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【1840】Ningyuan offensive and defensive battle (14)

Yuan Chonghuan adopted Ma Xiaoquan's suggestion and ordered the Ming army soldiers to also use foot bows and crossbows to attack the Jurchen army.

In an instant, hundreds of arrows were fired. Although the effect was not as good as during the day, the screams of the Jurchen army could still be heard occasionally.

In the rear camp, Nurhaci slammed the table and said: "We are not familiar with this night battle. Instead of doing this, we don't care about tactics or tactics, just go up and fight~"

Nurhachi made up his mind and immediately ordered the entire army to attack Ningyuan City.


After a whole day, not only the Ming army, but also the Jurchen army were exhausted. Now they had to fight at night, and the Jurchen army was actually unwilling to do so.

However, disobeying orders will result in beheading. There is no other way. If the Great Khan says to fight at night, let’s fight at night.

The Jurchen army gathered quickly, but their spirit and morale were much worse than during the day.

Even so, the Jurchen army still had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Nurhaci also knew in his heart that if he and his soldiers had to fight Yuan Chonghuan, they would be able to dig through Ningyuan City even with a hand plane.


What Nurhachi could think of, Yuan Chonghuan naturally knew better.

Yuan Chonghuan is also hesitating whether to retreat, but...if he retreats, how? Where to retreat?

Yuan Chonghuan sighed and turned to look at Ma Xiaoquan.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan was holding a red-hot dagger and burning it on his shoulder. Although it hurt, Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Yuan Chonghuan had actually seen this scene many times, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that he had the motivation to persevere.

Yuan Chonghuan believed that even someone like Ma Xiaoquan, who had no deep friendship with him, could give so selflessly, so as the guard of Ningyuan, why should he hesitate? Besides... after fighting all day long, Nurhachi didn't take anything.

Go to Ningyuan City. If they finally capture it, there will definitely be no one left alive in Ningyuan City, because Nurhachi wants to vent his anger.

"How much food do we have?" Yuan Chonghuan asked the deputy in charge of food beside him.

"To tell you what the general said, if the fight continues like this, we can only last two days."

"Two days?" Yuan Chonghuan was stunned, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "If this battle continues until tomorrow morning, or if the Jurchen army does not withdraw until tomorrow morning, Ningyuan City will be destroyed...

.When the time comes, even if...even if we persist, it will be of no avail..."

"General, then we..."

Yuan Chonghuan shook his head: "No, we can't withdraw, and we can't withdraw. I believe a miracle will happen." After speaking, Yuan Chonghuan walked to Ma Xiaoquan, helped him take off the dagger, and said, "Brother Ma, I think you should withdraw.


Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said: "Brother Yuan, retreat? Where to retreat? Brother Yuan believes in miracles, and so do I."

Yuan Chonghuan was stunned, feeling happy and worried at the same time: "But your whole family..."

"Brother Yuan, you really don't understand our Ma family. We are sure that no one will leave. Let's stop talking. The Jurchens are coming."


This night was much better than the brutal day.

Although the Jurchen army launched attacks many times, every time the Ming army's Hongyi artillery fired, the Jurchen army turned around and retreated "with a tacit understanding". This back-and-forth tug-of-war did not actually occur several times.

Yuan Chonghuan believed that the Jurchen army was testing because there were so many of them and their constant testing actually acted as a form of harassment. The purpose was to prevent the Ming army from adjusting their status until dawn the next day before continuing to attack.

After seeing through Nurhachi's strategy, Yuan Chonghuan simply kept a few cannons and fired one or two shells from time to time to show off. Anyway, you Jurchens don't like to fight at night, and our Ming army has no need to fight with you. At worst, we will fight to the death after dawn tomorrow.


In this way, in this very strange atmosphere, this night battle, which was expected to be very brutal, actually passed very peacefully.


The sky gradually turned white. On the Jurchen Army's side, thanks to the "rotation" last night, the soldiers were in relatively good spirits. On the Ming Army's side, because of Yuan Chonghuan's boldness, the Ming Army also had a good rest.

It's okay.

On the city wall, Ma Xiaoquan stood quietly, looking far ahead. Beside him, Hua Yue and Beiming Shuangxue stood beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Hua Yue is wearing a snow-white cloak, with long black hair tied on top of her head, showing off her noble temperament, while Beiming Shuangxue has long blood-red hair fluttering in the wind.

Not far below the city, Huang Taiji's eyes were fixed on Huayue and Beiming Shuangxue on the city. His eyes were full of greed.

I saw the two girls yesterday. Huang Taiji couldn't sleep all night, especially with her long blood-red hair fluttering in the wind...

Seeing the two women on the city wall holding Ma Xiaoquan's arms, Huang Taiji was so jealous that he wanted to scold his mother. Why was Ma Xiaoquan so lucky that he could marry such a beautiful woman? Why?


There was a whine and the horn sounded. Huang Taiji came to his senses and backed away with some reluctance.

"No matter what, we must capture Ning Yuan. When the time comes, I will definitely get Ma Xiaoquan's two women."

Nurhaci raised the scimitar in his hand and shouted slogans loudly. He wanted to personally direct this battle today. He didn't believe it. Why was it so difficult to win the small Ningyuan City?

Another horn sounded, and the Jurchen army launched an all-round attack.

Yes, this time the attack will no longer focus on attacking that position. As long as it is Ning Yuancheng, it will be attacked.

On the city wall, the Ming army soldiers who had already placed Hongyi cannons, visually observed that the Jurchen army entered the shooting range, and fired the first cannonball of the new day.

Rumbling sounds followed, and wherever the shells passed, human lives were harvested.

The Jurchen Army had already experienced the power of the Hongyi cannon yesterday. Although some soldiers last night also noticed that the loading speed of the Hongyi cannon was slow, but every time the cannon was fired, the sound was deafening. If nothing else, the momentum alone was enough to scare people.

Dead people.


Ma Xiaoquan watched the Jurchen soldiers being bombed and smashed to death not far from the city, and he couldn't bear it. Although the enemy and we are different, after a few years, they are also our people of the land of China. Why bother hurting each other? Why bother?



Ma Xiaoquan came back to his senses and looked into the distance. To his surprise, the Jurchen soldiers retreated.

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and called Yuan Chonghuan over. The latter was also very surprised, but he soon understood.

It turned out that the retreating Jurchen army was not really retreating, but was pulling back the bodies of their dead comrades.

Nurhachi also simply ordered his men to dig a big pit in the rear and cremate the bodies of the dead soldiers on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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