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【1358】Growth (8)


Summary of the previous chapter: Huang Tianhu was finally killed by Cui Jing, and Cui Jing also committed suicide. Ma Xiaoquan became the final winner as he wished, taking back all management of the salt transportation business...

Ma Xiaoquan's order was clearly heard by the faction leaders present. After returning, the faction leaders began to discuss what to do next.

The Cao Gang lost two major factions within a few days, and rumors spread from one to another. Gradually, rumors spread that the initiator of all this was actually the chief steward. Although Ma Xiaoquan was fully aware of these rumors, he did not stop them. After all, this was the case.

He was indeed the one who planned the whole thing. It would be a good idea to make the people in Caobang behave better and be afraid of him, so that if he leaves in the future, the next manager will take over without causing trouble.

Five days later, when Ma Xiaoquan led people to Caobang for inspection again, Caobang had already undergone tremendous changes.

All the workers were working energetically, and no one was lazy. According to Ma Xiaoquan's wishes, the various small factions formed by the workers formed a "General Trade Union" composed of alliances of various factions. In this way, Ma Xiaoquan

It is also easier to manage.

At the same time, in order to stabilize people's hearts, Ma Xiaoquan increased wages for each worker, and changed the payment method from monthly payment to half-monthly payment. Of course, in order to encourage workers to work more and do well,

For work, Ma Xiaoquan promulgated the standard of "piece-rate wages", that is, if you work more, you will get more, if you work less, you will get less, and if you don't do it, you will get nothing.

Workers are naturally willing to work more. After all, the more they work, the more money they can earn. In this way, their wives and children can live a better life, and the family will be relatively more stable.

In addition, Ma Xiaoquan also provided a small benefit for the wife and children of every worker who has a family and has worked in Caobang for five years, that is, each woman can receive ten cents per month, and each child can receive

Two pennies.

As soon as this benefit came out, the workers became excited and worked even more energetically.

Huayue didn't understand why Ma Xiaoquan did this. Although the salt transportation business was good, it also had seasonal cycles. Huayue was afraid that Ma Xiaoquan would lose money by doing this.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and settled the accounts with Hua Yue. After calculating the accounts, not only was there no loss, but there was also a lot of surplus.

Huayue admired Ma Xiaoquan's careful calculation, and was also curious about the "accrual basis" and "debit and credit accounting method" that Ma Xiaoquan mentioned.

Ma Xiaoquan did not hide his secrets. He briefly explained the "accrual basis" and "debit and credit accounting method" to Hua Yue. Although Hua Yue only half understood it, he still agreed with Ma Xiaoquan's method.


Two months have passed in the blink of an eye. During these two months, Caobang's salt transportation business has doubled. Of course, to be precise, this is the normal level of the salt transportation business. As for why there is such a big gap between before and now,

That was also the result of the black money collusion between the Fujian and Henan factions.

As the "benefits" of the salt transportation increased, the wages of the workers naturally increased. Everyone was a laborer, and no one cared too much about who was in charge and who was not in charge, as long as they could feed themselves, wear clothes, and have a living room.

Workers can easily be satisfied if they have a place to live.

At the beginning of the third month, Ma Xiaoquan went to the local town with a large amount of money and asked the mayor to buy land. His purpose was simple, to connect the Caobang area and turn it into an "industrial complex" similar to modern society.

An integrated residence with the nature of "district".

The mayor's official position is the eighth rank, but he is much smarter than Huang Tianhu and others. After all, the first principle for people who work in the officialdom is to first find out what positions are and which ranks of officials.

The arrival of Ma Xiaoquan made the mayor nervous for a while, but when he saw the generous gift from Ma Xiaoquan, the mayor almost knelt down and called Ma Xiaoquan his father.

As for the land that Ma Xiaoquan wanted to buy, after the mayor accepted the big gift from Ma Xiaoquan, with a wave of his hand and a stroke of his brush, the land connecting the town and Caobang was allocated to Ma Xiaoquan. What? Are you talking about land money?

No need, no need, anyway, all this loess land belongs to the Ming Dynasty. If the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, the mayor can make the decision.

Ma Xiaoquan stayed in the town for a few days, and after having some emotional contact with the mayor, he led his men back to Caogang.

It was already the off-season for salt transportation, and the workers were worried that there would be no work to do. As soon as Ma Xiaoquan came back, he immediately brought hope to everyone, building roads and building houses.

When the workers heard this, they were so happy that they almost shouted "Long live the chief steward".

At night, Ma Xiaoquan rarely rested in the study. Hua Yue came over because Ma Xiaoquan went to town and hadn't seen him for several days.

Although Ma Xiaoquan was also very tired, he still chatted with Hua Yue patiently until late at night.


In the middle of the month, the mayor sent someone to write a letter to Ma Xiaoquan, saying that the town was also ready. The project would start immediately after the general manager gave the order. Of course, there were many people in the town who wanted to come.

I'm working on something, I wonder if the manager can help me solve it.

Ma Xiaoquan handed the letter to Hua Yue. After Hua Yue read it, he shook his head with a smile and said, "This mayor is really a thief. Doing engineering work is a good way to make money."

Ma Xiaoquan laughed: "Of course I know, so Yue'er, I need your help this time, oh no, people from your family are here to help."

Hua Yue nodded: "I have thought of it a long time ago. Let's wait for two more days and I will ask my second brother to come and take charge in person."

"Oh?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows, "Your second brother? Doesn't your second brother care about your family's affairs? Why, are you here to see your brother-in-law?"

Hua Yue blushed and lowered her head and said: "I hate it, what are you thinking about? Ma Xiaoquan, we have been here for a long time, right? There should be no problem with Uncle Tong in charge of the copper mine matter, and the salt transportation business

, how about leaving it to our Hua family?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said: "I also have this intention. No matter what, our Ma family and your Hua family are going to form an alliance again, so I have to show some sincerity. I think this salt fortune is waiting for you.

After my brother comes, let him take care of it, um, but will your second brother come..."

Hua Yue smiled and said: "Don't worry, my second brother's talent is top-notch. In fact, it's just because of you that my second brother is willing to take action. If it were me, he might not be able to hire you.


"How do you say this?"

Hua Yue said: "The original person in charge of the family was the eldest brother, but the eldest brother was very quiet, so he gave the power to the second brother. Unexpectedly, the second brother came for a woman... The third brother also likes romance...

.Hey, anyway, the person in charge of the family now is..."

Ma Xiaoquan interrupted: "It's the person I met in Meiwu Town. He is your fourth brother, right?"

Hua Yue nodded: "Yes, but that's fine. Fourth brother is more tactful. Now it seems that fourth brother can be regarded as a qualified family leader."

"Then you say it's because of me that your second brother is willing to help. Why, I haven't seen your second brother, and he hasn't seen me either. What's the reason?"

Hua Yue said: "It's very simple, because the second brother wants to meet you, a member of the Ma family."

Ma Xiaoquan was deliberately surprised and said exaggeratedly: "Oh, then I have to prepare well, otherwise my second brother-in-law is here, and if I don't perform well, her sister will marry someone else, hehe."

Hua Yue raised her hand and slapped Ma Xiaoquan, and said shyly: "Who said I want to marry you?"

Ma Xiaoquan took advantage of the situation and took Hua Yue into his arms and said: "Yue'er, what can I say? We have been getting along for a while. Although I am not a gentleman, I am definitely the kind of person who takes things in the right way.


Hua Yue rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan: "What, do you mean you still want to rob me?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. What I mean is, nothing happened between us, right, but I really want to have something happen with you, hehe."

Hua Yue rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan and lowered her head in shame.

Ma Xiaoquan continued: "We have been together for such a long time. Do you think that if I don't give you an explanation, you won't be stabbed to death by gossips from the family when you go back? Of course, in my heart, men and women are equal.

Yes, so, I, Ma Xiaoquan, shamelessly and shamelessly want to ask you...are you...willing to marry me?"

Hua Yue was stunned. She didn't expect that Ma Xiaoquan would ask her so quickly. Although she had been prepared, she was still stunned by Ma Xiaoquan's question.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't answer me soon. After all, it's not you alone who has the final say on this matter. Anyway, I, Ma Xiaoquan, have put my words down for now. You can contact your family as soon as possible.

Let’s talk about our affairs, oh yes, but we have to wait until we return to Beijing, I have to tell Qinghan about this.”

Hua Yue nodded: "What about Miss Dongfang and Miss Beiming?"

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head: "I will explain to Qingxue. As for whether Bei Mingshuang belongs to Bei Mingxue, we will talk about it later."

"You," Hua Yue reached out and tapped Ma Xiaoquan on the forehead, shook her head and said, "This is not okay, you have to explain it clearly to them... Hey, Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan, you said you would provoke trouble wherever you go.

Woman, no wonder Qinghan wants Qingxue and the others to keep an eye on you."

Ma Xiaoquan was really wronged: "Yue'er, what you said is wrong. You said that I have been in Caobang for so long and I provoked that woman?"

Hua Yue was reluctant: "Chen Xiaoxiao...well, and Cui Jing..."

Ma Xiaoquan sighed: "It's okay if you don't tell me. Regarding Chen Xiaoxiao's matter, I will one day find Zhu You to review and explain. As for Cui Jing, I really don't remember when I saved her before...


"Okay, I believe you for the time being..." Hua Yue blushed, "Then you have to write a letter about our affairs. Is it possible for me, a girl, to write a letter?

Tell your family that I want to get married to you, how embarrassing it would be..."


This chapter has been completed!
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