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Chapter 271

As soon as Lingjue left the cabin, he heard his young apprentice's question and immediately said: "The rumors are not exaggerated. The Sea of ​​Death is indeed a dangerous place for ordinary warriors."

"There are countless poisonous weeds growing under the sea, which also nourish countless poisonous sea beasts. The flying monsters that occupy the sky above the sea feed on the corpses of these sea beasts, and are stronger and more toxic than these sea beasts. The so-called

The white mist is the poisonous gas that permeates the entire sea area. They are everywhere, making it difficult to guard against."

"But the most dangerous thing there is not these. It is the changeable weather. One moment the sky is clear, and the next moment there may be dark clouds covering the sun and strong winds. So in Liuzong, the Sea of ​​Death has another name

, called Uncharted Sea.”

Chu Ran's knowledge of the Sea of ​​Death was obtained from the records in the Bohai Shulin.

However, the above records were not detailed. After listening to Ling Jue's narration, she truly had a clearer understanding of this huge sea area that divided the Six Sects and the Three Kingdoms.

"So that's it. I never imagined that there would be such a strange place in the world." Especially the changeable weather. Even in Tianying Continent, there is no such place.

Chu Ran was filled with curiosity about the Sea of ​​Death. She couldn't help but walk up to Lingjue and said, "Master knows this place so well. He must have been there many times. Can you tell me more about it in detail?"

The spiritual sense will naturally not refuse.

As an outer sect mentor, he crosses the Sea of ​​Death almost every year, and has seen many warriors forcefully cross the sea.

He told Chu Ran what he saw and heard.

Wuming Team and Feng Qing heard the noise and came out of the cabin.

A group of people sat around him, listening carefully and attentively.

After he finished speaking, Zhou Yuxue couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master is so awesome, he knows so much!"

"Well," Chu Ran nodded in agreement: "Master is indeed very powerful."

The apprentice praised him again!

Lingjue's heart skipped a beat, and under the adoring gazes of the new disciples, his kind and gentle face froze visibly.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of faint pink climbed up his cheeks and quickly spread to his neck and ears.

Chu Ran watched helplessly as his face turned red in a few breaths, and he even started to dodge his eyes, looking shy and embarrassed.

The delicate face was full of astonishment.

"Master, why is your face so red!?" Zhou Yuxue exclaimed, stood up and stretched out her hand towards his face, "Are you caught by the wind?"

"I...I, I'm fine..." Lingjue avoided her hand, and the person who had just been talking about repaying the loan suddenly began to stutter.

"Master?" Ling Xuanfeng looked at the scene on the deck in surprise from the cabin pot.

Although I don't know what happened, one thing is certain, the master is shy again because of his junior brothers and sisters.


He quickly glanced at the man standing at the bow of the ship with a gloomy and cold breath.

My heart suddenly tightened.

"Master, the third junior brother is looking for you." He quickly rushed to Lingjue's side and said to Chu Ran and the others, "I will take the master over first and see you later."

"...Okay." Chu Ran responded, and then saw him bring the master into the cabin like a gust of wind.

"Is it my imagination?" Zhou Yuxue tilted her head, "Why do I feel that the senior brother is running away with the master?"

"You think so too?" Cang Wanyan said.

Although the others did not speak, they all felt the same way.

On the other side, after entering the cabin, my spiritual sense calmed down and my mind gradually calmed down.

"Thank you for your hard work." If his eldest disciple hadn't appeared in time to take him away, he really didn't know how he would have explained it.

Thinking of this problem he had since childhood, Lingjue also felt helpless.

He never thought that he could hide it forever, but he could hide it for one day, otherwise once the young disciples knew about it, his sacred image as a master would be lost.

"It's not hard, I'm used to it," Ling Xuanfeng said, "But master, what are you talking about with your junior brothers and sisters?" Why does the regent's face look so ugly?

Lingjue didn't hide anything from him. He got out of the cabin, saw Chu Ran and the regent were there, and heard her asking about the Sea of ​​Death, so he told her everything.

Ling Xuanfeng's expression suddenly became strange: "No wonder his face looks so bad."

The junior sister was clearly asking about him, but the master stopped her.

Not only that, the two of them had a good time alone, because the master turned into a group of people listening to the master's lectures.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't be in a good mood, let alone him.

The white fog is getting clearer and clearer. Outside this fog barrier, it is difficult to see the scene inside clearly. It seems as if the world is covered by this white fog barrier.

From time to time, there are sharp screams of monsters and rumbling sounds in the fog.

"Huh?" Chu Ran's eyebrows jumped.

"But what's wrong?" Cang Wanyan said softly, gazing warily at the thick fog in front of her, her spiritual power in her body ready to go off, ready for battle.

"I seemed to hear a scream." Chu Ran murmured, "And the voice sounded a bit familiar."

She listened carefully for a while, and the cry was mixed in with various sounds. Although it was noisy and difficult to distinguish, she still heard it.

"There is someone in the fog." Chu Ran said in a deep voice. As soon as she released her spiritual consciousness and penetrated into the fog barrier, she caught a familiar breath.

"It's Zhu Yunshao! He's coming out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bloody man stumbled out of the white mist.

"I'll go down and take a look." Chu Ran jumped off the spirit boat and landed in front of the bloody man, "Zhu——"

Before she could finish speaking, a fist wrapped in spiritual power hit her head on.

Chu Ran ducked sideways, raised his hand, and easily caught his fist.

"Look clearly, it's me, Chu Ran."

"Chu...Miss Chu?" Zhu Yunshao's dilated pupils began to focus, and Chu Ran's figure gradually appeared in his eyes, "It's really you..."

His eyes widened, as if a dying man had found a chance to survive, and he shouted excitedly: "Hurry! Save His Highness quickly! Your Highness is still in the fog, and he can hardly hold on anymore!"

After saying that, his chest shook violently, and a mouthful of black blood spat out from his mouth.

The blood-stained face showed a strange blue-black color.

He was clearly poisoned!

Chu Ran made a prompt decision and gave him a detoxifying pill that was at the peak of his moral character, and then used a heart-protecting pill to hang his life.

"Something is wrong." Mo Jue, who followed down, stared at the thick fog ahead.

"They are the winners of this Three Kingdoms Trial. According to the usual practice, the guides of the six sects will order the disciples to pick them up outside the fog barrier. They will take the people through the fog barrier, go to the coast to meet, and then return to the sect with the six sects.


"But now something happened to them in the fog." Chu Ran's heart sank.

There are only two explanations for the situation at hand.

Or, the disciples who responded to them encountered some kind of danger on their way back to the coast, causing them to be injured in the fog.


This chapter has been completed!
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