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Chapter 796: Sister! I’m going to take away your most precious thing... Archer!

Hear what Archer has to say.

To be honest, Fang Mo was somewhat surprised.

After all, he knew very well that this Archer was actually Emiya Shirou himself. In some distant future, he prayed for a miracle in order to save a large number of humans, and as a price he became a heroic spirit.

Of course, the price is quite high. He was pulled into the camp of the guardians. Under the command of restraint, he had to kill a small number of people. The purpose of doing so was to protect more human beings, a bit like

It was the trolley problem, which filled his heart with pain and suffering.

After all, his dream is to become a partner of justice.

In other words, I want to save everyone.

But after trying hard again and again, Emiya Shirou found that no matter how he tried, some people would be sacrificed and killed, and then he gradually despaired of such a world.

I struggled in endless pain for an unknown amount of time.

He began to get angry at himself, thinking that his immature concept of justice in the past had harmed him.

In the end, a brilliant idea came to Shirou Emiya's mind. If he could kill his past self with his own hands and create a logical paradox, then even if he was a heroic spirit, he would disappear...

Anyway, I have this plan.

He was accidentally summoned by Tohsaka Rin hitting him with a pendant.

If everything goes well, then Archer will try his best to help Tohsaka Rin win and find a way to kill his past self.


At least that's how it should be normally.

But the appearance of Fang Mo almost disrupted the entire plot of the Holy Grail War.

You must know that Archer is a future heroic spirit, which means that he actually retains the memory of being 'Shirou Emiya'. So Shirou Emiya participated in five battles, Archer should also remember all this, right?

But now the other party says that he doesn’t know him...

Then this is very strange.

Fang Mo has also met many people who can predict things along the way, such as the future demon in Chainsaw Man, and the Ancient One he met in Marvel.

These two are very polite to themselves, and of course the reason is very simple, because they can see the future and know what will happen if they have to confront themselves.

Especially for Gu Yi, this thousand-year-old bald man was definitely capable of expelling him back then.

But in the end she chose negotiation instead of fighting.

This is enough to illustrate the point that these guys who can predict...or simply travel back from the future, actually know exactly what Fang Mo has done to make fun of him.

Even if the future demon can't see him, he can still deduce some clues by spying on Hayakawa Akira.

But the performance of Archer in front of me is a bit outrageous.


Thinking of this, Fang Mo also lowered his head and began to think.

"So can you please stop showing off?" Seeing Fang Mo sinking into thought, Archer couldn't help but asked: "Who are you?"

"I'm Xi'er."

Fang Mo thought for a while and tried: "Or... I am Fang Mo? Did I tell you my real name after the decisive battle?"

"The decisive battle? Fang Mo? What kind of mess is this?"

However, Archer was still confused.

"You haven't fought in five battles?" Then Fang Mo couldn't help it. Could it be that the other party's memory was confused because of Tohsaka Rin's wrong summons? "Who won the fifth Holy Grail War?"

Don't you have any idea? It must be me, right?"


Hearing Fang Mo's words, Archer here became confused: "Who are you if not you? There is no such thing as you in the Fifth Holy Grail War, okay?"

"Huh? Is that so?"

This sudden sentence suddenly made Fang Mo suddenly realize.

Although it is not clear how this guy did it, it is not difficult to see from the conversation just now that Archer's memory must have been restored, but even so, he still said that he had never seen Fang Mo. So what happened to Archer?

Things are getting a little interesting.

In other words, does he not appear at all in the past that the other party knows?

Think of this.

Fang Mo also had a few rough guesses.

In fact, normally speaking, modifying the past can change the future. The plot of Reversing the Future in X-Men Next Door is the best example. Everyone saved Bolivar by sending Wolverine back to the past, thereby preventing the Sentinel Project.


But this method does not work in every universe.

The Moon Universe is famous for its many branch plots. The Five Holy Grail Wars alone have three major plot lines. According to the official statement given by Nasu Mushroom, each plot line corresponds to a parallel world.

If you look at it according to this setting.

Fang Mo estimated that a new parallel world had been born the moment he landed here.

Moreover, this is not necessarily just an ordinary parallel world. It might be distorted into something special. It all depends on what you do next. If you play a little more outrageously, seize the Holy Grail, conquer the world, and then fill up your technology.

Shu led all mankind on an expedition to the star sea, and came up with such a steel sky...

Maybe that human protection agency will really send someone here.

But what can I say... With Fang Mo's current strength, it would be useless even if Gudazi comes here carrying the Seat of Heroes, right?

However, if the factor of strength is taken into account, it is also possible that the restraint force has directly abandoned the world. Fang Mo can do whatever he wants, and the other party will pick up the pieces after he has had enough.

Of course, in addition to the above two possibilities.

There is one last kind.

That is, as Fang Mo gradually grows up, he becomes more and more proficient in mastering his own personality. Although he maintains the appearance of a human, his essence has become increasingly indescribable, so much so that he has even jumped out of the timeline.

Itself has become the only transcendent existence of plurality.

In the endless river of time, he only swims in the present, not in the past, nor in the future.

Of course, Fang Mo wasn't really sure about this, not because it was too ridiculous... but because he couldn't verify it for the time being, so he didn't bother to think about it deeply.

"Okay, I probably understand now."

After thinking about this, Fang Mo also spoke directly to Archer on the opposite side: "There is probably something wrong with the timeline. Although I did not participate in the five battles you know, I did participate this time. I

He is Tohsaka Rin’s servant.”


Now Archer couldn't help it anymore: "Have you forgotten that kick you gave me? You are the servant summoned by Rin, so who am I?"

"Then what should I do, I just kill you?"

Fang Mo directly spread his hands.

"You..." Archer also frowned when he heard this: "Do you want to fight? I have never been afraid of anyone."

Having said this, Archer here immediately activated his projection magic. In an instant, two daggers, one black and one white, appeared in his hands, and then he made a fighting posture.

"See that clearing over there?"

However, Fang Mo was too lazy to explain to him. Instead, he raised his finger and pointed at the empty black wasteland next to him.

"What do you mean..."

Archer was just about to ask when he saw Fang Mo throw out a white beam of light, and then the ground in the distance suddenly lit up, as if a sun had fallen over there, and the energy tide exploded and engulfed him directly.

Covering a land area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius.

Just the shock wave blowing in front of him almost took Archer away. He had no choice but to stick the knife on the ground to fix his body, and at the same time activated the projection magic: "Seven Rings Covered by the Blazing Sky!"

Magic power surged, and seven overlapping layers of energy barriers quickly opened.

However, it only lasted for a moment, and the energy barrier began to be quickly crushed. In the end, only one layer was left, which barely protected Archer inside.

"How can this be?!"

Archer was also shocked when he saw this scene. What is going on with this guy? This is not a power that humans can control at all, right? Is this guy a heroic spirit? No, it is impossible for heroic spirits to have such outrageous power?

"See that big pit over there?"

However, at this moment, Fang Mo knelt down and asked again with a smile.


Archer was silent for a while and then said: "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

"My name is Fang Mo. Of course, the name is not important." Fang Mo thought for a while and said, "According to your understanding, I should be...forget it, just an outer god. I am from the universe.

The existence that came here from outside, the power I showed you just now is just the tip of the iceberg. If I wanted to, I could pull out your immediate boss and stab him to death with one finger."

"As for my purpose, it's very simple."

Fang Mo said again: "I am very interested in some things in your world, such as the Holy Grail and its roots. If possible, I would like to study them."

"Just... just research?"

Archer asked.

"Actually, I'm also quite interested in the heroic spirit system."

Fang Mo touched his chin with interest: "If you don't mind, I would like to use you to study the mechanism of heroic spirits. If you agree, we will form an alliance. You must be obedient. If my research goes well, I may be able to get you."

The true body was pulled out from the Seat of Heroic Spirits, you probably don’t want to work for the restraining power anymore, right?”

"What did you say!?"

Now Archer is a little excited.

"Of course, I am still a very kind person. You can also choose to refuse." Fang Mo spread his hands and said, "I will kill you now."

"I have a question."

After a slight hesitation, Archer asked.


"You threw me into this hellish place, you must have replaced my identity, right?" Archer asked: "In other words, you are now pretending to be Tohsaka Rin's servant, then you will let her win this

Victory in the war?”

"This is no problem."

Fang Mo nodded, then shook his head and laughed: "But to be honest, the Holy Grail filled with black mud... I don't think winning is a good thing."

"At least that's what Rin hopes."

Archer was noncommittal: "In that case, I can promise you. What do you need me to do?"

"Just stand still and don't resist."

After Fang Mo finished speaking, he activated his dimensional authority again and began to observe the structure of the heroic spirit Archer from the inside out.

And through this observation.

He also discovered many special places.

First of all, there is a core magical structure that all heroic spirits have, which seems to be called the spiritual core, and there are also strange veins like blood vessels and nerves, which are probably magic circuits.

In addition, there are some relatively hidden magic threads, woven into something like a net, entangled from the inside out, covering their whole bodies. These things are invisible to the naked eye and should be related to the spell.

, probably based on the rules of the Holy Grail War.

"It's surprisingly simple."

After a little research, Fang Mo quickly mastered some basic systems.

He raised his palm, his mind moved slightly, and soon the dimensional power was transformed into a kind of magic-like energy, which then began to gather on the back of his hand.

Soon, three red marks appeared on the back of his hand.

Yes, this is the mantra.

It may be a very complicated magic for humans, but after analyzing the principle, and with the blessing of dimensional authority, Fang Mo surprisingly easily cracked the key.

"……So fast?"

Archer on the other side was obviously stunned when he saw this. He didn't expect Fang Mo to research so fast. In just a split second, he even came up with the spell.

"Well, let me try."

As for Fang Mo on the opposite side, he was also studying the spell in his hand at this moment: "Archer, start high jumping."


Archer was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but the next second his body was instantly enveloped by magic, and he began to jump high in disbelief, and then shouted while jumping: "This is impossible! Why did the spell take effect on me?

?I was obviously summoned by Tohsaka Rin..."

"It's probably a mechanism problem."

Fang Mo touched his chin: "Other magics are very complicated to operate, but your Holy Grail system is mainly complicated by the encryption system... The principle is very simple. I can solve it with just a brute force attack."

Yes, Fang Mo really wasn't lying.

After research, he discovered that the mechanisms of heroic spirits and spells are encrypted.

Just like Rin Tosaka summoned Archer as a servant, the moment the two parties signed a contract, their magic powers jointly constructed a special encrypted channel.

All subsequent operations, including activating spells and transmitting magic power, are carried out in this encrypted channel, so outsiders naturally cannot interfere. It is like playing an online game. Enter your account password and log in to start.

Play the game as a character.

Of course this is a normal logical rule.

However, Fang Mo is now a hacker with a quantum computer.

As long as he wants, he can brute force crack the game's background program at any time, open multiple clients, modify the database, and even hack into other people's game accounts to play their game characters.

"Yes, this mechanism is a bit interesting."

He shook his hand with satisfaction, and the spell on Fang Mo's hand began to gradually disappear: "Okay, then there is something else. I remember that you can project magic, right? Show me everything you can project.

Look at it again."


Archer was stunned: "Why is this?"

"Just do it if you are told. Why are there so many?" Fang Mo said directly: "If you don't do it, the heroic spirits will do it."

Of course, Fang Mo did have a reason for doing this. He had thought of this as early as when he fought against Gilgamesh. He has not unlocked the module since he came to this world. Other heroic spirits are now almost

After defeating them, these two Noble Phantasms are the only ones left. What if I can find a module or something?

"All right."

After Archer was silent for a while, he started to work honestly: "Projection begins..."

I spent several hours in the dimensional prison.

After it got dark, Fang Mo returned to Wei Gong's house with satisfaction.

After tinkering for a whole day, he still couldn't come up with the module. He was quite bored, so he opened the door and planned to go out and tease Tohsaka Rin for some fun, and see if he went to the computer store to buy a computer like a fool.

However, it was at this time.

But he suddenly heard an exclamation through the door: "Ah! Sakura... Sakura, what are you doing!?"

The voice sounded like it belonged to Tohsaka Rin, and Fang Mo opened the door curiously and walked out. As soon as he walked out, he saw Matou Sakura kneeling on the ground and stabbing a strange-shaped dagger into his stomach.

It almost looks like... committing seppuku?

Of course, Tohsaka Rin, who was not far away, must have been frightened by this scene, and rushed forward quickly.

"Sister, forgive me..."

However, just when Tohsaka Rin was checking her injuries, Matou Sakura suddenly pulled out the strange dagger, and then lightly scratched the back of Tohsaka Rin's hand.

The dagger in Matou Sakura's hand seemed to have some kind of strange magic power. Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment when she found that the spell in her hand disappeared, and at the same time, all the feelings between herself and the heroic spirit disappeared.

, this sudden scene immediately stunned her.

Just at this moment, Fang Mo pushed the door open subconsciously: "...Huh?"

"Lord Archer!"

When Matou Sakura saw Fang Mo, her red face suddenly became excited: "I did it Master Archer!"

"What...what!?" Tohsaka Rin was really shocked. He took several steps back in disbelief and looked at Fang Mo with a pale face: "Archer, you actually..."

This chapter has been completed!
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