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【1637】Team together (5)

Hua Yue was stunned for a moment and asked: "What? Are you serious about this?"

Ma Xiaoquan sighed, shook his head and said, "Of course, Yue'er, have you forgotten that our family also controls a quite large salt field?"

Hua Yue's pretty face turned red again and said: "My family, our family, who said we want to be with your family..."

Ma Xiaoquan laughed and continued: "The salt farm controlled by our family sent me a confidential letter at the beginning of the year. The letter described the situation in detail. To put it simply, the salt we produced cannot be used at all.

Fully exchangeable for salt dealers who go to the salt field to pick up the salt directly.            

"You mean... we don't have enough salt?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that it's not enough, it's that there is a problem with the salt."

"There is a problem with Yanyin. Could it be that Yanyin is fake?"

"This hasn't happened yet. As I just said, the imperial court has added too much salt, and there is not that much salt on the market. Of course, I don't know if there is private salt, but the public salt,

Absolutely not enough."

"So, there is more salt and less salt?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, sighed and said: "The Ming Dynasty implemented the salt system. The merchants who held the salt were divided into ten salt systems according to the size of the place. Each salt system was 200,000 coins, which is about three hundred kilograms each.

Right and left, our capital is the largest, and those powerful salt merchants naturally gather in the capital. Such a large amount of salt citations appear in the capital at the same time, but salt is not produced in the capital. You said, those merchants are here with salt citations.

What? So...these businessmen are actually speculating. As long as they can make money, they don't care who takes the last piece of salt. What they care about is making a lot of money within a few days."

"Such a black-hearted salt merchant, what will happen to this dynasty if this continues?"

Ma Xiaoquan sneered and said: "Let's not mention this for now, Yue'er, I told you, since you can't redeem so much salt, why do you still hold so much salt in your hand?"

"So you let Lisa secretly sell all the salt in Ma's Bank, right?"

"That's right, but I also asked Boss Ma and Boss Xin to buy Yan Yin privately. As for how much and how to buy, I have no control over it."

"What about tea money? The tea money business has also been greatly robbed by the Zhi Alliance."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "Yue'er, how much tea can you drink in a year?"

Hua Yue thought for a while and shook her head, saying that she had not thought about it.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "The former eldest lady of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Qingxue was so good at tea, liked tea, and was good at tea, but she only drank more than ten kilograms a year. If you were an ordinary person, who could be as good as Dongfang Qingxue?"

Hua Yue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she thought for a while and said, "Do you mean that you can't accept tea money?"

"It's not impossible. After all, tea notes are not as profitable as salt notes, so you still have to collect some."

"I see, you have already planned it."

"Haha" Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly.


The next day, Lisa led a few people to secretly sell the Yanyin of Majia Bank. Because Lisa looked different from the Chinese people, she did not directly participate in the sale, but hid in a private house and controlled it remotely.

On the other hand, Ma Xiaoquan was in charge of the bank and continued to confuse the Zhi Alliance under the banner of collecting salt and Yin. The people in the Zhi Alliance did not know that Ma's Bank was selling salt and they felt very happy when they saw that there was no one at the door of Ma's Bank.


The morning passed quickly, and during the lunch break, Lisa came back.

Ma Xiaoquan saw Lisa's empty hands and asked, "Didn't I say I wanted cash? Where's the money?"

Lisa was a little embarrassed and took out a few banknotes, handed them to Ma Xiaoquan and said: "Sir, these are banknotes. Although they can be exchanged for money, Lisa is a weak woman, so I'm afraid it will be inconvenient. Besides, with so much money,

Once they are all taken out, wouldn’t it be..."

Lisa did not continue the second half of her sentence, but Ma Xiaoquan understood what she meant. Although the people sent out to follow Lisa were all Ma Xiaoquan's confidants, in the face of money, there might be some temporary betrayals.

"Yes, I understand." Ma Xiaoquan nodded and put the banknote in his arms.

At this moment, Boss Ma and Boss Zhao with a mustache came together. When they saw Ma Xiaoquan, the three of them greeted each other politely. Boss Zhao spoke first: "Boss Quan, the Zhi Alliance is buying up Yanyin. Although we

They can also collect, but not much? They have more people and more power."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and handed a letter he had prepared to Boss Zhao. Boss Zhao looked at Ma Xiaoquan suspiciously, and it took a while before he opened the letter and read it.

"Is this... is this true?" Boss Zhao asked.

"Of course, my Ma family has a salt farm. Both Boss Zhao and Boss Ma know it. You two are my allies. Do you think I will trick you?"

Boss Ma with a mustache took the letter from Boss Zhao, read it again, and then nodded and said: "I believe this, Boss Quan, Boss Quan, what do we do?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "We are also collecting salt yin now, but we must collect the salt with the jin liang written on it. This can ensure that the price of the salt yin collected is strong. In addition, the salt yin that you two collected before without the jin liang is taken advantage of.

Throw the opportunity away."

Boss Ma and Boss Zhao, who had a mustache, nodded and hummed in unison.


At night, all the bosses of the Zhi Alliance gathered together to discuss the next step. They believed that since Majia Bank did not increase the price to collect salt, there was no need for them to purchase it at a high price.

However, as soon as the Zhi Alliance made this decision, Ma Xiaoquan announced the restoration of the purchase price of 10% higher than Yan Yin. However, in order to cover up others' eyes, Ma Xiaoquan ordered one of his confidants from the Vulcan Sect to pretend to be a god in the bank.

Under the guise of "practice", it is actually filtering out those salt dishes that do not indicate the weight.

This move aroused a burst of contempt from the Zhi Alliance, but later, when they discovered Ma Xiaoquan's trick, they understood Ma Xiaoquan's true purpose.

At this time, the bank controlled by the Ma family sent back news that the price of salt had been increased by them.

Ma Xiaoquan was so happy that he called Boss Ma and Boss Zhao over overnight and arranged for them to "press goods".

Boss Ma and Boss Zhao followed Ma Xiaoquan's instructions and held back the salt they had received, causing the price of salt, which had already started to increase, to increase a lot.

Only then did the Zhi Alliance wake up.

Seeing that most of the salt in their hands was not marked with the weight, the bosses of the Zhi Alliance felt very regretful. Although they knew that the price of salt would rise, they did not know that the price would rise so fast, resulting in a large amount of salt in their hands.

It cannot be redeemed in a short time.

This chapter has been completed!
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