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【1674】Secret location (7)

In the alien space of Guangming Mountain, Ma Xiaoquan walked along the path in the southeast. He was not walking fast because he was not sure if there was any danger around him, but... there was green water and green grass all around.

It seems like there is danger.

Ma Xiaoquan stopped and looked around. After taking out the underground detector again and checking it, he shook his head and said, "Nothing can be detected here again. I wonder if I am going the wrong way?"

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and tiptoed to look forward, and said with a wry smile: "Based on the distance I just walked, I should have walked out of the mountainside of Guangming Mountain, but as far as I can see, the road ahead seems to be very long, so this strange thing

This dimension should no longer belong to Guangming Mountain. Well, since it no longer belongs to Guangming Mountain, then where is this place?"


Just as Ma Xiaoquan was looking around aimlessly, not far from him, several men wearing grass-green concealment clothes and grass-green hoods were quietly observing him. The concealment attire of these men and the surroundings

The scenery is so cleverly blended together that even if you look closely, you won't be able to determine where they are without looking carefully.

Yes, these green hooded men are the investigation team sent by Zhao Wenyi.

When Ma Xiaoquan approached and passed by, he was not aware of the existence of the investigation team at all. Moreover, Ma Xiaoquan spat in front of a certain investigation team member. Of course, the spit did not hit the investigation team member.


Ma Xiaoquan continued walking forward along the path, leaving the exploration team behind to follow him silently.

Although he was aware of it, the camouflage skills of the investigation team were really high. He suddenly turned around many times and failed to catch any clues that the investigation team was following him.

The path was very long and seemed to have no end. After walking for half an hour, Ma Xiaoquan stopped for a while and took out the dried meat and fresh water Huang Taiji had prepared for him. Ma Xiaoquan started eating and drinking beautifully.

"Hey, this place is really strange. Compared to the Phantom Forest, it should be even better. Well, I thought that I, Ma Xiaoquan, came here today and wandered around in no direction. Hey,

I'm afraid if I continue like this, I'll die here after eating the dried meat and drinking the water. It's really..."


Zhao Wenyi came to a temple, raised his head and quietly looked at the words hanging in front of the temple door.

"Four lives of reincarnation, four lives of enlightenment...four lives of cause and effect, four lives of love..." Zhao Wenyi read it gently, sighed, and shook his head.

A young woman wearing a green robe came out. When she saw Zhao Wenyi, the young woman saluted him politely.

"Master Wenyi~"

Zhao Wenyi smiled slightly and asked, "Is Qinghan here?"

The young woman nodded: "Your Majesty is here, in the garden."

"Well, thank you!" Zhao Wenyi smiled politely at the young woman and walked into the temple door.

In the garden, a woman is quietly fidgeting with the flower branches in her hands. The woman is elegant and elegant, exuding an air of lightness and worldliness. Her expression is leisurely, and her beautiful eyes are looking forward and looking at the flower branches in her hands.

At this moment, the woman raised her head. Her noble and noble temperament made people attracted by her, and she felt ashamed and did not dare to blaspheme.

Zhao Wenyi stood quietly by the garden door, looking at the woman quietly, with deep love in his eyes.

The woman never looked towards Zhao Wenyi, but she seemed to know that he was coming. She sighed, gently put down the flower branch in her hand, and said lightly: "Zhao Wenyi, why are you here?"

Zhao Wenyi seemed a little nervous, swallowed several times, and then said slowly: "Qinghan, I have no other intention, I just want to come and see you."

"Well, now you see it, you can go~"

"Qinghan, I..." Zhao Wenyi felt unwilling, "Don't you want to meet Feng'er?"

The woman's delicate body trembled slightly, then returned to calm.

"Zhao Wenyi, you don't need to threaten me with Feng'er, just go away."

"Qinghan..." Zhao Wenyi sighed and was about to speak. At this time, a man in a green hood suddenly appeared next to him and whispered a few words in his ear.

"What? Ma Xiaoquan? How is that possible?" Zhao Wenyi said in surprise, and then he reacted and said to the woman apologetically, "Qinghan, then I'll leave, hey~~"

Not long after Zhao Wenyi left, the woman reached out and summoned a personal maid and asked: "Did you just hear Zhao Wenyi say the three words 'Ma Xiaoquan'?"

The maid said respectfully: "I heard what you said, Madam."

The woman thought for a while, then exhaled and said calmly: "I feel restless these past two days. Well, Xiaoshuang, if you feel something too, then you go and have a look."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, a light blue fire spirit slowly emerged from her body. When the maid standing next to the woman saw the fire spirit, she quickly knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise her head.

The fire spirit whined at the woman twice, then flew into the air and flew away.


Zhao Wenyi returned home and called the green hooded man who had just reported the situation to him again and asked, "Are you sure it's Ma Xiaoquan?"

"Young Master Wenyi, that person said it himself, what did he say about the 'Fantasy Forest', and what he said about 'I, Ma Xiaoquan, came here today...'..."

"Hmm~Huanlin?" Zhao Wenyi suddenly felt a strong jealousy in his heart, "Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan, haha... If it weren't for you, if it weren't for your existence, how could I, Zhao Wenyi, not get Li

Qinghan? Ma Xiaoquan, even if you are not that Ma Xiaoquan, I will never keep you. I would rather kill you by mistake than keep you... Send the order and send a hundred people to kill the intruder.




At the same time, Zhao Wenqiang did not know where he got the news that the intruder was named Ma Xiaoquan.

However, unlike Zhao Wenyi's jealousy, Zhao Wenqiang did not have the determination and decision to kill Ma Xiaoquan quickly. On the contrary, he still had the mentality of wanting to watch a good show.

"Mingzhu, do you think...should we send someone to have a look?"

Next to Zhao Wenqiang, Mingzhu, a tall and thin blind man, smiled and said: "Master Wenqiang, it seems that our plan is going to change."

"How do you say this?"

Mingzhu said: "If the intruder is really that Ma Xiaoquan, Master Wen Qiang, will you arrest him or not?"

"Of course we're going to arrest him?"

"What if it's not?" Mingzhu asked again.


Mingzhu said: "Yes or no, the people sent by Master Wen Qiang will be discovered by Zhao Wenyi, and there will inevitably be conflicts between you. Master Wen Qiang, we are at a slight disadvantage at the moment, we must act calmly..."

"Then tell me, what should we do?"

Mingzhu smiled sinisterly: "Master Wenqiang, Master Wenbin once met Ma Xiaoquan. If possible, let Master Wenbin go and have a look. Even if Zhao Wenyi sees it, he will not do anything to Master Wenbin. What do you think?

Woolen cloth?"

Zhao Wenqiang chuckled and nodded: "Very good! Then go and inform Wen Bin and let him go. As for whether the intruder is Ma Xiaoquan, huh, arrest or not, I suddenly feel that it is not that big a deal.

It makes sense, haha.”



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