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【1830】Ningyuan offensive and defensive battle (4)

The arrow array composed of spears and spears is much more powerful than ordinary arrows or rockets. Firstly, it is larger and more lethal, and secondly, it is fired with greater force.

"Bang~~" A spear pierced the city wall first, punching a small hole in the thick city wall.

Fortunately, the weather was currently very cold, so Yuan Chonghuan ordered people to pour water on the city wall in advance. After freezing, the city wall was much stronger than before, both in terms of solidity and degree of protection.

Yuan Chonghuan was shocked and quickly ordered the southeast, northwest and central areas to prepare defenses. Following the order, the five generals set up high shields one after another.

Due to the suppressed firepower of the Jurchen army, the Ming army's Hongyi cannon could not be loaded smoothly at all. Arrows kept flying in, and Ming army soldiers in front of the cannon were constantly shot to death.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoquan said angrily: "Brother Yuan, retaliate in return. We also have foot bows and crossbows. Let's use them too. We won't wait any longer."

Yuan Chonghuan nodded, patted Ma Xiaoquan's shoulder heavily, and said: "Brother Ma, I don't have any generals available around me, so you can give me orders for now."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "That's what I mean, Brother Yuan, we have the geographical advantage and will definitely be more powerful than them."

After that, Ma Xiaoquan grabbed an order flag and ordered: "Our crossbowmen, prepare~"

After giving the order, the Ming army's crossbowmen quickly prepared, and responded within a few breaths: "Report, the foot bow and crossbow are ready."

Ma Xiaoquan spat and said, "Hit them so hard that they won't even recognize their father!"


Compared with the Jurchen army's foot-bow crossbows, the Ming army's foot-bow crossbows were more sophisticated in workmanship and had better texture. In terms of range, they naturally had a longer range. In addition, the Ming army occupied Ningyuan City and had a geographical advantage.

The lethality of the foot bow crossbow is much stronger than that of the Jurchen Army.

The arches and crossbows of the two sides formed a trend of attacking. The Jurchen army was victorious because of its large number of people, while the Mingjun was stronger because of its geographical advantage. The offensive and defensive sides fired at each other for several consecutive rounds. Each had its own victory or defeat, but overall

, or the Ming army took a slight advantage.


The Jurchen army, which had an overwhelming numerical advantage, did not seem to care about the casualties at all. They stepped on the bodies of their dead comrades and continued to rush towards Ningyuan City without fear of death.

On the mountain-shaped city wall, the three fathers and sons of the Ma family, who were guarding each side, were the first Ming army to encounter the Jurchen soldiers.

The Jurchen army set up a ladder, and the father and son ordered the soldiers to push the ladder down; the Jurchen army used flying ropes to climb the wall, and the father and son ordered their wall-climbing ropes to be cut; the Jurchen army shot arrows upward, and the father and son ordered the people on the city to go down.

Archery, in short, the Jurchen army must not be allowed to climb the city wall, not even one of them.

After burning the incense, the second Hongyi cannon was finally ready.

This time, eight cannons were fired simultaneously, and the sound of the cannons was unprecedented.

The rumbling sound sounded again. This time, because the Jurchen army was closer to Ningyuan City and their numbers were more concentrated, the casualty rate was naturally more terrifying.

The lethality and deterrence caused by the simultaneous firing of eight cannons finally frightened the Jurchen army.


Ma Xiaoquan panted heavily and looked up towards the bottom of the city. At the place where the eight cannons were hit, there were severed limbs and limbs scattered everywhere. The corpses were piled up like mountains. The scene was horrific.

Shaking his head, Ma Xiaoquan said in surprise: "I originally thought that the solid iron ball didn't have much lethality, but now it seems that not only is it very lethal, but its destructive power is also terrifyingly powerful."


Huang Taiji led a group of cavalry to the mountain-shaped city wall. When he saw the Ma family and his son fighting on the wall, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Destroy these three walls for me! Capture the father and son alive! I'm so angry~~"

The Jurchen soldiers yelled their clan language, went crazy and rushed towards the city wall, using their weapons to dig, kick, or even resist with their bodies. As long as they could collapse the city wall, any method would do.

It's a pity... this mountain-shaped city wall is solid. No matter how much the Jurchen army digs and digs, it will be of no avail. What makes the Jurchen army even more desperate is that water was poured on the city wall, which turned into ice and was destroyed.

It became more difficult to get up, and people kept dying, and the blood flowing out turned into ice, which made it even worse.

Nurhaci, directly behind, became anxious, raised the scimitar in his hand, and shouted: "Tear down the city wall for me at any cost."

The Great Khan issued a death order, and the soldiers naturally carried it out resolutely.

The Jurchen army rushed to the city wall one after another to destroy the city wall. Their hard work paid off. After three consecutive waves of people were sacrificed, the rightmost city wall was cut off.

The person guarding this city wall is Ma Yuan, the second son of the Ma family.

At this time, Ma Yuan was already furious. He didn't care at all about the Jurchen army cutting off his city wall.

If any Jurchen army climbed up, Ma Yuan would kick them down without mercy, or chop them to death with a knife, and then kick them down the city wall.

With a "Puff" sound, Ma Yuan was suddenly hit by an arrow in the shoulder. His center of gravity was unsteady, he stumbled and rolled down the city wall.

"Second brother~~" Ma Cheng shouted in shock when he saw Ma Yuan rolling down the city wall.

Ma Xiaoquan also saw Ma Yuan rolling down. He gritted his teeth and shouted to Ma Cheng: "Third brother, stay safe, I will save the second brother."

Ma Cheng shouted: "Okay, be careful!"

After Ma Xiaoquan said this, he turned over and jumped down from the high city wall.

When the Jurchen soldiers under the city wall saw someone jumping down, they all raised their spears, trying to kill him.

Ma Xiaoquan shouted loudly, and the steel skin super power was naturally activated. Those spears were stabbed into his body. Apart from tearing his clothes and pants, they could not penetrate any part of his flesh.

There were several "collapses", and several spears were broken. Ma Xiaoquan also used this force to fall to the ground unscathed.

As soon as he landed, several Jurchen soldiers came towards Ma Xiaoquan with spears and knives.

Ma Xiaoquan drew his dagger and faced him head on.

The soldiers were fighting hand to hand, and the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong was heard. Because Ma Xiaoquan didn't care, or didn't pay attention to the fact that swords and guns would hurt him, his attack was much more violent than those of the Jurchen soldiers.

But he was alone after all. Facing the Jurchen army's three levels of encirclement and killing, if he couldn't find a way to join up with his second brother, he would die when his physical strength was exhausted.

"Second brother...Ma Yuan..." Ma Xiaoquan kept shouting Ma Yuan's name.

Not far away, Ma Yuan responded: "I'm here..."

Ma Xiaoquan was overjoyed and shouted again: "Second brother, you are not allowed to die... If you die, I will marry my second sister-in-law..."

This chapter has been completed!
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