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Chapter 151 Farce of the Alchemist Alliance

Chu Ran silently returned to the room, looking at the unconscious young man on the bed, his smile faded.

"Xiao Ranran, are you blaming yourself?" Huo Tuan Tuan asked softly. Because of the contract, it could feel part of Chu Ran's emotions.

"Although I don't know what the connection between him and you is, the fact that he is like this is all caused by the Huangfu family and has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself."

"I was just thinking that if I had promised him that day, maybe he would not have suffered this disaster." Her expression dimmed for a moment, and then returned to its usual clarity the next moment.

"But talking about this now will not help."

There are more important things waiting for her to do than blaming herself!

She checked Anan's situation carefully again.

The poison in his body has been fused with his bones and blood, making it almost impossible to remove it.

The most urgent task now is to deal with the external forces in the air sea.

Chu Ran did not intend to lead them out of the body. Their existence and the poisons in Anan's body formed a delicate balance. If the balance was broken, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, Chu Ran decided to use his spiritual power and spiritual consciousness to help him temper and absorb this energy, but this was an extremely huge project and should not be rushed.

She devoted an hour every day to tempering Anan's strength, and spent the rest of the time in her room studying the medicine men.

After Yao Hengyu found out about it, he took the initiative to join in with his face bruised and swollen from being beaten.

However, even with his help, there was no progress.

There are at least dozens of poisons in these medicine people's bodies. The toxicity has already invaded their five internal organs, and even the sea of ​​consciousness is dim.

Even the best elixirs cannot completely undo their poison and repair the rotten internal organs.

They are still alive now, but only their broken bodies are left.

You can never wake up, and you can never return to normal!

And the youngest among them is just a child!

Chu Ran's chest was severely blocked.

She left the room silently and kicked open the room where Elder Huangfu was detained.

The loud noise made the old man tremble in fright.

His injuries have not been treated in the past few days, and he only has a mouthful of food and a bowl of water every day.

Nowadays, the whole person is as skinny as firewood, and the hair is as messy as a doghouse. How can he still have the arrogance and arrogance he had in the barren mountains?

He looked at Chu Ran taking out a white photo stone, and was suddenly shocked. He said in a hoarse voice: "No matter what you want to do, I will never let you get what you want!"

Chu Ran smiled coldly: "It's not up to you, Xiaobai."

A flash of white light jumped out from her sleeve.

The red beast pupils looked straight into the old man's eyes, and blood flowed in his eyes.

After losing his cultivation and being detained for many days, his spiritual consciousness and will were already on the verge of collapse.

Xiaobai easily controlled him without encountering any resistance.

Chu Ran shot out a burst of spiritual power and penetrated it into the shadow stone.

In an instant, the entire room was enveloped in white light.

Everything that happens within the scope of the light will be recorded by the image stone.

"Tell me everything you know about that barren mountain!"

The old man's eyes were empty and he slowly opened his mouth.

"That barren mountain is called Yaoling Mountain. It is usually inaccessible. Twenty years ago, it was secretly occupied by the family owner and used to refine medicine."

According to what he said, Huangfu Hua, who had not yet been promoted to the deputy leader of the Alchemy Master Alliance twenty years ago, ordered his cronies to kidnap ordinary children from poor families with slightly outstanding talents throughout the Jin Kingdom in order to develop elixirs and improve their strength.

Use them as guinea pigs to test the effectiveness of elixirs, and thus become medicine men.

However, the life of the medicine man is extremely fragile. In order to make the best use of the material, the Huangfu family built a blood pond in the mountain peak, opened up the soil, planted various poisonous weeds, and finally used the blood of the medicine man to irrigate them!

The water in that pool is all the blood of these medicine men!

In the past twenty years, countless medicinal people have fallen into their hands and become nutrients for poisonous weeds!

And these poisonous weeds are either used to train one's own bloodline, or they are sold at high prices to make a lot of money.

"After the head of the family became the deputy leader, we didn't have any worries. We would catch warriors every few days to test the medicine, and we would also reconstruct their bones and modify their meridians."

The old man's voice was mechanical and stiff, without any ripples.

"These people were born in humble origins. Although they are quite talented, they have no power behind them. Even if they disappear, they won't make any waves. There is no need to worry about causing trouble."

"In all these years, no one has discovered your secret?" Chu Ran pressed.

For arresting people so unscrupulously and possessing so many rare poisonous weeds, no one in the Alchemy Master Alliance became suspicious?

She didn't quite believe it.

"Yes, a few years ago, a second-grade alchemist accidentally bumped into us arresting someone and wanted to expose it to the alliance. Because of this, the family leader gave the alliance leader several ninth-grade elixirs and poisonous weeds, so he finally suppressed the matter.

Come down." The old man said.

"Where is the alchemist?" Chu Ran had a bad feeling in his heart.

"He was imprisoned in the clan's dark prison. The head of the family captured his wife and daughter, tortured them in front of him, made them into medicine, and finally fed them to the monsters. Not even a bone was left. After he saw all this with his own eyes

, the man went crazy, and one night he bit off his tongue in prison and committed suicide."

Outside the door, Zhou Yuxue, who was attracted by the sound of the door being kicked, trembled with anger when she heard these words.

"Beasts! What is the number one alchemy family? You are just a bunch of guys worse than beasts! I want to tell dad! I want the whole world to know what you have done behind your back!"

Saying that, she immediately took out the messenger slip.

Zhou Qingsu, who was beside her, frowned and looked at her actions without any intention of stopping her.

Cang Wanyan and Chen Xiaosheng also had angry faces.

Zhou Yuxue grasped the spiritual slip tightly and injected spiritual power into it.

A green-white hand suddenly appeared and held her wrist.

"Chu Ranran?" She looked at the girl in front of her in surprise.

Chu Ran reached out and took away the spiritual slip, "There is no need to alarm your father for such a small matter."

"Do you have a better way?" Zhou Yuxue's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

Others also cast curious glances.

Chu Ran raised the corners of her lips and said meaningfully: "You will know soon."

Three days later, the Alchemist Alliance.

It was approaching noon, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians on the streets.

There were people picking spiritual herbs and selling them along the street, there were warriors in small groups, and most of them were alchemists wearing alchemist robes and hanging alchemist alliance tokens.


A loud noise suddenly broke the lively atmosphere.

Pedestrians all around stopped.

"What sound?"

"It seems to be coming from the Alchemy Master Alliance!"

"Oh my god! Look! There is something in the alchemy furnace!"

A warrior pointed at the majestic gate of the Alchemy Master Alliance and exclaimed.

In an instant, everyone looked over.

There is a black crystal alchemy furnace sculpture in front of the Alchemist Alliance. It is the symbol of the Alchemist Alliance. Every day, countless low-level alchemists come to worship it.

But now, the lid of the alchemy furnace sculpture was penetrated by something, and the fragments flew to the ground. Even the bottom of the alchemy furnace was hit with cracks!

Through the small gap, you can vaguely see something inside!

This chapter has been completed!
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