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【1188】Game (4)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan proposed to visit Prince Xin’s Mansion at night...

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows and said, "Although what you said, Qinghan, is correct, don't forget, who am I, Ma Xiaoquan? I am a Jinyiwei, and I know the secrets of Beijing that others don't know."

Li Qinghan smiled and said: "That being said, just because you are very knowledgeable, doesn't it mean that everyone is kept in the dark?"

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and nodded: "That's true, um, but... I still have a secret place to enter Beijing."

"What secret place..." Li Qinghan asked curiously.

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head: "Uh, dog hole."

Li Qinghan frowned: "Bah, you can think of it, it's a dog hole, it's really..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Hey, Qinghan, don't mention it. Beijing is the place where the emperor stays. Generally, there are not many dog ​​dens. Even if there are, there are dedicated people in the city to guard them. But ordinary wild animals

Even if the dog got in through the dog hole, I'm afraid he would still be killed. However, there is such a dog hole that I, Ma Xiaoquan, have laid out a long time ago."

Li Qinghan snorted: "If you don't do anything else, why do you plan a dog hole? Ma Xiaoquan, do you think you have any other messy plans?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and hugged Li Qinghan: "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Let's go. Well, we are both wearing good clothes today, and we can also make night clothes."

Li Qinghan nodded.


The two retreated quietly, and then ran toward the gate of Beijing City quietly.

In addition to the Forbidden Palace complex where the emperor stayed, Beijing also had an inner city, an outer city, and the suburbs.

The inner city is what people often call the Forty-Nine City. Of course, the Forty-Nine City at this time did not include the Forbidden Palace complex, and it was also different from the Forty-Nine City in Ma Xiaoquan’s time. Simply put, the Four Nine City in the Ming Dynasty

Nine Cities is the Four-Nine Cities, and the Four-Nine Cities in modern society has become a kind of sentiment and a title that people respect for the city of Beijing.

The two came to the foot of the city wall. Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand and gently tapped a certain brick on the city wall.

"Bang bang bang" The sound of Ma Xiaoquan's knock on the wall tile was not loud, but it was enough to distinguish the difference between the wall tile he hit and the other wall tiles.

"Ma Xiaoquan, be careful if the sound reaches above..." Li Qinghan worriedly tugged on Ma Xiaoquan's sleeve.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked at the city wall, and saw a few soldiers guarding the city wall holding torches and wandering around.

Sure enough, in such a quiet place, the sound of Ma Xiaoquan knocking on the wall bricks just now was indeed heard by the two patrolling soldiers on the city wall.

"Who?" A roar came from the city wall, and then, the torch light was moved over.

Ma Xiaoquan was also extremely nervous. What he originally thought was a simple matter that would be resolved easily and easily, unexpectedly happened, which caught him off guard. But soon, Ma Xiaoquan calmed down, and then he pulled Li Qinghan and stood on tiptoe.

He hid his waist in a piece of wormwood, then imitated a cat's meow, then picked up a small stone and threw it out along the other side of the wormwood.

The pebbles rolled down the road, making a rustling sound.

The torch light on the city wall had already shone down, but because the pebble thrown by Ma Xiaoquan induced the direction of the torch light, although Ma Xiaoquan and Li Qinghan were nesting on the left, the torch light had actually shone to the right.

The brightness of the torch light was not very high. In fact, it was already dim when it was illuminated. Ma Xiaoquan also knew that even if he did not throw the pebble, the torch light would not illuminate him very clearly, but just in case,

Yi, Ma Xiaoquan still did the above induction.

"Hey, it turns out it's a night owl. Really, there's no one here this late at night. It's so boring." A soldier on the city wall complained.

"Okay, just take care of yourself, we haven't been having a good time lately."

"Why, weren't you fine yesterday? Why did you suddenly..."

"Hey, of course you didn't know that you took two days off. Brother, let me tell you, isn't our place always managed by the deacon? Right?"

"Well, yes, what's wrong, the deacon doesn't care about us anymore?"

"Hey, that's not the case. Something suddenly happened at the deacon's house. I don't know what it was. Anyway, the deacon left suddenly tonight, uh, in the afternoon. I saw him when he left.

Well, I saw that the deacon looked very anxious at that time, hey, I guess something bad happened over there in Ningyuan."

"Ah? What should we do? The deacon won't just leave and never come back, right?"

"I don't know this either, but what I do know is that as soon as the deacon left, the old eunuch Wei Zhongxian ordered a group of geldings from Dongchang to come over. He also took the emperor's imperial edict and said that he would temporarily take over our place.

Son, tell me, are our good days coming to an end?"

"Hey, that's right. Although the deacon is stern, he is still a man no matter what. You said that our brother is being ordered by that guy who has no one. No matter how you think about it, you feel aggrieved."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it anymore. Just keep it safe. A eunuch will come over to check on you later. He says that we are lazy. If we deduct our brother's salary, we will lose more than we gain."

"Yeah, too"


Under the city wall, Ma Xiaoquan and Li Qinghan had arrived at the base of the city wall again. They raised their heads and took a look. The torch light had gradually faded. It seemed that the two patrol soldiers who had just spoken had gone far away.

"Ma Xiaoquan, didn't you say there is no danger? Look, now that you have just left, Wei Zhongxian immediately asked the emperor to take over your territory. What should we do?"

Ma Xiaoquan was also a little overconfident. He originally thought that Wei Zhongxian would lie dormant for a few years and wait for the opportunity, as written in historical data, and then wait for the opportunity to move out, becoming the famous Nine Thousand Years Old in Chinese history, but...

The reality is nothing like what is said in the history books, and Wei Zhongxian has no intention of taking any time off.

"Damn it," Ma Xiaoquan cursed secretly, raised his head and carefully observed the movement on the city wall. When he saw that there was no problem, he reached out and tapped the wall bricks gently.

This time, Ma Xiaoquan's knocking sound on the wall tiles was much quieter than before. If you didn't listen closely, you wouldn't hear anything at all.

After confirming the position of the wall tile, Ma Xiaoquan pressed hard with his five fingers, and immediately, the wall tile sank an inch.

"Okay, Qinghan, come with me."

Ma Xiaoquan took Li Qinghan's hand and walked towards another place.

This chapter has been completed!
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