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【2005】I run, I run (6)

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“What, smallpox? Get out of here, get out of here!” Shahru was so frightened that he waved his hands quickly.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Ma Xiaoquan pretended not to give up and insisted on showing it to Shalu. Shalu hurriedly pulled out his saber, put it against Ma Xiaoquan's neck, and warned: "Get out of here quickly. If you don't get out, I will kill you." I'll chop you to death"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Ma Xiaoquan's face was filled with injustice and helplessness. He pursed his lips and said, "Sir, please help my sister. She, she's not married yet."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Saru kicked Ma Xiaoquan and cursed: "Whether she gets married or not has nothing to do with me. Get the hell out of here." After saying that, Saru no longer spoke Chinese, but Ula Ula. He spoke a lot of ethnic language that Ma Xiaoquan didn't understand.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Actually, the kick that Shalu kicked him was not serious, but in order to show more authenticity, Ma Xiaoquan took advantage of the situation and made a wide range of movements.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Ma Xiaoquan got up from the ground, regardless of patting the dirt on his trouser legs, he just bowed to Shalu, and then pulled Beiming Shuangxue away.


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;After leaving Shenyang City, after going around a few corners and making sure that no one was around, Beiming Shuangxue suddenly giggled.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Why are you laughing?" Ma Xiaoquan said depressedly, "In order to protect you, your man and I got kicked by that bald head."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Beiming Shuangxue kissed Ma Xiaoquan on the face and said shyly: "At worst, I will find a chance to make it up to you."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Ma Xiaoquan looked at Beiming Shuangxue, looking at her ugly face after the disguise, and secretly thought in his heart that this little girl is beautiful and fragrant. If she really looks like this, I wouldn’t dare to ask for it. ah.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The two quickly came to a woods. The servants who had left the city before were all here, and there was also a carriage.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Seeing Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue, several servants became alert.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Don't be afraid, it's me." Ma Xiaoquan made a gesture that had been discussed in advance, and Beiming Shuangxue made the same gesture. The servants saw it and hurriedly bowed to greet him.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Okay, no more nonsense, are we all gathered together?”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Reply to the adults, it’s all done”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Okay, let’s go now”



&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Shortly after Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue left, Cato's men came and asked Shalu: "Did you see Ma Xiaoquan and his woman?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The other party’s tone was not very friendly, and besides, he and Shalu were not on the same page, so Shalu ignored him.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;When the other party saw Shalu ignoring him, he became angry, grabbed Shalu and asked again.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp; Shalu threw the other party to the ground and cursed: "You bastard, am I the one who asked you?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The man got up from the ground and realized the identity problem. Without saying anything, he quickly took out a token from his arms.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Seeing this token, Shalu was stunned for a moment, and then said respectfully: "This token belongs to Dahan, why do you have it?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“The Great Khan has ordered that if you see Ma Xiaoquan and his woman, you must leave them in Shenyang City.”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Saru did not dare to neglect and said respectfully: "Yes!"


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;At the same time, Cato personally led the people to the Hanxuan Building to arrest the people. He kicked the door open with one kick, rushed in aggressively, and walked out empty-handed after a moment.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato leaned on a cane and asked: "What's wrong, where are the people?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The subordinate said: "General, the person is missing?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"What? Missed? Where is the proprietress of Hanxuan Building?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The subordinate said: "Early in the morning, the boss lady was called away by Zhezhe Dafujin when she heard about it, and she has not come back yet."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Catu slapped his head and cursed: "Damn, this Ma Xiaoquan is so cunning. He actually took this opportunity to escape. Hurry, seal all the city gates immediately."


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Within a stick of incense, every gate of Shenyang City was heavily guarded.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato sent out soldiers and searched almost door to door, but they were unable to find Ma Xiaoquan or Beiming Shuangxue.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato was a little anxious, regretting that his legs and feet were not flexible, otherwise it would not have been too late.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Arrived at the main gate, Cato asked Shalu: "Have you seen Ma Xiaoquan?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Saru shook his head: "No, I haven't seen him since I started working."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Are there any suspicious men or women?”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Suspicious men and women?” Shalu thought for a while and said, “If we say there are suspicious ones, there should be none.”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Shalu actually thought of Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue, but what if he said, what if he couldn’t explain clearly? What if those two people were really Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue? Although It doesn't seem to be the case at all, but what if it happens? Letting people go under his hands is a matter of losing their heads.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Sharu shook his head and bit the suspicious person to death.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp; Cato breathed out. He didn’t think too much about whether Shalu was lying. Instead, he thought about whether there were small passages in Shenyang City. After thinking about it for a long time, Cato suddenly remembered that he and his brother Batu used to be together. I often take a small road out of the city.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;In an instant, beads of sweat broke out on Cato’s forehead.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"General Gatto, what's wrong with you?" Shalu asked.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato came to his senses, said nothing, greeted a few soldiers, stepped forward and gave a few quiet instructions, then led the soldiers away.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Watching Gatto go away, Shalu was also frightened and broke into a cold sweat.


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;In the evening, Huang Taiji summoned Cato and asked him where Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxueren were now. Cato did not dare to lie and could only report the truth.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Hearing that Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming Shuangxue were missing, Huang Tai was furious and immediately ordered a search throughout the city.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;At the same time, Ma Xiaoquan and his party have already passed three checkpoints. Since they have obtained all the customs clearance documents in advance, it is only a matter of time before they can completely exit the customs.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;At night, on the first shift at the Shenyang City Gate, Shalu yawned and handed the token to the guard general who came to take over.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Eh? What's going on? I heard that the Great Khan was angry and wanted to find that Ma Xiaoquan? What's going on?" Shalu asked the person who took over.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Hey, I don't know. Anyway, I heard that the situation is serious, eh? Have you met that Ma Xiaoquan today? I heard that anyone who knows his whereabouts or provides information will be given to someone. There are a hundred sheep as a reward."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"What? One hundred sheep?" Shalu was shocked, thinking that he had already said it, but now, I'm afraid it's too late. Forget it, for the sake of safety, I'd better not say it.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Shalu shook his head and said, "Not really, but there was a man and a woman. The woman had a scarf on her head and had smallpox. It scared me to death..."


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;After Shalu left, the man immediately ran to see Cato and reported what he heard to Cato, and he insisted that the two people were Ma Xiaoquan and Beiming. Shuangxue, of course, in order to take all the credit, the man did not say that the people had left the city, but said that they went back because he did not let them pass, and they should still be in the city now.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp; Cato, who had gone to the hidden alley in Shenyang City to find someone but failed, was worried now. He had already prepared to ask his superiors for instructions to send troops out of the city to look for him. When he heard Cato was extremely excited about this news and quickly informed his subordinates to report the matter to Huang Taiji.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;After Huang Taiji heard the news, he ordered Caitu to go out of the city to search, and by the way, he also searched several nearby checkpoints.


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Somewhere in the woods, Beiming Shuangxue yawned and asked Ma Xiaoquan beside him: "Mr. sir, how much longer do we have to run?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp; Ma Xiaoquan opened the map and looked at it, saying: "We have only run out of four checkpoints. From the current point of view, we are not too far from Shenyang City. Now we just ask Huang Taiji not to let him go." React so quickly, otherwise it would be difficult for us to escape."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Well, okay, then I want to sleep for a while, I’m so sleepy.”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Well, you go to sleep." Ma Xiaoquan turned around and ordered the servants around him, "You guys also get in the car and sit outside and sleep for a while. I'll drive the car first."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“Yes, sir”


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The troops sent by Huang Taiji have searched twice inside and outside Shenyang City, as well as the two surrounding checkpoints, but they still haven't seen Ma Xiaoquan.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“What’s going on, where are the people?” Cato asked.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Two soldiers came forward and presented two customs clearance documents.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato picked it up and looked at it by the light of a torch. He was shocked and asked, "Where did this customs clearance document come from?"

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The soldier said: "It was taken from two nearby checkpoints. It was said that a carriage passed by and put it down."

"Carriage?" Cato blinked and suddenly remembered that Ma Xiaoquan's carriage parked behind Hanxuan Tower had disappeared.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Oops, hurry up, send people to chase, chase outside, keep chasing toward the inside of the pass."

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;“General Gatto sent troops to pursue us because he wanted to tell General Surna.”

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;"Sulna?" Cato was stunned, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, I happen to be at odds with Suerna, don't care, take me there quickly, I will go see Su in person Erna”


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;As a result... because he had always been at odds with Cato, Surna, who was responsible for dispatching troops, did not send troops quickly, but left Cato to wait.


&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Cato is so ruthless, he wanted to report it to Huang Taiji, but it was useless, because Surna wore a yellow flag and was considered a member of the royal family.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;During the day... Huang Taiji asked Cato about the progress of the matter. Cato took the opportunity to participate in Surna's book. Unexpectedly, Surna counter-sued with no basis.

Give him a meal.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;The two had a heated argument, and Huang Taiji felt helpless and scolded the two of them. Huang Taiji decided to lead his troops to find them himself.

&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;But how to find it? If Ma Xiaoquan really had to drive away, he could cover a long distance in just one day. Moreover, there is a military meeting today, and it is impossible not to hold it because of arrests.



&bp;&bp;&bp;&bp;Suerna is Huang Taiji’s cousin, and Suerna’s father always likes to make trouble and gossip. Huang Taiji doesn’t like this kind of person, but because he holds half of the yellow flag in his hand

He had military power, so Huang Taiji did not dare to turn against him. Besides, he had just succeeded to the throne and had to rely on such people to maintain many things.

This chapter has been completed!
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