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【1800】Dark Valley (3)

After about one stick of incense, the dark valley that was originally bright was still completely dark, and you couldn't even see your fingers.

"Hoo~~" Ma Xiaoquan blew the fire stick and used the faint light to observe the movements within the visual range.

Long Aotian is dead, and the competition team of eight people has become seven people.

The sudden darkening of the dark valley may indicate a signal that the trap in the dark valley is about to be activated or has already been activated.

Ma Xiaoquan encountered some obstacles on his way here, but none of them were enough to make him feel dangerous. Some of them even made him feel idiotic and funny.

Now that the dark valley was dark, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt that those idiotic and funny obstacles before might have been deliberate preparations to make him take it lightly.

However, why was this dark valley, which was like daylight before, now completely dark? Could someone be controlling it?

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head, feeling that his idea was a bit bold. Being able to control such a large dark valley would be an extremely difficult task even in modern society.

After his thoughts gradually stabilized, Ma Xiaoquan began to plan what to do next.

It's pitch dark now, and the fire can't last too long. Although I brought candles with me when I came, there were only two candles, and they were gone after they were used up.

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to light a fire, but he was worried that once the fire was lit, it would attract other people. Everyone had their own agendas, and a life-and-death fight would inevitably occur after meeting.

Ma Xiaoquan did not intend to go head-to-head with the remaining six people. His first task was to find the Huancai Stone first, and then consider the problems of those people. Perhaps by then, the various mechanisms in the dark valley would have captured all the six people.

He might even get killed.

It's just...it's so dark that it's difficult to walk, let alone looking for the radiant stone, which is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"What should we do?" Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin, blew out the fire stick in his hand, sat cross-legged, and meditated quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but Ma Xiaoquan suddenly opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I remembered that A Fei's gravity super power has a usage called gravity field. Well, I can also use this gravity field, but it is half weaker than A Fei's. However, with this half of the gravity field, I have

Know what to do."

Ah Fei is Ma Xiaoquan’s teammate from the same team as Ruan Longfei.

In the past, when Ma Xiaoquan had not yet carried out the physical travel mission, he would practice sparring with Ah Fei from time to time.

The two have similar close combat abilities and have very similar temperaments, so they both practiced sparring with A Fei in a real way.

Ma Xiaoquan clearly remembered that once when he was fighting with A Fei, he used the ability called "Gravity Field". Ma Xiaoquan was at a disadvantage at that time. After all, in the gravity field, any movement would become extremely heavy, and as a

Users of the gravity field will not be affected in any way.

In that sparring practice, Ma Xiaoquan lost to Ah Fei.

Later, Ma Xiaoquan obtained Ah Fei's ability (a superpower capsule obtained from Dr. Mingfa), and Ah Fei taught Ma Xiaoquan how to use the gravity field.

On many occasions in the future, Ma Xiaoquan would use the gravity field more or less. Of course, the most frequent use was to change the points of the dice to put himself in a state of winning every bet.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoquan thought again about what A Fei had told him before he left - the gravity field can be used as a special ability to sense the surrounding situation.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan finally understood the meaning of A Fei's words.

Taking a deep breath, Ma Xiaoquan clasped his hands together, then spread them on his knees, making a smart gesture similar to yoga. Then, he suddenly opened his eyes and used the maximum gravity superpower he could currently mobilize.

, doing his best to spread around him and in all directions.

The gravity field continued to expand and expand with Ma Xiaoquan's consciousness, and when it covered a distance of nearly twelve meters, it stagnated.

"Uh~~ It seems that my ability can only cover so much, but it is enough, enough for me to react to a certain extent, and enough for me to walk in this pitch-black valley."

Ma Xiaoquan stood up and patted the dust on his trouser legs. Although he couldn't see his fingers with his hands, Ma Xiaoquan could clearly sense any movement within the coverage area of ​​the field due to the spread of the gravity field - to be precise, anything caught by Ma Xiaoquan's gravity

In the area covered by the field, any slight change in gravity, even a change in direction, will attract Ma Xiaoquan's attention.

Of course, there is also a disadvantage...the gravity field is too sensitive. At the beginning, even a pebble or a drop of water falling naturally will make Ma Xiaoquan alert.

Fortunately, Ma Xiaoquan had good adaptability. After about half an hour, he finally mastered the use of the gravity field.

"It's interesting. This gravity field is actually similar to my original green spirit field. Well, this guy A Fei is indeed very strong in the use of gravity super power. When I have time to go back, I will definitely fight with him.

Let’s learn from each other two more times, hehe..."


Ma Xiaoquan aimlessly searched for the "Huancai Stone". With the blessing of the gravity field, he could feel all movements within twelve meters around him without lighting candles or torches.

"Well..." Suddenly, Ma Xiaoquan stopped and turned to look to his left.

Although it was pitch dark, his gravity field had already sensed that someone was ambushing him not far to his left.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, squatted down, found a fist-sized stone, picked it up, weighed it in his hand a few times, and then threw it away in the direction of the erratic gravity.

It only took him a moment to breathe, and then there was a "bang", followed immediately by a man's scream.

Ma Xiaoquan grinned softly, and then walked away quickly and quietly.


"Huhu..." In the position where Ma Xiaoquan threw the stone, a man hit the fire stick in his hand.

"Damn, why are you so unlucky? Did that guy see me hiding here?" The man put the dagger in his hand into the sheath on his waist and kept rubbing his left shoulder.

"It was so dark that I couldn't see who that person was. If it hadn't been for the trap I had set up in advance, I wouldn't have known that someone was coming. That guy was such a thief. He didn't even light a candle.

To make a fool of myself, who is he?"


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