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【1133】Finally in hand (5)

Summary of the previous chapter: Hua Yue invited Ma Xiaoquan and his party to stay for a few more days. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan would not refuse because he still had unresolved matters...

The two girls from Dongfang and Beiming also stepped forward to hold Hua Yue's arm and called her "Sister Yue" affectionately.

Hua Yue was very happy. Although he hated the bad guy in front of him, he had to say that the two ordinary-looking ladies around him made her like it very much. Oh, what a pity. It would have been better if these two ladies were beauties.

What a pity, what a pity...


In the evening, the Hua family sent a servant to send an invitation, stating that a banquet would be held tomorrow and hoped that he would attend on time.

Bei Mingxue came over and snatched the invitation from Ma Xiaoquan. After reading it over, she said: "This invitation is very ordinary, Ma Xiaoquan. I guess you didn't buy much at the auction, so I didn't give it to you."

Are you in a good position?"

Dongfang Qingxue took the invitation from Bei Mingxue and read it again, and said with a smile: "Yes, the location is indeed written on the invitation, well, the west side, not so good...


Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "It doesn't matter, it's good to be able to attend the banquet..." Ma Xiaoquan did not tell the two girls his intentions. After all, what he was going to do next was not glorious.

"Bang bang bang" the door rang, and Bei Mingxue stepped forward to open the door.

"Grandpa..." Bei Mingxue called as soon as the door opened.

Bei Mingzheng stretched out his right index finger and made a whisper near his mouth. Bei Mingxue stuck out his tongue and nodded lightly.

Bei Mingzheng walked into the house, and Bei Mingxue immediately closed the door.

"Haha, the first generation head of the family..." Bei Mingzheng said in a low voice.

Ma Xiaoquan cupped his hands and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Beiming, you are a little later than the time we agreed on."

Bei Mingzheng chuckled and said, "Sorry, sorry, I happened to have some other things that delayed me a little."

"Yes." Ma Xiaoquan nodded and told the two girls Dongfang and Beiming, "You and Can Xin, the three of you, watch for me outside the door and don't let outsiders get close."

"Oh, okay"


The door was closed again, and only Ma Xiaoquan and Bei Mingzheng were left in the room.

Bei Mingzheng asked: "The first-generation head of the family, what do the first-generation head of the family think about the young man who spent a lot of money today?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Of course he has an idea, but it's not mature enough. Besides, he spent a lot of money to buy that small box from the Hua family. He must know something."

"Does that young man know better than the first-generation head of the family?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "I don't know this, but I have to get that box."

"How to do it?" Bei Mingzheng stared at Ma Xiaoquan with twinkling eyes.

Ma Xiaoquan made a cutting gesture.

Bei Ming was stunned: "The first generation head of the family wants to kill people and get goods?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "No way, this is just a last resort. Well, Mr. Beiming, when I saw the Zi family brothers coming, they also brought someone with them. I want to use that person."

Bei Mingzheng smiled and said: "The first-generation head of the family is talking about the boy from the family of thief?"

"Haha, it's exactly...well, I think I was framed by Zilong in Zijia Academy. I'm afraid that kid was also instigated by Zilong..."

Bei Mingzheng said: "That kid is from the Zi family. Even if I come forward, I'm afraid that kid won't buy it."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly: "If you hit a snake, you will have to curse your mother. As long as we catch that boy's weakness, I don't think he will not buy it."

"Having said that, the family of thieves is a mysterious family after all, even more mysterious than us hidden wealthy families. If you want them to obey, I'm afraid..."

Ma Xiaoquan pursed his lips and smiled: "I have to leave this to Mr. Beiming. Well, as long as you can catch that kid, I just need to talk to him, and he will naturally agree..."

"Catch it? Well, that's easy. When do you want it?" Bei Mingzheng asked.

"It's best to see that kid before I go to bed tonight."

"Okay!" Bei Mingzheng patted his chest, "But I hope you won't forget the agreement between us!"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "I, Ma Xiaoquan, have said that I will definitely marry your granddaughter. Of course, if she doesn't marry, there's nothing I can do about it."

Bei Mingzheng curled his lips and thought to himself: How could Miss Xue not marry you? It's just that you don't want to marry her.

"Haha, of course it's good that the first-generation head of the family agreed. Then after this matter is completed, I hope that the first-generation head of the family will pay a visit to my Beiming family and we can get married. What do you think?"

Ma Xiaoquan also curled his lips and said with a smile: "We are not in a hurry, I have some other things to do, well, but don't worry, I will naturally do what I promised."

"Well, okay" Bei Mingzheng sighed secretly in his heart. Although he knew that he was gambling and that the future of his Beiming family was unknown, compared to Dongfang, Nangong, Ximen and Zi family, Ma Xiaoquan of the Ma family was indeed his.

The only way out and choice is left.


At night, Ma Xiaoquan quietly waited for Bei Mingzheng's arrival, and sure enough... Bei Mingzheng showed up as promised.

"This is the person you want." Beiming expressionlessly threw a cloth bag in front of Ma Xiaoquan and left immediately.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his lips and reached out to untie the bag.

There was a person in the cloth bag. The person's hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was tightly blocked with a cloth strip, but he was awake.

Ma Xiaoquan knelt down, chuckled, patted the man's face gently, and said, "Brother, do you still remember me?"

The man looked at Ma Xiaoquan with horrified eyes, and then shook his head vigorously.

"Well, it's okay if you don't know, lest you come back to your senses and tell me who I am." As he said that, Ma Xiaoquan took out a large gold coin from his arms. The gold coin was hung on a rope and dangled in Ma Xiaoquan's hand.

Ma Xiaoquan put the gold coin in front of the man's eyes, swung it left and right at a constant speed, and said while swaying it: "You want to sleep now, you want to sleep."

The man was still struggling at first, but as he couldn't help but watch the gold coins swaying, his movements slowly decreased, and then disappeared completely.

Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue were stunned when they saw this miraculous situation, but they did not dare to speak out for fear of ruining Ma Xiaoquan's good deeds.

"Pah!" Ma Xiaoquan suddenly snapped his fingers, and then said in a commanding tone, "Wake up."

The man opened his eyes following Ma Xiaoquan's snap of his fingers.

Ma Xiaoquan pulled out the piece of cloth blocking the man's mouth and said slowly: "You are a master of a family of thiefs."

This chapter has been completed!
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