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【2124】Noble Children Competition (7)

Ma Xiaoquan was excited and quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, I'm going home today. I have something to do when I go home~"

Wang Le pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You are indeed tired. Otherwise, I will do the next judgment and you can go and rest."

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "That's okay, are you alone?"

"Of course, if you look at the other judging panels, don't they all have one person who has full authority to judge?"

Ma Xiaoquan turned around and looked around. It was indeed what Wang Le said, but...such a judgment would be unfair, right?

Wang Le saw Ma Xiaoquan's thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't give you low marks for you, the children of the Wan family."

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan is not worried about whether he will get a low score. After all, there are fourteen judges in total. Even if Wang Le really gets a low score, it will not necessarily affect the final result. Besides, the competition for noble children is not about dancing, but about writing.

This is a real work, and if it is good or not, the people present are watching it. If you insist on giving it a low score, the eyes of the people will be unforgiving.

"Okay, then I'll take a little rest~"

With that said, Ma Xiaoquan excused himself to go to the toilet and temporarily left the judges.

The toilet is located in the south corner of the training ground, which is a bit remote, but being remote has the advantage of being remote, that is, there are relatively fewer people.

Not far from the toilet, there was a pavilion for resting. Ma Xiaoquan went to the toilet and came under the pavilion.

The pavilion is quite large and has a unique structure. The most important thing is that the top of the pavilion can be climbed up.

Ma Xiaoquan curiously climbed to the top of the pavilion and slowly lay down.

Squinting his eyes, Ma Xiaoquan's consciousness gradually blurred. Just when he was about to fall asleep, a woman's voice suddenly came from under the pavilion.

Opening his eyes, Ma Xiaoquan did not move because he was afraid that the woman under the pavilion would notice if he moved like this.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't want to do this at first, but hearing the woman's voice, his mind instantly thought of Musa at the start of yesterday's game.

"Why did this woman appear again?" Ma Xiaoquan was confused and decided to continue eavesdropping.

Under the pavilion, not only was Musa alone, there was a woman in front of her. If Ma Xiaoquan saw her, he would definitely recognize her.

"Master Li..."

"Hmm~ Is everything done?"

"It's still a little bit worse. That guy Keton is a thief, and he doesn't fall for it very often~"

"Well, does that mean we need to use my Shui Xiu branch's beauty offensive?"

Musa nodded: "I'm afraid it's more than that, helmsman, Keton has been treating me..."

"Well, you have never experienced that kind of thing. If I ask you to serve Keton, will you agree?"

Musa lowered her head and said nothing.

"Okay, I will consider this matter. Musa, you are my Shui Xiu captain. You know how Shui Xiu captain does things. A woman's chastity is important, but if the task cannot be completed, your

Your life is not guaranteed...Whether you want your own life or keep your chastity...you have to weigh the two yourself~"

Musa raised her head and said worriedly: "Master, I don't care about my chastity, but I'm afraid..."

"Well, you're afraid that you might get pregnant unexpectedly, right... I'll give you this medicine. After you take it, you won't get pregnant again..."

Musa's delicate body trembled, and she took the medicine with trembling hands.

"Captain, have you ever taken this medicine?"

"Haha... Of course it is, but I am worse off than you. I took this medicine only after I was pregnant..."

Musha pursed her lips, exhaled, and was about to take the medicine. Ma Xiaoquan on the top of the pavilion squeezed her butt twice because it was itchy. Unexpectedly, the movement was so loud that it made a sound.

The two women under the pavilion looked at each other, turned their heads at the same time, and left in different directions.


Ma Xiaoquan climbed down from the top of the pavilion, patted the dust on his body, squinted his eyes and said: "Musha, there is another woman whose voice is a bit familiar. They want to deal with Keton...and Keton is the honored guest.

If Keton dies in the Black and Green Kingdom..."

"Uh~" Ma Xiaoquan slapped his forehead, "I'm afraid he wants to provoke a dispute between the two countries..."

Having already guessed the other party's purpose, Ma Xiaoquan hesitated again. He was wondering whether to inform Lord Heiqing of this matter, but then he thought that that guy was not a good person, and there would be no benefit in reminding him.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly and walked towards the training ground.


By the time Ma Xiaoquan came back, Wang Le had already helped grade five groups of people. He took the paper Wang Le graded and read it over. Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but admire this woman.

This woman is indeed able to distinguish between public and private matters. Generally speaking, there is no bias in the scoring, and there is no deliberate low score. The two of them had agreed to take care of each other's Wang family and Wan family, and Wang Le also treated them equally.

Give points.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Wang Le smiled slightly.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Wang Le. This woman was quite pretty, but her intellectual temperament gave people a sense of comfort with an ulterior motive. Thinking of Yun Yu and her yesterday, her initiative...

Ma Xiaoquan actually had the desire to do it again.

Wang Le seemed to have noticed Ma Xiaoquan's thoughts, and smiled and whispered in his ear: "How about tonight, let's continue..."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, and then hummed softly.


Looking up, Ma Xiaoquan saw a man standing in front of him. This man was very familiar. He was Wan Yubo.

Wan Yubo was already scored once in yesterday's competition. The work Wan Yubo showed was an exquisite handicraft. Yesterday, Ma Xiaoquan gave Wan Yubo seven points.

Ma Xiaoquan and Wan Yubo have a good relationship. When I see him, I naturally don't forget to remind him a few words. Don't think that the works I brought out today can only be displayed as yesterday.

Wan Yubo also nodded repeatedly, then took out his entry and showed it to Ma Xiaoquan and Wang Le.

Today's Wan Yubo's work is different from yesterday's, but it is still exquisite, but slightly less complex than yesterday's work.

The four prominent nobles are like cattle, occupying favorable resources. Their children can have the opportunity to improve or even change their entries, so in terms of score evaluation, both Ma Xiaoquan and Wang Le, as judges, can have more

There are many choices, so there is the possibility of getting high scores. Of course, since Wan Yubo belongs to the Wan family of the four prominent nobles, his works are still inferior to those of the children of minor nobles in terms of creativity.

After reading Wan Yubo's introduction, Ma Xiaoquan and Wang Le took the work over and played with it for a while. After confirming that they had nothing to ask, they looked at each other. Ma Xiaoquan wrote "nine" points on the paper, and Wang Le also wrote down.

Got "nine" points.

After getting the score he wanted, Wan Yubo retired happily.

Wang Le teased Ma Xiaoquan: "This time, the participating children of the Wan family are obviously much stronger than those of my Wang family. The previous Wan Tianyang, Wan Shitao, and just now Wan Yubo are all very powerful~"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and said: "The children of the Wang family are also very capable, but from a creative and practical perspective, we, the children of the aristocracy, cannot produce anything in large quantities in a short time."

Wang Le nodded: "Yes, the reason why the Black and Green Country is so powerful is that new things are constantly being made and used in large quantities... But it is said that several other big countries have also begun to imitate

Now that our Black and Green Country is holding these competitions, their entry threshold is very low and is no longer limited to noble children... and the rewards are also very rich..."

"Hmm~~" Ma Xiaoquan nodded and signaled Wang Le to rate first...


It was evening again, and Ma Xiaoquan and Wang Le, after a busy day, were sitting together drinking tea and eating as usual.

Heiqingguo's treatment of the judges is very good. Although it is only for a short two or three days, the meals after the judging every day will be made with carefully selected good ingredients. They are not only beautiful and delicious, but more importantly, they are plentiful.


While peeling the shrimps, Wang Le asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Not long after, Wanshi Kingdom will hold a similar competition. Are you interested in watching it?"

Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips and said: "Yes, it is true, but I am afraid that the king will not agree. As you know, my schedule is monitored. The king is afraid that as soon as I go out, he will go to Hongzhou to find my woman.


Wang Le asked: "If you had this opportunity, would you do it?"

Of course Ma Xiaoquan won't, because Beiming Shuangxue will not really be in Hongzhou. She will just take up Hongzhou's cover and eventually leave this world.

"Uh, no more..." Ma Xiaoquan sighed, "Although I can't let her go, I know that our original separation will be an eternal separation."

"Are you willing?" Wang Le asked again.

"So what can you do if you don't want to give in? You and I both know what kind of place Hongzhou is. Whoever goes there will end well..."

Wang Le fell silent, as if she had something in her heart.

"Okay, I don't want to worry about these unhappy things. Let's talk about the future things later~ Well, after today's judging is over, the statistics should also have the results. Are you interested in seeing it?" Ma Xiaoquan said with a smile.

Wang Le shook his head: "The list will be posted. Those who should be selected will naturally not be left out. Those who should not be selected will not be included even if the King of Heaven comes~"

"That's right~ Okay, then I won't go either~"

Wang Le approached Ma Xiaoquan: "Since I'm not going, let's go earlier..."


Today's tryst place was different from last night because Wang Le heard that Wang Le's man was back, so to be on the safe side, Wang Le changed the place again.

This chapter has been completed!
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