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【1254】Finally arrived (26)

Summary of the previous chapter: Zhao Wenyi suddenly drank a bottle of something unknown and became extremely violent...

"Huh?" When Ma Xiaoquan saw Zhao Wenyi's move, the sudden change in his thoughts made him think of some incredible things.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could it be..." Ma Xiaoquan never wanted to think too much, because in his opinion, Zhao Wenyi's sudden change was always a bit evil.

Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue also saw Zhao Wenyi's sudden change. They asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Did he cast some evil spell? Or was it a spell?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head. He didn't know if there were any evil spells in the world, but the unknown thing Zhao Wenyi drank just now must be the main cause of his body's mutation. As far as he knew, it seemed that it could cause body mutation.

It only exists in the underground world.

On the other side, the Zi family brothers also noticed Zhao Wenyi's sudden change. Zi Ming ordered one of his men to draw an arrow and shoot an arrow at Zhao Wenyi.

Zhao Wenyi clearly saw the arrow coming towards him, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he stretched out his neck and let the arrow hit him.

There was a "ding" sound, and the metal head of the arrow shot into Yi's neck, but it did not penetrate the flesh, but made a sound like metal collision.

"This..." Zi Ming was startled. How could Zhao Wenyi become invulnerable in just a short time?

"Shoot again" Zi Ming ordered again.

This time, several of the Zi family's men set up their bows and arrows and shot arrows at Zhao Wenyi. Unfortunately, no matter how many arrows they shot, they could not penetrate Zhao Wenyi's flesh.

"Haha... Ziming Zilong, right? Don't you think your Zi family is very powerful? To tell you the truth, your cooperation with Zhao Wenqiang is just a pawn of his...

." Zhao Wenyi laughed.

"What?" Zilong was stunned and looked at his brother Ziming.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Zi Ming and asked curiously: "Brother Hong, why did Zhao Wenyi call you Zi Ming?"

Zi Ming felt embarrassed, coughed and said, "That's right, our surname is Zi, so..."

"Oh." Listening to Zi Ming's explanation, Ma Xiaoquan pretended not to have any doubts, with a sincere look on his face.

Zilong tugged at the corner of Ziming's clothes and whispered: "Brother, how does Zhao Wenyi know about Master Wen Qiang? Could it be..."

Zi Ming nodded: "Well, I should have guessed a long time ago that the relationship between Zhao Wenyi and Master Wen Qiang is like you and me, they are brothers."

"Let me tell you, I feel that Zhao Wenyi's eyebrows look a bit like someone..."

"Well, Zilong, do you still remember what Master Wen Qiang arranged for us?"

Zilong nodded: "Remember, Master Wen Qiang said that no matter who dares to stop him, he will be killed without mercy. But brother, that Zhao Wenyi is his biological brother."

Zi Ming's eyes were cold, and a hint of murderous intent flashed: "Hmph, didn't I bribe that Ma San just now? Now is the opportunity to take advantage of him."

Zilong glanced at Ma Xiaoquan, nodded and said yes.

Zi Ming and Zi Long nodded slightly, chuckled, and turned to Ma Xiaoquan and said: "Brother Ma San, since you have collected my money, haha, now the opportunity has come, I hope you can help me a lot..."


Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart, damn it, you didn't tell me after watching it for a long time, now Zhao Wenyi has become invulnerable, do you want me to die?

"Well, okay, please help me out, Brother Hong," Ma Xiaoquan said with a smile.


Ma Xiaoquan nodded, took out his sword, and looked at each other with Dongfang and Beiming. After the three of them got ready, they rushed towards Zhao Wenyi.

Seeing that Ma Xiaoquan rushed towards Zhao Wenyi without hesitation, Zi Longyi said mockingly to his brother: "Brother, you said that Ma San has a brain, but I think he is also a fool who only sees money."

Zi Ming chuckled: "That's not certain, look."

Zilong looked in the direction of Ziming's finger, and sure enough, Ma Xiaoquan and three others rushed into the crowd to meet each other. Whenever Zhao Wenyi was killing people in the crowd, the three of them scattered to avoid him.

The crazy Zhao Wenyi can almost be described as invincible. No swords, guns or sticks can hurt his skin at all. Even some weapons of poor quality will either break out or break out after touching his skin.

It was broken directly.

Zhao Wenyi was like a human flesh harvester, moving back and forth among the crowd. Wherever he passed, there were corpses strewn on the ground.

"Come on, you weaklings, hahaha..."

Zhao Wenyi roared and shuttled back and forth. His strength and speed had exceeded everyone's imagination.

After a while, more than half of the crowd that was still surrounding them were dead, and the remaining half saw that the situation was not right and fled one after another.

"I said, none of you can escape." Zhao Wenyi smiled confidently, his throat suddenly bulged, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth. Then, he caught the black blood with both hands and ran away towards those scattered

The desperadoes were thrown away.

The black blood scattered in all directions like black hidden weapons, pounced on everyone who escaped. Even if those people crawled, squatted, or even turned, it would be of no avail. Every time

The drops of black blood seemed to have eyes, following them closely until they hit their bodies.

"Uh" The desperadoes who were hit by the black blood fell to the ground one after another, and after a few breaths, they vomited black blood.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart. At the same time, he took off his coat and kept resisting the black blood that was like a hidden weapon.

Even so, a few drops of black blood penetrated Ma Xiaoquan's body through the coat.

Ma Xiaoquan quickly wiped away the black blood. He didn't want the Zi family brothers to know that he was immune to all poisons. After all, there were people with such ability in this world. Ma Xiaoquan did not dare to say that he was first or second, and he would definitely not admit that he was third.


A quarter of an hour later, there were not many people left on the scene. Except for the Zi family brothers who had not made any move, everyone else looked at Zhao Wenyi in horror.

Zhao Wenyi wiped the blood marks on his body proudly and laughed wildly: "You low-level people are still trying to go against me? Do you know who you are going to face? Haha..."

Ximen Jing got up from the ground, ran to Zhao Wenyi and flattered him respectfully: "Eighth Young Master, you are so strong, you are a god, you are a god..."

This chapter has been completed!
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