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【1834】Ningyuan offensive and defensive battle (8)

When they saw Ma Xiaoquan, the two Jurchen soldiers shouted in confusion and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan shouted and faced him with the sword given by Yuan Chonghuan.

With a "Pfft" sound, one of them was killed first, and when he was about to kill the other one, the Jurchen soldier turned around and ran away.

"Where to run?" Ma Xiaoquan caught up with him in two steps, intending to slash with his sword.

At this moment, the Jurchen soldier suddenly turned around and slashed with a knife. Although Ma Xiaoquan noticed it, he still felt a chill on his face.

Fortunately, the strength of the two sides was not at the same level. After Ma Xiaoquan dealt with the Jurchen soldiers, he kicked them off the city wall.

"Here...replenish troops quickly~~" Ma Xiaoquan defended a gap alone and shouted.

But... none of the Ming troops on the city wall were idle. Ma Xiaoquan shouted three times, but only two reinforcements were sent, and one of them died during one of the battles.

"Damn~~" Ma Xiaoquan wiped the blood on his face, and suddenly a pain came from his face. After wiping it again, Ma Xiaoquan realized that his face had been scratched.

The cut is neither long nor deep, but even if it heals in the future, it will leave scars.

"Bad luck~~" Ma Xiaoquan was extremely angry, and two more Jurchen soldiers happened to climb up. Without saying a word, he picked up his saber, went up and stabbed one to death first, while the other dragged his long braid.

Lifted it up.

The saber was placed on the neck of the Jurchen soldier, and with a sharp slash, a bright red column of blood spurted out for more than six feet.

"Fuck you~~" Ma Xiaoquan threw the dead Jurchen soldier off the city wall, then stood on the city wall and yelled: "You idiot guys, if you can, fight them. If you come up, grandpa will kill one of them!"

Under the city wall, Ma Xiaoquan's cry was heard by a man. He left the Ming army he killed and looked up at the city wall.

"Huh?" When the man saw Ma Xiaoquan's arrogant and domineering look, his eyes widened with anger and he shouted: "Ma Xiaoquan, come down if you can!"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, looked at it carefully, and smiled.

The person who was yelling at him was none other than Batu, the Jurchen general who had a little beef with Ma Xiaoquan before.

"Batu, Grandpa, I won't come down. If you have the ability, come up. Come on~~ Come on~~" Ma Xiaoquan made an expression as if he wanted to be beaten, and from time to time he would spit at the bottom of the city. What made Batu even more angry was,

While Ma Xiaoquan provoked him, he continued to harvest the lives of his own people.

"Ma Xiaoquan, I'll fuck your grandma~~~" Batu cursed in Chinese, then rushed towards the city wall with his two swords in hand.


Batu is very powerful and can climb the city wall much faster than ordinary Jurchen soldiers. Moreover, his luck is also very good. During the process of climbing the city wall, none of the cold arrows fired from the city hit him.


Seeing that Batu was about to climb up, Ma Xiaoquan rushed forward and kicked him.

Batu reacted quickly. He knew that he could not avoid Ma Xiaoquan's kick, so he simply lowered his head and took Ma Xiaoquan's kick abruptly.

Ma Xiaoquan's kick was very powerful, but Batu's resistance was even stronger. With a thud, Ma Xiaoquan was unable to kick Batu down.

The next moment, Batu jumped on the city wall, first hacked to death the only soldier beside Ma Xiaoquan, and then rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan while screaming.

Ma Xiaoquan laughed and faced Batu with his sword. The next moment, the two swords were locked together. With a bang, they were both shaken by each other's strength and took two steps back.

Ma Xiaoquan's physical strength was very exhausted. At this moment, not only was he unable to use his gravity superpower, but even the steel skin that was originally activated automatically had no effect.

Panting heavily, Ma Xiaoquan took several steps back.

Batu noticed Ma Xiaoquan's tiredness and rushed forward, screaming, trying to kill you while you were sick.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and gritted his teeth to receive Ba Tu's chop. There was another clang, and the two of them were once again shocked back by each other's strength.

Batu was surprised. He thought that Ma Xiaoquan was so tired that he shouldn't have to use any strength. However, after two consecutive attempts at strength, he not only failed to gain any advantage, but also had a small opening in the tiger's mouth due to Ma Xiaoquan's force.

Ma Xiaoquan was also shocked. He tried his best twice in a row, but Batu just retreated.

"Damn, if it hadn't been for the excessive physical exertion before, I wouldn't be like this now..." Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and raised his head, saying, "Batu, you and I are each our own masters, and the ways are different. It's natural."

We won't conspire with each other, but I have to tell you that now that you are on the city wall, you will not take advantage of me too much."

Ma Xiaoquan is yelling at Batu, let’s see if he will be fooled.

Sure enough, after hearing Ma Xiaoquan's words, Batu glanced around for the first time. Just as Ma Xiaoquan said, he was indeed the only one standing on the city wall now.

Batu didn't want to give up just like that, because he knew that Ma Xiaoquan was close to exhaustion, and if he persisted a little longer, he might be able to kill Ma Xiaoquan.

Thinking of this, Batu decided to take a risk.

Ma Xiaoquan also knew that Batu would not give up just like that, so after shouting at Batu, he immediately retreated. At this time, Zhu Fu finally arrived with more than a dozen people.

Batu came to his senses and realized that because of his stupidity, he let Ma Xiaoquan go. Batu regretted it very much, but in the face of Zhu Fu and the dozen or so Ming troops he led, he did not dare to fight.


In the end, Batu gave up and continued to attack the city. He retreated while fighting. In the end, because he was outnumbered, he was kicked off the city wall by Zhu Fu.

With a "pop", Batu fell to the ground. On the city wall, Ma Xiaoquan stuck out his head, glanced at Batu, then raised his bow and nocked an arrow, saying: "Look at the arrow, you damn thing!"

With a "swish" sound, an arrow flew through the air. Batu had no time to dodge, and with a pop, the arrow pierced his shoulder.

Batu gritted his teeth in pain and looked at Ma Xiaoquan angrily. Ma Xiaoquan didn't give him a chance to breathe and shot another arrow.

This time, Batu was prepared and turned over to avoid Ma Xiaoquan's arrow.

"Ma Xiaoquan, just wait for me~" Batu covered his shoulders and climbed up in embarrassment. After leaving a message, he got into the group of Jurchen soldiers and couldn't find him...

"Well..." Ma Xiaoquan watched Batu leave and collapsed on the ground, the crossbow in his hand falling to the ground with a clang.

Zhu Fu glanced at Ma Xiaoquan and said, "Sir, why don't you go and have a rest? You were too tired just now to save your second brother..."

This chapter has been completed!
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