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【1041】Reversal drama (2)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan was framed by Lu Zhan and the Zhang brothers and sisters, and the situation was critical...

"Ah ha ha ha..." Zhu Youxiao squatted down, holding his stomach and shaking his head. Everyone looked at him, wondering what the reason was.

Wei Zhongxian wanted to come forward to greet him, but King Xin Zhu Youjian stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said with a smile: "The emperor is fine, he is just happy. Wei Zhongxian, please step back."

"Ah, oh, yes." Wei Zhongxian retreated somewhat unwillingly.

After a long time, Zhu Youxiao looked up, his face already red with laughter.

"No, no, no, you're laughing me to death, you're laughing me to death..." Zhu Youxiao shook his head, "Brother Huang, what are you proposing? It's so interesting, so interesting, haha


Zhu Youjian said respectfully: "As long as the emperor is happy, it will be fine, and we will do everything for the emperor."

"Okay, okay, very good, very good." Zhu Youxiao was very satisfied with Zhu Youjian's attitude and said with a smile, "Okay, let's bring Ma Xiaoquan up."


Zhu Youjian turned around and said loudly: "Bring Ma Xiaoquan up"

"Yes." Several imperial guards pushed and pushed Ma Xiaoquan up. Because Ma Xiaoquan's ankle had just been stomped a few times by Lu Zhan, he could not walk very fast and was limping.

With a "pop", Ma Xiaoquan was pushed to his knees by the imperial guards.

"Your Majesty, can the execution be carried out?" Lu Zhan asked excitedly.

Zhu Youxiao shook his head: "No, I want to see it myself, huh." After that, Zhu Youxiao walked to Ma Xiaoquan, hands behind his back, and circled around Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't seem to be nervous because the emperor was walking around him. Except for the pain in his ankle, his expression was very calm.

Zhu Youxiao circled Ma Xiaoquan three times and suddenly burst out laughing again.

At this time, Li Qinghan took advantage of people's unpreparedness, broke away from the two imperial guards who were holding him, and threw himself in front of Zhu Youxiao, crying: "Your Majesty, please, Ma Xiaoquan is not guilty, he only wanted to do something for

For the country, for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, you can't just kill a loyal minister like this." As he said that, Li Qinghan kowtowed to the ground.

"Qinghan" Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but feel extremely worried when he saw Li Qinghan kowtowing to the ground.

"Okay, let me pull them both up!" Zhu Youxiao was already smiling, with no intention of punishment in his eyes.

"Oh, I can't do it anymore, I can't take it anymore..." Zhu Youxiao kept shaking his head, turned to his younger brother Zhu Youjian and said, "Youjian, I've had enough fun, I won't play anymore.

No more playing..."

As soon as Zhu Youxiao said this, everyone present except Zhu Youjian was stunned. What did the emperor mean when he said he had enough fun?

Zhu Youjian nodded and said: "Okay, let's not play anymore, haha." After that, Zhu Youjian stepped forward and uncovered the ropes tied to Ma Xiao's body.

The rope was not tied tightly, so Zhu Youjian easily untied the rope. After untying the rope, Zhu Youjian helped Ma Xiaoquan up.

"Ma Xiaoquan, are your feet okay?" Zhu Youxiao looked at Ma Xiaoquan, with a strong sense of concern in his words.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty?" Ma Xiaoquan was also confused. Didn't he just put himself in a formation on the spot? Why now...

"Well, it's okay. You were frightened." Zhu Youxiao walked up and patted Ma Xiaoquan on the shoulder, saying seriously.

Zhu Youxiao is not very old, he is still a teenager, but his identity is there, and although his voice is slightly childish, it carries a lot of weight.


Lu Zhan was so shocked that he opened his mouth. He had been mentally prepared and was waiting for Ma Xiaoquan to be beaten on the spot, but the situation suddenly reversed. What on earth was going on?

"Your Majesty, the criminal Ma Xiaoquan..." Lu Zhanshang said respectfully.

"Well, I know." Zhu Youxiao waved his hand to Lu Zhan impatiently.

Lu Zhan's heart skipped a beat. The emperor's actions clearly indicated that he no longer wanted to investigate Ma Xiaoquan's matter. This... what on earth is going on?

Lu Zhan was unwilling to give in and winked at Wei Zhongxian and others. Wei Zhongxian and others stepped forward and said in unison: "Your Majesty, please punish the criminal Ma Xiaoquan as soon as possible!"

Zhu Youxiao was a little helpless, glared at everyone in front of him, and then waved to his younger brother Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian understood, stepped forward and said loudly: "Ma Xiaoquan is not guilty!"

"This..." Zhu Youjian trailed off, and the scene immediately exploded.

Just now, Zhu Youjian was about to be put to death, so why is he now innocent? The plot is moving too fast, isn't it?

"Your Majesty, please think again." Everyone took another step forward and knelt down.

Zhu Youjian was a little unhappy and said: "Why, I have conveyed the emperor's wishes on my behalf, and you are unhappy. Do you still want to coerce the emperor? Be brave! Who dares to take another step forward?"

After all, Zhu Youjian is a prince. Although Zhu Youjian is standing behind him, he is not the emperor yet, and the weight of his words is obviously much lighter than that of his brother.

Zhu Youjian's words only frightened a small number of people, while others, represented by Lu Zhan, took another step as soon as he finished speaking.

"You guys" Zhu Youjian was angry, but he knew his identity, so he had no choice but to turn his head and look at his brother Zhu Youxiao.

Zhu Youxiao frowned and said, "Everyone, get up. King Xin just said it on my behalf, Ma Xiaoquan is not guilty!"

"Your Majesty, Ma Xiaoquan is about to be punished. Why is he suddenly innocent again?" Lu Zhan said unwillingly.

Zhu Youxiao raised his lips and asked Lu Zhan: "Lu Zhan, do you really want to know?"

"Replying to the emperor, I really want to know."

Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youjian looked at each other, and suddenly ordered: "Come here, tie up all the people who just wrote down their names!"


After Zhu Youxiao gave the order, the imperial guards immediately stepped forward and tied up the officials who had previously written down their names.

"And those two untouchables!" Zhu Youxiao pointed at Zhang Yi and Zhang Jing.

"Your Majesty, the women of the common people are not guilty. Your Majesty, please spare your life..." Zhang Yi and Zhang Jing's reaction was quite quick. Regardless of why they were kidnapped, the Emperor had spoken, so they had to find a way.

Begging for mercy.

Lu Zhan had his hands tied behind his back, with a look of reluctance on his face. He knelt down on the ground with a thud and said, "Your Majesty, I don't understand why I tied up this old minister. I hope your Majesty will tell me what I did wrong!"

Zhu Youxiao glanced at Lu Zhan, sighed and said, "Lu Zhan, why do you sound like you are threatening me?"

Lu Zhan was excited and kowtowed twice: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

This chapter has been completed!
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