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【2128】Noble Children Competition (12)

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the noble children with scores below ten chose their rewards one by one according to the order of scores. The remaining people with the top ten scores stood quietly and motionless.

Wan Tianyang ranked tenth in scoring, and he finally got involved. Because of him, the Wan family would not be embarrassed. After all, the scores of other prominent aristocratic children were higher than Wan Tianyang's.

As Wan Tianyang's mother, Mrs. Jin felt extremely proud when she saw her son standing in the queue of ten people. Although her son scored tenth, don't forget that it was his first time to participate in the competition. He could

Such a good result is enough to show how outstanding my son is.

Princess Ye and Mrs. Jin have a good relationship. Seeing Mrs. Jin happy, she was also very happy. She came to Mrs. Jin's side and Princess Ye whispered: "It's true that even if the sun doesn't sing, it will be a blockbuster."

Mrs. Jin smiled and nodded, and said humbly: "No, in fact, if Shanhe participates in the competition, Tianyang may not have this opportunity..."

Princess Ye did not deny Mrs. Jin's words. In her eyes, her sister's son was actually the best among the children of the Wan family.

"It's a pity that boy entered the official career, otherwise he would really have to compete with Tianyang." Princess Ye sighed, "It's a pity that my Yubo is not up to par~"

As a well-known and prominent noble in the Heiqing Kingdom, the Wan family actually don't think highly of the rewards they will receive in this competition, except for the top three, such as land rewards and monetary rewards.

The only ones who care are the top three.

Mrs. Jin comforted Princess Ye and said, "Don't be discouraged, Yu Bo is also a very good man."

Princess Ye smiled and shook her head: "Sister Jin, please stop comforting me. As a mother, I know what kind of material Yu Bo is..."

Mrs. Jin sighed: "No matter what he is, he is a good man from my Wan family. In fact, to be honest, I still envy Yu Bo. Men from our family should not be too good, otherwise they will become

A victim of family interests, isn't it..."

Princess Ye nodded: "Yes, if you marry a good family with Qin Se and Ming, with like-minded personalities, it would be fine, just like you and me, but if you are like my sister back then, well... it will be miserable.

Yes, they are actually still children..."

Princess Ye and Mrs. Jin nodded to each other, and then turned their attention to the judges where Ma Xiaoquan was sitting.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan was biting his fingernails out of boredom. When Princess Ye and Mrs. Jin saw it, they both frowned.

Mrs. Jin said: "It would actually be good if we could live as carefree as Shanhe..."

Princess Ye smiled and nodded: "Yes..."


Next to Ma Xiaoshen, Wang Le saw him biting his fingernails and said disdainfully: "Why are you so dirty, biting your fingernails..."

Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips and said disapprovingly: "Isn't this nothing to do? You have to find something to do, right?"

Wang Le rolled his eyes and said: "The Wan family has just entered Wan Tianyang, what do you think?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "That guy, it's enough to be in the top ten, he probably won't be in the top three... Think about it, what do you think if he doesn't dismantle it properly and explodes?

Didn’t he die tragically on the spot?”

Wang Le snorted and said, "Then you mean...Wan Tianyang will give up?"

"For sure, if it were me, I would give up~"

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, Wan Tianyang raised his hand and said: "I, I give up... I can't remove this heavy rain pear blossom needle. If I force it to be removed, I think my life will be lost~"

When the people in the stands heard Wan Tianyang's words, they burst into laughter. The masked judge with long black hair said calmly and said: "Then go down and receive the reward..."



Just after Wan Tianyang, two more noble children chose to give up. According to the rules of the competition, they could also receive rewards.

There were only seven people left in the center of the field at this time. Among these seven people, except for the Wan family, several other prominent nobles also had children.

In front of these seven people were their respective competition objects. Judging from their expressions, they were all confident that they could complete this final challenge.

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes and murmured: "Among the entries of these seven people, the objects of three people look difficult to dismantle. Even experienced dismantling is probably dangerous..."

Wang Le nodded and said: "So you didn't see it? The judge has ordered the viewing platform to be moved back more than five meters."

Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips and said: "I'll go, the viewing platform has been withdrawn, what about our judges?"

Wang Le rolled his eyes: "Didn't you notice that you and I are the only ones sitting in front of the judges now?"

After Wang Le reminded him, Ma Xiaoquan noticed that indeed, he and Wang Le were the only judges present.

"Uh, where are they?"

"We withdrew early~"

"Then why don't you withdraw?"

Wang Le shook his lips and said, "I want to ask you whether you colluded with Duke Keton last night."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, and thought that even if he said no, Wang Le was already convinced that he had colluded with Keton. However, when Wang Le said this, Ma Xiaoquan guessed what happened yesterday. It seems that Keton did not show up today.

I was beaten very badly last night.

"Hey, you also know that Duke Keton has asked me for help again and again... I can't help it..." Ma Xiaoquan shrugged.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had known this, do you think I would have rejected him?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled awkwardly and said, "You didn't even ask me..."

Wang Le bit his lip, closed his eyes gently, and said: "Wan Shanhe, let me tell you, although I, Wang Le, am not a good woman, I don't want men to play with me..." After that, Wang Le

Le stood up, shook his head and left.

Watching Wang Le leave, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt relieved. After what happened today, he was afraid that Wang Le would never have anything to do with him in the future, so that was fine.


The judges were present. Even if Ma Xiaoquan wanted to retreat at this time, it was already too late, because the nobles had already begun to dismantle his work. If he retreated at this time, in full view of the public, he might be laughed at.


In desperation, Ma Xiaoquan could only hold his forehead and pretend to continue sitting in front.

As a result, only Ma Xiaoquan was left among the judges.

When the three judges saw that only Ma Xiaoquan was left in the audience, they looked at each other. The woman whispered: "It seems that what Brother Yang said is the same, that Wanshanhe is a bit interesting...


The old man nodded and said, "I also have the intention to meet him."

The long-haired man said: "I think this is our first meeting, so I might as well leave it to Nuo Yan."

The woman nodded: "Okay, it's just right to seduce and seduce. If there is any yang energy, suck it up and give it to Brother Yang..."

The old man moved slightly and said: "Promise, you don't want to..."

The woman giggled: "How is it possible? Only Brother Yang can touch my body. Don't forget, I only need to pinch the other person to inhale Yang Qi. Well, it's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. I think I am now

It's over."

After saying that, the woman stood up, walked directly to Ma Xiaoquan, and sat down where Wang Le had been sitting just now.

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and asked politely: "Oh, the boss of Tianji Hall, I am just a small judge. What are you doing here..." Ma Xiaoquan said, his eyes still

Keep looking at the woman's chest.

Not to mention, this woman's breasts are pretty firm.

The woman immediately saw what Ma Xiaoquan was thinking. She felt contempt in her heart at first, and then said coldly: "If someone else's belongings explode in a while, if it gets here, do you have any way to stop it?"

Ma Xiaoquan said quickly: "No, no, hehe."

"Isn't that enough..." the woman still said coldly, "So you have to pay attention...but I'm here, so you can rest assured~"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, pretending to be grateful, and repeatedly handed over his hand. In fact, he was suspicious in his heart.

It is said that the people in Tianji Hall are very mysterious, but why did this woman from Tianji Hall want to sit next to him? Ma Xiaoquan thought about it again and again, and felt that the reason why Tianji Hall did this must have something to do with Yang Jie, the black and blue king. Could it be that he asked Tianji Hall

What was said?


The finals are in full swing. The atmosphere in the venue is very lively at this time, and people in the audience have already begun to guess whether the opening is successful or not.

Ma Xiaoquan felt really uncomfortable sitting there, because the woman next to him had almost no breath, just like a dead corpse. Ma Xiaoquan could even feel that the woman was exuding an aura of death, as if she was about to die.

"Fuck..." Ma Xiaoquan touched his forehead, intending to lighten the atmosphere. No matter what, the woman next to him would not be offended.

"Uh~~ The boss of Tianji Hall..." Ma Xiaoquan asked, "I want to pee..."

The other party gave him a cold look: "Hold it in..."

"Fuck..." Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart and glanced at the woman from the corner of his eye. Because the woman was wearing a mask, he couldn't see the woman's expression, but her face was so cold that there was almost no fluctuation.

His eyes made Ma Xiaoquan swallow his saliva involuntarily.

Under the mask, the woman was actually smiling with her lips pursed. In her opinion, the man named Wan Shanhe in front of her was too cowardly. This was not like what Brother Yang said.

This chapter has been completed!
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