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【2126】Noble Children Competition (10)

Before the competition, the top twenty aristocratic children were all eager to try. If they entered this ranking, they would not only receive generous rewards, but if they wanted, they could choose to become court officials, and they could also receive a ten-year fiefdom. Of course, if

If you are lucky enough to be among the top three, you can also choose whether to join Tianji Hall.


Yang Jie, the king of Heiqing, was sitting on the seat in the middle. There were two guards standing on each side of him. They were very tall and their expressions were always tense.

"Eh? Why haven't you seen Duke Keton today?" Lord Heiqing turned to ask the serving eunuch beside him.

"Replying to the king... I heard that Duke Keton has contracted the cold and is unable to attend..."

"Oh, that's a pity. Today is the last day of the finals. The process must be exciting. It's a pity that he can't come."

Lord Heiqing put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the three men in black sitting next to him. These three men in black were wearing masks and were motionless. On the back of their black robes were two words - "Heaven's Secret".

Needless to say, they are from Tianji Hall, and they are the final judges of this final.

Lord Heiqing said politely: "Tong Lao, everyone is almost here, can the game start?"

One of the gray-haired men raised his head and glanced at the King of Heiqing, and said calmly: "Wait a little longer~"

The King of Heiqing nodded and said without hesitation or displeasure: "Okay~~"


While the judges were present, the seat next to Ma Xiaoquan was empty. A judge behind him patted Ma Xiaoquan on the shoulder and asked, "Prince Shanhe, why didn't your partner come today?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "How do I know? I'm not his man~"

The man gave a meaningful smile, then leaned in front of Ma Xiaoquan's ear and whispered: "Wang Le is really exciting, but I don't know if Prince Shanhe has tasted it?"

Of course Ma Xiaoquan couldn't tell the truth. He pretended to be stupid and said, "What's so exciting? What did you say?"

The man was stunned, shrugged boringly, and said nothing.

Just when Ma Xiaoquan thought Wang Le would not come today, she suddenly appeared.

Ma Xiaoquan greeted Wang Le, but the latter just glanced at him and sat down without saying a word.

Being so close to Wang Le, Ma Xiaoquan could see a five-finger handprint under the rouge layer on her face.

"Are you okay?" Ma Xiaoquan whispered.

Wang Le glanced at Ma Xiaoquan resentfully, but remained silent.

Ma Xiaoquan shrugged and said nothing.


At this time, the person who was previously called "Tong Lao" by the Black and Green King suddenly raised his hand and signaled. The Black and Green King quickly stood up and said: "Okay, let the game begin~"


The first one to take the stage was Wan Tianyang. As the first contestant to take the stage in this final, Wan Tianyang was very aware of the pressure he was under.

If he wants to become the head of the Wan family, he must get a good ranking in the noble children competition. At the same time, he also wants to cheer up the Wan family children who are behind him. Although they are competitors to each other, if he gets a good ranking

With the score, the children of the Wan family behind him will also be more confident. What's more important is that his mother is in the VIP table, holding her hands tightly and praying for him.

Just as he was about to show off his entries, a masked judge with long black hair suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Are you a descendant of the Wan family?"

Wan Tianyang was stunned for a moment, then nodded respectfully.

"Very good~~" The black-haired masked judge suddenly let out a "Jie Jie" laugh, which sounded very scary. Then, his laughter suddenly stopped.

"Go on~" the black-haired masked judge said coldly.

Wan Tianyang was so frightened that cold sweat broke down his spine. He swallowed and picked up his entry with some trembling.

Fortunately, Wan Tianyang's psychological quality was pretty good. After a brief period of nervousness, he slowly returned to normal.

"This is my competition object today...it's called the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle..."

While the judges were present, Ma Xiaoquan just picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. When he heard Wan Tianyang say the name "Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle", he almost spit out the tea.

Wang Le frowned and glared at Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan swallowed his tea in embarrassment and made an apologetic expression.

"The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle? Tell me, what does it do?"

Wan Tianyang carefully put down an object the size of a rouge box in his hand and said, "This is a murder weapon."

As soon as Wan Tianyang's words came out, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Although there are many people competing with weapons in the Nobles' Competition, they are not as straightforward as Wan Tianyang said.

"A murder weapon? What method of killing..." The judge named Tong Lao suddenly asked, his voice was very low, with a calm and intimidating power.

"This is a hidden weapon... As long as the mechanism is activated, it will explode within five breaths. After the explosion, the five hundred cotton needles inside will be shot out in all directions. Well, it will kill the enemy regardless of ourselves.


"It doesn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy?" one of the judges whispered, "If it doesn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, then if this thing is used on the battlefield, wouldn't it kill the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by eight hundred?"

Tong Lao stretched out his hand to signal for silence, and then said: "If I ask you to demonstrate, are you willing?"

Wan Tianyang hesitated: "This... there are so many people here, too close, I'm afraid..."

Mr. Tong nodded, turned around and hummed. Another judge beside him suddenly stood up and pulled off the robe he was wearing.

Only then did everyone notice that the judge was a woman.

As for the figure... Ma Xiaoquan swallowed his saliva anyway.

Wang Le glared at Ma Xiaoquan again and said silently, "There is no future."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled helplessly, thinking that this woman does have a good figure. Look at that tall white rabbit. Damn, she is still wearing clothes. If not, she must have an F cup, right?

The woman stepped forward with her robe in hand, picked up Wan Tianyang's entry from the table, and asked coldly: "How do you use this thing?"

Wan Tianyang said hurriedly: "There is a mechanism below, just click it, aunt...oh no, Mr. Judge, you have to be careful."

The woman sneered and replied: "You go back~"

"Oh, oh~" Wan Tianyang quickly stepped back and did not stop until he was in front of Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan poked Wan Tianyang with his hand and asked in a low voice: "You coward, why are you retreating so far? I just said it casually, can you really make it?"

Wan Tianyang rolled his eyes and yelled back in a low voice: "You are the coward, you don't care about me~ I just did it."


The woman took Wan Tianyang's "Burst Rain Pear Blossom Needle" and looked at it for a moment. Then, as Wan Tianyang said, she pressed the mechanism below, and then there was a clicking sound. It could be heard that there was a mechanism inside.


Then, the woman threw the Burmese Pear Blossom Needle into her robe very quickly. She barely took two breaths when she heard a "boom" and the Burmese Pear Blossom Needle exploded inside her robe.

The explosion had a certain amount of airflow. Ma Xiaoquan originally thought that the robe would be blown to pieces. Even if it wasn't, the five hundred cotton needles would have penetrated the robe.

However, the jet black robe only bulged slightly, and then returned to normal.

The woman shook the robe, and countless cotton needles fell out of the robe. Then she put the robe back on without looking.

"I'll go~" Ma Xiaoquan sighed, "There are so many cotton needles, there will always be some hanging in the robe that haven't been shaken off. Just put it on like this, aren't you afraid of being pricked? Those cotton needles will prick the body, but they will go along.

Blood vessels go toward the heart..."

Wang Le asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Uh~ I have read this in the classics of the United Kingdom..."

Wang Le pouted: "No wonder~"


The woman returned to the judge's seat and sat down. She neither signaled to the old man next to her, nor to the king of Heiqing.

The game was very quiet, no one dared to speak.

At this time, Mr. Tong suddenly picked up a pen and wrote a number on the paper, and then the two judges beside him also wrote a number respectively.

Then, the eunuch in charge of announcing the score added up the score and said directly: "Wan Tianyang, score... twenty-two points..."

Twenty-two points is not a high score, but it is not too low either. However, if you want to get a good ranking with this score, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Wan Tianyang sighed.

Ma Xiaoquan patted Wan Tianyang and said, "You're pretty good. I participated in the first two sessions and didn't even make it to the finals on the third day. You're much better than me."

Wan Tianyang raised his head and smiled bitterly, saying: "Maybe I didn't do enough."


Next, nine more contestants appeared one after another, and they showed their entries to the judges and all the people present one by one.

Of course, among the nine contestants plus Wan Tianyang, the highest score was 25 points. Looking at it this way, Wan Tianyang's 22 points was really not low.

After ten contestants, there is an intermission.

The King of Black and Green walked to the backstage alone. There was a claustrophobic room in the backstage. The King of Black and Green opened the door and walked into the room.

A soft red lip kissed the lips of the Black and Green King, and then a tongue, like a snake, penetrated into the Black and Green King's mouth.

After a long time, the kiss ended.

Lord Heiqing wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Among these ten contestants, are any of them qualified to enter Tianji Hall?"

On the opposite side, the previous Tong Lao had taken off his mask, revealing his old face. He raised his head and said with a smile: "It's not decided yet. Hey, the level of the competition among noble children is getting lower and lower. Are we?

We have to learn from the Kingdom of All Things and cancel the restrictions on contestants."

This chapter has been completed!
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