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1967 Soldiers training, fighting Qiantun 6

The third round of volley, let go!

On the opposite side, Jurchen soldiers continued to fall, while brave and fearless soldiers stood up and continued to charge.

Ma Xiaoquan had no intention of engaging in close combat with these anxious Jurchen soldiers. Although his side had certain advantages in infantry fighting, those Jurchen soldiers were no longer afraid of death. There was no point in fighting against those who were not afraid of death. Besides, he himself

There are only about eighty people in Bianman, and one less person is dead. Well, this is not a good deal.

Ma Xiaoquan fought while retreating, while the Jurchen soldiers fought while advancing.

Since the leader of the opponent had been shot to death by bows and arrows at the foot of the mountain before, they were helpless and their actions were haphazard. They just kept rushing forward, not caring about the arrows on Ma Xiaoquan's side.

After a circle of attack and defense around the mountainside, the battle formation was almost over.

The reason is simple: all the Jurchen soldiers died.

On Ma Xiaoquan's side, except for two soldiers who fell down because they failed to stand properly during the retreat, all others were uninjured.


Such a record made every soldier who followed Ma Xiaoquan extremely excited. Although they had been in the Guanning Cavalry before, they had never been taken seriously, and they had never really fought a battle. At this moment, it was Ma Xiaoquan who gave them the victory.

Given this opportunity, they not only fought, but also won. What's even more exciting is that no one was seriously injured, and no one was killed.

At this moment, everyone's admiration for Ma Xiaoquan reached its peak.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't pay too much attention. Although this short battle was over, there were only about a hundred people there. It was said that there were eight hundred people in Batu. Even if there were not, there should not be much difference.

Only about a hundred people died, so it would still be very difficult for him to deal with Batu in Qiantun with more than eighty people.

"Give me my order to divide into two teams. The number of each team should not be less than forty. The horses at the foot of the mountain are all here. You can watch the distribution. Let's leave Guangming Mountain and go directly to attack Qiantun!"



At the gate of the second stronghold, the guard general led a team of men and horses, getting ready.

"General, everything is ready..."

The guard nodded and said: "General Batu sent the cavalry team before, and they should have also gone to the checkpoint. Huh, I didn't expect that among the three people who ran out of the checkpoint, one of them ran directly to General Batu, causing me to be killed by the general.

I wrote a letter and cursed... Damn it, this time, I will kill Ma Xiaoquan halfway and carry his head to see General Batu..."



The guard general mobilized almost all the available troops in the second stronghold and followed him to complete the task of intercepting and killing Ma Xiaoquan.

It's just that... from the stronghold to the checkpoint, there are two roads to choose from. One is passing through Guangming Mountain, and the other is taking a small road, which is much closer.

The guard general believed that Ma Xiaoquan must be at the stronghold at this time, and also believed that the cavalry team sent by General Batu must have passed through Guangming Mountain. After comprehensive consideration, he decided to take a small road, so that before the cavalry team arrived, he might have killed Ma Xiaoquan.

Intercepted and killed on the spot.


At the foot of Guangming Mountain, Ma Xiaoquan and his group of more than eighty people have all mounted their horses. Although the Jurchens' horses are not big in size, they are very powerful and are much more stable to ride on than the horses raised by the Han people.

"Are you all ready?" Ma Xiaoquan turned around and asked.

"Speak to me sir, everything is ready..."

"Okay, then let's go..." Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand, and the cavalry roared forward.


After running all the way, Ma Xiaoquan and his party arrived at the second stronghold in the afternoon. They were already prepared to kill, but they found that there were not many people in the stronghold at all.

In fact, there were only three Jurchen soldiers guarding the stronghold, and two of them ran over from the checkpoint.

The results are very direct and the time to get the results is faster.

Ma Xiaoquan barely started the fight, and the door to the stronghold opened by itself.

Surprised, Ma Xiaoquan rode into the stronghold and sent people to search around. Only then did Ma Xiaoquan know that everyone in the stronghold was indeed missing.

The three previous guards did not choose to escape. They all knew very well that if they ran back now, where would they go? If they ran forward, they would be scolded to death. If they ran backwards, if they ran back to Qiantun, they would be punished to death by Batu.

, instead of doing this, it is better to surrender to the Han people, maybe you can survive this way, and when they fight with General Batu, it will not be too late to sneak back secretly.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff," the three people knelt down in front of Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan frowned, dragged his chin and asked, "Which one of you three can speak Chinese?"

One of them quickly raised his hand and said solemnly: "Little... little will..."

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he laughed and said: "Your tone is quite correct. What's the matter? Are you Han?"

The Jurchen soldier shook his head: "Not really...the younger one's mother is Han...it's just that my father doesn't want to see us..."

Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips and said, "I understand, so you mean your father snatched your mother away...right?"

The Jurchen soldier's eyes dimmed and he lowered his head.

The other two Jurchen soldiers could not understand Chinese, but when they saw their companions talking to Ma Xiaoquan, their eyes showed varying degrees of contempt.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and winked to the left and right.

Two soldiers stepped forward, drew out their daggers, and stabbed each of the two Jurchen soldiers straight into the heart.

"Puff, puff, puff" sounded twice, and the two Jurchen soldiers fell to the ground with their daggers, their bodies twitched several times, and died.

"Okay, you can cooperate with me now..." Ma Xiaoquan licked his lips and laughed sinisterly.

The living Jurchen soldier was so frightened that he kowtowed quickly, fearing that he would also be stabbed in the heart. Ma Xiaoquan smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "You are half Han Chinese. We Han people are more tolerant than the Jurchens."

Duo, so I admit that you are a Han Chinese, after all, you can’t choose your birth, right?”

The Jurchen soldier choked and nodded heavily.

"Okay, get up and talk~ Well, I want you to tell me everything you know about Qiantun, including Batu. Well, don't hide it from me, or I will be unhappy, do you understand?"

"I know...I know~"


An hour later, in front of the checkpoint.

The guard general was riding on his war horse and stared blankly at the sentry post.

There is not a single person there. Ma Xiaoquan? Doesn’t exist. The hundred-man cavalry team sent by General Batu? Doesn’t exist either?

"What's going on? What's going on?" the guard shouted nervously.

The Jurchen soldiers who followed the defender all the way here looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"General, could it be that they took a small road?"

The guard was stunned: "A small road? Is there a small road here?"

Several Jurchen soldiers looked at each other, and no one dared to continue talking.

"Damn it, let's go in and take a look..." The guard was unwilling and sent people in to investigate.

After a moment of burning incense, two Jurchen soldiers came out and reported: "General, there is indeed no one inside, no one..."

"How is that possible? There are at least twenty-five people in this checkpoint. Three of them escaped. What about the rest? Did they all fly into the sky?" The guard was so angry that he jumped off his horse and kicked open the door of the checkpoint.

"General, no... I haven't seen you..."

"I haven't seen you? Did you really fly away if you didn't see me? Find it for me. Even if you dig a hole and dig up the soil, you will find it for me..."

At this moment, several other Jurchen soldiers who went in to investigate ran out and reported: "General, several bloody sacks were found..."

"Sack?" The guard waved, "Take me to see quickly..."

A group of people ran to the scene and found three bloody sacks. After searching through them, they finally found clues.

"Go and have a look at the river behind..."

By the river, because Ma Xiaoquan had dealt with it in a hurry, there was a sack stuffed with corpses without stones. At this time, the sack had already floated.

The guard ordered his men to fish the sack up, and when he opened the mouth of the sack, he understood everything.

"Damn... this bastard Ma Xiaoquan... we've been fooled, hurry up, go back to the stronghold right away."


At the same time, in the second stronghold, Ma Xiaoquan was leading a group of men to eat.

The reasons have all been clarified. The general guarding the stronghold led his people out to intercept and kill them. Of course, they would definitely miss him.

"Here, you can eat some too~" Ma Xiaoquan said as he put a piece of dry food in front of the prisoner.

The prisoner's mouth was flat and he wanted to eat, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Eat, I won't harm you. You are at least half of the Han people. For this reason, I admit that you are Han. Of course, in fact, the Jurchens and the Han are both the Chinese nation... We are originally

You shouldn't divide mine..."

"Chinese nation?" The prisoner slowly picked up the dry food and thought about what Ma Xiaoquan said while eating.

"Haha, you may not understand this now. I guess you won't understand it in the future. Well, I'm afraid you won't understand it in the future. Let me ask you, do you want to live or die?"

"I want to live, adults, I want to live..."

"Then I want you to surrender to me, are you willing?"

The prisoner put down the dry food, shook his head and said: "Sir, it's not that I am unwilling, my sister is still in Shenyang..."

"Oh, your sister is in Shenyang. That's great. I will definitely go to Shenyang when I have time. Are you familiar with Shenyang?"

"Yeah, mature~"

"Then where is your sister?"

The prisoner was a little embarrassed and said: "My mother was beaten to death by my father, and we were kicked out by my aunt. I joined the army to beg for food. I couldn't take care of my sister, so I went to the Hanxuan Tower."


This chapter has been completed!
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