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Chapter 888 As long as I don’t show up, I won’t be killed

It’s pretty much what Integra guessed.

It didn't take long for the Queen to express her intention to convene a round table meeting in person.

And unlike previous round tables, this time even the Vatican Church sent envoys to participate to discuss responses to the millennium.

"Remember, this meeting was convened by the Queen."

On the way to the round table meeting, Integra kept emphasizing this point to Fang Mo: "I know you like to make trouble, but I beg you to at least restrain yourself a little in front of Her Majesty the Queen. After all, she is old.

Gao, I can’t stand your troubles..."

"Why didn't you talk?"

Fang Mo rolled his eyes: "I'm not a soldier boy, why should I trouble your Majesty the Queen?"

"What the hell is Soldier Boy?"

Integra asked rhetorically.

"He, he is the 18th-level member of the Baidu Tieba Mei Guofen Bar Lian Lao Bar..." Fang Mo was just halfway through his words when he suddenly realized that something was wrong and quickly interrupted him:

"Okay, stop talking. I don't want to know this. I just hope you can behave like a normal person when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I still respect the queen very much."

Fang Mo smiled: "After all, he is half an immortal, and he is a ruthless person who has reached the finals of the Earth's Modern Succession Cup competition..."

"Immortal seed? What are you talking about?"

Integra said with a headache: "Her Majesty the Queen is a serious human being."

"This is what I admire most about her." Fang Mo nodded happily: "To suppress the prince for nearly a century with a mortal body is such determination and perseverance... I didn't have her in my previous life.

You can live. By the way, when is your queen’s birthday? How about I just give her an apple as a birthday gift?”

"Are you a serious Apple?"

Integra frowned and asked: "Could it be the black apple of the witch in the fairy tale?"

"Nonsense, my apple is made of gold particles."

Fang Mo retorted casually, and then took out a golden apple and waved it in front of Integra: "How about I give you a bite? After eating it, I guarantee that you will live longer than a living bead...


"So I'm just saying what the hell are you?"

Integra glanced at the golden apple, and then sighed deeply. She thought of the snake in the Bible that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit: "Are you the devil from hell? Satan or something like that?"

"I am Satan's father, and I am carrying you."

Fang Mo tossed the golden apple back and forth in his hand and said something casually.


And while the group of people were talking nonsense, the not-so-far corridor quickly came to an end. As Integura opened the door, the other secretaries of state who had already taken their seats immediately looked up.

"Qing Haierxin, you are here too."

Since they were all colleagues, everyone also greeted each other at this moment.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry I'm late."

Integra also responded one by one, especially towards the somewhat old woman sitting on the throne, who was extremely respectful.


And while everyone was being polite to each other, Fang Mo also observed the environment in the hall.

This was originally the palace area belonging to the British royal family, so the overall style is very gorgeous and grand, many times taller than the conference room in Integura Manor.

Many people have already taken their seats at this moment.

Fang Mo didn't know them, they were probably from the ruling class.

But just a little to the left of the conference table, Fang Mo noticed a guy who was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere. He was a thin man with a white slicked back hair. Judging from his dressing style... this guy

Should be a senior clergy member of the Vatican Church.

And right behind him, there was a young priest with a somewhat cold aura.

"People sent by the Vatican..."

After briefly recalling the plot, Fang Mo reacted immediately: "Is that the leader of Iscariot Judas... Maxwell?"

Yes, the opponent is none other than the actual leader of the Betrayer Section 13, Enrico Maxwell.

However, although he leads the Thirteenth Section, this guy is actually very weak. He is not a practical fighter. His physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary people. However, it is worth mentioning that... this guy is actually a complete lunatic.

But unlike the madness of Millennium and Akat, he belongs to the kind of madness of devout believers.

in the original work.

It was he who proposed the plan for the Crusade to the Pope.

And it is precisely because of this that this indirectly led to London finally falling into a three-way melee.

It's a pity that because this guy's ideas are too crazy, he thinks that people who believe in Protestantism are heretics who will not hesitate to die, but his intelligence is not as good as that of the major, so he was finally stabbed to death by his mentor...that is, Father Andrewson.

The protective cover of the temple was buried in the army of ghouls.


Just when Fang Mo was observing Maxwell.

The other party also noticed something and looked up at Fang Mo.

"It's you?" Maxwell frowned, seeming to recognize Fang Mo's identity: "You are the monster who beat Andreessen into that state..."


Before the other party could finish speaking, Fang Mo suddenly took out a pink cross with threaded bump particles and gestured: "May the Lord go with you..."

"Fuck you!"

Maxwell's expression changed immediately, and he slammed the table: "You monster, how dare you blaspheme!"

"Wrong, this is called blaspheming God." Fang Mo said with a smile, and then turned the cross in his hand like a pen: "Hey, Jesus, turn around..."


Akat, who was next to him, seemed to be a little unable to bear it when he saw this, and actually started laughing along with him.

"Okay, be quiet."

Fortunately, at this time, the queen not far away spoke. She first cast a curious look at Fang Mo, and then got down to business: "Vampire Akate."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Yes."

Acat suppressed his laughter slightly and responded: "Your Majesty the Queen."

"Report first."

The Queen waved her hand slowly.

"Fifty-five years ago, there was a crazy major who wanted to create an army of vampires." After hearing this, Acat also turned around and explained in detail to the secretaries of state here: "Walter and I stopped his stupid army.

There are endless plans, but those guys obviously haven’t given up yet..."

Akat's face was filled with rage.

He explained the origin of the millennium in a contemptuous tone.

Everyone listened attentively, including Maxwell, who just looked angry.

But unlike others, while Akater was reporting information, Fang Mo's eyes were scanning the surrounding space all the time. His consciousness was connected to the sword of the sacred tree, and he was ready to start and stop at any time.

Yes, it is at this time in the original work.

That crazy Major has sent Schrödinger over to start declaring war.

Although the other party's ability is somewhat abstract, Fang Mo doesn't think that this guy can break out of the static time and space.

So as long as the major still comes to declare war as in the original work, then once Schrödinger appears here, Fang Mo will immediately activate the time and stop lock on the opponent, and then repeatedly ravage his upper and lower hands to see if he can unlock the thing that he cares about so much.

Unknown module.

"...Now that their research is almost complete, this is the truth about the final group."

It didn't take long.

Acat ended his report.

"What's this?!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions were obviously extremely shocked, and they soon began to discuss among themselves: "You mean they have mastered the means of making vampires? And then want to put this technology into war?"


Fang Mo suddenly frowned after hearing this.

He looked around again, but he didn't see even a single cat hair on Schrödinger's body.

"Could this be..." Seeing that the other party didn't appear for a long time, Fang Mo's heart skipped a beat: "Is it because you were scared by me that you just didn't dare to show up? Damn it, wouldn't the Major just do it?

Won’t we declare war?”


It's a pity that no one responded to him.

Now everyone is concentrating on discussing matters related to the vampire army.

"Uncle Biao? What's wrong with you?"

The only policewoman who didn't quite understand the details of these meetings looked at Fang Mo with confusion: "You seem to have something on your mind?"

"Oh, there's still something simmering in my pot."

Fang Mo waved his hand, but did not explain his concerns to the policewoman.

After all, this guy is a bit silly and cute to begin with, so it would be useless even if I told her.


After that, Fang Mo also continued to wait patiently for a while. Unfortunately, he had been waiting for more than half an hour, and there was no sign of Schrödinger's appearance. The original declaration of war seemed to have evaporated out of thin air.

The last group disappeared without any warning.


After seeing this scene.

Fang Mo's heart became increasingly heavy.

To be honest, Fang Mo is not afraid of the major directly jumping in and declaring war. So what if he pushes the other party's force to the highest level? He is the fourth natural disaster who has cheated, so he is afraid that he can't beat him?

But it would be troublesome if the other party never showed up.

You can't keep waiting for him, right?

The Major is very tolerant in order to carry out his own plan.

He had endured it for decades, for more than half a century... Could Fang Mo continue to be like this with him?

And even if he really opens the authority, he can theoretically find the major through a blanket search, but Schrödinger is not sure, because his ability is to exist upon observation, which means that if he does not observe,

If you say it yourself, then essentially he does not exist.

Fang Mo is not afraid of fighting now.

Just like an immortal monster like Acat, Fang Mo ordered Steve to go up and eat like crazy in seconds, or stab the cube with the Creation Cone, conceptually killing and erasing it, ignoring any rules... Even Terra's Creation next door

Even the gods of the world cannot bear it.

But what should we do if this thing doesn’t exist at all?

It's like Fang Mo wants to kill Wither Silla, but he doesn't have this module installed at all... So how can he kill this monster without it?

I have tried it before, and even the time-turning ritual in the abyss kingdom didn't work.

So isn't this a card BUG?


Thinking of this, Fang Mo frowned tightly. He hadn't felt this way for a long time. He usually had a headache as a joke, but he didn't expect that he actually had a headache this time.

"Anyway, this is how it is."

And just when Fang Mo had a headache, the meeting here was almost finished: "So, do you have any good countermeasures?"


"Qing Haierxin, you should speak first."

Seeing that everyone was hesitant, the queen also directly turned her attention to Integra: "You know vampires better than others, do you have any good opinions?"

"My Queen."

Integra Lai had done his homework before, so he spoke directly at this moment: "My suggestion is to prioritize the investigation within the army and be wary of the enemy using the characteristics of vampires to tempt our people to rebel. After all, immortality is very important to ordinary people.

The temptation is too great.”

"Huh? It seems reasonable..."

The other secretaries of state also reacted when they heard this: "If those key positions are penetrated, it will indeed be a very dangerous thing..."

"The other thing is to find out their whereabouts as soon as possible."

Integra continued in a deep voice: "We don't know the enemy's movements now. This is very passive, especially since they are a group of lunatics who have mastered the technology of making vampires. According to Akat, their cadres have skills no less than those of high-level vampires."

With such strength, if it spreads everywhere, the impact will definitely be very bad."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Well, I understand."

The queen here also nodded slowly: "So... do you have any clues about the whereabouts of these people now?"


When Integula heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Fang Mo and Akate.

"Their base camp is in a jungle in South America, but they should have left by now." Acat explained: "According to their crazy nature, it shouldn't take long for them to take action, right?"

Speaking of which.

Acat also turned to look at Fang Mo: "My... immortal partner from the East knows a little bit about divination skills. According to him, London may be attacked by them before long."

"What did you say!"


"How dare these lunatics attack this place!?"

After hearing what Acat said, the expressions of the secretaries of state suddenly changed. Of course, they were not scared, but more like they were a little irritated and offended. They immediately expressed their stance: "Damn it, we must not let them succeed!"

"Wait, General Wang?"

But just when everyone couldn't sit still, Integra suddenly noticed Fang Mo's frowning expression: "You...what's wrong? Why do you have this expression?"


Fang Mo pondered for a moment after hearing the words: "Integra, the prophecy may have changed a little now..."

"What does it mean?"

Integra frowned, and for some reason she suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Change of plans."

Fang Mo pulled out a blazing white giant sword from nowhere, and slowly stood up from his seat: "I must take the initiative immediately to pull out these grandsons and kill them...London is fucking free.

I'll protect you."

This chapter has been completed!
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