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【1547】The Four Young Masters (4)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan ordered people to transfer the remains of the fourth son of the Ma family to an icehouse late at night...

Tian Ergeng said: "I went in, but nothing unusual was found... Mr. Wei, there must be something fishy here. "

Wei Zhongxian replied: "That's right, well, you continue to investigate and try to find out what the Ma family sent to the icehouse last night."



In Ma's study room.

Ma Xiaoquan asked Fang Yun: "Did you handle everything last night?"

Fang Yun said respectfully: "Reply to your Majesty, everything has been taken care of!"

"Is anyone here?"

"No, we did it very secretly. After sending the body to the icehouse, we hid it in a very inconspicuous place. It's just that the body may have to suffer a little bit first."

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand: "They are all dead, there is nothing to suffer from!"

Fang Yun thought about it again and again, but still couldn't hold it back and asked: "Sir, I would like to ask, who does that body belong to?"

Ma Xiaoquan had long expected that Fang Yun would ask this question, so he pretended to be very sad and said: "That's my teacher!"

"My lord's teacher? But he looks very young."

Ma Xiaoquan replied, "Yes, he was very young, but it was actually the teacher's talent for looking good. It's just that the teacher was too obsessed with it, so he died in the end, alas!"

Fang Yun lowered his head and rolled his eyes. In fact, he had secretly opened the body bag and looked at it when he was transferring the body.

And Fang Yun's bowed head was exactly what Ma Xiaoquan expected.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that Fang Yun was not very upright and wanted to know everything, so before moving the body of the fourth son of the Ma family, he and Hua Yue specially put a human skin mask on the face of the fourth son of the Ma family.


Although the human skin mask is very precious, for the sake of safety, the loss should be lost.


During the day, after discussing with Mrs. Ma, Ma Xiaoquan decided to transport the body of the fourth son of the Ma family to the outskirts of Beijing and bury it secretly. However, given the current special period, it was not possible to erect a monument to indicate that it was the fourth son of the Ma family.

Mrs. Ma was naturally reluctant to give up, but she had no choice but to do so. She also knew very well that if she left the body of the fourth son of the Ma family in the Ma family, she might be killed.

Ma Xiaoquan also knew very well that Mrs. Ma did not love him as much as she did the fourth son of the Ma family. Firstly, it was because of his status as the first generation head of the Ma family, and secondly, because he was not a biological grandson.

Ma Xiaoquan also understands Mrs. Ma's attitude. No matter what, Mrs. Ma is also a member of the Ma family. As long as she is a member of the Ma family, Ma Xiaoquan has the right to provide the greatest degree of protection.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but sigh.

Hua Yue stood next to Ma Xiaoshen, heard him sigh, and asked, "What's wrong? You're sighing."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said nothing, but Hua Yue cleverly guessed Ma Xiaoquan's thoughts: "Do you feel tired?"

Ma Xiaoquan was a little surprised: "Yue'er, how did you know?"

Hua Yue's pretty face turned red, she lowered her head and murmured: "Last night you were lying on me and just mumbling to yourself..."

"Uh" Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head in embarrassment, "We didn't last night..." Before he could finish his words, Hua Yue reached out and covered Ma Xiaoquan's mouth.

"I hate it, if you do this again, I will ignore you!" Hua Yue said shyly.

Ma Xiaoquan was very helpless. He thought, "Didn't you start the topic? Why didn't you let me say it? It's really..."


That night, Ma Xiaoquan ordered Fang Yun to take two people to deal with the body of the fourth son of the Ma family.

Fang Yun boasted that no one would find him, but little did he know that the moment they moved the body of the fourth son of the Ma family out of the icehouse, he was already being targeted by the Jin Yiwei sent by Tian Ergen. At this time, Fang Yun

Yun was still a little proud, thinking about how he could go back and claim credit from Master Ma after completing this mission...

After going around the city gate, Fang Yun and others temporarily put down the body of the fourth son of the Ma family to rest. One of them asked: "Brother Fang, whose body does this belong to?"

Fang Yun shook his head: "If I knew, I wouldn't ask Sir Ma Xiaoquan. Your Excellency just said that this corpse is one of his teachers."

"Teacher? Brother Fang, have you ever seen what a corpse looks like?"

Fang Yun shook his head and lied: "I haven't seen it."

"Brother Fang, why don't we open it and take a look..."

Fang Yun pretended to disagree: "The body has just been pulled out of the icehouse, and it is still stiff. Let's leave quickly and bury it, otherwise it will smell bad after a long time."

Having said that, Fang Yun still wanted to see the person in the body bag again...


After arriving at the designated destination, Fang Yun and others quickly dug a deep hole with the shovels they had prepared.

But when the body was being buried, someone accidentally tore the body bag to pieces and the body fell out of the body bag.

Fang Yun and the others were startled, and quickly made a few more tricks, and hurriedly moved the body into the body bag.

However, because it was late at night, the light was not good, and the three people's movements were a bit rough. As they hurriedly moved the body, there was a "stab" sound, and a large piece of the clothes on the body was torn.

Fang Yun quickly brought the Huozhezi closer and saw the torn parts.

"Why are you so careless? A big piece of your back was torn off. It's really unlucky!" Fang Yun scolded.

One of the subordinates took a closer look, shook his head in surprise and exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Fang Yun asked impatiently.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "Brother Fang, there is a scar on the back of this corpse."

Fang Yun also saw the scar on the back of the corpse and said, "What's wrong with the scar? Can't it be there?"

"No, Brother Fang, I've seen this scar before."

"Have you seen it? Where have you seen it?"

"Brother Fang, I have been working in the Ma family since I was 8 years old. I have been working for many years, and the fourth young master has a scar like this on his body."

"Fourth Young Master?" Fang Yun rolled his eyes, "Isn't the Fourth Young Master an adult? You are at home well, what are you talking about?"

"No, no, no, Brother Fang, that's not what I meant. I just thought why this scar is so similar to the scar on the fourth young master's back."

Fang Yun frowned and asked, "Are you sure there is a scar on your back?"

"I'm sure, because when you took a bath before, I added hot water to you and saw it."

"Yeah, I got it!" Fang Yun made up his mind and then ordered, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, work quickly, and leave early when you're done."


This chapter has been completed!
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