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【189】Riding Cloth

After entering the camp, Cao Ren pulled up his trousers with a blushing face and looked at Ma Xiaoquan with a resentful look.

Cao Cao felt strange and asked Cao Ren: "Zixiao, didn't you go to the toilet? Are you feeling better?"

Cao Ren cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your concern, lord, I'm much better now..." Even so, Cao Ren's stomach was actually churning right now.

Cao Cao nodded and asked Cao Ren: "Liu Bei and Liu Pi and others attacked my Runan, Zixiao, what do you think?"

Cao Ren blushed and held back his fart, then slowly said: "Master, in my opinion, we don't need to worry too much."

Cao Cao's eyes lit up: "Go on."

When Cao Ren was dragged out of the toilet by Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan told him to give Cao Cao advice on how to pacify Liu Bei.

Cao Rendao: "Lord, at present, because we are at war with Yuan Shao, a powerful enemy in the southern areas of our rear, we believe that we will not be able to rescue them in a short time. Therefore, they will be forced to surrender because of Liu Bei's sneak attack. But, Lord, how big is that?"

The ear thief has not been leading Yuan Shao's army for a long time. In my opinion, he will never be able to make his subordinates obey his orders. If we attack Liu Bei at this time, we will definitely win. By then, the crisis in Runan will surely be over.


When Cao Cao heard this, he laughed loudly and said: "I have exactly what I want, but this person..." Cao Cao said, looking around at every general present.

After thinking for a long time, Cao Cao said to Cao Ren: "Zixiao, it's up to you to do this!"

Cao Ren had just said a lot of words and was about to fart secretly. Unexpectedly, after his lord gave the order, Cao Ren held back the fart again.

Cao Ren blushed and said, "Follow...obey!"


After leaving the camp, Cao Ren hurriedly ran to the latrine. When Zhang Liao saw it, he couldn't help but worriedly said to Ma Xiaoquan and Cao Cao: "Master Shangxian, my lord, I see that Zixiao is not in very good condition. I'm afraid..."

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand: "It's okay, this is easy to handle!"

Cao Cao nodded. He believed that Master Shangxian had his own solution, and he followed everyone away with a smile.

Ma Xiaoquan came to Cao Ren's tent to wait for him. As soon as Cao Ren came back, Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward and grabbed Cao Ren: "Zixiao, how are you? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Cao Ren wiped the sweat from his head: "Oh, it's much better. I've been struggling with this for a day, and I finally feel like it's almost done."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "That's good, but just in case, I think you should do this..."

Cao Ren raised his ears and listened to Master Shangxian's words. After listening, Cao Ren blushed: "Sir Shangxian, is this okay?"

Ma Xiaoquan said seriously: "Why not? Of course you can. Let me tell you, if you get into this, it will be easy to keep your first battle."

Cao Ren was still worried and said: "That riding cloth was made by women. How can I, a grown man, handle that thing properly?"

Ma Xiaoquan twitched the corner of his mouth twice and advised Cao Ren: "Don't you want to capture Liu Bei alive?"

Cao Ren curled his lips and said, "Of course I have. I have to catch Liu Bei's bastard, big-eared thief this time."

"That's good, then you have to do what I say, understand?"

Cao Ren was a little reluctant, but still nodded and agreed.


Before setting off, Cao Ren sat on his horse and kept twisting his body. The deputy general came over and asked: "General, is this saddle making you uncomfortable?"

Cao Ren had no nerve to say that he was wearing a riding cloth, so he could only blush and shake his head: "No, that's enough, let's go."


Arriving at a county town in Runan, it was just as Master Shangxian said, and the county town was captured with almost no effort.

Cao Ren did not enter the city because he had not met Liu Bei yet and Cao Ren did not want to waste his time.

Sure enough, Cao Ren successfully defeated the next several places.

When Ru Nan surrendered, Liu Bei was forced to do so. Now seeing Cao Cao's reinforcements coming, of course he raised the white flag and surrendered.

The company returned to several places, and Cao Ren thought with high spirits: Master Shangxian is so wise. He said he would let me come. At first I was not willing, but now that I think about it, I really wrongly blamed Master Shangxian... No.

, this time I caught Liu Bei, I must thank Master Shangxian properly...

While he was daydreaming, he scouted the horse to report, and found the main force of Liu Bei's army ahead.

Cao Ren laughed loudly: "It's just what I wanted. The whole army obeys the order. Let's take a break and then attack Liu Bei!"

The deputy general said: "General, Liu Bei is not far ahead. Why don't we work hard together?"

Cao Ren nodded: "As the saying goes, it is full of energy and then exhausted. Our task today has been completed."

The deputy general said something like he didn't understand, and gave Cao Ren's order.

Liu Yuan's coalition forces received news of Cao Ren's attack and decided to defend first, but soon they received news that Cao Ren's army was holding back.

Liu Bei rubbed his big earlobes and said to himself: "What is this Cao Ren doing?"

One of his subordinates said garrulously: "General, is Cao Ren afraid of the general?"

Liu Bei shook his head, expressing uncertainty.

This subordinate understood that Liu Bei didn't know, and he continued: "General, although Cao Ren has regained several territories in succession, most of Runan is still in our hands. If we attack Cao Ren tonight, we will definitely gain a lot.

Good results.”

Liu Bei listened and nodded: "Okay, then let's attack Cao Ren at night!"


At night, Cao Ren's army rested as usual, but because it was not far from Liu Bei, Cao Ren specially arranged more sentries to patrol.

In the general's tent, Cao Ren and his deputy generals gathered together to discuss the next step.

The deputy general said: "General, are you sure Liu Bei will attack us tonight?"

Cao Ren chuckled: "That's natural. Although Liu Bei is a hero, he is really bad at fighting. Compared to my lord's strategy and courage, Liu Bei can't catch up with Guan Yu even if he rides on that little red rabbit horse."

The deputy general was still puzzled: "General, since you have arranged everything and prepared an ambush, why do you have to wait for Liu Bei in the general's camp yourself?"

Cao Ren said solemnly: "If I am not here and Liu Bei attacks and cannot see me, he will definitely think that we are cheating, and he may not fall for the trick. Therefore, I must stay."

The lieutenant general was shocked: "General, are you in danger?"

Cao Ren smiled again: "For my lord, and for the sake of Master Shangxian, I, Cao Ren, have no regrets."

Lieutenant General Yi was deeply moved after hearing Cao Ren's words: "General, I will follow you without hesitation!"

Cao Ren nodded and gently blew out the candles in the tent.


Liu Bei led a cadre of Yuan Jun to sneak to Cao Ren's camp in the dark.

Liu Bei said to General Yuan Jun: "Send my order and prepare for a sneak attack!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the general snorted coldly: "What the hell are you? I am under Mr. Yuan's account. In terms of official position, you and I are on the same level. Why do you order me?"

Liu Bei had no choice but to bend down and go down to deliver the order.

However, the army is not his own after all. Although Liu Bei did it himself, the effect was not very good.

Sitting on the ground, Liu Bei sighed depressedly: "Hey, as expected, the baby is still his own."

Having said that, Yuan Jun can also see the great opportunity now, and all the Yuan generals are gearing up and eager to try.

Just as Liu Bei was about to give the order, he didn't know who shouted first: "All troops attack!"

Immediately afterwards, the cry of killing rang out, and before Liu Bei could draw his double swords, he was rushed out by the crowd.

After finally calming down, Liu Bei shouted: "Kill Cao Ren first, kill Cao Ren first."

Liu Bei's words made the generals of Zhongyuan Army react, and everyone rushed straight to the largest camp.

At this time, a silver-armored general emerged from the tent. Through the light of the torch, Liu Bei could see the man's face clearly.

"Cao Ren!"

Cao Ren laughed loudly: "Yes, it's you, Grandpa Cao Ren, and I, the big-eared thief. You went back on your word and failed my Minggong. Do you still have the nerve to seek refuge with Yuan Benchu ​​today?"

Cao Ren's words made Liu Bei blush, and even the Yuan Jun generals beside him cast disdainful looks at Liu Bei.

Liu Bei responded shamelessly: "Fart, how can a despicable person like you understand the kindness Mr. Yuan has shown me? The fourth and third princes of the Yuan family, given time, Mr. Yuan will definitely unify the north..."

Liu Bei's flattery came at the right time. Previously, Yuan Jun's generals had a bit of contempt for him, but now it sounds like Liu Bei is not who Cao Ren said.

The generals of Yuan's army looked at each other, and after unifying their thoughts, they raised their weapons and rushed over, hoping to kill Cao Ren first.

Cao Ren was good at martial arts and was not a target. Seeing that something was wrong, he quickly rolled and crawled into the darkness.

However, just at this moment, Cao Ren's stomach began to grow unsatisfactorily.

Cao Ren thought to himself: Master Shangxian is wise, this riding cloth is just in use at this time, it's okay, come on, just pull it.

Thinking about it, Cao Ren let out a loud fart, and then, there was another violent storm...

After finishing pulling in his crotch, Cao Ren wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It feels good!"

At this time, the deputy general also came over. After finding Cao Ren, the deputy general frowned and murmured: "General, why do you smell so bad? You smell like shit."

Cao Ren slapped the deputy general with a "pop" sound: "Fart, I don't smell anything. By the way, have you given the order?"

The lieutenant general nodded: "It's already here. Now I'm just waiting for the general to say something."

After skimming off the big strip, Cao Ren felt that although his crotch was sticky and uncomfortable, his stomach no longer hurt.

Cao Ren cleared his throat and shouted: "Kill!"

Cao Ren gave an order, and many officers and soldiers of Cao's army suddenly appeared around him.

Liu Bei and other officers of Yuan's army took a look and realized that they had been ambushed by Cao Ren.

In the dark night, if you want to fight an ambush, it is very easy to win.

Now that Liu Bei was in the light and Cao Ren was in the dark, the pace of the war was quickly controlled by Cao Ren.

Liu Bei felt something was wrong and wanted to run away again, but his plan failed and Liu Bei hesitated again.

"Hey, I'm afraid this is another defeat, but a defeat has to be a bit like a defeat, right?"

As Liu Bei spoke, an idea came to his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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