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【1989】Go to Shenyang City (6)

Beiming Shuangxue wanted to say something more, but Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "If you want me to help you with an emotional matter, I'm afraid I can't help you. Of course, if you want me to pretend to be your man, I can do it, don't worry. , I won’t take advantage of you.”

Gu Qingmei raised her head and smiled bitterly: "No, I want you to help me take Li Qinghan away from Master Wenyi."

"What, Li Qinghan is at Zhao Wenyi's place?" Ma Xiaoquan stood up in surprise.

Gu Qingmei said: "No, your Li Qinghan is now our Vulcan Empress, and her status is more noble than Young Master Wenyi. Since having Li Qinghan, Young Master Wenyi doesn't even look at me... ."

"I see~" Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue looked at each other, and the latter said: "Ms. sir, how about we go find Sister Qinghan now?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "No, the time is not yet ripe. I have my own sense of discretion. Well, since you have said it here, you just need me to take Qinghan away?"

"Yes, did you know? I have assassinated Li Qinghan many times, but I couldn't get into her body at all. I even found the Assassin's League, but I couldn't get what I wanted. After Master Wen Yi knew about this, He became even more indifferent to me."

Ma Xiaoquan secretly sighed in his heart, it was really pitiful that such an infatuated woman could not get even a little attention from the man she loved.

"Okay, then I'll help you, but Qinghan and I can't call her Duo. We should let her come back to me, because she was originally my wife."

"That's just right. No matter what, you must let Li Qinghan come back to you."

Beiming Shuangxue said: "Sister Qingmei, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the man you love will not love you even if Sister Qinghan leaves?"

Gu Qingmei shook her head: "I don't know."

Beiming Shuangxue still wanted to say something, but Ma Xiaoquan grabbed her and gently shook her head.

It may be painful or fruitless for a person to fall in love with someone he or she should not love, but if he or she is not allowed to love him or her, then the person has no hope of love.

Instead of doing this, it is better to let him (her) continue to love, maybe one day, there will be hope...

Gu Qingmei left, and when she left, she left behind a sign. The sign was not big, and it was different from the two signs Ma Xiaoquan had seen in the secret realm before.

"Mr. sir, can I go in with a sign?"

Ma Xiaoquan weighed it in his hand for a few times, nodded and said, "It should be fine. I'll find out next time I go take a look at it."

"Now that you have it, can you leave now?"

"Haha, what are you talking about? I haven't met Huang Taiji yet, and I haven't done the face-saving work for this trip yet."

"Ah, I still want to see Huang Taiji, shall I go?"

"Well, you don't want to go now. You can just walk around Shenyang City. Well, pay attention to your safety. This place is basically full of Jurchens. If it doesn't work, you can change your appearance before going out."

Beiming Shuangxue smiled bitterly: "It's okay to disguise myself, but what about my head? I can't dye it black, right? Besides, there's nothing to dye my hair..."

"This..." Ma Xiaoquan thought for a while, dragging his chin, and nodded: "That's all, then be careful when you go out. Don't cause trouble, let alone kill people. This is not the capital, not the Ming Dynasty, and this is not our place. ."

"Yeah, I understand, then I can ask Da Yu'er or Sister Qingmei to accompany me, okay?"

"That's fine~"


In the palace, Huang Taiji held his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly. In front of him, stood two Jurchen soldiers.

"So... Ma Xiaoquan only brought one woman?"

"In reply to the Khan, yes, it's the red-headed woman."

Next to Huang Taiji, Wu Ertu said: "Great Khan, that red-headed woman is indeed beautiful. Please forgive me for saying something I shouldn't say. That woman's appearance is more beautiful than any woman around the Great Khan."

Huang Taiji nodded and said: "Great, please make arrangements immediately and make a plan. I want to get that woman."

Wuertu said: "Great Khan, then Ma Xiaoquan..."

Huang Taiji's eyes flashed fiercely: "If it doesn't work, find someone to kill him."

"Great Khan, I'm afraid this is not good. Although we have been at war with Ming Dynasty, we haven't completely fallen out yet. If we kill Ma Xiaoquan for a woman, I'm afraid it will cause Ming Dynasty to retaliate wildly. With our current strength, we can't do it for the time being.

It is not enough to start a complete war with the Ming Dynasty, I hope the Great Khan will think twice."

Huang Taiji was not the kind of person who would risk everything for a woman. He fell in love with Beiming Shuangxue, and that was all because Beiming Shuangxue was beautiful, and as a Jurchen, he wanted a woman, and he had to get the most first.

The consideration is political.

"Hmm~ What you said makes sense, so can we find an opportunity to cause a few accidents and let Ma Xiaoquan..." Huang Taiji did not continue talking at this point, but Wuertu already understood.

"Don't worry, Khan. It's not easy to cause one or two accidents."

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you."



The next day, Ma Xiaoquan went to the palace to meet Huang Taiji.

"Haha, Mr. Deacon, we meet again..."

Ma Xiaoquan handed over his hand: "The Great Khan doesn't mind coming here again. It's already a great honor, haha~"

Huang Taiji waved his hand: "Where is it? It's too late for me to be happy that you can come. Tell me, what's the reason for this time?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly: "This time, I am coming."

"Oh? What do you mean? What are you doing here?"

"Talk to the Khan about life and ideals."

Huang Taiji was stunned for a moment, and his playful smile immediately disappeared.

"Life? Ideal?"

"Yes, life, ideals, profuse sweat, humble officials and incompetent talents, let me ask you, what is your life goal?"

Huang Taiji held his chin, thought for a while and said: "Conquer the Ming Dynasty and seize the country!"

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan clapped his hands, "Perhaps Khan's life goal can really be achieved!"

"What? You are an official of the Ming Dynasty, and you would say such treacherous words? Aren't you afraid that I will write a letter and report you?"

Ma Xiaoquan spread his hands: "The Great Khan can make reports as he pleases, and I'm not afraid, because once I come here, I probably won't go back to the capital again."

Huang Taiji shook his head: "Ma Xiaoquan, I don't understand. If you don't do a good job as a good official in the capital, why are you here?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "For my life, my ideal!"

"Okay, then tell me, what is your life and your ideal?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Go where I want to go and do what I want to do."

"Then what do you want to do? Where do you want to go?"

Ma Xiaoquan patted his chest: "Whatever you want, as long as I'm happy, I'm happy~"

"Haha, I didn't expect that the dignified Deacon Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty is actually a person who does things as he pleases. It's interesting... Then tell me, what should I do next?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "I can't tell you what to do next? But I know what you want to do."

Huang Taiji didn't believe it, so he ordered his subordinates to bring over a map of Liaodong, pointed at the map and said, "Tell me... what should I do first?"

Ma Xiaoquan pointed to several checkpoints on the map and said, "Are these checkpoints where the Great Khan is going to send troops to strictly guard them?"

Huang Taiji raised his eyebrows and signaled Ma Xiaoquan to continue.

"I think the reason why the Great Khan sent troops to guard it strictly is because I, Ma Xiaoquan, captured Qiantun Pass. By the way, people in the Ming Dynasty said that I captured Qiantun Pass with more than 80 people, but here, I

Why do you think I used 3,000 men to capture Qiantun Pass?"

Huang Taiji shook his head: "How is it possible that more than eighty people killed my general?"

"Haha..." Ma Xiaoquan smiled, "Actually, I only used more than 80 people. As for Batu's death, to be honest, I didn't do it myself, but it has something to do with me...


Huang Taiji held his chin in his hands and said nothing.

"Also, the Great Khan has sent people to guard these checkpoints, so there is a big problem. I wonder if the Great Khan has noticed it?"

Huang Taiji shrugged and said nonchalantly: "These are all connected, so why is there a problem?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "No, it does look like this on the map, but in fact, the connecting lines in these levels each have their own paths, and people can pass through them on these paths... If the Ming army makes a sneak attack from the path, they will be sweating

, can you ensure that you can keep the level?"

Huang Taiji hummed softly: "Go on."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "In addition, there is another problem. Although the Jurchens are good at fighting, to be honest, there are not many who can fight. Moreover, most of you Jurchens are arrogant and think that we Han people have no skills, but don't forget it.

, In our Han army, there are not only Hans, but also Mongols, Koreans, etc... And who among your Jurchen generals, don't forget, the Jurchens can fight,

Basically, they are all stationed in North Korea. Why? Because you are afraid that once you leave, North Korea will rebel and return to the Ming Dynasty, right?"

After Ma Xiaoquan's words, Huang Taiji couldn't sit still. He stood up and retorted: "North Korea is just a small country affiliated to the Ming Dynasty. Even if it is thrown away, it would not be a pity. After all, the Ming Dynasty and North Korea are too far apart. As the saying goes, they cannot be saved by far water."

The deacon must understand this principle of being close to fire, right?"

"Of course I understand, don't be anxious, Khan, just listen to what I have to say..." Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, "Although it is said that distant water cannot save a nearby fire, there is one most critical issue that the Khan should understand.


With a "bang" sound, the tea cup that Huang Taiji had just picked up fell to the ground in shock at Ma Xiaoquan's words.

Huang Taiji looked at Ma Xiaoquan in surprise. This time, his expression was not fake.

"Food and grass, haha..." Huang Taiji shook his head, "Ma Xiaoquan, you are right, we are very short of food and grass, but we are short of food and grass, and you are also short of food!"

This chapter has been completed!
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