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Chapter 829 Believe me, you will become the anti-magnetic treasure


After seeing this thing, Eric and Pietro were stunned almost at the same time: "What is this?"

"This is the legendary boomerang - the Black Mamba's Bite."

Fang Mo introduced it confidently.

"Water Valve???"

Eric became even more confused after hearing this.

"Can you say something that people should say?" Seeing this, Logan obviously had a headache, so he helped: "Maybe it's also something that people can understand."

"All right."

Fang Mo shrugged, then took out a bottle of iced black tea from nowhere, unscrewed the lid and poured it on the arm: "Actually, he is also a mutant, you can call him Lao Da..."

"Is this a mutant? It's obviously just an arm..."

Eric couldn't help but said.

However, before he could finish speaking, the arm on the ground suddenly moved.

As if some kind of terrifying regeneration ability had been activated, before everyone could react, the arm that was on the ground suddenly grew out of someone. The person was tall and burly, with dark skin, wearing a big yellow vest, and cheerful.

Stand there.

"Hi, I'm back."

I saw this black man smiling heartily and waving to several people.

Fang Mo also walked over, opened his arms and gave the other party a big hug: "Lao Da, I miss you..."

This scene seemed quite touching, as if we were reunited after a long absence, but in fact the faces of the people who saw this scene were full of shock.

You know, that's an arm.

How come this person turned into a big living person inexplicably?


Even Eric couldn't hold back and scratched his head at this moment. He couldn't help but ask: "Brother, what is your mutant ability? Can it turn into an arm?"

"Mutant abilities?"

The black man here seems to be a little confused: "Friend, what does that mean?"


"Well now is not the time to talk about this."

As soon as Eric opened his mouth, Charles interrupted him directly: "This is the Pentagon. If you don't want to be arrested and imprisoned together, you should leave as soon as possible."

What he said does make sense.

After all, everyone is still on the way to rob the prison, so naturally we shouldn't delay for too long.

So soon, everyone continued to escape. Since the departure route had been planned before, and this place was no longer a prison environment, with metal everywhere, Eric had recovered his abilities.

Everyone left the Pentagon without any danger.

And after a few people came out.

Beast Hank is already waiting at the door.

The whole process went smoothly. Several people took a car and left the area where the Special Administrative Region was located. Then Charles activated his superpower and rented a private jet from somewhere.

After boarding the private plane.

Several people also exchanged information a little bit.

Especially Logan here, he explained to Eric about the Sentinel Project.

"So what you're saying is..." After hearing these explanations, Eric's expression was obviously a little complicated: "It was Charles and I in the future who asked you to come back here to change the future?"

"Yes, the Sentinels killed almost all mutants."

Logan nodded, then raised his hand and pointed at Fang Mo, who was in a daze next to him: "Then in order to deal with the sentinels, he destroyed the earth and killed all life including humans."

"Then why did you bring him here?!"

Eric's eyelids jumped wildly when he heard this.

"this is an accident."

Logan took a sip of whiskey and turned his head out of the window: "I'm just an ordinary mutant. Do you think I can change the mind of a god?"


Eric wiped his face speechlessly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Hearing this, Charles next to him couldn't help but interrupt: "The first priority now is not to stop Fang Mo. His performance... well, he has already given us face by not destroying the world, so what we really want to stop now

The person is Ruiwen."


Eric slowly shook his head after hearing this: "I don't have her specific contact information, but before I was arrested, we investigated the Trask Group together. They cooperated with the government and were using mutants to do extreme things.

Many of our compatriots were killed due to human experiments..."

"Yes, that's the name."

Logan on the other side immediately reacted: "Bolivar Strack, he is the founder of the original Sentinel Project. According to the professor...well, I mean the future professor, according to him, Mystique

He shot Bolivar at the 1973 Paris Conference, but was also caught by them."

"Isn't it 1973 now?"

Hank, the beast who was flying the plane, couldn't help but said: "The Paris Conference will start in a few days!"

"Sure enough, there's still no way to stop it in advance?"

Charles frowned when he heard this. He originally thought that if he could rescue Eric, he could get Raven's contact information from him and find him in advance.

But now it seems.

As expected, I still have to go to the Paris conference.


Thinking of this, Charles also had a headache and couldn't help but rub his swollen temples.

"So where did your ability go?"

But at this moment, Eric suddenly asked about another thing. He stared at Charles with burning eyes and asked: "If you can use a brainwave amplifier, everything will be much easier."

"I can't use that anymore."

Charles also looked at Eric: "The drugs have affected my DNA structure."

"Drugs? What drugs?"

Eric frowned, but then he reacted and subconsciously looked at Charles' legs: "Medicine to treat your legs? So you... chose to sacrifice your ability in order to walk?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Thanks to Fang Mo, my leg has been cured."

Charles glanced at Fang Mo, and then continued to say to Eric: "I sacrificed my ability...just to have a good sleep."

Of course, at this point, Charles seemed to have remembered something very uncomfortable. His eyes were a little red. He raised his head and took a deep breath, and then added: "What can you know..."

"I also paid a lot of price."

When Eric saw this scene, his tone became a little serious.

"Oh, come on Eric."

However, after hearing what the other party said, Charles sneered as if he was stimulated: "This can't make up for the good things you have done."

"You have no idea what I've done."

But Eric seemed to get excited when he heard the words, and his tone became a little stiff.

"I know, of course I know." Charles stared at Eric across from him and spoke word for word like tit for tat: "I only know that you took away my most precious thing!"

"That's because you didn't protect these things."

Eric had no intention of giving in.

"Do you want to fight?" Hearing this, Charles couldn't help it anymore and stood up immediately: "Okay! Then I'll fight you! Come on!"


Pietro, who was sitting next to him, was also confused. Why did these two people start fighting if they disagreed?

"Don't hit Charles." When Logan saw this, he also stood up. He didn't want to see the internal strife happen: "Come at me if you dare..."

"Sit down, Logan."

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly pressed his shoulder.


Logan subconsciously looked up and found that it was Fang Mo, and his expression at the moment was unexpectedly heavy: "This is the battle of chastity between Charles and Eric. You, an outsider, don't interfere."


Logan was stunned when he heard this.

"Eric took away the most precious thing from Charles, which is of course his virginity..." Fang Mo immediately explained: "Is there anything more precious than this?"

Now even Eric couldn't listen anymore and quickly turned around to explain.

"I do not……"

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, Charles' fist had already come over and hit Eric directly in the face, causing him to take several steps back.

But this is not over yet.

Because Charles immediately rushed forward again, holding the opponent's collar with both hands and roared: "Not only did you abandon me! You also took her away! All of you abandoned me!!!"

"So that's what you think?"

Eric stared at each other, and his tone gradually became colder: "Red Devil, Goblin, and Emma...you all know these people, right?"

Having said this, Eric suddenly took a step forward.

Almost his whole body was pressed against Charles's body. At the same time, his ability was activated. Under the terrifying magnetic force, the entire plane shook violently and tilted, and creaking sounds were heard from everywhere.

Charles also took a heavy step back and fell on the sofa.


Hank, who was piloting the plane, was a little panicked when he saw this. The plane was falling out of control into the sea: "Stop! Hurry up!"

"The brothers and sisters of these mutants, they are all dead!"

It's a pity that the excited Eric ignored him at all: "Many innocent mutants were also captured by them... They all became victims of human experiments, being skinned, dismembered, and disemboweled!!!


"We should have protected them!"

Eric looked down at Charles, his eyes full of endless anger and disappointment: "Aren't you Professor X? Didn't you want to save those children? But where were you at that time? When your compatriots were the most helpless and most vulnerable

Where were you when I needed you!?"

"You're hiding, right?"

"You used that damn potion to disguise yourself as an ordinary person!"

"Eric! We're going to crash!!!"

"Charles! It's not that we abandoned you... but that you chose to abandon us all!" Eric became more and more excited as he spoke. At this moment, he took a step forward again, only to hear a click.

A piece of iron sheet flew from nowhere and he lifted it high.

But at this critical moment.

Without any warning, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind Eric.

He aimed his elbow at the back of Eric's neck. The blow was unexpectedly powerful and heavy. Eric, who was unprepared, felt his vision go dark and subconsciously released his ability.


Eric clutched the back of his neck, staggered two steps, and turned his head in pain.

As a result, I happened to see the tall black man. At this moment, the tall black man was staring at me seriously, nervously and concernedly reminding me: "My friend, you must not mess around on the plane... because it will really crash."



Eric calmed down because of the pain: "Okay, thank you for the reminder."

"It doesn't matter."

The other party breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly sat back on the chair, but soon he turned to look at Fang Mo as if he had thought of something: "...Can I ask for a parachute first?"


Fang Mo's attention was not here, so he refused directly.

"Then you can add a drop protection to my sneakers." The other party requested again: "Or you can give me a totem of immortality."


Fang Mo immediately became happy after hearing this.

The other party seemed a little embarrassed when he saw this: "Friend, this is not funny..."

And just when Fang Mo was interacting with his creation, Eric on the other side also regained his breath and reached out to give Charles apologetically.

"I know what you care about."

Eric tried to soften: "But I really didn't kill JFK."

"It's this time Eric." Charles sighed: "Bullets turn in the air. This is something everyone has seen, right?"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "That's because I want to save him." Eric argued: "You may not believe it, but the president is also one of us, and I am protecting him.

He, but someone didn't want him to sit in that position. I wanted to save him but was arrested. I have been waiting for your telepathic communication for the past ten years..."


After hearing these words, Charles couldn't help but be stunned.

"I know they will come sooner or later, but I don't know that their target is Raven's DNA." Eric continued: "If I had known all this earlier, I would have killed..."

"You'll kill them, right?"

Before Eric could finish speaking, Charles immediately interrupted.


"Eric, killing people won't solve the problem." Charles persuaded deeply: "I understand your feelings, but the Sentinel Project was born because of Raven's murder. She killed the scientist named Bolivar.

This in turn led to an urgent need for Project Sentinel."

"That's because the guy deserves to die."

When Eric heard this, he gritted his teeth and said something.

"Ruiwen is a girl I raised with my own hands. She shouldn't kill people like this." Charles sighed: "It was you who abducted her and instilled these extreme thoughts in her..."

"Ruiwen was not raised by you, you grew up together."

Eric said: "She can't always be that innocent little girl. You are too controlling Charles, so she left."

"It's obviously the thoughts you instilled in her."

"Is this really true?" Eric suddenly laughed when he heard this: "But my ability is to control magnetism, not thoughts. This is her own choice."

"Now we know the consequences of her choices."

Charles couldn't laugh it off: "She went to assassinate Bolivar, and then got herself involved. All mutants have to pay for it, so I have long said that killing people will not solve the problem..."


However, at this moment, a voice suddenly rang out: "Killing people can solve the problem."

Hearing this voice, the two of them were shocked. When they turned around, they happened to see Fang Mo sitting on the sofa thinking about something: "Actually, as long as we kill enough, many problems can be solved... But now I have it in my hands."

There is a crueler method than killing."


Eric suddenly realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing.

"Actually, mutants are also divided into two camps, such as conservatives like me, and radicals like you."

Fang Mo looked at Eric with a smile: "Radicals like you believe that mutants should fight to resist, but as a conservative, I... think radicals like you are still too conservative."

"What do you want to do?"

Charles and Eric became alert almost at the same time when they heard this.

"Humans are very strange creatures. They seem to be very good at repaying kindness with hatred." Fang Mo gave a simple example: "This is like lending a power bank to someone whose phone is out of battery, and then the person starts posting Douyin.

It’s the same, so I thought about it, why don’t I give them a big one?”

"What do you mean by big?"

Logan frowned and said, "Didn't we agree to change history? You'd better not let history repeat itself."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again. After all, the thing I used this time is the most terrifying weapon in Magnesia. Its power is even far more powerful than nuclear missiles." Fang Mo looked at everyone with a smile, his eyes shining with a devilish luster:

"It's impossible for them to resist."

"What is that?" Everyone looked at each other subconsciously.

"Have you... ever heard of political correctness?"

This chapter has been completed!
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