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Chapter 291: Climbing the Tower

As soon as he finished speaking, suspicious objects suddenly flew out of the tower door, drew a parabola in the air, and landed in the north corner of the martial arts training ground.

Some hit the ground heavily, some fell to the ground, some floated in the air, and some turned into human shapes the moment they landed and stood firmly.

"These are... magical beasts?"

"That naked strange monster looks very much like the behemoth that Junior Sister Chu summoned when we asked Heaven yesterday!"

"It's not like that, it's like that! There can no longer be such an ugly monster in this world!"

"That monster with its whole body on fire also appeared yesterday, but it was much smaller in comparison."

"What about the one that can transform? Is it also Junior Sister Chu's magical beast? But there are only sixth-level magical beasts in the world that can transform into human forms!"

"That's not the point! They all came out of the Ten Treasures Pagoda, which means that Junior Sister Chu and the others really went in! Warcraft are not allowed to enter the pagoda, so they were thrown out by the pagoda."

People present were talking a lot.

"Hey! Who are you calling ugly! I just haven't grown all my hair yet. When I do, I will definitely blind your eyes with my handsomeness!" Xiaobai twisted around and got up from the ground, facing the men not far away.

Bare teeth.

But all they heard was its chirping.

"I thought I saw it had several tails yesterday. Is it some kind of multi-tailed monster?"

"It sounds like a rat."

"Look at how powdery and bald it is, it does look a bit like a newborn rat beast."

"How can Junior Sister Chu know something like a contract?"

Xiaobai was almost furious when he heard this.

"I am a fox! The most powerful and beautiful fox! Not an ugly thing like a mouse!"

"Chichichiwawai, it's so noisy!" The man's voice was rough, he lowered his eyes and glared at it fiercely.

Xiaobai trembled all over, sat down on the ground, covered his mouth with his front paws, and blinked at Qiongqi, his eyes full of flattery.

The miniature version of the fire unicorn silently moved away from them and approached the snow wolf.

It was holding the little 'wolf cub' that had been thrown all over the place in its mouth, and carefully placed it on its back. It didn't hide when the fire unicorn came.

The two elders and the younger one lay down on the ground, looking at the pagoda, obediently waiting for their master to come out.

at the same time.

As soon as Chu Ran stepped into the pagoda, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

His feet were in the air, and his body fell downwards at high speed.

She subconsciously activated her spiritual power, but was surprised to find that the air sea was empty, her spiritual consciousness could not be used, and all connections with Xiaobai and the others had disappeared.

There is no aura, no spiritual consciousness, no companion around, and even the bracelet space cannot be opened.

In this moment, she seemed to have transformed from a warrior with a lot of cultivation into a completely ordinary person!

Her body was still falling, and the huge feeling of weightlessness made her heart shrink instinctively.

But after just a moment of panic, she regained her composure, opened her eyes with difficulty, and discerned the situation around her.

She seemed to have fallen off a cliff. The cliffs on both sides were uneven and at least several meters away from her. However, branches and thorns and vines could occasionally be seen sprouting from the stone walls.

Chu Ran stared at a certain branch below, silently estimated the time, and then quickly grabbed it.

Got it!

The falling body stagnated for an instant, and then there was a tearing pain in the arm, and the body was like a pendulum, slamming hard against the mountain wall where the branch was.

Chu Ran held on to the branch tightly. The second before it hit the mountain wall, he kicked off his legs quickly, used his hands to use force, jumped up, and jumped onto a raised stone on the upper left side of the branch.

Before she could take a breath, she immediately noticed that the temperature of the entire mountain wall began to soar crazily.

Just sticking to it is like being roasted by fire.


At the same time, there was the sound of something smashing and falling under my feet.

Chu Ran looked down and his pupils shrank sharply!

She saw that the mountain wall below was collapsing at a rapid speed. If this continued, it wouldn't take long for the place where she was standing to collapse!

She quickly scanned the mountain wall above, looking for any place where she could climb, and without pausing for a second, she immediately started taking action.

Her fingernails flew off piece by piece, her fingers and palms were burned with numerous blisters due to the high temperature, and the soles of her shoes had long since melted. She was barefoot, gritted her teeth, and raced against the collapsing mountain wall at the speed of life and death.

The sound of collapse is getting closer and closer, and the heat on the mountain wall has reached a point that is unbearable for ordinary people. Even the air seems to be affected, making it unbearably hot.

The robes on her body gradually became torn, and there were more and more burns, but her eyes remained firm and determined, without any wavering.

Even Chu Ran herself didn't know how long had passed. When she finally climbed to the top of the cliff, an ancient voice suddenly reached her ears.

"Only those with perseverance can cultivate the great road. Congratulations, you have passed the first level."

Did she pass?

Chu Ran's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

At this moment, the scene in front of her suddenly changed. In the sea of ​​​​qi, the spiritual energy reappeared, but it was not even one-fifth of her own.

Obviously her cultivation was suppressed at this level!

At the same time, a huge hammer swung from the front!

Chu Ran ducked sideways, wrapped his spiritual energy around his hands, grabbed the chain that controlled the hammer, and yanked hard.

A human-shaped stone doll flew over from the front. She raised her fist and smashed it angrily at the stone doll.


The stone puppet was shattered into slag, and the hammer fell to the ground. Chu Ran picked it up unexpectedly.

Chu Ran held the hammer in one hand and looked around quickly from the corner of his eye.

This time, she appeared in a narrow passage. There was no road behind her. If she wanted to pass, it seemed she could only break out forward!

Looking at the open and deserted passage, Chu Ran licked the corners of his chapped and bleeding mouth, and his spiritual power quickly circulated in his body, relieving the discomfort.

"Let me see what the trick is this time."

After saying that, she raised her feet and walked forward.

The next moment, countless hidden arrows flew out from the stone walls on both sides, each one coated with poison.

Chu Ran swung the hammer neatly.

Arrows are used to block arrows, and people are used to kill people!

Outside the pagoda.

Fifteen days have passed since Chu Ran and others entered, and there are far fewer people guarding the martial arts training ground than on the first day.

All the inner sect disciples have evacuated. Only Bai Kun and a few outer sect brothers remain here. If there is any news, they will inform the others at any time.

"Several groups of people from the four sects have come, and they all came to ask when the junior sister will come out." A senior brother sat on a low stool and said while looking at the tower door.

"I don't know how far my junior sisters and the others have reached now... ah! Look!" Another senior brother suddenly pointed at the huge spiritual stone and exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Others gathered around. When they saw the changes on the spirit stone, one of them wiped his eyes hard, then pinched his thigh, and finally shouted "Quality of Chinese Culture!"

This chapter has been completed!
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