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[142] Green Aura Field

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others saw Emperor Xian of Han escaping in a boat. They were so angry that they kicked the horse's belly. The horse felt pain in its belly and kept neighing.

The three of them jumped off their horses and, with red eyes, joined their men to kill the officials and followers who did not escape. Only then did Li Jue notice the purple-haired man.

"I'll fuck your grandma!" Li Jue yelled and rushed towards the purple-haired man with a machete in hand.

The purple-haired man had his back to Li Jue, but this did not mean that he was unaware of Li Jue's surprise attack. On the contrary, the purple-haired man laughed, and when Li Jue approached, he suddenly turned around and threw out a

Remember the beautiful back kick.

There was a "bang" and a foot kicked Li Jue hard in the face. Li Jue screamed and flew backwards.

At this time, the purple-haired man turned around, looked at Li Jue who was lying not far away, and gently shook the index finger of his right hand.

Li Jue was provoked in public, and in front of so many subordinates. How could he have ever been so arrogant? Ever since he occupied Chang'an, he had always provoked others by himself, and no one else provoked him. Fan Chou wanted to provoke him before,

Not all of them were killed by themselves.

"Damn it!" Li Jue hit the carp hard, picked up the machete and charged forward again.

Ma Xiaoquan was slightly shocked. You must know that the back kick was Asakura Ryoko's unique skill. Ma Xiaoquan could never forget the scene when Asakura Ryoko kicked Lin Tianya away with a back kick. Moreover, Lin Tianya never forgot it.

It took more than 10 minutes from that kick to standing up again.

Ma Xiaoquan secretly learned this trick from Ryoko Asakura. It stands to reason that with his own kung fu foundation and the explosion of male power, even a cow, let alone a person, would be kicked in the face by him for a long time.

But now, it seems that Li Jue just suffered a little injury.

This can only be said that either Ma Xiaoquan secretly studied and has not yet returned home, or that Li Jue has a very strong physique.

"Kill" Li Jue's cry woke up Ma Xiaoquan who was in a daze. Before Ma Xiaoquan could notice, Li Jue's machete had already struck him.

At this moment, due to Ma Xiaoquan's distraction, it was impossible to completely avoid the knife.

Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and forced himself to turn sideways. He heard a "puff" sound and Li Jue's machete slashed straight down from Ma Xiaoquan's chest.

"Hissing" the feeling of being stabbed in the chest was very unpleasant. Although Ma Xiaoquan secretly ate two eggs before that, he had no choice but to only have half of the Heart of Time in his body. Therefore, for Ma Xiaoquan, whose upper body was not invincible, it was very painful.


Ma Xiaoquan endured the pain and took several steps away. However, after ten breaths, the wound on his chest healed.

Li Jue didn't notice that Ma Xiaoquan had recovered from his injuries. He thought that the other party was seriously injured and wanted to go forward and kill you while you were sick.

Unfortunately, Li Jue thought wrong.

Since possessing the Heart of Time, Ma Xiaoquan is no longer an ordinary person. In addition to his invincible lower body and upper body that heals quickly after eating eggs, Ma Xiaoquan currently also possesses the fire-bending ability of Tomorrow's Heart.

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly and concentrated his energy. At some point, his hands lit up with crimson flames.

When Li Jue saw it, he was startled and stopped quickly. Unfortunately, the inertia was too strong and it was already too late.

Li Jue brandished the machete, trying to overwhelm Ma Xiaoquan and force him to dodge. However, judging from the way he waved the machete indiscriminately, he was already frightened in his heart.

Ma Xiaoquan originally wanted to hit Li Jue with a fire fist on his chest, but he also thought that Li Jue did not die at this time, and he could not destroy history at will.

Therefore, just when Li Jue was about to rush in front of Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan temporarily used his feet instead of fists and kicked Li Jue hard in the crotch.

"Ouch!" Li Jue was attacked. He dropped the machete with a clang, covered his crotch and began to howl.


Zhang Ji once had a relationship with Ma Xiaoquan, and he also asked about Ma Xiaoquan. Therefore, he was the most wary of Ma Xiaoquan, and Guo Si, the idiot, saw Li Jue lying down, roared and drew his gun.


Ma Xiaoquan laughed, turned sideways, grabbed the gun body, and concentrated again, the gun body was carbonized to a crisp almost instantly.

With a sound of "Gahba", the spear broke from it.

Guo Bang was startled and quickly took several steps back, fearing that the other party would take the opportunity to step forward and kick his crotch.

"Who are you?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Ji leaned close to Guo Si and whispered a few words in his ear. After hearing this, Guo Si's face suddenly darkened.

"Shoot him to death with random arrows!"

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he cursed secretly in his heart.

You still have to scold and avoid work. Although Ma Xiaoquan is almost immortal, even so, he doesn't like having his whole body filled with arrows, right?

Unfortunately, it was impossible for one person to dodge hundreds of arrows. Although Ma Xiaoquan made almost impossible actions, it was inevitable that he would be hit by no less than twenty arrows.

Guo Bin looked at it and laughed loudly: "Haha... I will let you hide from me again, I will let you hide from me again, I will shoot you to death, I will shoot you like a hedgehog. Damn it, you...

...And you, go to me and chop him to death!! Haha..."

Guo Si's men were quite perverted. These ruffians not only killed people, but also liked to cut people's hair.

Ma Xiaoquan's hair, regardless of whether it is flowing or not, just the dazzling purple color has already grabbed everyone's heart.

After receiving the order from the boss, the group of soldiers laughed loudly, picked up their machetes, and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan.

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan's hair color was not purple before. Just like ordinary Chinese people with yellow skin and dark eyes, Ma Xiaoquan's hair color was black. However, since merging with the Heart of Time, the color of his hair has changed and turned purple.

So, dad almost beat himself to death...

The soldiers who rushed over raised their swords and slashed at them. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan could not stand up straight and let these perverts succeed. After a loud shout, Ma Xiaoquan quickly activated all the energy in his body.

"Green Spirit Fire" Ma Xiaoquan said to himself, and in an instant, his whole body was covered by a layer of green flames.

"Scared?" Guo Bang saw this scene and didn't believe his eyes. After rubbing it vigorously three times, Guo Bang cursed: "It was still red just now, why is it green now? Could it be that this person is really

Is it a god?"

At this moment, Ma Xiaoquan didn't think so much. The green spirit fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it became more and more passionate. At the moment when Ma Xiaoquan thought he couldn't bear it anymore, the green spirit fire broke out.

There was a "bang", and Ma Xiaoquan felt that his physical strength was drained instantly, and a strong "green spiritual aura" was formed within a distance of two feet around him, whether it was Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji himself, or them

The clothes and armor of his subordinates were instantly vaporized.

In December of the lunar calendar in northern Shaanxi, the weather is freezing. Although Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others are usually diligent in practicing martial arts, no matter how strong their bodies are, they can't stop the cold. Within a few breaths, some people are already freezing.


With this shouting, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji realized that they were already standing naked.

The three people hurriedly protected their little brother, turned around and ran away in shame. When they passed the body of the dead official attendant, they took off his clothes and pants and put them on themselves regardless of taboos.

When Ma Xiaoquan reacted, he found that among the three soldiers and ruffians, one was wearing a maid's clothes, one was wearing a eunuch's clothes, and the other was only wearing a small piece of clothing that didn't fit well, with his lower body naked.

Run wildly.

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to move, but now, except for his still standing posture and the strength to barely blink, Ma Xiaoquan had no other strength.

If anyone came up now, they could easily knock Ma Xiaoquan over.

However, after the scene just now, who among the people dared to step forward? Although the purple-haired man in front of me just vaporized the armor, clothes and pants of the bosses, if it happens again, there is no guarantee that he will burn us all to ashes.


Therefore, there is only one thought in everyone's mind now: run!

When one runs away, there is a second one, and when there is a second one, a third one and a fourth one follow one after another... In an instant, the soldiers of the three armies were like the embankments of a river breaking, and they exploded with a bang.


Ma Xiaoquan watched the soldiers of the three armies running away one by one, still motionless, until they were almost gone, Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


When I woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Ma Xiaoquan struggled slightly and felt that his physical strength had recovered a little, so he wanted to sit up.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly reached Ma Xiaoquan's ears.

"Don't move!"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and stopped.

Looking sideways, a little girl wearing a green flower shirt was really looking at him. The little girl puffed up her two red cheeks and looked at him angrily. At the same time, Ma Xiaoquan also discovered that this green flower shirt

The little girl also had a bamboo basket slung on her arm.

"Ling'er?" Ma Xiaoquan couldn't believe his eyes, so he squeezed hard a few more times and took a closer look.

Yes, it was indeed the little girl who separated from him some time ago.

Ling'er pouted her little mouth, walked gently to Ma Xiaoquan, stretched out her little hand, explored Ma Xiao's full body, and then touched her forehead with her little hand.

"Damn it, you don't seem to be burning anymore"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and thought to himself: When did I become a nuisance? It seems that I have never done any deviant behavior towards this little girl in my memory, right?

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "What a nuisance? Ling'er, I haven't done anything to you, right?"

When Ling'er heard this, her face turned red to the root of her neck.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at it and wondered: Have I really done anything to this girl?

Ma Xiaoquan looked Ling'er up and down carefully, and suddenly found that there was a less obvious black mark on Ling'er's green flower shirt on her chest. Ma Xiaoquan asked Ling'er: "Who has grabbed your chest?


Ling'er had never experienced human affairs, and had never even seen a man's half-naked body. How could he withstand such a naked question from Ma Xiaoquan? The little girl gritted her teeth, snorted, dropped the bamboo basket, covered her face and ran away.


This chapter has been completed!
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