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【1055】Do real estate first (20)

Summary of the previous chapter: Wei Jinzhong requested the emperor and asked Ma Xiaoquan to also participate in the defense of the capital...

Ma Xiaoquan walked up to the three of them with a smile, gently patted one of them on the face, and asked: "Why are you running? Is there something wrong in your heart?"

The man glared at Ma Xiaoquan, then looked at the people around Ma Xiaoquan, and immediately understood Ma Xiaoquan's identity.

"Sir...it's a small injustice. It's a small injustice..."

"Unjustly accused?" Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips, nodded and said, "Unjustly accused or not, we'll talk about it later. Let me ask you, why are you running away?"

"Sir, the three young people came to the capital to do business. When they first came to the capital, they thought that you were a bully in the capital, so..."

"Pah!" Ma Xiaoquan slapped the back of the man's head and scolded him with a smile, "Who are you trying to coax? The other person next to him is new to Beijing?"

"Uh, this..."

At this moment, the burliest of the three detained people suddenly stood up, forced his way out, knocked over two unprepared guards, and then jumped out of the window to escape.

Ma Xiaoquan's position was not good, and by the time he reacted, the man had already fled away along the roof.

"Damn it," Ma Xiaoquan cursed angrily and immediately ordered people to seal the shop.

After losing a thief, Ma Xiaoquan's mood suddenly worsened. The few guards around him also had evil looks on their faces. After all, one of them escaped due to negligence just now. If the boss pursues this matter, he will not be able to take advantage of it.


Ma Xiaoquan ordered his men to cover the ears of the two suspects and take them away. He said slowly: "Bring that Beijing movie boy over to me first. I want to interrogate him."

"Yes!" A guard in uniform quickly accepted the order, hurriedly walked over, grabbed the collar of the native Beijinger, and pulled him in front of Ma Xiaoquan.

"Tell me! What do you do?" Ma Xiaoquan smiled and gently pulled out the cotton ball from the man's ear.

When the local Beijinger saw Ma Xiaoquan's expression, he trembled with fear and said, "Sir... sir... I am a local, but I have... been... since I was a child."

..... I'm doing business outside with my brother. Although the younger one speaks Beijing dialect, he really doesn't understand the capital..."

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly: "Don't know? Well, okay, tell me, what kind of business do you do?"

"The younger one's name is Zhang Ming. He is a cloth trader. He knows some people in the Ministry of War, so in recent years, he has been selling some military cloth to the Ministry of War. Sir, he has a number in the Ministry of War.

How dare you do something bad?"

"Oh" Ma Xiaoquan nodded, "What's the name of the other one we caught? Is he the same as you?"

Zhang Mingdao: "No, that's the villain's friend, his name is Zhang Qing, and he's a furry goods guy."

"Oh, okay." Ma Xiaoquan winked, and his men immediately pulled Zhang Ming down, and then pulled Zhang Qing over from Zhang Ming's mouth.

Ma Xiaoquan also smiled and pulled out the cotton from the other party's ears and asked: "Zhang Qing, I heard that your fur goods business is doing well?"

"Eh? Zhang Qing?" The man was stunned, shook his head and said, "Sir, the younger one's surname is Wang, and his first name is Wang Da. The younger one is not in the leather goods business, the younger one is in the medicinal materials business."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Wang Da? Oh, the one we caught with you was your friend, right?"

"Yes, it's my old friend!"

"Well" Ma Xiaoquan stood up and patted Wang Da on the shoulder, "Then why do people say your name is Zhang Qing?"

When Wang Dayi heard this, he was startled. He quickly changed his words and said, "The younger one is wrong. The younger one is not called Wang Dayi. The younger one's surname is Zhang. The younger one's surname is Zhang."

"Eh? Your surname is not Wang, why is your surname Zhang again?"

"Ah? Oh, the little one's surname is Wang, the little one's surname is Wang."

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly, slapped Wang Da on the head, and cursed: "What a bastard. He must be lying and incoherent. He must have evil intentions. Come on, give me a good beating until he tells the truth!"

Several of the Jin Yiwei men quickly gave orders and stepped forward to give Wang Da a beating, which made the shop full of chaos.

With a "bang" sound, a small dagger half the length of a hand suddenly fell out of Wang Da's boots.

A guard in Jinyi picked up the dagger and presented it in front of Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan's heart tightened and he said: "You still have a murder weapon? Hey, Wang Da or Zhang Qing, let me ask you, why are you hiding a dagger in your boots?" "

"Sir...sir...this...this is for villains to defend themselves."

"Defend yourself? Defend your mother." Ma Xiaoquan cursed, stepped on Wang Da's face, and ordered his subordinates, "Keep beating me, let him talk hard, damn it."

Ma Xiaoquan was already unhappy because of Wei Jinzhong's interference. He had arrested three of them just now and one of them had escaped. Now the Wang Da in front of him was Zhang Qing, who was telling lies again and again, making him even more unhappy.

"Pull that Zhang Ming over here and beat him together, uh, until they say so." After Ma Xiaoquan said that, he sat down angrily, picked up the chopsticks, picked up two pieces of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.


An hour later, one of the Jin Yiwei men panted and came to Ma Xiaoquan and reported: "Boss, after being beaten, I fainted several times and refused to talk about my life or death."

"Hey" Ma Xiaoquan dropped his chopsticks and nodded, "Okay, I'm pretty tough, okay." Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and suddenly said, "I think I'll leave this matter to Wei Jinzhong. We are only responsible for arresting people. As for how to deal with them, , give it to Wei Jinzhong."

"Boss, it would be a great achievement if this matter is done well. Why are we still..."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Didn't we let someone escape just now? That guy will definitely bear a grudge against us. Instead of doing this, why don't we use the banner of that old guy Wei Jinzhong, and even if people come looking for us, they are not looking for us, Your Majesty There will definitely be a reward over there, so just wait for the reward."

"Wow, boss, are you serious?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Nonsense, I am your leader. When did I lie to you? Your brothers have been following me for the past few days. I have not led you to enjoy the hot and spicy food. Well, I just need to take you to visit the brothel."

"Hey," the Jin Yiwei gently scratched his head, "Boss, then we will do as you asked."

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes slightly: "Go ahead and do it cleanly. When you're done, come back and have a drink with me."

"Yes, yes yes"


Another hour has passed...

The Jinyiwei men ran back sweating profusely, and the leader said: "Boss, everything you ordered has been completed."

"Well, what do Wei Jinzhong say?"

"The old eunuch refused to accept it at first, saying why you were so kind to give him such a big contribution. After some discussion, he lied and said that you were too busy to do anything here, so...


"Feeling hungry? I'm glad you guys can think of it. Okay, no more nonsense. Everyone, sit down. Let's eat and drink well today."

"Thank you, boss"


Night, inside Ma's house.

Ma Xiaoquan clutched his stomach and ran to the toilet again and again...

This chapter has been completed!
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