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【1289】Mining ditch in distress (1)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan was negligent and was framed by Li Wei, the foreman's brother-in-law, the local magistrate of this area...

Ma Xiaoquan slowly opened his eyes, feeling severe pain in the outer part of his right thigh.

When I touched it with my hand, there was another burst of sharp pain.

"Damn, my leg was actually bruised." Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up, "But it's okay. Fortunately, there was some cushioning when I fell. It's just a bruise on my right thigh. Well, no.

"get in the way"

Ma Xiaoquan pulled off a piece of cloth from his clothes, wrapped it tightly around his right thigh, and stomped his feet twice.

"Well, it's okay, it's just a skin injury."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, sniffed around, and murmured: "This mine ditch is full of the smell of rotting corpses. It seems that Li Wei didn't lie. Many people did die here. Hey, but Sister Yue is going

Where is it?"

Ma Xiaoquan reached into his arms and took out the Huozhezi, blew it and looked around. Within the limited light range of the Huozhezi, except for piles of dead bodies that had been decaying for a long time, he did not see Hua Yue.

"It's strange, isn't it? Didn't sister Yue fall?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked up the trench. The trench was too deep. Looking up from the ground, he could only see a long crack.

It's still daytime, and the sun's light can still shine through the cracks, but the trench is too deep, so you can't see anything when you look up from the bottom.

"Well, since I didn't see Sister Yue, it proves that Sister Yue is still alive, which is great." Ma Xiaoquan hummed and walked forward, enduring the pain in his thigh.

The bottom of the mine ditch is very spacious, like a long and narrow valley belt. Ma Xiaoquan waved the fire stick, trying to illuminate a larger visible range with weak light, but... the ground at the bottom of the mine ditch did not seem to be

It was uneven. Ma Xiaoquan tried hard to look around for a long time, but he couldn't see anything more than ten steps ahead.

"Damn, that's really bad." Ma Xiaoquan kicked a little irritably. With this kick, he seemed to have hit something.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan was surprised because the thing he kicked just now was very soft and moved obviously.

"Is it Sister Yue?" Ma Xiaoquan lowered his head happily and pointed the fire stick downwards.

I didn't know this, but Ma Xiaoquan was shocked at first glance. It turned out that the "thing" he kicked just now turned out to be a tail with shiny scales.

"Fuck me!" Ma Xiaoquan was startled and jumped back quickly. While jumping back, he waved the fire stick a few times and saw clearly what he had just kicked.

"Holy shit, is this clearly the body of a snake? How could there be such a big python?" Ma Xiaoquan rolled back, but he never lost the fire stick in his hand.

The python also noticed Ma Xiaoquan, but did not seem to be interested in chasing him. It stood upright and stared directly at the fire seal in Ma Xiaoquan's hand with a pair of scarlet eyes. Ma Xiaoquan snorted and quickly dropped the fire seal in his hand on the ground.


Snakes are cold-blooded animals. Once they encounter a heated object, they will become alert.

Sure enough, Ma Xiaoquan's fire seal was thrown to the ground, and the python's scarlet eyes slowly narrowed into a slit, and then gradually fell down until they disappeared.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at the fire that was about to go out with some depression, and murmured and sighed: "This is troublesome, how can we go without light?"

Taking a deep breath, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly remembered that he could still use some gravity powers.

"Yes." Ma Xiaoquan lightly snapped his fingers. Secretly, with luck, he could expand the gravity field he could use. Then, Ma Xiaoquan slowly walked forward.

The python reacted again the moment Ma Xiaoquan used his gravity superpower, but when faced with Ma Xiaoquan, it seemed to feel something.

"Second times" the python spit out a long tongue and slowly squirmed. His eyes that were still closed opened again. Ma Xiaoquan also saw two scarlet lights again.

Just when Ma Xiaoquan passed by it, the python suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan had expected it and jumped back quickly.

With a "boom" sound, the python's bloody mouth did not bite Ma Xiaoquan, but its lethality was so huge that the rocks in the ground were bitten to pieces.

Ma Xiaoquan did not hesitate, he quickly squatted down, quickly picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it at the python.

The distance between the two was very close. Just when the stone in Ma Xiaoquan's hand was about to fall on the python's head, the python suddenly twisted its body and made a "dragon's tail swing".

Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his right arm to block in front of him. At the same moment, the python's tail had already hit him.

If the right arm hadn't been blocking him, and if the gravity field hadn't been changed, the python's tail sweep would have been enough to cut Ma Xiaoquan in half.

But... within the field where Ma Xiaoquan has changed gravity, anything with weight will change, including the powerful sweep of the python.

Ma Xiaoquan's right arm easily blocked the python's tail sweep. Although the tail was still squirming and adding force, the effect on Ma Xiaoquan's arm was as weak and weak as a child pushing him.

Ma Xiaoquan laughed, reached out and pushed, and easily pushed the python's tail off.

The python seemed to be "surprised" by Ma Xiaoquan's ability. It could grow so huge and had certain wisdom. When its attack failed, it quickly shrunk and retreated several meters.

"Eh?" Although Ma Xiaoquan couldn't see the entire shape of the python, he judged that the other party was retreating based on its scarlet eyes.

"It's interesting. It's quite smart." Ma Xiaoquan laughed and started to pursue him.

When the python saw Ma Xiaoquan chasing after him, it opened its bloody mouth again and bit Ma Xiaoquan.

In the darkness, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't tell where the python's bite was, but he could smell it.

When a strong smell of blood hit his face, Ma Xiaoquan turned sideways dexterously and narrowly escaped the python's attack. At the same time, he raised his head and made a knife-like gesture, and struck hard at the smell of blood.


With a "bang" sound, Ma Xiaoquan's hand knife hit. With this contact, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt a cold feeling running down his wrist.

"That's great." Ma Xiaoquan was secretly happy. He knew that his trick actually hit the python's head.

Within the scope of the gravity field, Ma Xiaoquan can control everything. According to a rough calculation, the hand knife he just struck should weigh more than a thousand kilograms.

No matter how big the python is, its head will never be able to withstand the beating of a thousand pieces of gold.

Sure enough, the python made a pitiful cry, then quickly retracted its head and retreated more than ten meters in a slithering motion.

If it weren't for the python's scarlet eyes, Ma Xiaoquan would not have been able to pinpoint the opponent's location. Now that he saw the opponent retreating more than ten meters, Ma Xiaoquan breathed out, but he did not relax. He understood that this might be the python's "delay strategy."

"Fortunately, I still have such a super power, otherwise, I would probably be buried here today," Ma Xiaoquan sighed and murmured.

At this moment, a soft female voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Ma San, is it...is it you?"

Ma Xiaoquan was slightly stunned and nodded happily: "Is it Sister Yue? It's me, it's me, where are you, where are you?"

"I don't know. It's so dark here. My leg... my leg was injured and I can't walk."

"It doesn't matter, don't stop talking, let's just chat, and I'll come to you based on your voice."



As Ma Xiaoquan walked, he kept listening to the source of Hua Yue's voice.

"Ma San, are you here to find me?" Hua Yue asked.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly. He couldn't say that he was kicked down by Li Wei.

"Well, yes"

"Ah? Why are you so stupid? What about Mr. Li? Why didn't he send someone to rescue us?"

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head: "Well, Mr. Li is just thinking of a solution up there. Sister Yue, don't think so much now. I'll meet you first, and then we'll talk."


Ma Xiaoquan took out a fire stick from his arms again and blew it. Under the weak light of the fire stick, he vaguely saw a huge python circling and squirming not far in front of him. The pair of scarlet snakes

His eyes were fixed on Ma Xiaoquan.

"How big is this guy?" Although Ma Xiaoquan couldn't see the whole picture of the python, seeing the body was enough to judge how terrifying the python was. He originally thought that the python was only five or six meters long, but now it seems that it is dozens of meters tall.

He has a lot of rice, and his body is much wider than his shoulders.

"Sister Yue, don't move, you mustn't move."

"Well, I can't move, but Ma San, my leg is bleeding. It hurts so much."

Hua Yue's scream suddenly came from not far away. Ma Xiaoquan couldn't bear to hear the scream. At this time, he didn't care about the python. Following the source of Hua Yue's scream, Ma Xiaoquan ran quickly.

Following the source of the sound, Ma Xiaoquan finally found Hua Yue, but... facing Hua Yue, he couldn't take another step forward.

Hua Yue was lying on the ground, with a thin wooden stick stuck in her left calf. Above her head, a giant man as big as a bed was spitting out letters and staring at Ma Xiaoquan motionlessly.

Ma Xiaoquan swallowed and said softly: "Sister Yue, don't move, don't move."

Hua Yue was a woman after all. Although she didn't know why Ma Xiaoquan said this, the smell of blood coming from the top of her head told her that she was facing huge danger at the moment.

"Ma San, tell me, what is on top of my head?"

Ma Xiaoquan swallowed again: "It's nothing, uh, nothing. Sister Yue, please don't move, don't move, and don't look up."


This chapter has been completed!
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