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After the Battle of Juye, Cao Cao generally stabilized the situation in Yanzhou. As for Juyang, Shanyang and other places that have not yet been recovered, that is just around the corner.

Ma Xiaoquan said goodbye to Cao Cao. Cao Cao understood that Master Shangxian had always been like this, so he would not force him to stay. However, out of courtesy, Cao Cao still politely invited Ma Xiaoquan. If he comes back, don't forget to come see him.

Ma Xiaoquan agreed.


After simply cleaning up, Ma Xiaoquan led Liang Long, and the two of them rode horses and left Cao Ying in a leisurely manner.

On the way, Diplodocus, who had always been taciturn, suddenly asked his master: "Master, there is something I have never understood. Master, what is the use of the object you are looking for?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and asked Liang Long: "Liang Long, do you think I, your master, am a human or a god?"

Diplodocus replied without thinking: "The master can control flames and live forever. Of course he is an immortal!"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly: "You are wrong, I am actually a human being too!"

Liang Long shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and stopped talking.

The two of them walked to an inn and while resting, they also inquired about some current facts.

In February, Li Jue, who occupied Chang'an, was angry because Fan Chou showed favoritism and let go of Han Sui who was defeated by Guo Si. He couldn't hold it back for a while and killed Fan Chou afterwards. This move of Li Jue made the people of Chang'an angry.

People were in danger, and from then on the atmosphere was full of mutual suspicion. In order to calm the atmosphere of suspicion, Li Jue often invited Guo Si to his house for drinking. Guo Si's wife thought that her man had fallen in love with a vixen from Li Jue's family, so she once

When Guo Si went out, he gave Guo Si a glass of wine soaked with poison. As for Guo Si, he happened to not stay overnight at Li Jue's house that day. He was about to go back. When he came back, he felt a stomachache and thought that Li Jue had poisoned him.

He quickly implemented the enema tactic. In ancient times, most detoxification consisted of drinking fecal juice, and finally "saved" a small life.

Afterwards, Guo Si was very angry and felt that Li Jue wanted to harm him, so he raised his troops and started fighting with Li Jue without saying a word.

Li Jue was confused, but he was not a loser. The two fought fiercely, which frightened the little emperor in the palace. In June, Zhang Ji, who was stationed in Hongnong, couldn't stand it any longer, and personally returned to Chang'an to persuade the two.

Reconciliation, after a lot of trouble, this inexplicable war was temporarily calmed down; in July, the little emperor finally left Chang'an with all the civil and military officials as he wished...

Listening to what happened recently, Liang Long opened his mouth in surprise, while Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and chuckled lightly.

The waiter of this inn was the one who told the story. When he saw Ma Xiaoquan's appearance, he felt that this person was not simple. He immediately came over and whispered: "Looking at how calm the young master is, he must not be an ordinary person. However, no

Do you know if the young master is interested in other things?"

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows but did not express his position. He knew that if he answered the waiter now, he would be falling into someone else's trap.

Sure enough, the waiter in the shop saw that Ma Xiaoquan was not moving and asked again.

Ma Xiaoquan still didn't move, just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the waiter in the shop became a little anxious: "Sir, are you interested or not?"

The waiter said this very loudly, and Diplodocus beside him heard it. He pulled the waiter away and said angrily: "What are you shouting? Are you so rude in front of my master?"

When the waiter heard this, he was shocked. He looked at Ma Xiaoquan carefully and thought to himself: Oh, let me just say, this man's hair is purple, no wonder, no wonder, just say it directly.

The waiter chuckled and came over again: "Sir, you don't know something. Recently, a group of people suddenly appeared here. They said they were looking for something. They also said that if they find actual clues, there will be many clues.


Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, but he was already muttering in his heart.

Diplodocus responded: "If you fart quickly, why should you go around so much!"

The waiter pursed his lips: "We have all seen it. There is a leader of that group, he seems to be named something... Oh, by the way, that person's surname seems to be Yuan..."

"The surname is Yuan?" Ma Xiaoquan was shocked, "Is it Yuan Fang?"

The waiter saw something interesting and said quickly: "Hey, sir, let's see, I said you were interested, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan gently turned his head, and Liang Long immediately understood, took out a few large coins from his sleeve pocket, and threw them to the waiter.

The waiter took the big money, quickly stuffed it into his sleeve pocket, and then said quietly: "Sir, you have found the right person. This store is opened by my uncle. Although I am a waiter, I am a waiter in this neighborhood."

Who doesn’t know the name of my taro..."

Liang Long became impatient after hearing this, and pinched the waiter's neck: "Give me back your mother's taro, if you continue to be verbose I will turn you into a rotten taro!"

Taro nodded quickly.

Liang Long let go of his hand, Taro took a few breaths, and said: "Sir, that group of people seems to have a picture in their hands. I have seen the picture on it, but I can't understand it."

Ma Xiaoquan hummed and motioned for Taro to continue.

Taro continued: "But when he was taking out the picture, I saw something in his bag."

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "What?"

Taro shook his head and said uncertainly: "Sir, I haven't seen that thing before, but I can draw it for you."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled: "Can you draw?"

Taro proudly clapped his chest: "If you are wandering around in the world, how can you dare to gain a foothold in the world if you don't have some skills?"

Ma Xiaoquan was amused by the taro and asked Diplodocus to throw him two big coins.

Taro took the big money and quickly stuffed it into his sleeve pocket, and then said: "Young Master is a real person, okay, please wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

After Taro finished speaking, he ran directly into the inner hall without stopping.

Liang Long came over and said respectfully: "Master, will that kid lie to you?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Cheat me for a few big bucks? It's not worth it."

When Liang Long was suspicious, Taro ran out again. When he ran out, he was holding a piece of homespun cloth in his hand.

"Pah!" Taro spread the homespun cloth on the table and said proudly: "Master, this is what it looks like."

Liang Long came over to take a look and cursed: "You bitch, what are you drawing?"

Taro said: "You can insult my people, but you can't insult my paintings!"

Just as Liang Long was about to speak again, Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand and Liang Long stopped.

Ma Xiaoquan stood up and looked closely at the patterns on the homespun cloth.

After a while, Ma Xiaoquan said to himself: "Magnum?"

Taro, the little ghost spirit, heard that the purple-haired man seemed to know this thing, and quickly approached him, trying to get some useful information. However, before he could get closer, Diplodocus held his shoulder down.

Taro had no choice but to retreat with a smile.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at it again and only raised his head after making sure it was correct.

"Strange, didn't I bury these things in Langya Valley? Could it be that Huang Jingming kept two of them when he came back?"

Although he thought so, Ma Xiaoquan quickly rejected this unrealistic idea.

You know, Huang Jingming is a mechanical mold modification engineer. For such a person, some things are unique. When Ma Xiaoquan dismantled the Magnum in Langya Valley, he still discovered a lot

The modification details, for example, Huang Jingming should have made some modifications to the machine parts during his lifetime, and for example, the three "Dum bullets" that came with the gun should also have been modified by Huang Jingming.

Of course, the most obvious thing is the cross pattern on the Magnum gun.

Huang Jingming was a Christian during his lifetime, so it was perfectly normal for him to have the cross pattern engraved on the gun body.

Ma Xiaoquan asked Taro: "Taro, think about it carefully. Have you ever seen it? Are there any other patterns on this thing?"

Taro frowned, thought for a while, squinted his eyes and said, "If the young master wants to say that, it seems that there really is one."

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "What pattern?"

Taro thought for a while, then dipped his hands in wine and started drawing on the table.

The pattern is very simple, just a "ten", but in Ma Xiaoquan's view, this is no longer a matter of whether it is a cross or not.

Because this can already prove that the grave of the unknown old man in Langya Valley was dug up.

There is the word "filial piety" in Ma Xiaoquan's name, which means that for Ma Xiaoquan, "filial piety" is a quality that he values ​​​​very much.

A person can be greedy and do all kinds of evil, but if he is unfilial, he will not be saved.

The grave of the unknown old man in Langya Valley was built by Ma Xiaoquan himself. Not many days later, it was torn apart and, most annoyingly, the dismantled Magnum was stolen.


However, judging from the taro painting, it seems that the person who stole the Magnum had not yet completely assembled the gun.

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly, stood up, and left the inn without looking back.

Although Liang Long felt baffled, he knew that the master's behavior must have his own thoughts, so Liang Long picked up Xinruan and followed the master out of the inn.

The entire journey was speechless.


When camping at night, Diplodocus couldn't help it anymore and asked his master: "Master, do you know that thing?"

"Pah!" Ma Xiaoquan broke a dry branch and snorted coldly: "Of course I know, because that thing is mine too."

Just when Liang Long wanted to ask something else, Ma Xiaoquan continued: "It can't all be considered mine, but at least for now, that thing does not belong to this era..." Ma Xiaoquan paused and said, "Liang Long.


Diplodocus hurriedly responded: "My subordinate is here!"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment: "I have to assign you a temporary task. Now you go to Langya Valley to confirm something for me..."

Liang Long talked a lot in the past two days. He asked worriedly: "Master, what about you?"

Ma Xiaoquan concentrated his energy and lit the dry branch in his hand: "Don't worry, no one in this era can kill your master and me."

This chapter has been completed!
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