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Chapter 170 You seem to say you want to challenge us?

The head girl's cheeks were stained with blood, and her eyes were burning with scorching flames that made people afraid to look directly.

She was obviously recovering from a serious injury, but she was smiling!

Excited, excited and full of bloodthirsty rage.

The five people behind her were equally imposing, and their aura mixed with blood made the mercenary who spoke feel weak in his legs.

Chu Ran's eyes sharpened: "Get away."

The mercenary shivered, rolled and crawled to the side.

Chu Ran didn't look at him again and walked forward.

Wherever they went, a group of mercenaries quickly gave way, and a passage appeared among the crowded crowd.


Something was slapped on the long table in front of the guild steward.

He raised his head in shock and saw six murderous faces.

"Exchange it again!" Chu Ran said.

"Come back!?" The steward was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out of the window, and his eyes swept over the six people.

Their image can be described as extremely embarrassing.

"Aren't you going to rest a little longer?"

"No need!" Zhou Yuxue said crisply, clenching her fists loudly, "I just want to go in and smash that guy's face!"

"Hurry up and exchange it, I can't wait any longer!" Yao Hengyu couldn't help gritting his teeth when he thought that the dummy hit him in the face with the alchemy furnace.

Although the other three people did not speak, the urging in their eyes was not concealed.

"All right."

The steward crossed off the points, and the six of them entered the secret realm again.

Looking at the empty area, the mercenaries were a little unable to react.

"She...they actually went in again!?"

"They were all injured like that, why did they go in there? Although they won't die in the secret realm, both the injuries and the pain they feel are real!"

"Do they have any special hobbies? The more they are beaten, the more excited they become?"

"No, that's all you noticed? They just spent another hundred thousand points! Not ten thousand, but one hundred thousand! One hundred thousand!!"

As soon as these words came out, many mercenary groups who were jealous of Chu Ran had greed in their eyes.

"They spent 200,000 points in less than a day. Seeing that they don't feel any pain, I'm afraid they still have a lot in their hands!" Thinking of what Chu Ran said in the arena yesterday, several mercenary groups couldn't help but think.

had the same idea.

They were both silver mercenaries and were very familiar with each other. When they looked at each other, they felt the same meaning in each other's eyes.

A group of people gathered secretly in a corner and communicated with each other.

"Next time they come out of the secret realm, we will challenge them. They are seriously injured and cannot be our opponents. As long as we defeat them, their points will be ours! Even if they take pills, they will still be seriously injured.

As the situation gets worse, our strength will also be affected. When the time comes, we will use wheel battles, and we can wear them to death!"

"If they refuse to fight, we can get double the points without any effort. No matter how you calculate it, we win!"

"But we have lost all our points. I'm afraid it's too late to do the mission now." A mercenary reminded.

"Have you forgotten? In addition to earning points yourself, you can also use them for trading. We can go find the wooden and bronze mercenary teams and ask them to give us the points!"

This was immediately agreed by the others. They left the three of them behind while the others went to the city to grab points.

After a while, they got a thousand points and started the challenge.

The people in the arena immediately informed each mercenary group of the challenge information.

No one who can survive to this day in Jiulian City is a fool. They immediately guessed the intentions of these mercenary groups. In an instant, countless mercenary groups were dispatched one after another to plunder the points from the hands of low-level mercenaries.

On the huge spirit stone used for registration in the arena, densely packed team names appeared.

There are more and more people inside and outside the exchange room. They are like extremely hungry wild wolves, just waiting for the big piece of fat meat from the unknown team to show up, they will pounce on it and eat it!

Two hours later, the vortex appeared again.

Yao Hengyu and Cang Wanyan were kicked out of the secret realm at the same time. They were injured more seriously than before. They fell to the ground and waited for a long time before they finally had some strength to take out the elixir.

Before the elixir could enter their mouth, they heard voices from around them.

"Unknown Team, our Black Panther mercenary group wants to challenge you!"

"And my Silver Wings team!"

"So do I, the Qihu mercenary!"

One by one, the mercenary groups announced their homes and lined up to challenge them.

But Yao Hengyu and Cang Wanyan ignored them, absorbed the properties of the medicine, and stood up the moment they regained their fighting strength.

"Come again!"

"Hey! I said I wanted to challenge you, didn't you hear me?" the boss of the Black Panther mercenary group asked angrily.

Yao Hengyu summoned the alchemy cauldron and smashed it mercilessly.

At the same time, a huge snow wolf appeared in the room and knocked over the crowd blocking the way in front of them.

"Go away!" the male and female duet sounded at the same time.

The two of them jumped in the air, flew over everyone's heads, and arrived in front of the steward.


The secret realm was opened again, and the two figures disappeared completely.

Not long after, others were also spit out from the secret realm. Like the two of them, no one paid attention to the mercenary's challenge.

They only have secret realms and battles in their eyes!

Being ignored again and again made the mercenary group extremely angry.

However, there is a rule against private fighting in Jiulian City, so even if they want to stop Wuming Team, they can't.

The Black Panther mercenary group was so angry that they directly complained to the manager, and the unknown team injured them in public.

But the steward said: "When the secret realm challenge is over, the guild will give you an explanation."

But the members of the unknown team came out again and again, and went in again and again, and the challenge was never completely over.

The mercenaries could only watch helplessly as one hundred thousand people passed away before their eyes one after another.

As the number of visits increased, Chu Ran and others spent more and more time in the secret realm.

Until the seventh time, Zhou Qingsu was the first to be kicked out of the secret realm, but after taking the elixir, he did not continue to redeem it.

The same was true for Cang Wanyan and Zhou Yuxue who came out later.

They sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the medicinal properties and treating their injuries.

This strange scene left all the mercenaries a little confused.

"They finally decided to give up?"

"Is it possible that I have no points?"

"If they don't have points, then why are we challenging them?"

"I don't care. These people have caused me to lose so many points. Even if they have nothing in their hands, I will beat them up to vent their anger!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Chu Ran also fell from the vortex of the secret realm.

The five people all opened their eyes, then stood up and surrounded her.

Yao Hengyu took out a handful of pills and stuffed them into her mouth.

The torn wounds on Chu Ran's body gradually began to heal, and she sat up with her support on the ground.

Cang Wanyan immediately supported her from behind, letting her lean against him, and then secretly sent a message: "Of course, we don't have enough points."

After the last time they opened the secret realm, they had paid special attention to the points, so when they left the secret realm this time, they made a tacit understanding and did not continue to ask for redemption.

Chu Ran raised his eyes, glanced faintly at the group of mercenaries in front of him, then curled his lips and stood up with the help of Cang Wanyan's strength.

"You seemed to have said before that you wanted to challenge us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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