses the other party's transmission. You can choose within 120 seconds.]


Hearing the system prompt, Fang Mo was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously glanced at Axue who was busy in the kitchen.

The other party seemed to have sensed his gaze, and turned around and smiled gently at him.

Fang Mo said nothing.

Instead, he directly entered the /tpdeny command skillfully.

After entering this command, Fang Mo quickly typed a sentence on the public screen to show his innocence.

【mofang: I'm shitting.】

However, this time, the other party didn't even bother to reply to Fang Mo, and just stopped making any movement.


Fang Mo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Then he washed his hands like a normal person, and then came out to chat with Saitama and others, watching TV, playing poker, and even wanted to play mahjong in his hometown.

Genos didn't sit still all the time.

It didn't take long before he took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help.

The armored gorilla also stood up hurriedly and said that he was also good at cooking and could help a little.

Since there were three people cooking, the aroma of food soon came from the kitchen. Dr. Kinos was the first to be unable to bear it. He kept swallowing his saliva and tried to make Tulong

Go and help him steal a piece of braised pork ribs.

But this peaceful atmosphere did not last long.

About twenty minutes passed.

Suddenly there was a sound from the electronic doorbell at the door. Fang Mo, who was about to lose in the card game, immediately threw away the cards in his hand, then stood up and said, "No, my doorbell rang."

"Hey, you can't afford this!"

Upon seeing this, Saitama immediately shouted: "We agreed that the loser will eat rocks!"

"Eat rocks, eat rocks. Who the hell would a normal person eat rocks?" However, Fang Mo ignored him completely and trotted all the way to the door: "Speaking of which, this is no man's land. There is a sudden knock on the door...

Isn't it that kelp weirdo?"

While talking.

Fang Mo also opened the door smoothly.

However, the person standing outside the door was not some kelp weirdo, but his partner with an evil look on his face.


Fang Mo's brain instantly went blank.

"Okay, you." The little demon smiled and looked up at Fang Mo: "This toilet is really luxuriously covered, um... it smells quite fragrant, why, it was put in the pot to stew as soon as it was finished.


"This, uh..."

Fang Mo scratched his head when he saw this, and after holding it in for a long time, he asked in confusion: "No, how did you come out?"

It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s hot~~~!!

This chapter has been completed!
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