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【1421】Victory Eleven (9)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan trained the team members and gave them "theoretical classes" first, but on the first day it was Professor Ma Xiaoquan, and the next two or three days were taught by Hua Yue and Li Qinghan...

The results of the first three days of "theory" class were very obvious. In the fourth day of the theory class, Ma Xiaoquan did not teach anything substantial. He mainly commented on everyone's experience and let everyone circulate and communicate with each other.


In the past, when Ma Xiaoquan was serving in the national special forces, the team would often exchange experiences. Firstly, it could enhance the relationship among the team members. Secondly, it could also gather team strength and promote team spirit.

That night, Ma Xiaoquan called the team members together and announced the plan for the next theoretical class.

Ma Xiaoquan's plan is for each team member to be a teacher for a day, and they will say whatever they think of. During the lecture, the team members and the "teacher" can communicate at any time, and they can also put forward opinions at any time.

After more than ten days, each team member became a "teacher". Through such exchanges, the relationship between the team members became deeper.


The "theoretical class" came to an end for the time being. Next, Ma Xiaoquan began to give practical classes to the team members.

The first content of the practical class is martial arts training.

The team members more or less have some foundation in martial arts, but their basic skills are not very solid.

It's no wonder that all the team members are women, and they practice martial arts with the family members in order to keep fit.

If the basic skills are not good, you need to strengthen the training of basic skills.

For three consecutive days, Ma Xiaoquan and his team members did nothing. They only did one thing, and that was running.

Running can exercise people's endurance, heart and lungs, and strengthen their body.

Running is not an ordinary run. Ma Xiaoquan tied sandbags on the calves of each team member. He started from the second two and then gradually increased the weight on the legs according to the training situation.

Each team member's physical fitness is different, some are relatively strong and some are relatively weak.

On the fifth day, the players with better physical fitness had already increased the weight of the sandbags to one catty, while the players with poorer physical fitness had only increased the weight of the sandbags to half a catty.

Even so, after several days of training, the team members still saw the results of their training.

When Ma Xiaoquan ordered them to take off the sandbags tied to their legs and run, the team members suddenly felt that the soles of their feet were very light, and they started running much faster than usual.

After seeing the results, the team members were very happy. Originally, some team members had objections, but at this time, everyone accepted Ma Xiaoquan's training methods.

The team members have one pound of sandbags tied to their legs, and Ma Xiaoquan has eight pounds of sandbags tied to each leg. As the captain, he must strictly demand himself. The team members are still in the rising period of training. At this stage of training, it is easy to see

The effect, when it reaches the bottleneck period, like Ma Xiaoquan, it is difficult to see the effect.

Ma Xiaoquan usually exercises, but even with eight pounds of sandbags tied to each leg, it is very strenuous to run.

However... Ma Xiaoquan did not reveal his difficulties. He had to endure it because he was the captain and he had to set an example to reassure the team members and let them see how powerful he was.

Just like this, I ran for a whole month just with a sandbag tied on my head.

As the team members gradually became accustomed to running, Ma Xiaoquan added new training items.

For the second training project, Ma Xiaoquan decided to train climbing trees.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Hua Yue distributed the tree-climbing tools that he had prepared to the hands of each team member. The team members felt strange holding the tree-climbing tools.

It's no wonder that most of the tree climbing tools Huayue prepared were made by Ma Xiaoquan based on his own impressions, dragging Huayue to find someone to make them. It can be said that these tools were not common in this dynasty.

Ma Xiaoquan explained the use of each tool in detail to each team member, especially Li Qinghan. As the deputy captain, Ma Xiaoquan required her to master the use of each tree climbing tool in a short period of time.

After two days, while the team members were still unfamiliar with it, Li Qinghan had already mastered the use of the tools.

Looking at Li Qinghan's skinned hands and arms, Ma Xiaoquan felt a little guilty, but he soon felt relieved.

Li Qinghan's training attitude reminded Ma Xiaoquan of the time when he was in the National Special Forces Brigade. At that time, Ma Xiaoquan also put pressure on himself, forcing himself to master the use of every tool as quickly as possible.

Ten days passed by in a blink of an eye. During these ten days, the team members were infected by the vice-captain Li Qinghan. After each class, no one of them was lazy, and they all worked overtime to make up for themselves.

On the eleventh day, Ma Xiaoquan announced the acceptance of the results.

The results were very good. None of these women were left behind, and all of them had mastered the use of tree climbing tools.


There are many trees in the suburbs of Beijing. When you come out of the tunnel, you can see different trees.

With so many ready-made training "tools", Ma Xiaoquan naturally had to plan carefully.

He ordered each team member to practice climbing trees and shorten the time they spent climbing trees.

If you fail to complete the tree climbing training within the time specified by Ma Xiaoquan, you will be punished.

In the beginning, there were indeed some who fell behind and some who were upset.

Ma Xiaoquan also understands that the team members are emotional. When he was practicing like this, he was more or less emotional.

This is true for all men, not to mention that all of my team members are women.

However...the endurance and perseverance of the team members greatly exceeded Ma Xiaoquan's imagination.

Different tools are used to climb different trees, and in the process of using tools to climb trees, injuries will occur more or less. On several occasions, two team members fell from a tree more than four meters high due to carelessness.

It fell down hard.

Fortunately, the soil under the tree was relatively soft, so the two team members rested for two days before returning to the team to train with everyone else.


Another ten days have passed.

News that Ma Xiaoquan was leading the training of his team members reached the ears of a general patrolling the outskirts of the city.

This general was one of Wei Zhongxian's lackeys, so naturally he was no better to Ma Xiaoquan.

When he confirmed that Ma Xiaoquan was leading a group of women in training, he decided to compete with them...

But... if you want to successfully compete with Ma Xiaoquan, you can't just talk about it. The general reported the news to Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian was very surprised when he heard what he said, and laughed at him, and then he ordered

Li Yongzhen used the emperor's voice to write an order to Ma Xiaoquan, asking him to bring his team members to a competition with the officers and soldiers under the general...

This chapter has been completed!
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