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【203】Hundred Artists

Qing Yi bit her lip and cried: "You bastard, you cunt!"

Ma Xiaoquan glanced sideways at the piece of white cloth stained with bright red blood on the ground, waved his hand and said: "I won't let you die, be my woman, I will be good to you for the rest of your life!" Ma Xiaoquan said, stood up and put his hands on

His coat was draped over Qing Yi's body.

Qing Yi twisted around stubbornly, trying to get rid of the coat Ma Xiaoquan gave him, but because he was naked, Qing Yi struggled twice and gave in.

Blinking her crystal eyes, Qing Yi didn't care whether she left or not.

Ma Xiaoquan asked again: "Be my woman, my surname is Ma, my name is Ma Xiaoquan, and my home is in Xudu!"

Qing Yi lowered his head and said nothing. Suddenly, he took the dagger from Ma Xiaoquan's hand and slashed his arm hard.

"What are you doing?" Ma Xiaoquan took the dagger back and grabbed Qing Yi's injured arm.

"Drink it!" Qing Yi said, pointing to the injured area on his arm.

Ma Xiaoquan looked surprised: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't move!" Ma Xiaoquan said, pulling off a piece of cloth from his coat and preparing to bandage Qing Yi's wound.

Qing Yi stubbornly turned around and said loudly: "I want you to drink it! Drink this blood!"

Ma Xiaoquan said "Ah" and asked puzzledly: "Why?"

Qing Yi shook his head: "Please, drink it! Okay?"

Ma Xiaoquan also shook his head helplessly: "I can't do it, I'm not a vampire!"

Qing Yi was stunned for a moment and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "What is a vampire?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and bandaged Qing Yi's wound while explaining: "Vampires are a kind of monster. They specialize in sucking the blood of people and livestock..."

Ma Xiaoquan's description frightened Qing Yi. Qing Yi let out a sigh, jumped to Ma Xiaoquan's side, and held Ma Xiaoquan's arm tightly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Ma Xiaoquan comforted Qing Yi and asked, "I'm curious, why are you so fast?"

Qing Yi was stunned for a moment and said, "Are you saying that I run fast?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

Qing Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know. It's been like this since I learned to run when I was a child, and I ran faster and faster..."

Listening to Qing Yi's description, Ma Xiaoquan concluded that Qing Yi definitely has super powers, and that Qing Yi's super powers can be said to be the same as Lin Tianya's.

Lin Tianya's super power is "rapidness". To put it simply, no matter whether he runs or moves, he is very fast. When he fought against Lin Tianya for the first time, Ma Xiaoquan was defeated miserably because of his super power of rapidity.

However, Lin Tianya's super power was injected with the "New Demon" potion.

Qing Yi's superpowers are naturally formed.

Ma Xiaoquan asked again: "Why do you want me to drink your blood?"

Qing Yi blushed, lowered her head, and murmured: "I am a woman from the Baiyi tribe. In our place, if you obey a man, you must make that man drink our blood."

"The Baiyi Tribe? What kind of ethnic group is this?" Ma Xiaoquan said, quickly operating the data device in his body to check it.

After searching for a long time, there was no recorded information about the "Bayi Clan".

Qing Yi nodded: "Luo Shan and I are the last members of our Baiyi clan. All our clan members have been killed."

"Kill? What happened?"

Qing Yi shook his head: "I don't know. We used to live in a small village with beautiful scenery. One day, a group of people came. They were wearing the same clothes and equipped with the same weapons..."

"Huh?" When Qing Yi finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly thought of Lu Xian.

Qing Yi continued: "My father and Luo Shan's father are brothers. Our relationship has been very close since childhood. Luo Shan would always say some strange things sometimes. Before these people came, Luo Shan

He secretly told me that our village would be killed by this group of people."

"Luo Shan and I grew up together. Everyone in the clan knows that I run very fast, but few clan members believe Luo Shan's words. Therefore, apart from telling me, Luo Shan rarely tells outsiders...


"I didn't think much about it at the time, because Luo Shan's father and my father are both warriors in our clan, and their martial arts are very good..."

"However, after that group of people came, any person they picked out was more powerful than dad... and then many people in the tribe were killed."

"In order to save Luo Shan and me, Luo Shan's father hid us in a secret passage... I still remember what those people wearing the same clothes said..."

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "What are you talking about?"

Qing Yi said: "What did they say, shadow guards, and elixir... yes, they also called a person's name, it seems that his surname is Yuan..."

Qing Yi's words were very vague, but from the last name of the last person, Ma Xiaoquan was able to conclude that it was Lu Xian's subordinate Yuan Fang who killed all the Baiyi clan.

"Is that person named Yuan Fang?"

Qing Yi thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes, how do you know?"

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly: "His master and I have some minor disputes, hum!"

Upon hearing this, Qing Yi shook his head and said, "Don't act rashly, they are very powerful."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled: "Why, you care about me so much?"

Qing Yi blushed and lowered his head: "If you take my body, I will be yours. Our Baiyi clan has clan rules. If a man takes your body, you must live with this man for the rest of your life and never be separated."


Ma Xiaoquan sighed helplessly and thought to himself: What a sad woman in ancient times.

Qing Yi added: "Because you are my man, you must drink my blood according to the rules of our Baiyi clan!"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said: "How is this possible? I can't do it."

Qing Yi was anxious and said quickly: "I know this makes you very reluctant, but this is our clan rule, because...because..." Qing Yi's face suddenly became solemn after saying this.


"Because of what?"

Qing Yi seemed to struggle for a while before saying: "Because the blood of women from our Baiyi tribe is poisonous. If her men don't survive after drinking it, women from our Baiyi tribe will die together with the men."

Ma Xiaoquan was shocked and finally understood why such a small nation had so few people.

"Why do you have such a rule?"

Qing Yi shook his head: "It was actually Luo Shan and I who came to Mingsha Village by mistake. Luo Shan was injured at that time, and her blood dripped into the well of Mingsha Village, so there was nothing we could do. Luo Shan and I had no choice but to

I will stay in Mingsha Village temporarily and help the villagers detoxify."

"You mean, there is a cure for your blood poison?"

Qing Yi shook his head: "I don't know, but if my blood and Luo Shan's blood are mixed together, there is no poison. And if our blood is taken out separately, my blood is much more toxic than Luo Shan's...

...Because Mingsha Village does not exclude outsiders, Luo Shan and I will live here temporarily..."

Ma Xiaoquan swallowed his saliva and said: "I see, then, since that's the case, fine, I'll drink it!"

Qing Yi nodded, stretched out his arm, pulled off the cloth wrapped around his arm and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Haha, what if I die?"

Qing Yi nodded: "Then Qing Yi will never live alone! Qing Yi will die with you!"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled, gently held Qing Yi's arm to his mouth, and slowly leaned in.

Qing Yi's blood had a sweet taste in his mouth, but as soon as he took it into his stomach, there was an intense rush of heat.

Immediately, the heat flow turned into burning.

Ma Xiaoquan has not experienced such a feeling for a long time. Since possessing the desire ability of Tomorrow Heart, Ma Xiaoquan has almost no feeling for hot things. Normally, Ma Xiaoquan can drink a bowl of boiling hot water without hesitation.


But now, his whole body is burning because of drinking Qing Yi's blood.

After letting go, Ma Xiaoquan carefully bandaged Qing Yi's wound.

Qing Yi raised his head, looked at Ma Xiaoquan, whose face was red, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Ma Xiaoquan was speechless due to the scorching heat inside his body. He slowly sat on the ground, crossed his legs and meditated.

Qing Yi was anxious, neither standing nor sitting. She was wearing Ma Xiaoquan's coat and wanted to take it off, but if she took it off, she would be naked. However, Qing Yi had no choice but to circle around Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan closed his eyes tightly. The burning sensation in his body had reached what he thought was the limit. Ma Xiaoquan felt as if all his internal organs were burning, first the heart, then the spleen, then the liver and other organs.

"What's going on?" Ma Xiaoquan muttered subconsciously.

Qing Yi heard this and quickly leaned down and asked: "Are you okay? How are you doing?"

Ma Xiaoquan said nothing, and fell into a dream again.

In the dream, it was still the same place and the same scenery.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and shouted: "Yue'er, Yue'er..."

Just as he was shouting, Mingyue Xin appeared.


Ming Yuexin's face was purple and she looked very unhappy.

"I'm sorry Yue'er, I..." Ma Xiaoquan thought Ming Yue Xin would complain about his philandering.

Ming Yuexin shook her head: "Brother Quan, you don't have to blame yourself. Everything is actually your fate... It's just that the blood poison in your body is very violent..."

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "Yue'er, what exactly is the blood poison in my body?"

Ming Yue thought: "I don't know, but this blood poison will not kill you. On the contrary, it will also give you an ability..."

"Ability..." Ma Xiaoquan lowered his head and said to himself, "What ability is it?"

When he raised his head, Mingyue Xin had disappeared.

Just as Ma Xiaoquan was about to call Mingyue Xin again, he saw the whole scene turn white. In the dream, Ma Xiaoquan fainted...

"Uh" Ma Xiaoquan, who had his eyes closed, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

Qing Yi looked very distressed. She shook her head and said: "It seems that our Baiyi clan is going to be extinct. Haha, actually it's okay. Luo Shan, wait for me, I'm coming to find you..."

Qing Yi said, picked up the dagger, closed his eyes, pointed the tip of the dagger at his chest, and stabbed it straight in.

With a "Pfft" sound, the dagger pierced the flesh, but it did not hit Qing Yi's chest.

Qing Yi opened his eyes and saw a man with purple hair looking at him with a smile.

"You..." Qing Yi couldn't believe her eyes, she was so excited that she couldn't speak.

"Hehe..." The purple-haired man smiled and snatched the dagger away. He stretched out his hand that was stabbed by Qingyi and said, "It doesn't matter, he will recover soon..."

This chapter has been completed!
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