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【1906】Assassin (7)

Late at night, no wind, quiet.

In the small courtyard where Ma Xiaoquan lives, small insects occasionally chirp once or twice.

Ma Xiaoquan sat quietly on the bed, with the bed curtains drawn and two candles lit on the head of the bed. Looking from the outside, a ray of light could shine through, and the figure sitting up inside could also be seen.

From the outside of the bed, it seemed that there were two people sitting on the bed, one tall and one short. However, in fact, only Ma Xiaoquan sat on the bed. As for Fangfang, she quietly hugged Xiao Zhifeng and nestled under the bed that had been separated.

In a breathable space.

After discussing with Fangfang earlier, Ma Xiaoquan started to install some small mechanisms in the room. He was in a hurry and did not have any handy tools and objects on hand. Therefore, the mechanisms Ma Xiaoquan made were relatively simple, but they would definitely make it easier for intruders to break into the room.


Fangfang, who was nestled under the bed, gently patted her son's little hand and asked Ma Xiaoquan in a low voice: "Sir, when will they come?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "It should be soon~~ By the way, they may release poison, so you can wear the gas mask I prepared for you when the time comes~"

"What should I do about my son? That gas mask of yours is really..." Fangfang smiled bitterly, thinking that your gas mask is just a piece of cloth soaked in urine.

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head: "I can't worry about that much anymore. Anyway, it won't kill me for a while, so if it smells bad, just make it smell bad."



Not long after the conversation between Ma Xiaoquan and Fangfang ended, someone poked a small hole in the window paper from the outside, and then a thin bamboo pipe poked in.

Outside the house, a man looked into the house through the small tube. After turning the tube slightly, the man saw two figures sitting on the bed.

The man was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his head and murmured in a low voice: "Why are these two people not asleep yet? Did they notice something?" The man waited for a while, and then looked into the room through the small tube again.

, this time, the room was dark.

"It seems that they are asleep... But I have to wait a little longer. I have to wait until they are asleep. Well, no, I can't directly release the poison gas. Let's release it first." After that, the man was already ready.

He put the poison in his arms and took out another bag of poison.

The man carefully opened the medicine package, then placed it in the tube head of a front container, put the thin tube in place, and secretly lit a fire bag and burned it against the tube head.

The powder in the tube head became gaseous after being heated. The man licked his lips, carefully held the tube tip in his mouth, took a breath through his nose, and blew on the tube tip. The gas spread along the thin tube into the room.

Men are very confident. If you suck a little bit of such a thing, you will fall to the ground immediately.

It's a pity that at the other end of the thin tube is Ma Xiaoquan, and he is Ma Xiaoquan, who is invulnerable to all poisons.

The gas blown in along the thin tube did not spread to the entire room. When the gas surged in along the thin tube, Ma Xiaoquan opened his mouth and held the other end of the thin tube, sucking all the gas into his body.

After being "filtered" in his own body, what Ma Xiaoquan exhaled must be free of *. Of course, the proud man outside the house did not know all this.

The man outside the house guessed that Ma Xiaoquan and his wife inside the house had inhaled poison. He quickly put away the thin tube and the tube head, walked to the door with his waist, stretched out his hand and pushed it gently.

The door was closed, but it didn't matter. The door bolt was easy to open. The man took out a long thin piece of steel and stuck it in along the crack of the door. He lifted it slightly and heard a snap, and the door bolt was pulled open.


The man retracted the thin steel piece, slowly put it aside, and then pushed the door open, leaving a gap open.

The man was very cautious, because he was afraid that the poison that had just blown into the room had not completely spread, so he opened the door a crack to let in some air.

There was a faint smell of women's rouge and the unique smell of milk coming from the room. It took a while for the smell to dissipate.

The man nodded, then bent his waist, stuck his head and slipped in through the crack in the door.

After closing the door, the man carefully looked up, down, left and right.

The candle in front of the bed was almost burning at this time. The light was not very bright, but the room was not completely dark. Except for the figure on the bed, other visible things could almost be ignored.

The man breathed out softly, thinking that this was just a resting room. There would definitely not be any complicated ornaments in it. Thinking of this, he took out a dagger from his arms, then stood up straight and walked towards the bed.


The man was very confident. He thought that the police had stunned Ma Xiaoquan and his wife. Even if they were jumping around in the house, they would not be able to wake up. Of course, for the sake of safety, the man did not do this. After all, the movements in the house were too big.

, the yamen patrolling not far outside the house might still hear it.

One step... two steps... The man is very careful, his steps are slow and steady.

In fact, the man has done this kind of assassination job no less than ten times. Logically speaking, he is considered an expert, but for some reason, he was extra careful today and always felt unsure.

Taking the third step, the man felt that he stepped on a soft lump under his feet. Yes, a lump is very appropriate to describe it.

The man felt as if he had stepped on dog poop, but he felt it was impossible because this was a resident's house and not a yard. How could there be dog poop?

However, the feeling of stepping on your feet is really like...

The man had no choice but to stop, squat down, and reach out.

The man was very cautious and did not grab it directly with his hands. Instead, he took out the blowpipe he had used before and strangled it a little, then brought it to his nose and sniffed it.

This smell made the man almost vomit out what he had eaten at night.

Damn it, it smells too bad. What kind of shit is this? It’s just human shit, okay?

The man threw away the blowpipe in disgust, stood up and frowned. He really thought it was ridiculous. How could someone defecate in this room, and it smelled so bad? He really couldn't understand that a deacon in Jin Yiwei could have such a living habit.

.....It's really...shameful.

On the bed, Ma Xiaoquan pricked up his ears and listened to the movement outside. Through the weak candlelight, Ma Xiaoquan captured the movements of the man.

Under the bed, Fangfang covered her mouth and almost laughed out loud. When she and Ma Xiaoquan were discussing how to make a trap, Fangfang was very repelled by this trap. Firstly, it smelled bad, but secondly, it was too real.

It's unacceptable...

But Ma Xiaoquan insisted on doing it, and even said something euphemistic about "feeling the taste of nature". Anyway, it was disgusting...

The man shook his hand in disgust. Although he didn't touch it with his hands, when he thought about sniffing it so close just now, he always felt that his nose was contaminated with something. In anger, the man moved a step to the left.

That is to say, after taking this step, the man felt that he had stepped on... Well, this feeling was exactly the same as before.

There was a thump in my heart, and I wondered if it was still shit. Isn't this Ma Xiaoquan too disgusting?

Ma Xiaoquan almost laughed out loud. That's right, the man stepped on the second time... well, let's call him "Xiang". It's more polite.

It's just that this piece of "Xiang" was pulled out by Xiao Zhifeng this afternoon.

"I'm a fool..." the man cursed angrily, and he had no choice but to make a fuss, face the light, and slowly move to the bed.

Still one meter away from the bed, the man stopped. He looked carefully at the figure inside the bed. He couldn't see clearly. He really couldn't see clearly.

The man cautiously took a small step forward. Well, he didn't step on anything this time.

He moved forward another inch, and his toes touched the footboard in front of the bed. The man lowered his head and took a look. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, he stepped on it, pulled out his dagger, and prepared to stab through the curtain.

But... just when the man drew out his dagger and was about to stab, the pedal under his feet suddenly sank, as if it collapsed because he stepped on it too hard.

The center of gravity was off, and the man lost control and threw himself forward.

The dagger in the man's hand was quite secure. Even if he lost his center of gravity and was about to fall, the dagger did not slip from his hand.

Unfortunately, he only held a dagger and his other hand was free.

Falling down in front of the bed, the man subconsciously pressed the bed with his free hand, intending to get up, but as soon as he pressed it, there was a click, and the man's hand was suddenly clamped by something unknown.

The force of this clamping thing was so strong that the man groaned in pain.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoquan, who was less than one meter away from the man and had been waiting on the bed for a long time, suddenly shouted, jumped up and said, "Fangfang, come on, let's fight together~" After that, Ma Xiaoquan covered the man with the quilt.

Before the man could react, Ma Xiaoquan's fists and kicks had already greeted him unceremoniously.

Fangfang also climbed out of the bed at this time. Seeing that Ma Xiaoquan was getting excited, she also inserted her feet from time to time. Of course, Fangfang was a woman after all and had little strength, so her insertions could basically be ignored.

In the quilt, the man kept dodging, but the space was limited and he had no chance to fight back. In addition, his head was covered and he was beaten. The man was so angry that he screamed and kept waving the dagger in his hand.

It's a pity that Ma Xiaoquan has hardened skin. Although the man's dagger scratched his body, it couldn't hurt him at all. Ma Xiaoquan also relied on his own advantage and increased the strength, punching him with a left punch and a right kick.

This is called refreshing.


The sound of fighting in the house became louder and louder, and finally attracted the attention of the government officials on duty not far outside the house. When they heard the sound, the government officials lit the torches and saw the deacon standing on the bed, fighting a man with fists and kicks.

Being kicked and beaten by someone half covered by a quilt.

This chapter has been completed!
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