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1929 Village 2

After hearing Ma Xiaoquan's lazy voice, the men and women who were having an affair all had their hairs standing on end. The women rubbed their hands together nervously, not knowing what to do, while the men gritted their teeth and glanced at the shovel in the back room.

Ma Xiaoquan grinned and said: "Okay, don't think too much. I was also passing by and happened to see you two. Well, you two did something, but as an outsider, I don't want to interfere too much.

I've eaten all the cakes on the table. They taste good. Could you please give me some tea? If not, could you please pour me a glass of water?"

Ma Xiaoquan spoke in a standard Beijing style. When the cheating couple heard that they had accents from Beijing, how could they dare to neglect her? The woman nodded, hurriedly ran into the back room, brought Ma Xiaoquan a cup of tea, and put it on the table cautiously.

"I just made this, I haven't drank it yet," the woman said weakly.

Ma Xiaoquan picked up the tea cup and smelled it. The tea was not of good quality, but having a cup of it was pretty good.

Taking a gentle sip, Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said: "Not bad~ By the way, I just heard you guys say that your man went out. Where did he go?"

The woman whispered: "Go, go to the town not far ahead to sell mountain products."

"Oh, he's not here, so you are unbearably lonely and hang out with him, right?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at the man.

The woman lowered her head and did not answer again.

But the man stepped forward, stood in front of the woman, and said, "You've finished eating and drinking enough. You can go~"

"Yo?" Ma Xiaoquan grinned, "I'm full after eating, but it's getting dark. I have to find a place to sleep. Otherwise, I'll just sleep here today."

"Ah~" the woman shook her head quickly, "No, no, my man will be back in the evening."

Ma Xiaoquan sneered: "That's right, that's just in time. When he comes back, I'll tell him that you two had an affair."

After all, they were villagers in the village, and they didn't have as many tricksters as Ma Xiaoquan. When they heard that he was going to file a complaint, the man and woman who had been cheating on him all knelt in front of Ma Xiaoquan.

"Uncle, please, please don't say anything, otherwise, my family will beat me to death," the woman begged.

The man kept kowtowing his head and muttering words of begging for mercy.

Ma Xiaoquan stood up, walked up to the man and woman, and looked at their faces carefully.

This woman looks very average and has a thin figure. The men are almost the same. Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said: "Okay, then I won't live here. But if you get me some food, I will bring it."

Go up and go~"

When the woman heard this, she nodded quickly, then got up and went into the back room to work.

Ma Xiaoquan kicked the man and cursed: "Don't fucking kneel down, go over and help blow out the fire, so hurry up~"

"Hey, good~~" The man got up, wiped the dust from his forehead, and hurriedly ran into the back room.

Half an hour later, the woman came out carrying two large pancakes, and the man followed her cautiously.

"Uncle, you can do this. I hope you won't find it objectionable."

Ma Xiaoquan reached out and touched it. The pancake was still very hot.

"Not bad, not bad. This is enough. Okay, I'll take it and leave. Oh, by the way, there is a house in your village where I can stay. It's dark now, and I can't leave."

The man said: "It should be OK to go to the fifth house, Lao Wang's house. Recently, several people came to our village. They said they were digging for treasures and stayed at Lao Wang's house. They were very generous, so Lao Wang's family especially liked them.


Seeing the man talking, the woman also answered: "Yes, the daughter of Lao Wang's family is quite good-looking. Seeing that those people are rich, Lao Wang is planning to marry his daughter to one of them."

The man glared at the woman: "You're so talkative, why are you so right and wrong?"

The woman lowered her head and shrank back.

"Oh, Lao Wang's house? Okay, then I'll go to Lao Wang's house."

"Sir, it's okay for you to go to Lao Wang's house, but I guess their family has no place to live. I think it's better for you to go to my house."

"Your home?"

The man nodded: "Well, it's my house. My house is next door to Lao Wang's house."

Ma Xiaoquan said oh and asked: "Then the old Wang family is considered to be the one you added next door?"

"Yes, yes~~"

"Oh, Lao Wang next door"

The man nodded: "Yes, Lao Wang next door, Lao Wang next door."

"Okay, then let's go to your house~~" Ma Xiaoquan said, reaching out and taking out one ingot and two taels of silver from his pocket, and threw it to the man, "I'll give this to you, and I won't live in your house in vain~"

When the man accepted the money, his legs were so frightened that he had never received so much money in his life.

"Uncle," the man knelt down in front of Ma Xiaoquan with a crisp sound, "Uncle, little one."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Okay, don't say any more words. Let's lead the way to your house."

The man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes~~"

Ma Xiaoquan stood up and held the pancakes that the woman had packed in his hands. When he passed by the woman, Ma Xiaoquan caught a glimpse of her making secret glances at him.

Well, if I don't leave for a few days, I might be able to vent my anger on this woman, Ma Xiaoquan thought.

After walking out of the private house, Ma Xiaoquan quickly arrived at his home with the man leading the way.

Compared with the house just now, the man's house is much smaller. Although it is divided into two rooms, inside and outside, the size has shrunk a bit, and the furnishings inside the house are also very simple.

Ma Xiaoquan frowned and asked, "Why is your family so poor?"

The man smiled awkwardly, rubbed his hands and said: "Uncle, the youngest is already twenty-four years old, and he hasn't married a mother-in-law yet. Naturally, the family has nothing to deal with."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Oh, because I don't have an aunt, I hooked up with someone else's aunt, right?"

"No, no, no," the man waved his hand, "I don't know what I know. Xiaohua and Xiaohua are in love, and Xiaohua and Xiaohua have been privately engaged for life, but Xiaohua's father just doesn't agree with Xiaohua and Xiaohua, and dislikes Xiaohua.

I was so poor that once I went to the town to sell mountain products, and it happened to rain, so I was delayed for a few more days. When I came back, Xiaohua's father had already promised Xiaohua to Niu Erhei from the village."

"Oh? Is that so?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at the man.

The man nodded with a serious expression, without any intention of lying. Judging from Ma Xiaoquan's long-term experience in interrogating prisoners, the man did not lie.

"Oh, then Xiaohua Daddy promised her to Niu Er. How much did Niu Er give her?"

The man sighed: "Thirty taels"

"Thirty taels?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned. This village didn't look like a wealthy village. If an ordinary villager could spend thirty taels to marry a wife, there was only one possibility: his money came from something wrong.

"Well, it was thirty taels. At that time, people in the village said that Xiao Hua's father sold Xiao Hua for a good price~~"

"Then do you know where Niu Er's money comes from?"

The man didn't hide anything, and whispered: "Niu Er and the little one are cousins ​​from the old Wang family next door. Once Niu Er was drinking at Lao Wang's house and got drunk. The little one overheard Niu Er saying that there is a treasure in our village."

Ma Xiaoquan exclaimed: "So after hearing the news, Lao Wang, the man next door to your house, sold the news, so that someone would stay in his house temporarily and want to dig for treasures, right?"

"Uncle, you are so amazing. You hit the point in just one sentence~" The man scratched his scalp.

"Haha, by the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

"The little ones are called Niudan"

"Niu Niu Dan" Ma Xiaoquan stroked his sweaty forehead and said, "Your name is great. Well, it's simple, easy and catchy."

Niu Dan smiled and said: "That's right, that's what everyone in the village says."

Ma Xiaoquan has a black hair, this cow egg is really an upright person, no matter how he is, he is not a bad person at heart.

"Niudan, let me ask you, do you know what treasures they dug up?"

Niu Dan shook his head and said uncertainly: "The little one followed Niu Er secretly before, but found nothing. But every time Niu Er came back from selling mountain goods in the town, he would bring back a lot of money. Oh, the little one is

Otherwise, it would be impossible to lose Xiao Hua to Niu Er."

Ma Xiaoquan frowned slightly, thinking that Niu Dan didn't even know what kind of treasure Niu Er had made. Well, this village is quite interesting. It seems like we should stay for two more days.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan put down Niu Dan and said, "Niu Dan, I'm here, don't make any noise. I'll go next door to you tomorrow and talk about it."

Niu Dan nodded: "Uncle, you can do whatever you want, oh no, Xiao Hua, you can't do it."

Ma Xiaoquan has another black hair. This cow egg is really upright. But then again, that little flower looks very ordinary.

"That's natural, but I'm afraid it's not okay for you to come here secretly with that little flower all the time, and if Xiaohua is pregnant with your child and Niu Er finds out about it, your kid will probably be in trouble."

Niu Dan scratched his head: "The uncle is right, but that's what I mean, huh, Niu Er robbed my woman, and I will cuckold him."

Ma Xiaoquan secretly gave Niudan a thumbs up. This guy didn't seem to have much ink, but he did have a lot of thoughts.

"Well, this is your business. I don't care. Okay, I'm tired. I'll take your bed for now~ You tidy up your bed. If it doesn't work, ask your sweetheart to give me a new bed.

A mattress."

Niu Dan nodded: "Okay, okay, uncle's words are imperial edicts, hehe~~~~"

This chapter has been completed!
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