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【1884】Military Parade (2)

Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji, you are so powerful. You have a lotus flower in your mouth, and you borrow the power of a donkey under the slope to be better than me, Ma Xiaoquan. You are not giving in much.

"Haha, since the Great Khan has said it, it's natural to be respectful rather than obey. It's just that it's still early. When I have the opportunity, I'll come over and give you some advice. What do you think, Great Khan?"

After Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, he looked at Huang Taiji and thought to himself: Can't you Huang Taiji push? I'll play Taichi with you too.

Huang Taiji was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Okay, then I will wait for Lord Ma to come again. It's just another arrival. I don't want Lord Ma to be tied up by me, haha...


Ma Xiaoquan also laughed loudly. Although he knew in his heart that the future history would indeed be that Huang Taiji invaded the pass and became the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty, but as a Han Chinese, he still did not want to be inferior.

"Is that so? What if the Great Khan is tied up by our Ming soldiers?" Ma Xiaoquan asked with a smile.

"Presumptuous~" The guard beside Huang Taiji glared at Ma Xiaoquan, his hand already pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist.

Huang Taiji chuckled, shook his head at the guard, and said, "Master Ma just loves to joke, haha..."

Ma Xiaoquan secretly admired Huang Taiji for being able to endure it. He also gave up when things got better. After all, he was currently in the Jurchen camp. If he continued to cause trouble, Huang Taiji would not be able to get excited and kill him.

Although Ma Xiaoquan has the super power of steel skin and can completely defend against swords and guns, he cannot stand against the crowd. Even if everyone comes over and kicks or punches him, the shock will probably kill him.


When Huang Taiji saw that Ma Xiaoquan had stopped talking, he secretly admired Ma Xiaoquan's wisdom.

"Okay, since Mr. Ma is here, please ask Mr. Ma to get down from the mobile booth."

Ma Xiaoquan also had this intention. After all, sitting on the mobile booth always felt a bit awkward.

Pulling Fangfang up, Fangfang still closed her eyes in fear.

Ma Xiaoquan patted Fangfang on the shoulder and said, "Okay, it's okay. Come on, come down with me."

Fangfang opened her eyes and immediately focused on her son in her arms.

Little Zhifeng seemed to be fine and slept soundly. Ma Xiaoquan could even hear little Zhifeng snoring.

"Haha, he is such a little guy who is not afraid of trouble~" Ma Xiaoquan gently touched his son's little hand. The little guy seemed to feel something, chirped twice, and turned his face away.

Fangfang was also amused by her son's cuteness, and she couldn't help but kiss her son's little face.

The eight big men took their last breath, put the mobile booth down steadily, and then twisted their shoulders in unison.

Huang Taiji caught the movements of the eight people and whispered to a guard beside him: "What's going on? Is it really what Nu Haer (the Jurchen soldier with the blue flag just now) said just now?"

The guard nodded: "It's very possible. Please see, Khan. Dolly and the others are the real Baturus of our Jurchen Eight Banners. If nothing else, they will never pretend."

Huang Taiji frowned slightly: "So, it's really possible that Ma Xiaoquan is very heavy?"

"Well, it's possible!"

Huang Taiji nodded, indicating that he understood, then turned to Ma Xiaoquan, who had just jumped off the mobile pavilion, and said: "Master Ma, I have an unkind request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

Ma Xiaoquan had just stood firm and had not yet helped Fangfang and her son down. When he heard Huang Taiji talking to him, he nodded helplessly to Fangfang, turned around and said: "I don't know what the merciless request of the Great Khan is. Of course, if there is any

I will never do anything that harms my Ming Dynasty, and if it hurts me personally or my wife and children, I will not agree to it."

Huang Taiji chuckled, shook his head and said: "No, no, no, Master Ma is the envoy. When the two countries are fighting, the envoy will not be killed. I understand this principle. I just want to ask, sir, if you can stand on the scale and let me address you."

How much do you weigh?"

"Ah?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned. He didn't expect that Huang Taiji would make such a request to weigh himself? How can an envoy from a country ask someone to weigh himself as soon as he arrives? This is not selling piglets.

"Well...okay~" Ma Xiaoquan reluctantly agreed to Huang Taiji's request.

I thought that Huang Taiji just said it casually, and even if it was a weigh-in, it should be discussed later. Unexpectedly, as soon as Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, Huang Taiji called to two big men and came over to weigh them.

"Haha, Lord Ma, I got this title from you Han people. How about it? Is it new enough?"

Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes angrily and thought, besides robbing, how else could you come here? Damn it, it’s such a new title, I’ve never seen anything so new in the capital.

"Oh, haha, it's really new." Ma Xiaoquan complimented casually.

"Right, then please ask Mr. Ma to stand up." Huang Taiji was a little anxious. He needed to know the reason why the mobile pavilion arrived late. Is it what Nu Haer said - because Ma Xiaoquan was very heavy.

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan nodded, jumped up and took the seat.

The two Jurchen soldiers quickly came over, each holding several weights in their hands and constantly adjusting the center of gravity of the weights.

After a while, the center of gravity was stabilized. After the two Jurchen soldiers saw the number on the scale of the center of gravity, they first looked at each other, then took off the weight, walked respectfully to Huang Taiji, and said: "Khan, the weighing is done.


"Oh, really? How many pounds is that?"

The two Jurchen soldiers looked at each other again, and one of them said: "One hundred and fifty-one pounds."

"What? One hundred and fifty-one?" Huang Taiji frowned, you are not lying, are you?

"No, absolutely not. The sweat is indeed so heavy."

When Ma Xiaoquan heard Huang Taiji questioning the two Jurchen soldiers, he smiled and said: "Great Khan, I am indeed that heavy. Why, does the Great Khan think I weigh one or two thousand catties?"

Huang Taiji looked at the eight big men carrying the mobile pavilion with some annoyance. There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes. The eight people were stunned for a moment, and then they knelt down in a hurry.

Huang Taiji breathed out and finally calmed down the anger in his heart. No matter whether what happened before was true or not, he couldn't kill people casually now, otherwise, Ma Xiaoquan would laugh at him.

Turning his head to look at Ma Xiaoquan, he saw Ma Xiaoquan looking at him with a smile.

Huang Taiji thought to himself: This Ma Xiaoquan is very stable. If such a thing happened, ordinary messengers would make fun of him, but he didn't.

"Haha, Sir Ma, don't worry too much. I'm just curious to see who is heavier, Sir or me~" After saying that, Huang Taiji jumped up to the throne.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, Huang Taiji's skill in smoothing things over was also top-notch.

In fact, the moment Huang Taiji asked Ma Xiaoquan to weigh himself, he already knew that Huang Taiji was doubting him.

After all, it originally took three sticks of incense to walk from the inn to the training ground, but in the end it took four sticks of incense. If you ask this kind of thing, everyone will think too much about it.

"Haha... I weigh 155 pounds, which is heavier than Mr. Ma, haha..."

Huang Taiji jumped off his seat and looked at Ma Xiaoquan with a smile.

Ma Xiaoquan borrowed the donkey from the slope and hurriedly said: "The Great Khan has worked hard for the tribe and has a strong body. He is heavier than me, so it is natural."

Huang Taiji nodded. He knew that Ma Xiaoquan was complimenting him, but when he said it, it sounded very pleasing to the ear.

"Haha..." Huang Taiji laughed, waved his hand and said, "Master Ma is really a good person. Come, come with me to the central point of commanding generals. I will let you come and see the majesty of my Jurchen.


Ma Xiaoquan hummed and said, "The Great Khan said so, so of course I have to obey it. Great Khan, please!" Ma Xiaoquan made a gesture of invitation.

"Master Ma, please!" Huang Taiji also made a gesture of invitation in return.

The two came to the general stand, Huang Taiji sat on the right, Ma Xiaoquan sat a little below him on the right, and the leaders of each banner group sat in the remaining main positions.

The Jurchens have eight flags, which are divided into the straight yellow flag, the bordered yellow flag, the pure white flag, the bordered white flag, the pure blue flag, the bordered blue flag, the pure red flag and the bordered red flag.

Huang Taiji is a Zhenghuang Banner person and belongs to the Aixinjueluo family.

Of course, Zhenghuang Banner not only has Aixinjueluo tribe, but also dozens of tribes such as Ming'an clan, Tujia clan, etc.

The seating arrangements on the general stage were actually very particular. As Ma Xiaoquan was the guest of honor, Huang Taiji specially arranged for him to sit on the right side in accordance with Han etiquette. Of course, since Ma Xiaoquan was not a Jurchen, his seat could not be parallel to Huang Taiji's.

Ma Xiaoquan also saw the seating rules on the general stage. He looked around and found that there were leaders of several tribes. Although they did not sit parallel to Huang Taiji, their seats seemed to be similar in appearance and texture.

It’s not much different from Huang Taiji’s.

Well, it seems that there are still differences in levels among the Jurchen tribe.

"Sir, please have tea~" A Jurchen maid politely brought a cup of tea and placed it on the table beside Ma Xiaoquan. This Jurchen maid looked quite graceful, especially her pair of big eyes, which were very ethereal.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, picked up the teacup, and looked at the maid a few more times.

Huang Taiji saw that Ma Xiaoquan was interested in the maid and joked: "Do you like my Jurchen woman?"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Don't make fun of me, Khan. I'm just curious. I don't have any inappropriate thoughts about women from noble tribes."

"Haha, I really don't understand you Han people. I can clearly see the surprise and love in the adults' eyes, but why don't you admit it? It's not like us Jurchens. If you like it, you just like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it."

Ma Xiaoquan was speechless. He really had no interest in the Jurchen maid at all. He just looked at her twice because she was closer just now.

Fangfang, who was sitting next to Ma Xiaoquan, lowered her head, feeling unspeakably awkward in her heart. Although she knew that she could not interfere with Ma Xiaoquan's private life, when she heard Huang Taiji said that the Lord had looked at the Jurchen maid a few more times, she thought in her heart.


This chapter has been completed!
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